"... The organizations that have run the world-wide response to this pandemic are the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gavi, Wellcome Trust, and CEPI. "

Let me fix this for you:

"... The organizations that have run the world-wide response to this pandemic are the Bill Gates Foundation, Bill Gates, Wellcome Trust, and Bill Gates. "

So 3/4's of the control of the murderous, fraudulent, greedy/lucrative Covungabunga mess was "Bill Gates". Glad we cleared that up. Bill Gates SUCKS.

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CEPI is Bill Gates too.

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It was very eerie to read Dr. Malone's article this morning after reading this article last night...


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Thank you Dr Malone. You are the man. Don’t let the bots and the crackpots drag ya down bro. Peace. And Victory to the people! Please carry on and God Bless you!

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If you want to know just how serious Google is about swinging elections, Joe Rogan #1768 is mandatory listening. Actually it’s mandatory listening anyway, but be prepared to be alarmed about Google‘s power in this world.

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Maajid Nawaz on his Substack says that more than 1 out of 73 of the vaxxed have died in the U.K as of May 2022.

He also notes that the unvaccinated population in England has the lowest mortality rate per 100,000 population in all age groups.


It's no longer an insult to be called a conspiracy theorist.

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I have a 5 year old granddaughter who just started kindergarten in a private Christian school in Washington State. I went on a school hosted tour of the facility last Spring, and there I learned that in Washington State there is really no such thing as a private school. All “private” schools are required to be affiliated with the local public school district. What does affiliation mean? It means they must follow certain State rules and guidelines regarding school administration, and in particular that includes following state immunisation requirements for students. All students at my granddaughters school must have State required immunisation records on file and compliant the day that school starts, otherwise they are not allowed to attend school. Washington State narrowly defeated including the C19 vaccine on the mandatory list for all K-12 students in the state. It is now on the list of “recommended” vaccines. This issue is right in the center of my radar screen. My trust in government and the corporate healthcare industry is zero. Of particular concern is the current development of the triple vaccine for Flu, RSV and Covid based on mRNA technology. Could this be the vaccine that gets on the State mandatory list? Why wouldn’t it? I have made my concerns known to the school, who take a hands off approach in the matter. They simply say they follow State requirements, as they are obliged to do. My granddaughter already loves her new school. I hope she can remain there. Time will tell.

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Time to homeschool and use a private teacher and a pod of students whose families feel the same. That idea came out of the pandemic and it seems like a really good one to me. If I had a young child still in school, that’s what I would do.

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We came to Canada when I was only 3 years old. My dad came first with just a suite case and brought my mom and me over just under a year later, also just a suite case. Point is my parents had to work hard in the early days to make a home.

My parents quickly learned that some baby sitters were giving kids alcohol to make them sleep all day so that the sitters didn't have to fuss too much. This came to light when a sick child was taken to a doctor.

My parents then agreed that my dad would work 2 jobs if necessary and my mom would stay home to look after me. My dad, a tradesperson, eventually went on to start a business and we lived a very nice life. I'm 65ish today.

Point is: make the necessary sacrifices for your children. They won't hinder you long term.

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They'll get around to mandating standards for home schooling, eventually. You'll be required to host drag shows in your home, so you'll need monkeypox vax, too.

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EXACTLY. It bends my mind how, after this debacle, ANY one could conclude otherwise.

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Me too, it would be home schooling all they way!

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If you click the 'heart' button, your selection is registered on the system but doesn't always show up on your screen until you refresh your browser. Doing that however loses your place.

Oh, the hardships of life!

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Thank you, I finally figured that out, duh.

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We have to be vocal and call in to the listening sessions with WA state health dept. That is what got it off the required list. 95% of the people that called the health board that day, registered strong complaints with sound facts that they could not deny.

