Fetterman's claim to fame while lieutenant governor was to go on a county by county "listening tour" regarding legalization of marijuana within the state. His more recent claim to fame are the opposing ads which caught him on videotape claiming that unleashing one-third of the prison population upon the rest of us would be a boon for th…
Fetterman's claim to fame while lieutenant governor was to go on a county by county "listening tour" regarding legalization of marijuana within the state. His more recent claim to fame are the opposing ads which caught him on videotape claiming that unleashing one-third of the prison population upon the rest of us would be a boon for the state. And yet, a nearby house in my neighborhood has a "Fetterman for Senate" lawn sign, and nothing else.
Any guesses as to what's being smoked behind those walls?
Fetterman's claim to fame while lieutenant governor was to go on a county by county "listening tour" regarding legalization of marijuana within the state. His more recent claim to fame are the opposing ads which caught him on videotape claiming that unleashing one-third of the prison population upon the rest of us would be a boon for the state. And yet, a nearby house in my neighborhood has a "Fetterman for Senate" lawn sign, and nothing else.
Any guesses as to what's being smoked behind those walls?
Reading his "resume" is enough for me!