Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022

I think the positive polyanna stuff is good but this is a stretch. The difference today is technology. Man has always trended toward corruption, that hasn't changed. BUT the fact they can create drones, phones, internal tracking devices, push jabs that kill and likely load you with nanotechnology and the like, I just have no idea how things are going to turn out fine. We're going to be able to get all this technology into the hands of good folks? That would be the only way and I have to laugh at even the thought of that. Good men do not do what needs to be done to get rid of bad men. It's like guns. Bad men will always have them. Good men follow rules and give them up. The good man on earth can't win.

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The author Simon Black closes with these thoughts: "It's okay, because there's something better coming. We don't know exactly what it looks like, but it will absolutely be based on a true story."

He's confident something better is coming. Even if you agree with him, you can't discount, we may have to go through a lot of suffering to get to the something better.

And if that happens, some of us aren't going to make it.

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Quite right, at this point we are still in the midst of a failed civilization in so many ways and on a global scale ; it is hard to imagine that there is a "something better coming" with humanity facing so many obstacles, much of it of our own making; human history and evolution have had their share of "true stories", the founding of America being a shining example, but I'm certain the Founding Fathers wouldn't recognize it as it is today; a future "true story" would have to involve a restoration of the principles of personal and national sovereignty but also with the recognition that man(kind) is not the measure of all things and never was; our troubled world is desperately in need of redemption and, as you say, we may yet have to go through a lot of suffering ...

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I partly agree with you, but the technocrats are as vulnerable as we are WHEN THE LIGHTS ARE OUT. They may be able to run their systems with generators but there would be nothing to control. We should also object to the monopoly of Microsoft and refuse new computers automatically being equipped with that system. Good men will not do what the bad are doing but going out of the way of bad men by using different systems could be a first step. I for one haven't used Google for quite some time and rather refer to the many research media in book form available to me.

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Sure. But that's not happening. Even Trump stayed on the committee Twitter network until they through him off. No one refuses anything. Sure that's the point. Refuse msft. Soon you'll refuse everything as f you'll be living in the fringe in this new society.

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Sorry - reach inside and find some courage and hope - if you decide you are going to fail before this even gets seriously started you become part of the problem. Look for solutions that put you and your family into a better position.

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Sorry for what? Courage? I have more in my foot than you likely do in your whole body. I see very clearly what's going on. I don't need to reach to do anything. I'll last longer than you, believe me. I'm going out swinging. I am not sucumbing to anyone. I'l fight to the death if that's what it takes. You're the one that needs to check yourself. You're hope is going to kill you and make you unprepared. The end of days are here and no amount of hope is going to change that. BUT you do you and I'll do me.

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I am a mother - I have plenty of courage. And I can have hope because I am prepared. And since I am a Grandmother... I sincerely hope you do live longer than me - swing away! Be well.

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Very insightfully stated!

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“There is one human story. Dressed in new clothing and using new tools, we endlessly relive it. If we read philosophy, literature, history, poetry, and theology – we see greed, hedonism, and hubris easily defeat empathy and reason.” – The Last Act of the Human Comedy – Chris Hedges

“The most important point to be made here is that as long as we remain egocentric beings, there shall always be sociopaths and psychopaths among us, who inevitably rise to authority driven by selfishness, greed, and apathy – who then capsize their entire sphere of influence despite the best intentions of all the rest of us. This perpetual cycle can only continue its descent until we undergo the spiritual and cultural transformation available by transmuting the egocentricity at its root.” – The Project


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Men are too fallen and dedicated to it.

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Thank you for this beautiful link. Sometimes when recognizing the philosophy of our situation there is the need for Intuitive Intelligence of the practical kind to step in and uphold and rescue these ideas. Anyone who has written an 'Emergency Plan' for their work environment will realize how much we have moved away from natural instincts.

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Technology just accelerates the same outcomes.

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That's what I'm saying. And perhaps you know were just putting an ! on it. Which is fine.

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Technology can accelerate the good as well as the bad. Those who give up their guns or other tech tools aren't necessarily good, just complacent. Lazy, even. Every technological advantage is always quickly overcome by new technologies. No one controls invention but ourselves.

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Who is ourselves? You and I control nothing. It will be technology that enslaves us, becuase it can. It couldn't be more obvious. Furthermore you're missing my point or I'm not being clear. Good men will not do what bad men will do. Bad men will do whatever it takes to get ahead and the good men will not do what it takes to stop the bad man. IF a bad man will kill, rape, plunder, threaten, and rig to name a few but a good man won't, then what? Guns were just an example detailing what happens. In every country they took guns look what happened? It's not about giving up guns specifically, it's about good and bad men.

