The pandemic is over. We just need to quit acknowledging it.

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And move on to an investigation that determines the origins of this virus, otherwise, I fear another virus will "escape". The investigation will need to exclude those caught up in the mass formation surrounding COVID.

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There will ALWAYS be another virus.

There ALWAYS has been another virus.

I’m okay with not knowing the names of my previous or future colds and flus, even if they could potentially kill me.

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Time to tear down the Ubrella Corporation.

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022

Many people are ready & willing to quit acknowledging it. Its the GUBERMENT & POWERS THAT BE that WONT LET THEM!!!!

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022

I wish I could. I live in Italy,and Tx The lockdowns in Italy are getting worse.Trying to move people with all the censorship,is unbelievably hard.

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022

"The pandemic is over". Hell, yeah. And if Dr M or Peter Mc had been given the Fauci role from the start, there never would have been a pandemic in the first place.

"We just need to quit acknowledging it." I submit that 99.9% of the commenters on this Substack, and on Alex Berenson's, already do that.

What the "mass formation psychosis" model that Dr M popularized taught me was that we, the 30% Resistance, need to (gently) nudge the middle 40% who are not hypnotized, but are nervous to buck the propaganda of the predators that the 30% hypnotized have fallen for.

How does one know whether the person you're talking to is part of the 30% hypnotized or the 40% reachable? I ask the person a single question. Examples are:

1. Did you think Covid came from the wet market in Wuhan, instead of a lab leak?

2. Do you think the vaccines are effective and safe?

3. Do you think the vax mandates are good policy?

4. Do you think vaxing the the children is a good idea?

If the person answers "hell, yeah!" on any of these questions, apologize for the question and change the topic.

If the person gives ground on any of the questions, they're in the 40%. Example: I asked a younger friend question #1 above. He said: "60/40". Although I'm 99.99 to .01, I didn't argue that point with him.

Instead, I patiently went through the censored science explaining that his plan to get the booster was not a good idea, and gave him a "cover story" to tell his hypnotized parents, friends, and employer. 1 down. 100M to go.

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Every time I hear a “we’re helping to keep you safe“ announcements in grocery stores, I roll my eyes or say out loud, “Shut up already!”

Last time I did that, a guy behind me said, “Amen! Nice to know not everyone’s crazy.”

Makes me wonder if it’s WAY higher than 30%.

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Good on you! I share your impulse to talk with people and try to influence their views. You're right it becomes apparent pretty quickly if you are hitting the wall, or find receptivity. I've been surprised lately that I've run into 4 people (last week), maybe more, at random who aren't on board with the narrative. What I am finding is that even people who have been "vaccinated," are saying they will not vaccinate their 5-year-olds. Three people I met by chance told me that. "I have a 5-year-old..." One point start with might be to ask if they know why these vaccines are different from all other vaccines (to put a spin on a well known phrase from my Jewish heritage)? I mean I know many educated people who will say "I am pro vaccine" or whatever, and then I find out they think all "vaccines" are the same.

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Because I am going to use that technique too.

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Peter, I like your strategy. Which cover story do you use?

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I recommended him to say: "Well, I'm a bit concerned that taking the booster shot is like taking a vaccine for the flu from 2 years ago. I've heard that Novavax is being deployed in Europe and soon to be available here. I like that one because of its technology platform which likely makes it easier for that one to be tailored to newer variants like Omicron." He thanked me and said, quietly: "Thanks for saving my life". :)

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The Global Pandemic is Over


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My sister sent me that Rumble video last week. Certainly nothing surprising in that to us in the Resistance. I shared with it my mother-in-law (who is with us), and she forwarded it a long-time client who used to worked at Pfizer.

He replied to her with an epic email that ... surprise, surprise ... "debunked" the points in the video. She was pissed, but I explained that even though he is a sheep, that fact that he went that far to try to "re-educate" you means that he cares for you.

This story just proves again the "mass formation psychosis" model that our good Doc popularized.

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Everything in that video is true. Attempts to "debunk" the facts in the presentation are full of falsehoods.

