I have been incensed every time some “expert” usually with an md., mph after his name, opine about how necessary it was to protect the elderly from a bug no more dangerous than a common cold with an alleged vaccine more dangerous than the Spanish flu.

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MPH is a two year degree that does not require either medical or scientific training prior to the two years.

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Usually in my experience a gateway for physicians to get the blazes out of medical practice and into admin positions

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Just like the university. Anything to get out of the classroom and into admin. Pays better no students.

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Exactly. It's a gentlemans degree. Not hardcore science.

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Think of the MPH as a degree of looking at statistics. And, if you think about the following adage, you get a measure of the value of reading someone else's computation of statistics on anything:

There are lies. Then, there are damned lies. Then, there are statistics.

I, at one time, was in pursuit of a doctorate degree in public health at the University of Pittsburgh. After one year in the program, I resigned. After being chastised by the Dean of the School of Public Health for leaving ("I could have given this seat to someone more serious about this study"...I'm paraphrasing), I responded I felt the study was too far removed from providing any type of healthcare to patients. So, I went back to clinical work with my patients, continuing on as a Nurse Practitioner.

True scientists create their own statistics via scientific experimentation. And, their scientific measures must stand the rigorous review of their scientific peers. And, their measurement outcomes must be reproducible experiment after experiment by other scientists in their fields. And then, and only then, after a great deal of experimenting, is a new method of treating disease usually approved.

But, then, there's the mRNA-delivered by the lipid nanoparticle-method of FDA/Federal government Emergency Use Authorization approval in use of an inadequately tested chemical in hundreds of millions of Human Beings. A method that did not stand the rigors of the scientific method.

This being a very important distinction to a once practicing clinician (the importance of the scientific methods approach, that is), I needed to know this scientific process of testing medications and other forms of treatments were rigorously evaluated by the scientific community! This process was the only way I had a high level of confidence in medically treating my patients. And, this confidence was reinforced by constant on-going continuing medical education.

So, let me ask two simple questions: did the way Pfizer, Moderna, and the Federal government force their mRNA spike protein replicator, delivered by the lipid nanoparticle, both inadequately tested methods of making protein foreign bodies & delivery, build up your confidence as a healthcare provider delivering care to your patients? Or, did it cause you great concern that our relied upon methods of the past, using rigorous scientific methods of testing, were not used, have failed us as healthcare professionals?

And, how many other "treatments" coming out of BIG PHARMA have, in the least, failed to deliver a medical treatment, or, at worse, caused harm?

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Nov 24, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023

Please Sir Doctor, protect us mere normals from evil. We are counting on people like you to do this. My concierge Primary doctor, DO, saw the scam from the beginning. He is a rock solid Christian and loves his patients. He told us to never take the Covid vaccines. Dr Malone is a public treasure and we listen to him as well. Thank you for your message.

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Did not know that. All this time I figured it meant Medical Practicing Hooligans'.

Take two and call my office again in the morning style medicine advice?

Sorry, but I even flunked my Med School Application. All seriousness aside...

I thought Band-Aids was a disease Roadies caught after Rock concerts.

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Please explain to us normals. What is an MPH?

Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family .

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Masters of Public Health. Basically a way to claim a medical career without getting your hands dirty, and tell actual doctors what to do by developing "best practices" protocols, loading them into the EMR (electronic medical record, for normies), and forcing utilization by having the program give no alternative to the "best practices" recommendations, by which they become mandates.

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Thank you. Like a so called “expert” who doesn’t know anything. Aka, Tony Fauci.

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Exactly! You knew all along...

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The 5 day quarantine for health care personnel, vs the 10 day quarantine for elderly makes no sense to me. It's past time to work this bug out of the system.

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FDA has a motto!🙊🙉🙈

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks as always to you and Jill for your sacrifices to keep "We the People" informed. A Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your "Critters".

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Good grief! As the Democrats are wont to say, "Follow the science"...(unless it's inconvenient, in which case MSM will ignore).

And, the Nobelites have never been concerned with data. They awarded a prize to Barack Obama with no data whatsoever. Data schmeta.

