Dec 23, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Biden wishing a “winter of severe illness and death” upon the unvaccinated reveals his grinchy shrunken heart. It’s time to join hands and sing joyously like the Whos of Whoville.

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You offend grinches everywhere. Biden's wish is what an unrequited totalitarian says when the people don't fall in line with his diktats.

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Dec 23, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is so well explained and reflects some of the shifting attitudes of my jabbed friends who are bothered by MSM doom & gloom Omicron fear mongering, for what is essentially a cold. A few have also been shocked to an alternate reality w JFK Jr book & once folks see they've been manipulated and lied to there is no going back. Fantastic start to a new year with hopes for Nuremberg 2.0 soon!

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Buy extra copies of the RFK, Jr. book and give them to folks who seem ready for it.

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Dec 23, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hallelujah! I actually know people that are finally coming out of their slumber. They got the first two shots but are not getting the booster. They are done.

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Dec 23, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I wish I knew more. I am in touch with my exes in Bavaria and they’re still fully in the narrative. but I sensed now was the time to wedge a crowbar in the tiny window crack that is Omicron. Sooooooo many vaccinated ppl are getting it. It’s gratifying to see my employer’s irrational workplace vax requirement blow up as they deal with staffing shortages due to the vaxxed and boosted being out positive. Hard to deny/ignore the truth now.

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Update: They are now requiring testing for all staff, regardless of vaccination status…

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That is just plain wrong. Your employer has no right to your healthcare information.

That’s one of the worst things that have come out of this mess: people talking WAY too casually about their health, not realizing how it could be used against them at a later time.

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I think it puts them in more legal jeopardy than I at this point. I have an exemption and have been outspoken about data/questioning policies… they shouldn't dare let me go (my performance is great anyways, but still!).

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Dec 23, 2021·edited Dec 23, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Profound writing, good doctor! If only the Overton Window responded to rational arguments. Malevolence enters via spiritually unhealthy people.

I would superimpose the an emergent property of politicians that is the bedrock truth of our civilization: psychologically, there are two ways to feel powerful: one is to make people afraid, the other is to tell the truth.

Biden is attempting to alter the psychological Overton Window: it is only acceptable to fulfill your patriotic duty by being terrified.

Thanks for all you do.

If Fausti can finance and develop “Gain of Function” why can’t he finance and develop “Loss of Function!?”

Fausti: “I did!! I call it Omnicron!

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Dec 23, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bravo!!! Prior to C-19, I had witnesses a similar phenomenon play out surrounding nicotine vaping/ electronic cigarettes. That experience was my red pill and taught me to look beyond the official narrative in search of the truth. Most people have no idea that this kind of manipulation is happening.

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Yes, the similarities are astonishing. What surprised me is how many of the people in that community couldn't see the obvious.

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Immediately reminded me of "climate change" and the demonisation of heretics and invocations of "The Science" (which actually means "The Official Dogma").

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Dec 23, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Dec 23, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think all the hyperbole will end up blowing up in their faces. They are trading off a few more percentage points of booster uptake today (now at 34.5% - of the vaxxed!), in exchange for waking up another chunk of the US population.

Rinse, repeat often enough, and anyone associated with this "administration" (as well as Pharma itself) will be about as popular as Nixon's aides were post-Watergate.

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Dec 23, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Less so. Considerably. Some of them will have a very painful death.

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Dec 23, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent political and epidemiological analysis. One statement is a little confusing, however. "Long after it was clear that the virus would be endemic, he [Fauci] he was still advocating for herd immunity to push for vaccines..." This makes it sound like endemicity precludes herd immunity, yet as I understand it, herd immunity is a situation in which a pathogen is endemic but manifesting itself in disease levels as low as they are likely to get, due to high levels of immunity. Have I got that right? The bogus nature of Fauci's stance stems from the implication that herd immunity would be reached by vaccines, although none of their creators made any such claim. Perhaps epidemiologists speak of herd immunity in inadvertently misleading terms, with all their theoretical thresholds expressed in percentages, as if reaching a certain number flicks a switch and a vanishing act occurs. It's more of a process, right?

On the BBC's Trusted News Initiative: It's difficult to convey just how trusted the BBC still is by many here in Britain. When I was growing up, two of the three TV channels, and all of the four national radio stations were BBC-run. No internet! The BBC news was THE news. Anyone with any powers of perception beyond taking everything at face value, will have noticed the BBC now does propaganda, not news. Yet the default position of regarding the BBC news as definitive is one so many people fall back into.

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Indeed. Everyone we know who relies on the BBC for news, and believes every word of it (sadly. some of my family) are still scared witless.

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I want the whole germ theory paradigm bought down. It's poisonous in its effects not just in the fact that the poison is being injected right now but in that the idea of it permeates how everyone thinks and we're left with the waste product, societal stupidity.

Terrain theory is the future. It might be a little more volatile politically, for those in charge, but at least it won't lead to the extinction of our species.

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I am open-minded on such theories. Any recommendations for further reading on them? In the meantime, my provisional position on germ vs terrain is of it being a false dichotomy. Health is influenced by many many interacting factors. A monomaniacal obsession with singling out individual, potentially pathogenic organisms is not likely to be conducive to good health. Yet it doesn't necessarily follow that it isn't possible to identify individual pathogens, however imperfectly, or that some such pathogens won't be particularly significant in particular people, at particular times.

