I'm sure that many of us went to school during a time in which people brought their shotguns to campus and left them (probably unlocked) in their trucks. Many of my friends (and myself) learned to shoot when we were around 6-7 -- and the #1 rule is that you don't get to shoot if you don't take the gun seriously -- it's not a toy.

What changed?

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You are correct! Almost every pickup truck had a gun on the gun rack. Opening day of deer season was an excused absence. It is so interesting how no one ever went into the school to shoot it up. I also know of kids carrying their guns on the school bus for target practice held in the basement of the school. It's not the guns, it's the culture.

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There seems to be a correlation between mass shootings snd mental illness. Potentially combined with “mind altering “ pharmaceuticals. Time to stop the experiment, it didn’t work

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Agreed. Many of these mass shooters were on ridalin, but it won't get reported in the news. Can you remember any kids with ADD or ADHD or autism when you were in school? Why so many now?

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hundreds of childhood vaccinations and...throwing out all teaching of ethics and morals

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Our entertainment is mostly about people killing people. The console games give points for each person killed. Not the whole reason. But children raised viewing the carnage have to feel somewhat oblivious to the impact of violent death.

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I've carried my ski poles on a school bus. Does that count?

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Only if you were a responsible ski pole owner, who never let their poles get into the hands of a mentally disturbed individual, whos intent to harm others with your poles.

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What changed? The radical leftwing communist totalitarians disguised as Democrats took over their party, the society, culture, academia, entertainment, many churches, i.e. most institutions within our culture, but especially the federal government. That's what changed.

They embarked long ago on an insidious but relentless, gradual indoctrination of the population by becoming progressive more lenient of criminals, who frequently used guns to commit crimes. Then, the darkest agents in government sought out and enabled mentally unstable psychopaths and emotionally fractured young people to commit mass acts of violence with (mostly) legally-owned guns, immediately after which the Left screamed out against firearms using the mass shootings as justification for bans.

So part of the population, who had not realized that it was a Leftwing propaganda effort bolstered by "engineered" mass shootings, became increasingly tolerant of government efforts to interfere with the Second Amendment. An archery ban is just a "gateway" law towards gun bans. That's what happened. (IMHO)

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The long march through the institutions......

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Don't forget the agent provocateurs...

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I think we're referring to the same entities....

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Yes, of course, and the shoes are frequently a big tip off

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Not to mention the telltale earpieces & short haircuts....

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Gvt issued sunglasses?

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I have heard from one authority I have some trust in that some organization is paying an annuity to the surviving families of mass shooting perpetrators, at least in Texas, in order to encourage them much like Hamas bombers in Israel. This is second hand and I can’t prove there is any truth in this, but if there is it explains a lot.

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Way to say it, brother.

IMHO, is also IMHO

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Some "legal" questions:

The 118th Congress (slightly dominated by our newly elected Republican Representatives in the House) began AFTER this Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), was passed by the 2022 Congress! (1) Is this entire law appropriate for today? (2a) Could any portions of the law be partially amended? (2b) For example by adding, "Professional, supervised training for students 10-17 is specifically allowed)? (3) What would it take for the BSCA law to be either modified/amended, repealed in part, or repealed in whole? (4) Can any of that be done by only the House? (5) If so, which Representative might be willing to sponsor an Amendment or repeal Bill?

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

I see where you are going with your suggestions and I think that your ideas are good. However, the first requirement for ANY Congressional Republican will be to "grow a pair" and stand up for what's right. I see hardly any of them exhibiting much testicular fortitude these days outside of tough-sounding emails when they're begging for dollars.... Until we get some bold patriots in there, I'm not sure any of them would be willing to bring these ideas up in session.

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What non-school groups, private or public, teach firearm and/or archery classes to people under 18? Please list any you know of.

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The NRA has classes available, Pheasants/Quail Forever, check with your local gun clubs or large outdoor stores like Cabela's. There are groups who welcome youth and are more then willing to get kids into the outdoors.