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Not just Demoncrats. The slimebag republicans are part of this scam on humanity.

What bothers me most?

These mother f-in cocksuckers in the media, who are bought and paid for , and continue this bullshit propoganda against the minds, and suseptibility of the people in which they claim to serve.

I am SOOOO tired of walking past a giant screen tv in my gym, and seeing some asshole actor, with his or her arm out with two different color bandaids, touting the need and demand to get your flu and booster jabs AGAIN ! I just want to rip down those media whore flatscreens, and stomp them with my feet till shattered into bits.

ANGER is a poor descriptive of how I feel towards these "people", and by golly, I know I'm not alone here.

Good thing i'm not president, as I'd reinstitute the gallows, and Washington would be wall to wall hanging bags of human excrement.

(I'll let you know how I REALLY feel, someday)

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Haha. I was planning on responding with 'tell us how you really feel', but you beat me to it.

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I couldn't say it better myself, feel EXACTLY the same way !! Thank you !

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The elites, this 2030 agenda, this crime on human kind and our precious earth, would be IMPOSSSIBLE without all these complicit jerkoffs who go along with this for money, a job, sone sort of dumb assed security, or whatever other incoherent reason it may be.

No pilots: no chemtrails, no one to shuttle the human trash from hideaway to fancy child sacrifices they hold dear.

No military: no one to go drop bombs, kill innocent children, ruin lives forever, while at the same time givin their lives up.

No big business to capitulate: no benleys, Mercedes, or other high end bullet proof rides for them.

WE are the real problem. Its those of us who choose to go along with this crap which is our real problem.

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Okay then! Go get um!

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The problem with the Nobel is that the path to it goes through the lasker foundation which is a political caldron.

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The list of non-profits, ngos, charities that haven't been corrupted is a short one indeed.

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Actually not so short, but it might exclude the large and powerful ones. I donated to 33 charities last year, having vetted each to confirm that they don't require the jab of staff, volunteers, or clients. (Well, make that 32, because I didn't ask the Malone institute before I donated.) That excludes several who did not respond to my query.

I never donate to large charities; even tho some might do good work, I can't evaluate them and they don't need my money.

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Knew someone who submitted grant application to march of dimes. That grant ultimately funded….under another name. Heard not a unique event there. I also have some reservations re several cancer related charities.

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A lot like the NYT getting prize for their false reporting on NAZI activities as being laudable... they were asked to return it and refused.

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Notice how well the CDC et al. "follow the science" with respect to preventing sexually transmitted diseases.

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Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is the problem the government and elites have with all who do real hard numbers and true research, you keep cluttering up this issue with facts and total truths. How dare you speak the truth and show the fraud. If you all could just take the vaccine and deal with the sickness and deaths us elites that have been robbing countries like never in the history of the earth could move along healthy, unvaxed and rich. So for them please submit. This whole great reset is to show resistance is futile. J.Goodrich

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

First A warm and loving Thanksgiving to you and your lady ♡

Then Perhaps more that -trusting in our governments and philanthropists can be harmful if not fatal. Take care and be safe!

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Thank You Jean!! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving and we are able to beat all of this tyranny back!!!

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Think of J Lindsay et al research (about dog park rape culture) intended to expose the farcical review boards on peer reviewed journals... which it did.


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James, I need to correct you with all due respect. The proper saying is "How Dare You!" A face that only one can make, when saying it. Oh yes. Point finger!! Cheers to you and all the beautiful people here. We adore, respect and love you Dr. Robert, Dr. Jill Malone. God Bless!!

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Much apologies Donna, my mistake has been edited. There is no better propaganda than a young completed brainwashed child telling the world how to live. Hope you had a peaceful Thanksgiving!!

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I was joking with you, agreed with all you said. We Canadians had Thanksgiving in early October, second Monday in October, I hope you and your lovely wife had a nice and blessed Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful day. All the best.

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I do know you were kidding though it does sounds much better with the connection back to Greta!! Hope you have a great day also!!!