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Agreed. Answers to the four questions I ask people (that are in my comment below) are all false if the answer is "yes, 100%". These questions are a tool to sniff out if the person you're talking to is one of the 30% hypnotized, or part of the 40% sheepish but reachable by us.

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 8, 2022

That would be my concern also. It is clear to me there has been a determined effort to smother all alternative protocols for early treatment without giving them a fair examination. There is only one overriding reason for this and that is the profit motive. Big pharma is not about to let anyone or any data kill their golden goose. If Omicron proves a dud (and I believe it will) then the only thing that can be done to save their goose will be to rinse and repeat. Probably give it a couple of years after we attain herd immunity with Omicron. But a couple of years of intense gain-of-function research would most likely give birth to a new pathogen that we have no defense against. A dismal projection I admit but when it comes to big profits there are a lot of humans who would gladly sacrifice their fellow creatures to obtain money and power. Just look at the opioid epidemic.

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Thank you for posting this. I am posting each of these links on Facebook and expect to get my account canceled soon, but at least many people will get a glimpse of the truth and what the real science shows.

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Mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports are Fascist Abominations. Resist.

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When will a US state finally give us actual statistics on vaccinated versus vaccinated with booster versus unvaccinated in hospitalizations and deaths? My state of CT is still claiming 74% unvaccinated are being hospitalized, but data from the UK and Denmark make this practically impossible.

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Not paying any attention to what King Ned says. I’m in CT: pretty much everyone I know who got sick were triple vaxxed. I’m tuning it all out!

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I would bet heavy money that CT officials, both in hospitals and at the statistic gathering points, are cooking the books.

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Here is official data from Ontario


Keep in mind they started testing high risk individuals only Dec31 onwards hence the drop in cases. We ran out of training capacity.

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Can somebody explain what’s going on with the graphs for “COVID-19 cases by vaccination status” at that link? With “All ages” selected it shows the “Fully Vaccinated” cases vaulting over both the “Unvaccinated” and “Partially Vaccinated” cases around Christmas time. But when you select any of the age categories it shows nothing of the sort. How does that make any sense?

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Just confirming I see the same, and it doesn't make sense.

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You aren't the first to mention it. It's either intentional or ineptitude. Given the clowns running the Ministry of Health in Ontario I am inclined to believe the latter but who knows?

There is a new # that is popping up in the ICU/Hospitalizations. Vax status UNKNOWN. Really ODD, given that every citizen has an OHIP # which is how you receive medical treatment here. So your vax status is easily tracked by your OHIP #. Odd stuff going on.

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If you needed to hide the fact that the majority of people in ICU/ hospitalized were 'fully vaccinated' how would you do that? Hmm........let's just claim we don't know their status! problem solved!

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022

Dear (very dear) Dr. Malone, the Light will always illuminate the darkness!

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The only virus we need to conquer is corp media fear porn. Tune out the presstitutes, go live!

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It’s up to the USA. Canada won’t let it go, Quebec just made shot #3 mandatory for their Vax pass

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Trudeau is a despicable China puppet, so obnoxious....screw the vax pass,

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Here in New Zealand, we became a hermit kingdon early in 2020, and have mostly kep covid out of the community thus far. The downside to that is most of us have had no exposure thus far, but the government has coerced over 90% of over 12's fully vaxed, boostering away, and our 5 to 12s about to get sucked in too. We are at the coal face of another issue here, as our government went into a partnership with the WEF to roll out the worlds first AI system integration throughout our governmental institutions, which was started in 2019, and now fully operating here. Since we have so many that have believed the propaganda, we have had many mandates, and universal vaccine passport adoption and use, so the data will be flowing thick and fast through the vast new data centres that have been built by google recently in Auckland and elsewhere. We are on summer break here until the end of january, being in the southern hemisphere, and our Prime minister (the posterchild of the WEF Young leaders) is getting married. However, I anticipate there will be a renewed campaign in february to push in for mandated 100% vax coming very soon. Omicron knocking at the border in quarrantine, hopefully it leaks out into the community very soon !!