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I wouldn't even know, I don't have kids :(

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Get married and have a few. They can take care of you in your old age.

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Actually I know seniors still supporting their kids.

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And we wonder what is wrong with our society!

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deletedAug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023
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Think nebraska was #27, but dont hold me to it. NJ is doing everything possible to stop us from carrying. Old poodle hair murphy just hates anyone here who believes in freedom.

He needs a few more covid jabs to clot his arteries.

I can hope, no?

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T. Very Christian remark , don't you think?

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He murdered 8,000 people by intentiomally sending sick people back into nursing homes, and you want me to think christian thoughts?

Really? So God just accepts and forgives pure evil, and says, " oh, you were bad yesterday, please be good tomorrow, just for me ?

Yeah, okay.

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"Vengeance is mine, I will repay". You want to wish harm to another being? God just watches us humans suck the life out of compassion, understanding and "He needs a few more covid jabs to clot his arteries" Nice death wish. Very Christian.

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Thank you so much for clearly pointing out that the "being" (you did not say human) who euthanized 8,000 of my fellow humans, friends, family (yes my friends and family), countrymen, is forgiven to live, a long, happy, and existence in your eyes. Conversely I, who simply desires for the world to be removed of (free of) such provocateurs of evil, suffering, and death, be judged by you to be "non christian"

I guess his demon brother of NY who killed an estimated 27,000 fellow "human" beings should have your forgiveness, or ignorance as well?

Just asking.

You desire for me to ignore, or forgive what these parasites of humanity have done to us, correct? That would make me more "Christian", right?

Just trying to understand better your train of thought here, as i want to better myself in your enlightenment.

Shall we offer our forgiveness to all the other demons who released this pathogen into our world's societies, enabling the suffering, the deaths of millions? Would this make me more "christian" by your standards?

Just trying to understand .

We are all surrounded by evil, which has permeated the ranking positions in our societial hierarchy. I would hope we could both agree to that statement.

Ignoring them, forgiving them, wishing them long and happy lives is your perogative, and I wish you well with that perspective.

Back to me, just to finalize your thoughts, here:

By your standards, a man who lived his entire life, who has never physically harmed any another human being, who spends his free time helping others, is considered "non-christian" for his desires to live in a world free of demonic entities .

How am i doing ? Do i understand you correctly?

Thank you so much for edifying me. Im grateful.

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"Tons and tons of Americans love to shoot stuff"? Like what? Each other?

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deletedAug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023
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Don't be condescending, did you read my other posts?

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Off topic, but we all need a bit of good news: The Bank of Canada has backed off Central Bank Digital Currency, saying it has no useful purpose at this time and citing that 14% still have problems with internet access so it wouldn't work. They also cited that Canadians like cash. At least 50% carry some cash in their wallets- so they do notice! Keep paying with cash! . No mention of a recent Bank of Canada survey to which I expect most respondents replied: "Over my dead body!". We'll take this small victory for now, which I suspect is also because Trudeau comes up for re-election in the next 24 months and polls indicate the Liberal Party is in big trouble.

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I've lived in Toronto for five years now, though have travelled all across Canada. Trudeau is a disgrace to the hard working people of this country and I don't see how he's still standing. Everything has been thrown at him: the truckers, the poor polls, the blackface, the endless boos and jeers, and now the divorce. I gotta give the guy some credit, he somehow still maintains that smiling face he's always had. Get ready Turd-eww: we're coming for ya.

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He's standing because the WEF is behind him.

At least now he's free to date any trans man he wishes, since his wife finally jumped ship.

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This is great news for Canada. Thank you for sharing it! First the Canadian truckers show backbone, and now the Canadian cash users. AWESOME!

For other ways to resist (in addition to keeping cash alive), check out the Global Walkout at https://globalwalkout.com/

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Close your Amazon, Paypal, and any other online retailer account, and buy local. I closed all my accounts out, and do everything possible to buy from my local mom and pops.