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Thank you James. The reason Greta stuck in my brain so much was not only that saying, but did you see the face when PDJT walked by her, totally ignoring her. Other politicians stopped to have a word with her, not my hero PDJT. As the saying goes, if looks could kill!! Greta, dear go away!

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I hadn’t seen that Video but just watched it. How dare him. What a mug on her!!!!

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Our side is using facts for ammunition and the other side is using lies. That is not going to change. The other side has the advantage because they are expert at propaganda and PsyOps and because they control the major media and all institutions. But the truth is leaky, dogged and relentless. At the end of the day, for them, this is a race against the clock. Time will tell.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

there's also this other thing called God.

both sides of people, as well as everything else, is part of an intentional world, is loved, and are moving along accordingly

the deluded are that way by choice, and have some discomfort on their horizon

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I wonder if the governments intention was to kill off those on social security. They did a bang up job.

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Remember Sarah Palin and her death panels.? Precisely what she was worried about.

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I know of 4 dear people that died from the Covid vaccine and 9 people that suffered severe adverse reactions I am traumatised A Carer friend of mine lost 4 of her elderly Clients within one week of them being vaccinated She was told that if she told anyone she would never work again in the health service How in the world can these criminals be allowed to get away with what in my opinion is murder I am forever grateful for these Doctors Scientists Virologists and Journalists Politicians that are fighting for the truth to be told It’s Medical tyranny and they should never get away with it Karma will have it’s day I pray for everyone 🙏

God Bless you for your hard work at exposing the truth 🙏

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The following is my true account: a few months ago a very close 83 year old friend of mine flew from New England to down south to visit me for a week. She is not extremely healthy in general and developed an agressive sounding wet cough a couple days after arriving, not surprised after flying. My radar went up since I have been Dr. mom for 27 years and am like a hawk about everyone's health so I was concerned about pneumonia. Her son and I decided no Dr. first but instead try her on IVM right away. 1 ml of sterile vet preparation in coconut milk and cherry juice 3x per day for 3 days and my old friend's nasty cough was gone.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. John Campbell posted a video last week showing excess deaths in 2020-2023 using life insurance industry numbers against 2015-2019 death averages. He includes some other countries. Very informative, less than 10 minutes. (according to his grafts most age groups are up over 20% increase in 2023)


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Quote from the transcript: "And then they brawled out the vaccines"

I think it's an auto-transcription error and they meant to say: "And then they brought out the vaccines" Nevertheless, I think the transcription error is even more appropriate.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a brilliant presentation. Who can refute?

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The MSM, the FDA, CDC, HHS, CIA...pick the three letter entity.

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They will not debate the matter unfortunately.

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This is the most definitive summation I have seen.

Thank you Dr. Malone for once again going above and beyond to keep us informed!


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Interestingly there is a nasty respiratory bug fluttering round the UK

I have heard the terms bronchiolitis and pneumonia used to describe it

Affecting all ages

Hard to shake off

Would be interesting to see stats on hospitalisation by vax status - but not allowable.

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All over the world now

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I’ve had this really tough to shake bug for 2 weeks, got better and round 2 started 4 days ago, much better today. I don’t do sick well, it’s been 4 years since I’ve even had sniffles. Before COVID I’d have just thought man I have a bad cold. Now, I wonder have they unleashed another virus? Let’s pray never again!

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Nov 24, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023

When there are aerosols being sprayed constantly on the populations of the world, i would suspect every living, breathing organism is being slowly, mythodically compromised, regardless of vax status.

Personally, not jabbed, and every time i see them dumping on us, my neck glands swell up enormously, and get very sore.

When I go home for the night, shower, rinse out my sinuses, and hours later, the glands return to normal size, and I feel better.

Direct correlation

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I truly believe the Nobel Prize has been so godawfully politicized, anyone with common sense should stop paying any attention to the Nobel Selection Committee and its bs "prizes". The "prizes" serve political and commercial-interests agendas, nothing else.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We can only hope that there will be a measure of accountability some day soon... I myself lost my last and dearest of friends. In spite of every darkness may we celebrate the light... Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

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Thank you for this brilliant scientific expose.

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