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Today, I hit a minor milestone (for me, anyway). I now have over one million followers on Twitter. That means in less than two months I went from a yearlong Twitter ban, to coming back on with under a half million followers, to this new milestone (thanks Elon). If you add in GETTR, GAB, and Truth Social, the total sums to 1,658,300 followers.
Who cares? Why does this matter?
This is an army. We are all or can be PsyWar Soldiers. Twitter is one of our battlegrounds. Twitter has become the domain where political opinion is shaped. Where the boundaries of the Overton window are defined, for the US and the world.
There is no one “leader” in FifthGen Warfare- this type of modern war requires a decentralized battle landscape. I do not seek to be “the leader” and never have, and I suggest that any who seek that role are (by definition) both not qualified to assume it and intrinsically dangerous to the whole. The logic of a centralized command structure is obsolete, 20th century thinking. We can all be leaders, and we can all be warriors. The success of one on any particular day does not diminish the success of others or of the overall enterprise. We must all stand together, or if divided we shall hang separately.
The more people we reach, the more opportunities we have to wake up the hypnotized, to alert the persuadable middle of the peril which they and their children now face. Every voice matters, and if we are aligned we can become a powerful choir which can only be silenced through the most crude, ham-handed censorship methods. Only about 10% of the population in the original thirteen American colonies became active in the War of Independence from a mad British king and his Imperial monarchy, but that was enough.
What are we fighting for?
We are fighting for free speech, individual sovereignty, national sovereignty, medical freedom; this is a worldwide freedom movement, or a better description might be a Worldwide Freedom Alliance and the objective may be defined as NWOexit (pronounced: noexit). An offramp from the “New World Order” expressway which the WEF, G20 and UN seek to lock us into driving down at breakneck speed.
Never forget what they have done to us “for our own good”, in the name of public health.
Never forget that they will do it again, whenever “they” view a threat as a public emergency: this is the nature of the New World Order, of Totalitarianism, of Fascism.
Our coalition keeps building.
Yesterday, Jill ran the statistics for the Substack readership for the month of January. (Yeh, my wife likes numbers -pretty cool, huh?). Although we had a pretty good “idea” what our viewership is, it was nice to see some hard data.
Her summary numbers represent totals of two groups: 1. direct email subscribers and 2. readers from other tech platforms (excluding other news sites and email shares).
Total average daily views: 624,258 people (January 2023) - (keep in mind that some days during January there were no posts, and those days were not averaged in.)
Total monthly views: 18,739,161 (18.7mllion) people (January 2023)
Not included in these totals are the known republishers of our work, which include The Brownstone Institute, USSA News, Daily Skeptic and others (these not included in the total or average views analysis above). When these sites republish, the substack essays probably reach another 200,000 people a day reading via these outlets.
Just to say it once again, Jill and I thank every single one of the outlets and organizations who republish our work with attribution to myself and this Substack.
But it isn’t just “this” Substack; it is many, many Substacks, newsletters, social media posts and aggregator sites all working tirelessly to spread truth in the face of the almost overwhelming wall of controlled corporate media and big tech censorship. Such a force that the current White House is trying to deploy computer algorithm-based artificial intelligence tools to suppress our voices.
We are a free people. A proud people. A hard-working people. We demand to be left alone to live our lives, raise our families, and to worship how we wish.
The only way that I believe we can achieve these objectives is to work together to demand a smaller Federal government footprint, consistent with the US Constitution which they so flagrantly circumvent, disregard and demean with their actions and corruption. We need to legally box in and starve the Imperial US administrative state into retreat. If they have money, they spend money. If they can print money, they spend money. Not just on wars, but on regulations, new laws and new ways to “protect” us. We honestly don’t need that much protection.
Anyway, back to our good news.
What is most amazing to me about those summary numbers is that Jill and I, working together with a few associates and part time employees, are now reaching more pairs of eyeballs (on average), more daily reads on our Substack essays than CNN had (average) daily viewers for the first week in January (BTW our first week numbers also beat theirs).
Let that sink in.
With no advertisers, no commercials, almost no staff, no support - Jill and I beat CNN. Some might say, is this a competition? And the answer is - Damn right it is!
And yet we have no sponsorship, no advertisements, and almost no outside recognition.
This is a competition for the hearts and minds of Americans. Jill, myself, and the many who are aligned with us demand integrity and decency, respect for both individual humans and humanity, for a return to normalcy, for a return to a country that puts its people and its nation first. For a return to strong morals and traditions that include a strong commitment to our constitution and Bill of Rights.
On our Substack, we built this viewership without the help of Google and big tech. Worse, they impeded our progress. Most browsers make it hard to find our Substack essays. Facebook, Linked-in censor and shadow ban even my name. For the most part, a Google search using “Robert W. Malone” generates filth and lies. The first Google search page has “National Enquirer” type articles written by the legacy news media in the early days of the Pandemic. They don’t update with anything new - just keep the fake fact check articles and smears up front and center.
To my knowledge, the big news aggregators, such as Real Clear Politics, The Hill, Washington Times and Breitbart have NEVER run even one of our Substack essays.