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I agree in principle, and definitely avoid Paypal and as many "woke" online companies as we can. We do all that we can to buy local. Unfortunately (or fortunately) we live in a rural area where we have few mom and pops or retailers of any size. We also pay cash whenever we can and we bank at local credit unions -- IN PERSON -- whenever we can.

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Whenever we can is the important part.

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Your absolutely right. Amazon is an addiction.

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Betwwen my personal and business purchases, i regularly spent over $10,000 a year on amazon. The ability to type in anything, and have it on your doorstep is beyond comprehension. I ordered an atlas for a state we travel through frequently. Ebay was my only choice. Almost a week and a half later, im still waiting. If I purchased it from Amazon, it would have been here a week ago. Luckily I'm not in a hurry.

Fulfills the need

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Thank you for some good news.

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We need to be aware of the bad news so we can be prepared and counter it, but I think a little good news is good for morale. :)

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Thank you for this good news!

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I do not own a gun for several reasons. One, they scare me. Two, I have a hair trigger response to idiots and I am afraid I might shoot one as a reaction to comments they make. I do however, surround myself by many law abiding citizens who are well trained to bear arms. When I went to High School in the 70's, every farmer's son drove a truck with a gun rack. I was never afraid of them.

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My wife used to be in your camp. She has since come to a different realization.

This opinion, or "fear" was changed by the process of education, training, and actual use and handling of weapons by a professional. She no longer feels the same, and actually feels way more comfortable around people with guns, then without, and that's because her education process about firearms was well done, and has refined the fears into knowledge. You could do the same if you wanted to, but that's your call.

How did this occur?

Well, after she realized I had possessed firearms since 911, she's been through the initial safety courses, and yearly training classes which we do together, several times a year. Funny thing is when we both started practicing with our trainer (former LEO), she turned out to be way better with her shooting skills than I was.

Unlike what most think, It's not that I had years of training and she was better, but being "male", (which I actually know what that means), my thought process with actuating a firing mechanism (trigger) is way different than a female's (which I also know what that means) thought process.

Men tend to want to "mash" the trigger, and squeeze the handle, while females want to very gingerly or precisely pull the trigger back to actuate the firearm. The trainer said that a very large majority of "Couples" (meaning when a woman and a man are together), the woman usually outperforms the man when it comes to accuracy at hitting paper targets.

My wife no longer feels safe when I'm not with her, traveling around our little town, going to the store, or whatever path she's required to take, unless I'm now tagging along. The other day, she was at our local supermarket, picked up a handful of groceries, and within seconds of her getting back in her car, and (luckily) locking the doors, a man tried to open the passenger side door of her car, and enter. She had no idea his intentions, but if I had to guess, he wasn't there to swap stories about what soap opera he was watching earlier in the day. Luckily, she as able to pull away, and leave the scene, unharmed.

What now ?

My wife wants to obtain her CCW license, that I personally have had myself for quite some time. Our society isn't getting any better with liberals in charge, and this is intentional, and all part of their plan.

BTW, you say you have a hair trigger ? That entire feeling changes once you realize the personal responsibility you take on when you become a CCW licensed citizen. Any feelings of being a hothead completely disappear when you're finally out there in the world, exercising your 2A. At least for me, and people I know, that's how it's evolved for us.

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I have been thinking about a change with regard to gun ownership. I belong to a conservative ladies group and one has a spouse who is the gunnery ranger at our local firing range. He gives group lessons to women or he would give private lessons to my husband Jim and I as a couple. We are thinking about it, but I really do not like to be forced to take on another thing unless I have to. I also recognize that I am running out of time to ensure that I can purchase a gun and the ammunition to make it useful.

Thanks to those who took the time to actually respond to my dual fears. It helps me realize there are times when we have to make tough choices.

