May 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World dystopia, children engage in "erotic play" and sexualization is seen as totally normal...I recently reread it and was disturbed (if not shocked) at the similarities between his ?1932 vision then and where we are now.

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Wilhelm Reich was gaining fame for his sex-pol work right around the same time. There is a political element to the madness.

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None of this crap is about sexual freedom, education or knowledge. Its primary purpose is moral destruction. One of the necessary ingredients needed to destroy America.

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I think that you are right. It isn’t about sexual freedom, it’s about, A) As you say, a component useful to destroy national sovereignty and also B) the Rich are Bored and increasingly Decadent.

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Please recall that morality is a purely secular doctrine. It has no righteousness.

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I think what Timothy Paul and Lenora are saying is mostly correct. Morality can exist without any belief in a deity.

In some folks who would be considered generally more good than bad, that morality is rooted in a healthy sense of right from wrong.

The problem is that everyone thinks their morality is right, even if they are among the more evil crowd.

Only through the unchanging word of God given as the Bible can we know that our morality is rooted in what is and always should be considered good. Otherwise it is subjected to drift and interpretation.

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If you see a building, there must be a builder. If you have a Moral Law, then there must be a Moral Law Giver. God is the Moral Law Giver. Even Fredrich Nietzsche, one of the most famous atheists in all of history admitted this. He said, “I don’t believe in God – but I sure hope my housekeeper does.” Nietzsche knew that if humanity adopted the idea that a Moral Law Giver did not exist, then humanity would descend into total anarchy. No surprise that Hitler was a great fan of Nietzsche. Nietzsche knew very well there was a God. He just refused to admit it, because if he admitted there was a God, his conscience would not allow him the debauchery he so desired.

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Another way of saying what I've already said would be that morality becomes apostasy once Holy Scripture is applied (accurately). Morality is entirely inconsistent with God's will (that all man be saved and come into the knowledge of THE truth).

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Morality has a civilizing effect, like manners.

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On the surface the Bible says you are completely incorrect. But maybe you could explain further?

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Define morality using scripture. It's not there bcs it's not a biblical doctrine, but rather it's a man-made substitute for doctrine... Invented by Plato and then refined by Aristotle and generations of humanist-thinkers to follow.

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Read the Bible. Then you'll understand the entire book is about morality as God intended it. It's man who corrupts it.

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You do have a point there.

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would you mind expanding on that? I'm not understanding your meaning.

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Huxley, like Orwell had a knack for seeing into the future, and they saw this aspect of it clearly.

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I believe Aldous brother was writer for some of the United Nations Declarations ...

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They literally want to diddle your kids.

Also, Epstein was a deep state honeypot -- meaning that the government/swamp will literally sell children into sex slavery in order to tighten its grip on power. Knowing that, is there anything you think the swamp WOULDN'T do?

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Look at (or really don’t look at) the “This is Gay” book being touted for middle schoolers (soon coming to your local elementary school). And yes, you are right. That’s what they want.

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And we know now that the govt will sacrifice over a million people of all ages to maintain their agenda and money, right? #theclotshots

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

Destruction of traditional norms is the playbook for Marxism. They hate God. They have given themselves over to a corrupt mind and opened a door to a spiritual world that will destroy them. When sexual perversity no longer is enough for pleasure and highs, for some there will be a move towards torture and murder.

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I’d say the destruction of traditional norms is preceded by the destruction of traditional religions. For example, I grew up in a traditional Catholic family. However, the Marxists in our world, who abhor traditional, conservative religious practices, have destroyed the Catholic Church as I knew it. Marxists, like Pope Francis, and the Popes since Pope Pius XII, have steadily obliterated everything that had to do with being Catholic.

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There is always a remanent of people who worship Jesus in truth and spirit.

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All under the tutelage of Lucifer without a doubt.

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A simpler explanation: the people drawn to the arts are often... shall we say... non traditional. They work their way into positions to push for and impose their lifestyle/perversions onto society at large.

Similar thing with the Democratic Party: attend a convention and you’ll quickly learn those types are VERY politically active and push for what they want. With millions educated in public schools and virtually all colleges where students are taught by Democrats (and the values of one of their loudest constituents), it is no wonder once culturally taboo sexual things are far from taboo today.