However, we owe a big thank-you to the following aggregators who have highlighted our essays and directed traffic our way: (we love you people).,,,,,,,,,,
Jill and I put this Substack essay out almost daily (I think we have skipped five days in the past three months). Sometimes we put out two essays a day. We write them in airports, hotels, planes, conference green rooms and at home. Hundreds and hundreds of essays, all free to any readers able to access them from their country. No subscription fee required, but about 4.6% of our readers CHOOSE to pay a monthly or yearly fee to support our work.
The resulting modest funding stream is pretty much all that we live on now, and we plow the funds back into our efforts to help the world make sense out of what we have all experienced. After deducting travel expenses, the cost of our part time labor, and the expense involved in continuously upgrading our broadcasting infrastructure, we are left with a modest net revenue stream for a senior physician, similar to what we used to pull in from our consulting business. Jill essentially works as an uncompensated volunteer.
So you can appreciate why the accusations of “grift” based on these activities are unjustified, and really just yet more “chaos agent” hate. And the stream of constant hate (much of it grounded in jealousy) is truly amazing.
We get up at 5 or 6 AM and start talking, reading, analyzing. We usually stop at 8:00 PM. We like to work - and we are on a mission to save the world. I think everyone who subscribes to this Substack is on that same mission.
Last year, we each travelled around 400,000 miles on commercial airlines. We paid out $130,000 to airlines, restaurants and hotels, most of which we were not reimbursed for. Then there are costs of operating a farm remotely. So, we paid a lot, and I mean a lot, to do what we do. But we get so much in return, and we are able to provide our essays with a depth of global insight that I think is important. The travel is both a burden and a blessing.
Then there are the podcasts and interviews. I do three to five (sometimes up to eight) podcasts and interviews a day during the weekdays. These podcasts and interviews are really important to get our message out. Those probably reach at least another 200,000 - to (occasionally) 1M people per day, with significant overlap with our social media followers.
For those that don’t know, as a techie - my STEM dopamine hit for the last three months has been building out a commercial-grade broadcasting and recording studio. That is finally finished, and I am now broadcasting from a three camera Sony system at 1080p and 60 FPS, which meets or exceeds most current broadcast requirements. Skype and the more commercial podcast tools can handle this, but unfortunately Zoom just cannot cope with that size of a data stream, so I have to switch back to broadcasting directly from a computer camera at 1080p 30 FPS for that platform. Getting to this point has required an enormous effort by some amazing volunteers, who have spent countless hours running fiber, building servers, figuring out monitors, computers, video cameras, cables, server interfaces, and integrating it all into a reliable, usable system. And by the way, our firewall computer has to deal with a constant, amazingly large stream of attacks every minute of each day according to our volunteer IT specialists who have made all of this possible. And without the support from our paid subscribers, none of this would have been possible. Thanks to each and every one of you. You have made it possible for us to transform an old (1945), falling down cinderblock pig barn into a modern broadcasting studio with old-world flavor.
Green room (prep and casual interview).
Main studio
It has taken an army. We now also have hired a person to help with editing, proofing, short clips, etc.
So, with the studio now in hand and already broadcasting, I am proud to announce that in March we intend to launch two podcasts a week under the production banner of:
“Who is Robert Malone”
The first weekly podcast will focus on analysis of current topics with medicine, science and public health policies being front and center, and with a particular focus on new genetic modification (gene therapy, genetic vaccine) tech and the often overlooked ethical issues associated with this brave new world. The show will be a mix of monologues, in-depth interviews and roundtable discussions.
The second weekly podcast will be in-depth interviews, discussions, interviews and monologues on current topics, politics, news and cultural trends.
The focus on both of these podcasts will continue to be from a US constitutionalist framework, with a particular focus on resisting corruption (including fascism), censorship, propaganda, and supporting sovereignty, Worldwide Freedom and NWOexit being important touch-points.
From where I sit, it looks to me like 2023 is off to a great start.
I am optimistic that the truth is getting heard. That the numbers are shifting. That people all over the world are finally waking up.
Thank you my friends. It will take an army of PsyWar soldiers to win both this battle and the overall War for our freedom, and I am glad to have this group in the trenches with me.
Our globalist overlord opponents thought that they could deploy modern military grade fifth generation warfare methods, technologies, tactics and strategies on all of us with impunity.
But we are still standing. Damaged by their pathogens, drugs, “vaccines”, censorship, gaslighting, chaos agents, lies and intentional efforts to divide us. But still standing.
Now is the time for us to walk forward, decentralized but together, towards a bright future that we choose for ourselves and our children rather than the dark, transhuman, forth industrial revolution-driven fusion of man and machine which they seek to shape for us. One in which they believe they can optimize their computer algorithms to finally make a command economy in which each contributes according to their abilities and receives the benefits of that economy according to their needs (excepting the Overlords, of course). Their 21st century Marxist workers paradise.
The gross mismanagement and pigs-at-the-trough opportunism of the last three years clearly foreshadow how that will work out if we let them have their way with us.
Let’s prove them wrong. Let’s see if we can transform this disorder into an opportunity to build a Great Awakening that can move us forward towards fulfilling the full potential of the Human Species. A new morning. Together. Beyond resiliency. Antifragile.
Never forget what they have done to us, what they continue to seek to do to us. And never forgive what they have done to our children.
Thank you for your tireless, extreme effort to save humanity and preserve freedom!!!
Stay strong and keep at it Doc.