I was physically assaulted over 30 years ago, so I am extremely careful about my surroundings. I will not approach my car in a parking lot if there is a panel van or any high-profile vehicle parked next to me. I go back in the store and ask for an escort. I am 5'10" tall and physically fit. I am not afraid, just very cautious. When I walk, it is with my taser strikelight and my 85 lb. husky. We walk very briskly, but I stop to let him sniff every three minutes so I can look in all directions around us. I am sure that I seem paranoid, but I have been this way since my assault. Maybe it is time I reconsider a gun.

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I too came late to gun ownership.

I have always been of the opinion of it is better to have something and not need it, than to need it and not have it, so 🤷 I convinced myself.

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Glad you are open to it.

A professional makes all the difference, especially if you start from the beginning with a pro, so you do not establish bad habits from,the start.

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You get a REAL respect for the weapon when you take good lessons.

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I was 22 when I got an Anschutz (German made) 22 rifle. I still have it and added scope later. In 2009 I bought a 22 pistol. I could practice with both on my own property from the back of a pasture down toward my huge manure pile. A neighbor has his own range in his back yard designed for back yard shooting. My horses got use to it then he moved to TN. I no longer shoot because meds give me a tremor that affects my trigger arm the most. My red point moves around like a child's crayon scribble.

I've had my own recurve bow since the 70s. Always had straw bales set up in the yard for shooting. Best to first mow the grass low though!

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This is what happened to me! I’ve lived in Commiefornia most of my life (trying relentlessly to make changes but that’s another story) and my Dad taught me how to use a gun at 7 years of age. But after that early time, I didn’t use a gun and became frightened of them. Then COVID struck and my husband and I looked at each other and thought, due to all the craziness, time to get a gun and get properly trained. We bought guns and we’ve been through three classes for training and now go regularly to our local shooting range to practice. I’m now not afraid of guns, I just have a healthy respect for them. Also, I’m going for my CCW. After the invasion of our borders, crime has risen exponentially in CA.

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I'm in Chicago. 2020 saw suburban housewives buy guns. Most vote as Democrats however they felt they needed to defend their home and children. It was a wake up call. 2020!

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"Know thyself." Bless you for knowing yourself but also understanding the value of well-armed & trained patriotic friends.

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I used to feel exactly as you do about guns. But then, I saw the state of America and the world and realized I had to at least learn to use one. (Of course, one must find other ways to deal with idiots who use names to hurt you.)

You can find some excellent videos about gun safety, selecting a gun, loading a gun, cleaning a gun, aiming and shooting; you can even practice at home with laser "bullets", so you don't shoot holes in the wall, hapless spouses, kids, or pets. Then, go to a range and practice with a target so you know exactly how a gun feels and sounds when you fire it. Having the confidence that you can defend yourself or a loved one -- even if you never fire your gun -- is important

Always respect the gun and what it can do (cars kill too!) but be aware that you may not always be in the company of trained, law-abiding citizens. You may have to be the trained, law-abiding citizen for someone else.

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I respect that position Deanna. I have a liberal friend who is scared to death of guns and thus, thinks that no one should own them. At least you understand there is a need and a right to bear arms. I love guns, shooting and hunting with them; learned early in life.

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Women are too-often scared of guns. People who take lessons from an experienced firearms teacher, learn firearm safety, which will teach them control over any inappropriate responses.

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I don't have a gun and would prefer not to need one. I would feel safer if many of the law-abiding folks in my community were armed and trained, but few choose to be.

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"every farmer's son drove a truck with a gun rack" The need for the firearm has not diminished over time. What I often see is one scouting their herd with the rifle laying across the seat with the barrel pointed into the floor boards. So much safer with the window rack, but who needs the harassment the rack would bring.

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I too have a hair trigger temper. I lived in the Adirondack mountains for several years. Where people kill their own meat. Every kid 7 and up knew how to take care of a gun. It was a safe place. No homocides. Now I'm in Chicago. You know the rest.

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The Left operates from the premise that the Constitution is past its sell-by date, and that it should be ignored because it was written by "old dead white men."