Republicans, not engaging in identity politics, are more my cup of tea. They believe in the principles that made America great: hard work, equal opportunity, merit based reward, etc.

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Let's not forget that our adversary is an expert in religions. All of them. What he lacks is righteousness, through a relationship with his creator.

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He also lacks the qualities of God… he is still a created being. He is not infinite, omnipresent, omniscient.

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Mick, as you know, this abuse has gone on in the catholic church since before there was one. This is just more obvious. Churches, "clubs" of most sorts, etc. seem to be ripe for the picking. Just put a large group of people together and you will statistically have all the perversions.

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That would explain the bidens sexual perversions both son & father

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“How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?“

Winston thought. “By making him suffer”, he said.

“Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery is torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but MORE merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress towards more pain. The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love or justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement.

****** Everything else we shall destroy – everything. Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen. *******

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Eternal truths: "You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You." -Isaiah 26:3 "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27 (Jesus, Prince of Peace)

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““I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.””

‭‭John‬ ‭16‬:‭33‬ ‭NIV‬‬


This world is ruled by the Prince of Darkness but if you are a Believer and follow Jesus your eternal future, beyond this world, is secure and in a much better place!

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True. Just trying to encourage people that they can remain in a state of internal peace, by allowing the Holy Spirit to do His work in you.

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Yes Sir...(“Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness.” ~~George Washington)https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/does-absolute-power-corrupt?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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One aspect of this is defunding the police and the lawlessness. I will make this prediction now. In all of the blue states and cities they will reach out to the Feds when the public demands a response. The Federal government will take over local law enforcement. More government, more control.

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All you need is some red back lighting and a couple marines to stand behind the O’Brien character and he’s a shoe in for the democrat nominee 2024. It’s the democrat agenda to a tee.

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You use quotation marks here. Whose words are they? Please identify the source. Danke.

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These days I can't tell if somebody's being sarcastic because the world has gotten so stupid, but this is a passage from 1984.........maybe one of the most famous. It was written by the sexy dude in my profile.

Here's the end of the passage:

Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen. The sex instinct will be eradicated. Procreation will be an annual formality like the renewal of a ration card. We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now. There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science. When we are omnipotent we shall have no more need of science. There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness. There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always -- do not forget this, Winston -- always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- for ever.'

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I recently re-read 1984 and it appears the Democrats used it as an instruction manual instead of a cautionary tale. Totalitarian corruption of a society is one of those problems (like a stroke or severed spinal cord) that is better avoided than fixed. Once totalitarians take power the only exit is through self-immolation (as with the Nazis) or social/economic collapse (as in the Soviet Union). I think we have a narrow window of escape before our fate is sealed, but that window is becoming vanishingly thin. Another Biden/Harris term would be a fatal blow.

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The Democrats are the useful idiots of the globalists.

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After I read that book (1984) in high school, I remember, falling asleep in my parents bedroom, and I had a dream. I dreamed that I was a prisoner in a cell, in a situation, similar to what Winston experienced. The jailer arrived, smiled at me, sitting on the bunk, the only furniture in the cell. He handed me a razor blade, smiled again, and walked out. I knew, as he knew, that they had planned for me, that torture, which I most feared. I was so terrified and startled that I woke up and it haunted me because I didn’t know what I chose.

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I was so troubled by that dream that it haunted me until I I made my decision and wrote this poem: I had a dream the other day

Of a terrible world in which I was prey

In this world, the society

Had taken me entirely

I had no dreams, no loves no hates,

I could do nothing but sit and wait

For that time when I would be

Free from all anxiety.

A razor blade came into play

Catch the opportunity before it fades away

As it moves toward my wrist

I think of all the life I’ll miss

I think of the days of my past

Knowing this will be my last.

As the cold metal touches my skin

My whole life begins again

I see it all before my eyes

Wondering how much it was lies …….

Even so I could go no further .


Let us all retain hope, and continue to stand up taller every day for truth.


Elizabeth Krispin

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very dark and very creative, thank you Elizabeth.

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Sounds terrifying, but it's also the appropriate reaction to have after reading it!