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I’m so sorry to say (NZ is lovely), that your country is no longer a partner to the 5 eyes (Intelligence partnership between Australia, UK, Canada &US) because of Jacinda Ardern’s insistence on keeping excellent contacts with the CCP. From that point on, NZ was on a slippery slope.

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Yes, there's another bull in a china shop for us, over the years, we have created a dangerous stategic dependence on China, particularly as our agricultural export is such a high proportion of our GDP, and large scale foreign investment in our primary land assets sold to overseas interests (not just chinese). Greedy eyes have long been cast over our nation here, and that has only been heightened since Zealandia was classified as a vast submerged continent, of which NZ and New Caledonia / Vanuatu are the only parts with land. It does however vastly expand NZ's exclusive economic zone. Yes, the 5 eyes, though there was some backlash against that when NZ wouldn't join our partners in statements condemning China's human rights. I think that we are all on a slippery slope now, but it seems here we are at the forefront of it all !

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Here is the WEF white paper, Reimagining regulation for the age of AI, New Zealand pilot project https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Reimagining_Regulation_Age_AI_2020.pdf

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The analysis of Omicron and covid progression is great news but I'm wondering why we're not hearing more about the presentation on December 30th at the Chamber of Commerce and Indiana Hospital Association. The data presented, if correct, would be one of the greatest potential calamities the world has ever seen.

From the CEO of OneAmerica, if you remove all the deaths attributed by the CDC as covid related, you have a 20% increase in NON-COVID DEATHS for the working age population of their census.

It's truly remarkable that we haven't launched an all-out assault on insurance data to either corroborate or contradict what would potentially be the largest mass casualty this country, and possibly the world, has ever seen!

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022

I can add a personal anecdote to help elucidate the question Dr. Malone mentions here concerning age and Covid. When the disaster first visited our shores, back in early 2020, I decided to take a preemptive attitude vis-a-vis what seemed to be coming our way. For years, I had taken Vitamin D3 supplements on the advice of a colleague of mine, a high school science teacher. Now I started reading the thoughts of Drs. Zelenco, Mercola, and others, the pioneers in preventive tactics and therapy for the disease. Upping the ante with their advice, I added zinc, magnesium, Vit K2, selenium, quercetin, etc. to my daily regimen. I convinced my wife to do the same. (We're 76 and 67 respectively, BMIs in the 22 to 24 range, and no 'comorbidities' beyond our age.) I also purchased Ivermectin, just in case, after reading many articles recounting success stories with this proven drug,

We knew it was basically only a question of time before one or both of us contracted the disease, especially since many we know are double and triple jabbed (my suspicion for a while has been that they are what I've dubbed 'efficient carriers' of the malady). Sure enough, the week before (Am) Thanksgiving, my wife was at a gathering of (mostly jabbed) women, three of whom later revealed they had minor symptoms at the time of the meeting. That was Tuesday. By Friday, my wife had a cough and sinus congestion, but a [home] quick test was negative. Monday, I started coughing as well and was extremely fatigued, but again the quick test for both of us was negative. Wednesday, on a video call, one of our daughters said we should test again because we looked and sounded bad! We did as she said and BINGO for both of us, a nice pink line below the control line appeared almost immediately; a hospital-administered PCR test a few days later confirmed the quick test.

The day of the confirming quick test, we both started the FLCCC protocol with our supply of Ivermectin. Improvement was instantaneous for both of us. There were no new symptoms, no fever, headache, brain fog, or sore throat, and our coughs became less regular. My cough disappeared after a week and a half, my wife's lasted exactly 24 days (she started using the Ivermectin 3 days later than I did after appearance of the initial symptoms, and that may explain why her cough was so persistent). Neither of us seems to have suffered any long-term consequences.

I offer this because others here may be better qualified to draw conclusions from this anecdote. Perhaps others could post their personal experience with Covid. Today, when official sources seem to be distorting evidence in order to substantiate a mendacious narrative, accumulated anecdotal evidence may help us elucidate the truth.