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truth spoken

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Yeah, old dead white men that had incredible insight into the human condition and recognized that the power of the federal government had to be limited.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

As I understand it, one of the reasons the founders wanted to abandon the Articles of Confederation was because a defense against invaders could require a unified response from all States, as opposed to each State making its own decision as to what role it would play in such a defense. Thus, Madison says "a WELL-REGULATED" militia, being NECESSARY to the SECURITY of a free State (read State or Federation), the rights of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed. The fear was that the Central government, with newly acquired regulatory powers over State militias could turn those militias against the people. But Hamilton argued that as long as the PEOPLE had the right to bear arms, there was no real fear of that.

That seems to explain the seemingly strange wording of the amendment. Of course, now, the Central government has weaponry far advanced beyond our own. and yet still they seem to be afraid of citizens owning guns! That's all you need to know. The generation of the founders lived too close to the war of secession from Britain to have forgotten the truth entailed in the Reagan quote you provided. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

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Do any of our states have their own State Militia?

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I think they may be called National Guard? When I was in OR I believe they did have something like a state militia.

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Yup, 6th and 7th grade @ Como Park Jr High, Minn. Gun safety classroom followed up with bring your own .22 cal rifle or pistol of your choice with parent approval to shoot live rounds in a 50 yard/ 7ft high/ dirt floored/ basement of the school. This was a prerequisite for small game hunting state wide. And for those young men that would one day serve this nation with specialty ballistics arms at your side and in your hands/ locked and loaded/ trigger ready aimed for business. Well trained!

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Government: It is the problem to the solution.

"If government took over the Sahara Desert, there would soon be a shortage of sand"

-Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize winning economist,

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Totalitarian takeover disguised as pandemic response.

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Absolutely right Ned B.

1. 2017, Days before Barack Obama left office, his DHS under the ruse of “Russian interference” in the 2016 election as an excuse to declare election systems as critical infrastructure thus part of FirstNet which was created in 2012 by Congress. The Election Assistance Commission’s (EAC) had 3.5 years to get that done before Nov 2020.

2. 2017, AT&T offered the FirstNet Authority “preemption services” on its entire cellular network. “Preemption” would give FirstNet customers priority on AT&T’s network, ensuring they would always have service on the AT&T network. Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint soon followed suit.

2. 2019 Jan - Aug Dr. Kadlec of HHS led the exercise "Crimson Contagion," which imagined a contagious disease that originated in China and spread globally after nearly three dozen tourists were infected and returned home. The hypothetical outbreak spread quickly through the U.S. after an infected person attended a concert packed with thousands of others.

3. 2019 April The EAC Board of Advisers held a meeting to discuss “disaster management and recovery when elections are disrupted by natural or manmade disasters.” They were urging election centers who had not already linked to FirstNet to do so.

4. 2019 Oct 18 The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the WEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise in New York, NY.

5. 2019 Oct 7th International Military Sports Council “more than 9,000 military personnel from over 100 countries stayed in Wuhan in accommodations at an athletes village built specifically for the games.” https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/gop-report-says-wuhan-military-games-spread-covid

6. Moderna's Covid gene jab was patented before 2020.

7. 2020 March - National Security Council (NSC) is officially in charge of the US government’s Covid policy. NSC Security Advisor, Robert O’Brien hires Debi Birx from the State Dept to work the White House.

This skeptic thinks the ‘get Trump out of office’ USG, CCP, WEF and WHO colluded to plan the virus release and the draconian responses. The USG also used FirstNet to ensure Trump lost the 2020 election.

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Thank you, Shelly, for illustrating my quip with these details.

I've included your comment on my meme post with the same title:


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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How many times is common sense to be ignored? Guns don't kill people, people kill people. If a person is going to kill, nothing other than a more powerful deterrent will stop them. Lets cut off everyone's hands so no one will be strangled.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

They are not interested in ‘common sense’, their entire interest lay in disarming the American citizenry.