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Yes I was one of the ones on the zoom sessions with the health department. I made my position known and I agree it is only when we get involved that we make a difference. What struck me most about how the WA State Health Dept approached this topic was just how secretive they tried to be about it, especially at first. Initially they wouldn’t even admit the topic was on the meeting agenda, then they wouldn’t announce what their intention was, and it was only because so many concerned citizens got wind of what they were up to through a leak that so many joined the public meeting and aired their serious concerns. Only then did the State back down. I was appalled at that method of operating, and know they will do it again. We have to be ever vigilant.

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Exactly right, I called in but did not speak, so many were saying the right things. Thanks for what you did, it all helped!!

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you know, you folks are in the vanguard. ALL of you matter to the rest of America. States like Ca and Wa push the edge of liberal garbage and once adopted other states will fall like dominoes. So, thank you ALL!

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I'm holding out for the free four slice toaster that Pfizer has promised for getting the tenth dose.

I sure hope they have it in olive green to match the rest of my appliances here in the trailer.

(I know it's no laughing matter, but I seem to find amusement in the elite's plans for us!)

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After the tenth dose you get a free pair of medical compression socks.

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FEMA already gives $10k for Covid deaths. Does it make you wonder if that would sway some people to say Covid instead of VAX? Oh I’m sure nobody would do that …

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You don't think they would be so kind as to pay for a Burial, let alone vax injury! (I know you don't)

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🤣 we must keep our sense of humor. Thanks for the laugh!

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Perhaps a gift card for Amazon. Then you can get the toaster of your choice. You do have to laugh sometimes.

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I don't remember a "gift card" with any other vaccines in the past. This is so obvious in the intent of getting as many people as possible jabbed. It sure seems like an urgency to get to especially poor populations. What I can't figure out is where are the overseers, the checks and balances, the officials who regulate the alarm bells? We are living in a time of "the wild west", check your guns at the saloon door. Well, not even that... What a bunch of sitting ducks the uneducated about the folly are.

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Gift cards have often been provided with flu shots. For instance from 2019: https://www.wptv.com/news/state/publix-offers-10-gift-cards-to-get-your-flu-shot

That's how I knew to avoid getting one.

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I didn't know, I have never gotten a flu shot.

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HEB is owned a trust fund baby stereotype. He is presently supporting grooming activities here in Texas--yes THAT kind of grooming

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Sodom and Gomorrah here we come! I wonder what will eventually befall these corrupt people? I know there is a balancing out, if not here, then on the "other side".

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Yes there is hope in that when we can’t fight anymore, things will be taken care of on the other side. We fight with our hearts and should be rewarded for that.

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022

The reward is in the doing, don't you think? Boy, is that a two way-street comment-I didn't notice...

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Maybe use "satisfaction (a type of reward) is....

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Well for some, that means they will be looked upon unfavorably and even lose their job. Doesn’t seem fun

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Almost every corporation will sell their souls. It’s how they are wired and I’m not sure how it can be fixed. Their doing something morally wrong is somehow justified in their minds to keep business going. The only kind of change they don’t welcome is going against the status quo.

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Corporations are people, and there lies the issue. Rationalization works every time! So sad...

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The prior vaccines did not produce the cost-benefit that the covid vaccines do, in terms of fewer future social security payouts. (sarc)

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Maybe sarc, maybe not. The evil runs so deep, it's hard to know what to think.

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Wondering WHY after 2.6 years these truthful studies are finally surfacing? Highly suspect!! What’s the AGENDA & MANIPULATION NOW??

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A major "tell" will be if the Democrat's manage to drag the totally feckless Fetterman across the finish line in Pennsylvania's senate race this November. Tucker Carlson skewered Fetterman in an eighteen-minute segment a few nights ago, Fetterman's recent 'stump speech' in Pittsburgh drew attention from others as well. Totally lacking a meaningful political platform, trust-baby Fetterman relied on donations from his parents until his late forties, then somehow got elected mayor in a small town that has one of the highest crime rates in the nation. Fetterman appears at stump speeches wearing gym shorts and a hoodie - I mean, who on earth campaigns for the United States senate looking like that?

