Dec 18, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you. We can only hope the people suing to end the mandate insanity will point out that the overreach question is secondary to the fact it doesn't work.

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Actually, I don't consider the overreach as secondary. What if they come out with a vaccine that's 30% better, but 100% more severe adverse reactions? Should they be able to mandate that because it "works"? Why should they be able to mandate *anything*? Screw them.

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The problem is right now SCOTUS is thinking "what if the next variant is 30% more lethal and the vaccines offer 100% protection." SCOTUS has allowed every vaccine mandate that hit its desk to stand, including the ones that don't allow for religious exemptions. They are allowing the overreach because the actual humans who sit on SCOTUS, based on their opinions, think the damn shots work and have decided government can force you to take them.

Kill it today and allow public sentiment to catch up with mandates. Enough people have been mandated at everyone's children are very close. A large portion of the country is only just now realizing the vaccines don't work (literally, even when they or their friends got sick with Delta they assumed it was a "rare" outlier - only now is the media admitting they don't work). Those people are not ready to hear the government can't use executive orders to force vaccinations. And I'm including SCOTUS in those people.

We won't win the war with a single battle, but we risk losing it failing to argue the plain truth that the damn things don't even work.

It's going to be a process to end NIH employees getting paid personally for royalties on vaccines. It's going to take a while to change liability laws around vaccinations. It's going to take time to change attitudes towards reality with vaccines. Today we must stop this mandate for this vaccine. What better way to stop mandates than because it doesn't work? In the future people will be able to argue "yeah, it looked like Covid shots worked at first too, it looked like lockdowns and masks might work, but they didn't. OSHA can't mandate things like this (whatever it might be) because they must prove they DO work over a period of time." That actually opens up all mandates to a positive test of proving effectiveness. That is one heck of a positive outcome in limiting overreach.

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I'll take any win we can get. My previous was theoretical. You're right.

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I agree I’ll take any win. This insanity must end.

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the ongoing work to produce extremely important information that is useful for policy but also for me as a concerned citizen.

I went to the CDC website for an update on Omicron. It is dated 12/17/21, yesterday. True to form they are recommendation vaccination and they are tracking the spread. Delta is still the dominate strain in the US. They probably are updating the site on a regular basis.


There was almost nothing worthwhile in their entire article. And true to form they had a recommendation for the people that occurs near the end.

"Self-tests can be used at home or anywhere, are easy to use, and produce rapid results. If your self-test has a positive result, stay home or isolate for 10 days, wear a mask if you have contact with others, and call your healthcare provider. If you have any questions about your self-test result, call your healthcare provider or public health department."

A couple of months ago I called my, what I have always considered to be outstanding primary care provider, and her nurse said that she follows the CDC guidelines. So full circle right back to the consistent disaster "treatment" of stay home until sick enough to go to the hospital and with earlier variants, once in the hospital the "treatment" after the virus has left is to head to ER and ventilator, and maybe you will be alive to come home.

Wow!! Waiting until the CDC recommends early treatments like D3, etc. Has anybody told them?

For those interested in early treatment who want references to the literature, this site lists 30 treatments on the left margin and links to 1,204 studies. But important to remember that a multi-drug approach gives the best result. There are many protocols available but my favorite are the protocols on flccc.net


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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is the Medical Con Job of the 21st Century!

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for those links!

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My previously wonderful osteopathic doc has gone over to the dark side, and is now not only not treating her patients for COVID, SHE HAS WITHDRAWN FROM ANY HOSPITAL CARE AT ALL. AND...She has not notified any of her patients... I found out by accident. So she is concealing this, to keep the easiest part of her practice...Office visits.

So if I have a heart attack, I get taken care of by a "hospitalist", a floor doc paid by the hospital, with whom I have no relationship at all. I have been abandoned by her, and so has everybody else. And altho she claims to be a devout Catholic, that God-given conscience is not functioning anymore.


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My doctor did that a few years ago. I didn't think much about it because I had a lung infection, histoplasmosis, and because we had been to China, I was treated by the infectious doctors. Actually the doc who tracked down Legionnares disease. And when I had a mild TIA, I went to the ER and was treated by hospital doctors. It wasn't until right now when I know about early treatments that I got up the courage to ask my new GP and got the answer that she follows the CDC guidelines. In other words, my GP doctors have been away from the hospital for some years and I didn't even notice. They never visited when in the hospital for a total of about 12 days for the two cases.

In other words, general practice and hospitals are separate entities in my case. Thus the tried and true colonization strategy of divide and conquer has been used to separate outpatient and inpatient care and since Covid 19 was declared to be a pandemic, and (oh crap - I just had a thought, doctors have become pill pushers like mechanics that simply replace parts) so I just realized that C19 has exposed another failure of our "health system"

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Prevention and reversal of disease states is the answer to 95% of health issues in the world. The problem is that it is not profitable for big Pharma!

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100% Agree!!!! Big pharma is so entrenched - unless we let literally millions of people be harmed by either refusing to work or the vaccines themselves this will go on. We have made great progress getting people to wake up from their idiotic woke coma. We need to keep pressing hard. And we need to protect the people refusing to comply. Those continuing to take these shots fall into the category of "you can lead a horse to water but can't make them drink." Still, most thirsty horses will gladly drink - we need more time to lead those to water.

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A Great challenge with the bias media following the narrative of fear and indoctrinating the masses!