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Stefan Lanka is a good source. From there you should be able to find more detail elsewhere. History is also a good source, so there are plenty of books written right up the 1950s on why vaccines were obscene. Going back and reading old newspapers on the topic I found helpful to reach my own conclusions (because of the very obvious attempts to panic the population). Just search for 'spanish flu' it should be eye opening.

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Thanks. I'll investigate.

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Dr. Sam Bailey (Kiwi) on Odysee has a series of 3 videos on virology (the non-science) and whether Covid is a thing at all. Pays a lot of attention to the corruption of language that has taken place - redefining "vaccine" twice since "Covid" started. And "isolation" no longer means what we thought it did, rather "identified" even if it doesn't exist.

Dangerous times.

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I would love for the whole “public health policy” paradigm to blow apart.

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More Freedom:<——— [ OVERTON WINDOW] ——->Less Freedom

“Sensible public policy” is what dwells within the Overton Window but can move from cap to sill and still be an “ACCEPTABLE RANGE” of what people will believe and how most people want to live.

Very excellent summation and depiction of the catastrophic, inhumane, totalitarianism “series of events” put upon the people of the world.

I’m curious when everyone else “WAS ON TO THEM” for me it was 100% in August 2020! I contracted SARS Cov 2 September 22, 2019 after being with clients from China for 5 hours that day. EXACTLY 7 DAYS LATER ——> sore throat, headache, cough x 45 days, can’t breath, fatigue, body aches, brain fog, water eyes, by day 10 it felt like pneumonia x 24 hours, felt like croup for x 24 hours. Went to Doc ——> ZPACK and benzonite (for cough) within 24 hours I felt 80% better. It lasted for 5 weeks.

That was 2 years and 2 months ago I that I received FULL NATURAL immunity. I knew that if HEALTHY people aged between 0-60 +/- caught it they would survive and obtain IMMUNITY! There were not many of us. Peopl got scared as the Overton window of dis pair creeped into the nah sayers and apocalyptic brain warped idiots spewed their BS propaganda.

I am disappointed that TRUMP was made a fool. One of his downfalls was he was NOT a politician and that’s where Fauci & Co. got him. Trump trusted them and still is. Just the other day, When the demented President threw Trump a bone regarding Operation Warp Speed, I knew he did that so they can blame the Vax on him when the truth finally emerges.

Anyway, Good stuff thank you for this information as well, as I continue to learn from the best and smartest people. It’s getting easier to even call FOX NEWS out on the CRAP they are selling. Ugh!

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I was onto them in 2006, when I took a college core bio class that was more about politics than it was about bio.

Therein we were being taught less about virology (and oxygen) and more about imminent pandemics (and climate disaster) and about people who might not buy into such things. We had to write a paper about Intelligent Design, presumably to tear it and its believers apart. If we got an A, the Bio-writing panel (arbiters of bio-writing at the school) would submit our essay to the New York Times OPINION editor for potential publication. (Hello!) I got a A but I know my paper wasn’t submitted because I basically said “Think and Let Think. If ID believers don’t buy into the science, then they don’t get the benefits of the science. ‘No vaccines/antibiotics/cures for you!’” I don’t think I was supposed write that. I think I was supposed to write a smear paper and learn to hate ID people and naysayers if they didn’t “believe.”

Anyway, it was weird Bird Flu predictions and doom and gloom. And I’ve been seeing it play out since February 2020.

I don’t recall doing a single lab in that dumbed down “science” class.

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Keep speaking out Dr Malone. May God bless you. Being a reason prophet is dangerous job.

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I agree with you 100%. On January 7th the SCOTUS has agreed to hear the case for vaccine mandates. The news never parses their words to include the word 'emergency use authorization.' The media are a wiry cunning bunch of hooligans! I have prayed and hoped that Dr. Malone is one that testifies. I am unable to find who is presenting on the side of the people. Usually the US prosecutor presents on the people's behalf but not in this case.

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Great article. Thank you. Merry Christmas to one of the most, brave and courageous mn on this planet.

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The email in the article reminded me immediately of the emails between the members of the Mann Gang (tasked with corrupting climate science) on trying to stop peer review of articles which went against their dogma) and trying to unseat the editors of journals who posted such articles.

Fauci is evil. In human form. I have no doubt he'd have been behind Mengele holding his jacket had he been there then.

As for Biden, God Help America.

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Dec 23, 2021·edited Dec 23, 2021

Dr. Malone: With greatest respect for your incredibly courageous advocacy of actual science in this time, I am puzzled by your apparent interpretation of the statement by the WHO head, your interpretation being 'The WHO is questioning the need for universal vaccination and boosters, even suggesting the boosters may “prolong” COVID', suggesting in that paraphrase that the WHO head considered a booster shot to be dangerous to the 'vaxee'--not what he said, though it may be true for many. Has the odor of clickbait by which I trust we are all repelled.

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Might you say the one of the roles of the Artist in society is to expand the Overton Window?

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Can you explain how to counter the narrative that hospitals are using that a large percentage of the sick COvID positive patients are unvaccinated? My spouse is a hospital CEO and they are still pushing hard for everyone to get vaccinated. They agree with taking away incentives for people who don’t get vaccinated and now boosted. Even though we’ve had discussions and he sees the likeness of showing papers to the Nazi time, he still is harping on and believes in this vaccine. I think they are desperate and so busy and people are dying. It’s pure madness and some of the employees are losing their minds. Im patiently waiting for them to see the light. If I say something I get chewed out so not worth it.

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