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Looking at the lefts intentional disregard for what has made America the greatest country in the history of the world it’s no wonder to see the state our country today. One statement I never thought I would hear an American president say is no amendment is absolute (Joe Biden). They have basically killed the first amendment with censorship, jailing demonstrators, closing churches and businesses etc.. So it’s only natural to kill the second amendment. Years back I had some company shirts printed that say The first amendment today The second amendment tomorrow? Amazingly it hits the nail right on the head.

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The 'left' doesn't hold what built and sustained this nation in disregard, at least not in an absent minded dismissive manner.

Rather, it seems the left despises what Made this nation what it was, at it's peak. Back before the 'War Department' lied, and changed their name to the 'Defense Department'. The only thing American largesse (credit, since the gold is all gone. The the covid lockdowns eviscerated our industrial spirit. Our credit was/is dependent on our industriousness).

What American 'tax dollars' do now is make enemies of allies by coveting and then killing. The American people are decent, unwilling to require others to provide for them. 'Tax dollars'... that's a laugh, now that the basis for trust in the entire enterprise that made canon of the monetary system, is utterly corrupt. It is peopled by the worst sort.

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I was born into a poor family. No television so we didn't know it. We immigrated here in 1959. My parents were proud and hard working. Never believed in taking a dime we didn't earn ourselves. When I told my widowed mother she was probably eligible for food stamps .she looked at me with disgust. Advised me she would starve first. All my husband's hard working friends feel the same way.

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Indeed! I believe that is what being American means: you produce your very best and provide greater benefit to society more than you take.

All voluntarily and judging your success againt yourself, and not others.

Good for yer ma.

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Sad 😔

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When I hear Capitalism criticized I often wonder if any of the critics read history. The reason so many young left those they loved was Capitalism. They believed it gave them a chance to advance beyond the economic place they were born into. In a coalmining village a boy knew his future was down the pit. Only one offered to him.

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I agree with your assessment that the second amendment is the best way to assure our liberty and that it SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!

I also agree that socialism is a failure for all except those at the "top." Not only has it been tried and failed in all the countries you mentioned, it also has been tried in America, notably the blue states and cities (and some red ones) that are abject failures for all who live there and all who flee them. Take a look at San Francisco, Seattle, Philadelphia, Portland, New York, Washington, DC, Boise, and so many others.

Now the disagreement: The federal government should not fund OR withhold funding for specific school programs. Instead, education funding and how those funds are used should be a state issue -- no strings attached.

States must wean themselves from ALL federal funding for education and anything else that the Constitution does not explicitly put in federal hands (for example, the feds should be -- but are not -- protecting the states from foreign invasion and all states are now suffering from this abdication of federal responsibility, especially the border states).

States have become so accustomed to feeding at the federal trough that they mostly have failed to notice the noose being tightened around their necks. For example, the USDA school lunch program now feeds migrants (https://www.fns.usda.gov/cn/opportunity-schools) and requires specific woke language to accompany announcement of such programs; no woke language, no money (https://www.fns.usda.gov/civil-rights/usda-nondiscrimination-statement-other-fns-programs). You may lose your appetite entirely when you take a look at the USDA home page priorities (https://www.usda.gov/).

The Department of Education -- and most other federal bureaucracies -- must be dismantled. The states can and should handle nearly everything the federal government is doing now. If the states don't have the money and it's not a federally appropriate responsibility, the states must live without the federal money and find another way or do without -- just as most families USED to do.

Bottom line: States must say "NO" to Federal money and live within their means. And the feds must stop collecting taxes from everyone only to have those taxes redistributed to states (or countries!) that squeal and snort the loudest or whose elected legislators find ways to grab the most money. Period.

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Totally agree. I mentioned before how l.b.j.s great society insisted school systems hire black teachers so their numbers reflected the % of black citizens to keep the fed $s and how houston school admin was busting its butt to comply. My thoughts back then was precisely what you said....tell the USG to pound sand. They were wasting the money they already had big time but willing to kiss l.b.j.s butt for more. Disgusting!