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Interestingly, when I wrote that poem, I thought it was a total waste of time to have hope because the power arrayed against me was so overwhelming in that scenario. 20 years later, I heard of a story of a woman who was detained in Hitler’s Germany as a an American spy. She anticipated being tortured herself. She wasn’t given a razor blade. Her jailer every day would slam the door open to scare her when ever he brought her food. One day she found something sharp in her cell, and she stood behind the door of the cell to where it would slam against the wall when it was opened she cut and cut and cut at her scalp until there was significant bleeding, and when he slammed the door open, it hit her and everyone thought that he had caused the head injury. From that point forward, she played dumb and survived.

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There own words tell their goals...

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family, tradition, national patriotism and religious dogmas.”

Brock Chisholm… Quoted in: Davis, Llewellyn B (1991) Going Home to School, p. 69 This quote is old and the providence is well supported but questioned by some. The actions of the WEF and many other quotes supporting like ideas are not disputed at all."


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I have never read 1984. Dystopian fantasy has never interested me. Give me Neil Gaiman or Robert Jordan. I was hoping that these words were from some great Gnostic sage. Sorry to have troubled you. Danke.

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Sadly, dystopian future is interested in you!

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That pretty much sums it up!

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"...the idea of man recreating himself is strictly in the tradition of Hegelian and Marxian thinking; it is the basis of all leftist humanism." Hannah Arendt, Crises of the Republic, 1972

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I could see that happening; always trying to elevate the experience and pleasure.

Look at the Romans in the coliseums; death as entertainment.

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Again, I am so glad you are bringing this to attention. But let me (try) to blow your mind: what if what you are calling aberrant, depraved, and wrong… is not the new perversion but the old normal.

What we see happening now is what the Israelites and the early Christians saw all around them! We today are moral heirs of the Bible without knowing it. that “pedophilia is wrong, porn is wrong, perversion is wrong” mindset is a *revolutionary* mindset promulgated by Paul and the other early Christians. It was only thanks to the spread of their radical worldview (women are people too! Children have worth too!) that we now take these things for granted.

What you are documenting now is the reversion to the norm, as we become a fully unBiblical society again. The key to understand the EU display is not that it’s “pornographic,” it’s that it’s enthusiastically blasphemous.

Good book about the moral revolution is Paul among the People, by Sarah Ruden, fyi.

We are discarding a heritage we didn’t even know we had…

Ps if you agree please subscribe for more, plus lots of making fun of corrupt medical establishment thrown in ; )


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Jonathan Cahn talks about this in The Return of the Gods.

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Not sure what I think of him. I’d be cautious.

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I am cautious. I’m just now reading the book. But do I think he’s right about the demon gods returning? Yes, absolutely. And his descriptions of the forms historic worship of these gods has taken lines up with what we see in the OT.

I think we need to know these things because our battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. But awareness is different from unhealthy dwelling on these facts. Our focus should be on Jesus, who defeated these evil powers on the cross.

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Amen! But there are no other gods. Demonic forces, yes. We are to put on the FULL amor of God in Ephesians. Jesus always rebuked the enemy with scripture, it is our only offensive weapon. We should start each day asking the Lord to protect us from the machinations of the evil one and his demons. They are created beings, they do not possess the qualities of God. He has no equal.

Isaiah 45:5-8

New International Version

5 I am the Lord, and there is no other;

apart from me there is no God.

I will strengthen you,

though you have not acknowledged me,

6 so that from the rising of the sun

to the place of its setting

people may know there is none besides me.

I am the Lord, and there is no other.

7 I form the light and create darkness,

I bring prosperity and create disaster;

I, the Lord, do all these things.

8 “You heavens above, rain down my righteousness;

let the clouds shower it down.

Let the earth open wide,

let salvation spring up,

let righteousness flourish with it;

I, the Lord, have created it.

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I’m just going by biblical usage. There are many references to gods in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. Of course they are demonic entities. Of course there is only one true God.

If I said anything that led you to believe I didn’t understand these fundamental facts, I don’t know what it was.

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Paul talks a lot about idols made of wood and stone that man creates, that are nothing. I think we need to be careful not to give too much power to the demonic. Although, if we are living the in 'last days’, the enemy (Apollyon, the destroyer) is released from the abyss and will wage war on the saints. So, humans that allow the demonic access… can be extremely dangerous. It is a narrow path to walk.