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So glad to hear that you and your wife did well on the FLCCC protocol! My personal anecdote differs only in ages. On 12/20 - my 25 y/o *unvaxxed* daughter began having symptoms - chills, bodyaches, headache, the next day spiked a fever to 101.4 x 1. Two days later both myself (56 y/o, *unvaxxed*) and my husband (58 y/o *vaxxed not boostered*) developed symptoms - chills, headache, bodyache, fatigue and by Christmas day, my son was the last to develop symptoms (21 y/o *vaxxed, not boostered*). Myself and my daughter had been following FLCCC I-Mask. My son and husband were not - as they both felt the vax would protect them. As soon as symptoms appeared for them - I started them on I-MASK. For all of us - I increased the dose of Nigella Sativa - following dose guidelines on FLCCC. I never did end up getting Ivermectin but was never really that anxious about it given I had every other product that I-MASK recommended, on hand. My worst day was Day 2, feeling like a mack truck had run me down. My husband had more of a cough than I did but he is an asthmatic to begin with. I had asked his PCP to prescribe him steroid inhalers and he began using that within 24 hours of symptoms. My son, also asthmatic and with several allergies - also began using steroid inhalers. My daughter's symptoms resolved in 2 days. Mine - in 3, my husband's - about 5 days or so and my son's lasted the longest - about 1 week. Interesting to me to see how it unfolded in a house with 50/50 split on vaxxed. Also interesting is that those in the house who are vaxxed had the worst symptoms - took longer for symptoms to resolve...... Anecdotal for sure - but interesting never the less. But - the good news is - we now all have been "vaccinated" with a straight up *live attenuated viral vaccine* and I feel very confident that should we encounter future Sars Cov2 variants - we'll likely be fully protected. It was the best Christmas present we could have asked for - a healthy family who all survived Sars Cov2 together, and all better off for it!

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I am so glad you all made it through and are ok.

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Glad you and your family are doing well. Sounds like you all have the best shield of all which is natural immunity. Your immune systems have observed the entire virus; not just the spike protein. If, in the future, there are any further mutations they may well involve mutations other than on the spike. Science does not know all of the possible strategies this virus has in its bag of tricks. After all, it has been in the survival business for well over a billion years.

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Thank you for sharing your experience! It is very helpful.

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Hmmm, I had mild symptoms after T’giving (slight sore throat/sniffles/ more tired than usual) and it lasted 3 days and I NEVER FELT SICK. And then it was gone! Not vaxxed.

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me as well, i threw my Ivermectin at it and was better literally less than two day later, 12 mg for 2 day..thank god for the FDA approved wonder drug

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What’s worse… purposeful release of a low-lethality bioweapon, the governments response by mandating multiple low-lethality bioweapon countermeasures or witnessing mass apathy of a significant portion of the worlds population who are under attack.

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Thank you for your work in spreading the truth, please keep it up!!

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Thanks for this post. Anecdotally my husband and I just experienced Omicron. Used early treatment protocol and got through it just fine. We are 73 and unvaccinated.

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I should have noted that my wife and I are refuseniks too. We were appalled earlier this year to see National Guardsmen administering shots in a large bus parking lot near our house; the line of waiting cars snaked through the lot and out onto the highway where police had established another long line with safety cones! It was madness I never expected to see outside the movies -- horror movies. I wondered how fellows who were changing oil on Thursday at their regular job were deemed skilled enough to inject undertested bioproducts on Saturday.

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Thank you for sharing this! It is very helpful. Would you mind sharing your symptoms and how many days you experienced them?

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Mainly muscle aches, sore throat, upper airway congestion, shivers, very low fever, minor headache, Husband was down for 4-5 days. Mine was much lighter at 2-3 days. I took Ivermectin. Husband was on Doxycycline, Methylprednisolone, Ivermectin and cough medicine. Husband has co morbidities. We both did well.

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Thank you! I’m so glad to hear this.

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At this stage of the game, I’m beginning to think the folks who don’t realize the damage caused by big govt bureaucracies ARE the problem.

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Thanks for the additional evidence confirming what appeared to be true. This is good news indeed. If anyone would like a laugh (I know I shouldn't do this)....here's an amusing video. https://www.bitchute.com/video/WN4IXs1TgvyH/

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