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Actually, I have to say, that after Johnson, the black teachers I had at my formerly all-white high school, were competent and very good.

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Being good was not required tho.

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There are really good teachers of African American heritage. Its not by color.

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This is an issue in and of itself, the completed (since Obamacare) federal takeover of State powers and those of the people. Republicans vying for President have listed the federal institutions they were eliminate for the last three elections cycles . . . even RFK Jr. has said he is the only President that could straighten out the CIA. That sounds like a death wish.

Now that the feds have control of elections, the reds states that have been pushing back and finding ways to drop out of these programs will become fewer as we coast to the NWO finish line.

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Until the jail doors have closed, we must resist. The first step is waking people up. That has only just begun.

Most officials in both parties at the federal and even the state level have been compromised by power, money, or threats. So our best hope is meeting in person with neighbors and officials at THE LOCAL level.

Citizens must make the effort to be active and engaged, not just vote occasionally and hope for the best. For example, last night, we had an amazing parking-lot meeting after an official school board meeting. We talked in-person with our school board superintendent, board members, a county commissioner, a teacher, and others who (admittedly) are conservative but need to know the community and individual citizens are willing to help them take the country back, township by township.

Our efforts may not work, but NOTHING WILL WORK if we don't try.

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Great post. The Left has been active in most communities since those focused on Agenda 21 have been recruiting and training them. This is how they infiltrate school boards, libraries, city councils, land use boards, etc. It is also how they infiltrate seminaries that train pastors. Everyone else is minding their own business.

Every community needs a JBS person to educate in the neighborhoods. It has all the resources and assistance to do just that. Small groups around the nation can facilitate the changes needed. The Left has done this with 10% or less over time. That's all it would take to form an effective opposition.

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Agree, RFK is the bravest of them all....

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No, that was the man that shot Liberty Valance. He was the bravest of them all.

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My Granda was a coalminer in England. After the war they brought in Socialism. He said it didn't work. It didn't. Why can't Americans read history and determine this fact. Or is it that those pushing socialism have their own agenda!

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When I returned from my service in Vietnam, as an army officer, I worked in a library in Fairfax County, Va while preparing for medical school at UVA the following year. I worked at the checkout counter for the books. A former Cuban lawyer, who knew Castro personally and was part of the revolution stood next to me and we had ample opportunity to talk about things. He told me that Castro told people after the revolution that “we are free now we no longer need our weapons, bring them down to the armory.“ We all obeyed. ‘And Joe, that’s when people started to disappear, if anyone criticized Castro.’ This Cuban immigrant told me ‘never let them take away our Second Amendment, Joe, or we will all regret it.’ Any attempt to reduce our rights to possess weapons responsibly should be seen as a sign of a socialist/communist government. We should never tolerate restriction of those rights.

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Hitler stripped jews of citizenship. Then passed a law, no non citizen can posses a gun. History tells us the rest.

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Exactly. My father a US Army cartographer during World War II had personal pictures in a family album of the concentration camps. Because cartographers had cameras they were ordered into the camps to document the atrocities.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Dr. Malone:

Great issue to address. I always enjoy your writing. A few observations on this critical issue if you don't mind. 

As set forth in the debates at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, as well as in the Federalist Papers (see No. 46) and the debates in the First Congress regarding the Second Amendment, the Militia clauses of the Constitution and the Second Amendment must be read together and seen as a delicate balancing of interests. 

The Framers recognized the need for an Army (not the same as a citizen's militia) for national defense, but saw a standing army as the greatest threat of tyranny (which explains the funding restriction set forth in Article I, Section 8, Clause 12). Therefore they built into the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 16) a Militia. The hope was that a robust citizen's militia --  consisting of the leaders of the community and under the control of the state governor -- that was able to "execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrection and repel invasions" would make a standing army unnecessary. 

Moreover, as discussed at length in Federalist Paper No 46, a state run citizen's militia would serve to check federal government overreach under the dual sovereignty system established by the Constitution (powers never ceded to the central government by the states that created it are wielded by the states, allowing the states to act as a check on the federal government).  