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I always encourage people to dig into the facts of a particular issue and then go up and get a 30,000 foot view of how the issue fits into the larger view. Going even higher and trying to see the global viewpoint is much more difficult because of all of the interconnections that are largely invisible. However, at that viewpoint things also become clearer in that there is an immense empire at work to promote evil at all levels and in every sphere of human interaction. The goal is the destruction of mankind as designed and the stabilizing effect of moral law and internalized moral compass. Destruction of human beings (abortion, euthanasia, drug addiction and abuse, war, depression, etc.) dignity, individual value, freedom, wholesome pleasure, meaningful love, truthfulness, safety, health and anything else that contributes to the good of mankind must be attacked and destroyed. Every destructive activity supports another destructive activity. Good vs. Evil; Who do you choose to follow and govern your life?

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That is always the larger view as humanity has a penchant for recycling its sinful nature.

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After I read the book (1984) in high school, I remember, falling asleep in my parents bedroom, and I had a dream. I dreamed that I was a prisoner in a cell, in a situation, similar to what Winston experienced. The jailer arrived, smiled at me, sitting on the bunk, the only furniture in the cell. He handed me a razor blade, smiled again, and walked out. I knew, as he knew, that they had planned for me, that torture, which I most feared. I was so terrified and startled that I woke up and it haunted me because I didn’t know what I chose.

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And then, when I finally decided what I would choose, I wrote this poem:

I had a dream the other day

Of a terrible world in which I was prey

In this world, the society

Had taken me entirely

I had no dreams, no loves no hates,

I could do nothing but sit and wait

For that time when I would be

Free from all anxiety.

A razor blade came into play

Catch the opportunity before it fades away

As it moves toward my wrist

I think of all the life I’ll miss

I think of the days of my past

Knowing this will be my last.

As the cold metal touches my skin

My whole life begins again

I see it all before my eyes

Wondering how much it was lies …….

Even so I could go no further .


Let us all choose to retain hope and to actively work toward a better world.


Elizabeth Krispin

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I went through a phase of my life where I contemplated suicide nearly every day that I went to work or was going home after work. A message from Dr. James Dobson finally got through to me and I stopped criticizing myself and refused to entertain suicidal thoughts.

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Occam's Razor here - perhaps it's just a completion of a nation-destroying step in Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

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When considering what lies behind/beneath this prevalence of novelty-seeking, don't forget the planetary resurgence of age-old Evil.

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Mixed with a heavy dose of cloward/piven is a deadly mixture

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One reason why all this abnormal sexuality (such as transgenderism) is being promoted is that it contributes to their vision of a manageable and sustainable future: since the transgenders are sterile. They are thinking death rate and birth rate. They are in favor of abortion (do I hear infanticide yet?) as well as non-procreative sex generally.

Of course for themselves they presumably just want indulgence. Unrestrained indulgence inevitably involves sin, which activates the Theory of the Progression of Evil (Evil men go from bad to worse). So it should be expected that we should see more and more sexual sin, as well as other kinds of sin, being manifest by these ultrawealthy persons. One is reminded of that old movie "The Bible" in the Abraham sequence (written by Orson Welles and directed by John Huston) where Abraham was holed up in Sodom.

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"... holed up in Sodom. "... Good one

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In Genesis, I believe it was Lot and his family that were escorted by the angels of the Lord, to the mountains before the brimstone fell.

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Yes, it's been a long time since I've seen it. I took a look at the script; the previous seen had been the interchange between Abraham and the "Strangers" (angels of the Lord). Then the scene with Lot and his family in Sodom, and then the following scene with Abraham surveying the landscape.

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Sexual deviants have béen around for many years, especially in government and politics.

They feel more emboldened these days as there appears to be no legal retribution.

This may well be the Achilles heel that bring these woke Globalist bastards down.

The EU heve been at the heart of this depravity for many years. It was riffe when Edward Heath sold out the UK to the EU in the 70s. young boys were exploited extensively. Muslim grooming gangs operated freely in the UK, whilst politicians and the law looked the other way.

This is nothing new, they just feel that they can now operate openly without retribution.

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As Lord Acton observed, "Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely", These oligarchs you reference in your sage article can buy off almost anyone with their billions of dollars and because of their respective stations in life, can great impact those who do not cooperate, punishing them, but rewarding those who do. An old story: people who have no faith nor religious values are empty vessels and will believe anything, as well as do anything. They believe their own omnipotence as everlasting. Pride comes before the fall.