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The purchased media - by big pharma with our tax dollars

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Pushing the fear rather than looking at the science continues down the wrong path for what end? The data from day one indicated this is not a pandemic when 99.8% of those who acquire the Covid achieve natural immunity! The .2% can be treated with the correct medical protocol and majority would be saved. Fauci’s Failed and Fatal Medical Directive needs to be cancel NOW!

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think that there is an error in your summary of the Danish study, Dr. Malone. You wrote:

"76% were fully or booster vaccinated, 14% not vaccinated"

But the study says:

"A total of 599 (76%) cases were fully vaccinated and an additional 56 (7.1%) had received full vaccination plus a booster dose.".

Which means that 83.1% (76% + 7.1%) were fully or booster vaccinated. Considering that only 76% of the Danish population is either fully of booster vaccinated, that's something worth investigating.

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Thanks! fixed.

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, Dr. Malone.

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you. Appreciate the read and clarity in the writing.

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How are they determining virus type? PCR can't discriminate, so they need sequencing to define mutations, which is much more expensive and limited capacity. Are they actually testing all the patients, or just assuming the statistically prevalent strain?

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I recall something from when I was listening to Dr. Peter McCulloch on the Joe Rogan show saying that some component of the PCR test was extremely different with the Omnicom and that’s how they knew the was different. I just learned from a Google search that there is a PCR test that differentiates strains. See https://www.seegene.com/assays/allplex_sars-cov-2_master_assay

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Just found a YouTube explaining how this one company has a method of showing with the strain is not available in the US from what I can tell. See https://youtu.be/nCgq5Tlq_Ic

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Just hypothetically, if Omicron had been the first variant detected back in 2019/2020, the media would have told everyone there was nothing to worry about, and life would have proceeded as normal.

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I would like to see comments on the assertions being made by Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding at https://twitter.com/DrEricDing, specifically with regard to the expected effects of the omicron variant - which the data he is quoting leads him to think will be severe - and the conclusions of the Imperial College study. Thank you for your work, Dr. Malone!

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Thank you for posting. I am sick of the media overblowing Omicron Variant. Sick of it.

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021

In Oregon our governor‘s news conference the other day mentioned the Denmark numbers and they are basing Oregon’s outcome as that in three weeks from now Omnicom will be the dominant strain and it will be worse than the Delta search. Peter Graven, Ph.D., (OHSU)

Peter Graven, Ph.D. (OHSU)

“We have about two to three weeks before we’ll see omicron accelerate and become the dominant strain of SARS-CoV-2 circulating in Oregon,” said Peter Graven, Ph.D., director of the OHSU Office of Advanced Analytics. “We expect that cases will ramp up quickly.” See


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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As usual, “dominant strain” and “more cases” are used as covers for “much less severe” and “extremely few deaths.”

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Hello I am just recovering from what I believe is a bout of Covid that started very quickly after an appointment at the V.A. for an annual eye exam on 12/14/21, I don't want to blame it on them necessarily as it happened rather quickly afterwards and I had zero symptoms when reporting to the gestapo upon arrival, and I'm not actually certain of the incubation time frame.

I saw in a previous article that the Omicron appears to be more bronchial than lung, and now here that the top symptoms being reported are runny nose, headache, fatigue (either mild or severe), sneezing, and sore throat.

Mine started with the fatigue, headache, high temperature that reached 100.8 but went as low as 97.2 at times, and then developed to a very deep cough that was very severe and persistent within the first 24 hours. After a couple of days of suffering with that developed congestion and heavy blowing of the nose along with the rejection of phlegm from the coughing, then added what i'd say was severe sneezing and constant dripping to where I had rolled up kleenex in my nose as it became so annoying.

All the while I'd been taking my normal multivitamin for over 65, 81 mg aspirin, and 5000 IU of vitamin D, I then added another 5000 U vitamin D, Quercetin, and Zinc, as well as taking 600 mg of mucinex which did seem to help contain the coughing.

My symptoms have slowly dissipated to where the coughing is still lingering with a raspiness (no sore throat), infrequent headaches no nearly as severe, and mild fatigue but haven't really pressed myself too much yet, and want to believe I'm in the recovery stage now.

I never did go in and get tested and just assumed it had to be some variant or the other, as the Influenza no longer seems to exist, and I considered this a sever case of the Flu, I should also mention I meet the threshold for obesity by health standards and apparently was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes back in 2018 though I've taken no medication for it, so have at least 2 comorbidities. Is it more likely mine is not the Omicron variant?

I have other concerns as well as I take care of my elderly mother 24/7 365 who has COPD and a Stage IV Lung cancer patient still in remission since her Treatments which is another story in itself, that I've been trying to keep out of the Nursing homes. Neither one of us has had the EUA, and she is adamant not to have it. So I still had to take care of all her needs and monitor her for infection I thought was imminent. Nothing to this day as far as any symptoms different from her usual coughing and phlegm from COPD. She takes Albuterol and Budesonide each twice a day by nebulizer, her normal vitamins over 65 multivitamin, 5000 IU of vitamin D, a 600 mg mucinex in the morning, an ARED 2 in the morning and evening, along with Simvastatin, and Warfarin. She takes hydorcodone due to severe hip, back, and tailbone pain along with sciatica about 10-12 a day. I'm wondering if the report I read from John Hopkins Institute concerning AB positive/negative blood types has serious validity, as I can't explain her failure to contract the virus from me any other way? Any plausible thoughts on this one?

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Anyone know if this testing company is legit?


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How does a later variant “displace” an earlier variant?

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In this case, it is much more transmissible (infectious)

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