As long as the President had to call forth the militia from the Governors of the various states, there was a state/federal check and balance in place to prevent the President from engaging in military adventures, and also preventing federal overreach.  

Two quick historical examples:

1. The Whiskey Rebellion, 1791 to 1794. President Washington "called forth" the Pennsylvania militia to quell the Rebellion and Governor Thomas Mifflin said no. He was not having the Pennsylvania citizen's militia fire upon the citizens of Pennsylvania who refused to pay the federal excise tax on whisky. The Rebellion was settled via negotiations. 

2. The War of 1812. President James Madison "called forth" the militia from several states for the purpose of invading Canada. Several state governors relied upon the plain language of Article I, Section 8, Clause 15, to take the position that the President had no authority to deploy the militia in foreign adventures of conquest. Canada was not invaded. 

The right to bear arms, as set forth in the Second Amendment, was seen as the fulcrum upon which this balance rested. That is clear from the debates regarding the Second Amendment as set forth in the Congressional Record of the very first session of Congress under the new Constitution. The Framers considered it obvious that if the right to bear arms could be restricted by the federal government, both of these checks they so carefully built into the system would evaporate. 

Accordingly, the right to bear arms from a Constitutional standpoint actually does not have to do with self defense or hunting at all. It has to do with ensuring a robust militia so that 1) a standing army is not required, and 2) states can effectively check federal overreach. 

With apologies to the late Justice Scalia, the idea that the Second Amendment is to allow citizens to defend themselves entirely misses the point. I can defend myself with my 9mm Sig Sauer quite effectively. But I would be rather ineffective at counterbalancing the need for a standing army were I restricted solely to my Sig to do so. A careful review of the historical record leads to the conclusion that citizens of the United States were expected by the Framers to work together through community based organizations to effectively defend themselves, their families, their communities, their states, and their nation. The Framers further anticipated that those citizens would never be limited in the arms they chose to deploy to do so, and to "keep" or own and at all times control, those arms. 

Hence the language of the Second Amendment that: 

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. 

The future envisioned by the Framers was indeed precisely the case until the Militia Act of 1903, when Congress executed a major power grab, and turned the entire structure on its head. But that is a story for another day. 

All the best to you. Keep up your excellent and very inspiring work. 

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Thank you George, I needed that. I love the history of these enactments and this was very comprehensive.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone

Not to bring up a sore subject or encourage debate, but I wonder if your being someone who advocates "very" conservative viewpoints like this firearms issue could be part of why some people have it in for you. We have some people in the medical Freedom movement who are pretty liberal about a number of other issues.

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Jennifer, there are many issues that I have heard Dr. Malone talk of, that would be considered less than Very conservative. If there is an intolerance of points of view not aligned with ultra conservative, then we don't have freedom of thought or expression. So much for not encouraging debate...

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You misunderstand me. I said that to Dr. Malone, because I didn't want Dr. Malone to think I was trying to encourage a debate about a sore subject. My comment is Freedom of Speech and so is yours. Peace.

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"Well-regulated" meant 'operating properly,' not the modern 'government-controlled,' at the time the words were written. Clocks were described as being well-regulated, for example. So the training component was key, such that all male citizens ages 16-60 were required to own a serviceable firearm and to bring it and the associated ammunition and equipment to mandatory unpaid militia training, which occurred every few months. I'd love to see it done again, and I challenge anti-2A people who worry about 'gun safety' with just this notion. The unorganized militia does still exist in federal law, too.

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Just read the Heller decision. If you REALLY want to understand the 2nd A, read the Federalsit Papers. It is very clear WHY we have a 2nd A and WHY the Democrats want to abolish it. Without it, all other freedoms protected by the Constitutiona and the Bill of Rights are useless. I say protected because the Constitution and the Bill of Rights do not GRANT us those freedoms. We already have them. They are in place to protect us FROM any government (as the Democrats are showing now).

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