If people who have a vitamin D3 blood level above 50 ng/mL are not reporting to hospitals with Covid 19 symptoms, isn't the first step to ending the Covid virus teaching the public about vitamin D3?

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well, you'd think that, wouldn't you? That's the #1 step I take.

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If this had *anything* to do with health, you'd be right.

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But that wouldn’t make pharma any money. Pfizer just purchased a reasearch company, one of whose specialties is heart problems. So cause a problem with one product and supply another drug to treat it.

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This raises a lot of questions. Why are we all that concerned if natural immunity may not be as effective against omicron if the variant is much milder? Would getting infected by this enhance natural immunity even more against future variants? As our immune system builds resistance against more variations does it make it more robust?

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Dec 5, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for answering the questions we all have in a simplified condensed form. It's like the Cliff Notes version of studies we can share with folks who are still hypnotized by MSM fear porn. We need to rescue the misinformed to join us in saving ourselves & your two cents is priceless!!

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Call me a conspiracy nut, but how does a variant that is so vastly different somehow take a foothold in a region of the world with such low infection and low vaccination rates out of nowhere? The explanations I've heard to date don't jive with prior virus evolution that I have read. Something seems fishy... Given all that has happened to date, I don't think we can dismiss the possibility of a timely lab escape.

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Interesting from the Chinese dissident who was persecuted for claiming COVID-19 came from a lab leak. https://twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/status/1466623050024058883

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Great article. My understanding is that the "hazard ratio" represents the relative risk of reinfection with the given waves, compared to reinfection risk from the original virus. So the hazard ratio of 0.71 for 3rd wave, for example, means that reinfection risk is even lower for 3rd wave, than for the original virus causing infection. This is good news for all naturally immune.

They they say that reinfection hazard ratio for Omicron is 2.39. It means that the risk of reinfection, for naturally immune people, is quite a bit higher (2.39/0.71 or about 3.3 times higher) than reinfection risk of previous waves.

This is bad, however we need to keep in mind that reinfection risk was very low to begin with: per article, 35,670 suspected reinfections were identified among 2,796,982 individuals which is only 1.2% original reinfection risk.

If this is increased 3 times, reinfection risk would become only about 3-4%, which is of course bad, but still pretty decent, compared to the vaccinated or Covid-naive people.

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Dec 6, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Especially given that the severity of all Omicron infection seems to be very low.

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Thank you that was very helpful

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Does anyone know what % of the COVID tests are actually sequenced to see which variants of the virus are present in a population? So when they "we had our first case of omicron" is it really like they sequence 1 in 100? so a single omicron is really like 100 cases? or 1,000?

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Curious if the prophylactic and early treatment protocols with zinc, D3, Quercetin, HCQ, Ivermectin, fluvoxamine, etc still work against Omicron and future variants. If so, could this help bolster the push for early treatments since vax and previous infection aren’t protective?

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"The estimated hazard ratio for reinfection versus primary infection for the period from 1 November 2021 to 27 November 2021 versus wave 1 was 2.39 (CI95: 1.88–3.11)."

Is this the ratio of reinfection to primary infection in the current Omicron wave? Which is to say that 2/3 of all Omicron infections are reinfection?

Or is this the ratio of reinfection to primary infection of the current Omicron wave, compared to the rate of reinfection vs primary infection of the previous waves? Which is to say that reinfection is 2.39 times the *tiny*, *miniscule* numbers of reinfection found in previous studies in Israel and U.S. (Cleveland clinic, IIRC)?

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Have you seen this doc:: ?? Cyprus Scientists Discover Combined Delta and Omicron COVID-19 Variant Dubbed ‘Deltacron’


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