On election night, all eyes will be on Philadelphia. In the meantime, this Pennsylvanian offers that sorry municipality to any other state in the union that's willing to take it.

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Difficult to believe he has supporters , even more difficult to believe anyone would vote for him!

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Fetterman's claim to fame while lieutenant governor was to go on a county by county "listening tour" regarding legalization of marijuana within the state. His more recent claim to fame are the opposing ads which caught him on videotape claiming that unleashing one-third of the prison population upon the rest of us would be a boon for the state. And yet, a nearby house in my neighborhood has a "Fetterman for Senate" lawn sign, and nothing else.

Any guesses as to what's being smoked behind those walls?

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Reading his "resume" is enough for me!

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I hope everyone in Pennsylvania reads Parallel Election. You have big problems there.

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So sad to hear this abomination of the office.

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Do your research! How extensive is his knowledge?

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There were no viable senatorial alternatives in either major party primary this year. THAT's how thin the political talent was in Pennsylvania. Neither Oz nor his primary opponents distinguished themselves, but Fetterman takes the cake. Good grief.

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Dr Malone, thank you for the information you have been providing to everyone. Since you are the early developer of the MRNA technology, I believe you are familiar with those lipid nanoparticles used to deliver the MRNA inside the shots and their mechanism? Based on your knowledge, what is the total number of lipid nanoparticles there could be inside each shot of the Pfizer/Moderna MRNA shots that is 0.3ml per vial if I remember correctly? Could there be trillions or only billions? What percentage of cells in the body could have been altered after 2 doses of the jab, could it be more than 50% total cells in the body? Are there really any organs and tissues left in the body that are consider less affected and penetrated by the nanoparticles, which the majority of cells there are still unaltered? According to your understanding, how many lipid nanoparticles can a single somatic cell uptake at once, if the diameter of the LNP is 50~100nm?

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Thanks Damian. Excellent and valuable questions. I too would like to know.

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Why don’t you ask Bill Gates and the Rockefellers and Pfizer? You know the people who actually made the vaxx? Your question is like asking the Wright Brothers why the Trade Towers fell after impact from a jet. Get a grip dude. Ask Gates. Ask Pfizer Moderna Johnson or Rockefeller

Man up

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I certainly don't, do you know them? Please enlighten me how you can get Gates and Pfizer talk to you personally, and get them to tell the 100% truth.

Also, are you discrediting Dr Malone as the true inventor of the MRNA technology?

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I've been reading that content of individual vaccinations varies. Sometimes contaminants, some times just additional content. This could substantially impact effects.

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The nanoparticles are the most dangerous component in the contents since they can penetrate almost everywhere in the body and can carry anything inside, there needs to be more study of the LNP.

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🎶And the walls come tumbling down 🎶

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All helpful and good info sharing. No worries on the book release. More minutes to make it greater.

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In a free marketplace, gimmicks like gift cards and entries in lotteries would not be needed FOR A PRODUCT that is actually safe and effective in preventing serious illness and death. Period.

These gimmicks speak volumes.

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Souls are cheap these days.

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"Safe" ....from liability (for now) and "Effective" as a sure fire windfall profit machine like no other, Ever! Most certainty #NOTABOUTYOURHEALTH.

Years from now folks will be talking about 2020 like it was an episode of The Good, the Bad, and the ugly ! And it was, and still is. Our current Admin reeks of a total rancid hypocrisy. Trouble runs deep.

This fell from the Eagle Nest early AM. May we live in abundance/health/harmony!

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And my son was a patient at Boston Children’s Hospital so I am on their mailing list. Several days ago, they sent out an email to let everyone know they are accepting kids for the COVID shot. BCH! The number one children’s hospital in the world. I guess they are trying to keep up with the gender surgery department. How to stop the insanity…

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Best way to stop the insanity is lawsuits. If we tolerate it, we'll get more.

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Denmark is also limiting the vax to persons over 50 and the immune compromised.

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