Danny Huckabee

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Danny, while I agree with your comment, my perspective is that Lord Acton was wrong... https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/does-absolute-power-corrupt?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Not to long, always free, not a news feed. I think you will like it.

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It seems a lot of this abnormality has forced its way on the scene after the legalization of same sex marriage. A 'conspiracy theory' was going around that that same sex marriage would lead to other abnormalities such as people wanting to marry a pat. A Harvard professor wants adults to able to have sex with children, that it's "only natural." We are seeing a sickness that is destroying society.

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Given the fact that reducing the global population of humans is a goal of eugenists such as the centibillionaire Bill Gates, please consider the possibility that nearly any form of behavior which advances reduced population is desirable from a eugenist's viewpoint. Unlimited sexual freedom is an excellent way to spread disease, plus it certainly is disruptive of traditional family life. It's not quite as effective as forced or coerced sterilization, but it helps to reduce human population. Understanding a sociopath's viewpoint can be of benefit for us all. Please become an empath.

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"Please become an empath."

Well, while your comment is fine, there are certain viewpoints I definitley do not want to "tune" in to.

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A fellow named Caligula and his failing empire comes to mind.

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Excellent work. I see this pathology in my cohort, the millennial generation. Sex is viewed as a novelty, a consumption experience, like going to a restaurant. Millions of millennials don't desire to procreate at all. Sex has become the ultimate escapism.

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As a father and grandfather, I have a word of advice to our "elites" and those who worship them. If you engage in or advocate pedophilia, you are the enemy of all I hold sacred and dear. I therefore consider you fair game, an appropriate target and a proper object to be torn limb from limb.

And I sincerely doubt I am alone in this view.

And, especially at my age, I have nothing to lose in fulfilling that vow. Want to test me?

It should be very clear by now that the left and their elite bankrollers are leading us back to the days when all sorts of perversions were practiced in the name of false gods.

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Bruce- Your deeply-held beliefs are admirable!

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Bruce; I'm sorry, this is where I draw the line. Reverting to an "eye for an eye" is no answer. Violence begets violence. This is too simple an answer which many achieve with no solution in sight.

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I understand your point but this is not 'an eye for an eye.' Some crimes are simply so low and despicable that the only penalty for them is death. Such people are so depraved that they, and their beliefs, need to be extinguished. Because to do otherwise is madness.

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Who will you tear limb from limb first? You will be held accountable for all your actions, as we all are.

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Fine with me. Either our government protects children or our citizens will. When the same people who are in charge of our government and corporations are linked with Epstein there exists grounds for grave concern. When the "normalization" of pedophilia is tested and justified, we are entering very dangerous and depraved waters. Especially when Epstein was silenced in such a patently clumsy manner and the "suicide" narrative is patently absurd. Please stop temporizing. Pedophilia is perhaps the greatest evil known to humankind. If we temporize about it we are finished as a society.

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Dr. Malone, thank you for addressing this. It is all very coordinated on a global scale. I believe the answer to the why is because it is an established tactic for overthrowing countries called a "color revolution." It is waged upon a targeted country and is aimed to disrupt and destabilize the culture - the society. It is a military tactic and one the US has used several times in the past to overthrow other countries. It is a psy-op warfare. This marks the first time in history a color revolution is being waged governments' own people globally.

Yes, the elites waging this coup do have their sexual perversions and can be gratified at any time with their power, money and status. And yes, they are trying to legalize pedophilia, which is counter to human decency. But forcing those perversions through legislation and other fronts is to destabilize our culture, which they have done. It's another effective weapon in their arsenal to wage a silent war on the people and obfuscate their criminal take-over. It also checks their boxes of depopulation (promoting homosexuality, promiscuity, and sterilizing youth) and it is a massive war on our children to have better control over future citizens.

Check these out:

- csis.org-Russia and the Color Revolution: https://www.csis.org/analysis/russia-and-color-revolution

- "Color Revolutions - Techniques in Breaking Down Modern Political Regimes" by Oleg Karpovich & Andrei Manoilo: https://www.amazon.com/Color-Revolutions-Techniques-Breaking-Political/dp/1496970187

As always, thanks for a thoughtful article!

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"Are you not entertained ?" ... All went to The Games ; the Emperor, the Senate, merchants, riff-raff ... the Andrew Breitbart quote was right then & now

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