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We're all bad. Most of us are usually restrained enough that we think ourselves good. Mostly a matter of circumstances. When society collapses, we'll see new depths of bad, in ourselves and others. We all have as much control of our circumstances as we choose to acquire. I use technology for my good all the time, as does everyone I know. No one controls us unless we permit it. Those who avoid tools are likely to be controlled by those who don't,

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I agree but again, whose talking about you and me? It's all good.

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That too. Hard to keep up as a human.

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Well said.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nice story. Maybe the shining new world will be awesome but it’s going to be built on the devastation of all of us right now. We are going to starve; go to war; have nothing to keep our freezers full of food going; no money so properties will be confiscated and people will die trying to do that; sickness from lack of food and energy. He doesn’t talk about all of what will happen, first, before his new world crawls out of the mess. That “first to happen” stuff would be us. I would like a different story for right now. A way to avoid the collapse part and the tyranny part. Just sayin’

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ForestDi56 - Me too! Apparently, the way to avoid the collapse and float to the top is to be able to purchase your way to the best spots and meet up with the other $$$ ones able to afford whatever it takes. Having one/several of those Second Passports Simon refers people to would be part of being prepared, as would financial and psychological agility and flexibility.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for sharing his article! It is stunning!! History is always relevant and can’t be left unconsidered.

Have you seen the article by Daniele Ganser that he published recently? It’s about the coup in Ukraine on the 20th Feb 2014 with the title „With the Maidan coup in February 2014, the pro-Russian Yanukovych government was forcibly deposed in Ukraine and replaced by a pro-Western one. Exclusive print from Illegal Wars“ (Text is in German but worth reading, even with translator) https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/die-initialzundung

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Thanks for this link. Here we can see that history repeats itself again and again.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a superb essay! The historical parallels are amazing.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a wonderful roller coaster of a ride through history and economics!! He tries to end on an upbeat note but neglects to point out that there is often a period of centuries of chaos and darkness before a new stable system emerges. And on a purely grammatical note, I wish the editors or proofreaders could realize the rather huge difference between the “raising” and the “razing” of a city. They got it wrong twice. Autocorrect and spellcheck are ruining language.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A comment by another Sovereign man:

It is absolutely clear that from the Paleolithic time period 7000 years ago - to today circa 2022 AD -

NOTHING has changed the nature of the Homo-sapiens species of envy, greed, hubris and hegemony,

or that all conflict (war) is fought over property (real estate) land and water.

Note the graphic image Mr. Hickman included with his description of the walled "fortress" presumably built by those early human beings to protect their land (property) from outside incursion by other tribes; and that at some point that protective, walled fortress was burned, destroyed and that the former inhabitants vanished. The war between Russia and the Ukraine (today) is being fought over who OWNS/controls the contested property (real estate) - of which the Ukraine has copious amounts of fertile land and precious minerals.

Fast forward to Mr. Hickmans laments about the so-called "Federal Reserve" and its (current*) trustees....indeed it IS true as he asserts, that the Federal Reserve - a group of PRIVATE BANKERS, created in 1913 by the Democrat president - Woodrow Wilson - and his Democrat controlled House & Senate, granted a MONOPOLY for these bankers to PRINT FIAT PAPER "money" (which was at that time still backed by gold and silver COIN )- as proscribed in Article. 1. Section. 8. of the United States Constitution, that sez: "the Congress shall have the Power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin , and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures". Note that at that time -( with deviations by the 1932 edict by the Democrat president Franklin D. Roosevelt for CONFISCATION of ALL gold coin and bullion held by PRIVATE US citizens; and 1960s edict by Republican president Richard M. Nixon* to discontinue the former Gold Standard )- there was a prior law that LIMITED the amount of PAPER dollars that could be printed in ratio to the quantity of GOLD held in the Fort Knox Depository. ...in other words a LOCK on the quantity of paper dollars that could be printed annually. "Tricky" Dick Nixon* - the Republican president "officially" UNLOCKED the "Fed" printing presses - which have hummed along pretty much almost DAILY ever since.

The U.S. CONGRESS - like it ALWAYS does, IGNORED its RESPONSIBILITY to the U.S. Constitution and the American people, and handed over the MOST IMPORTANT element in our country - that being CURRENCY (money) to a so-called "semi autonomous " body, i.e., the Federal Reserve that de facto CONTROLS and HAS controlled the ENTIRE U.S. economy since 1913!

Some may recall a time in America when a Democrat president - "Jimmy" Carter* - and his Democrat controlled House & Senate went on a spree of spending U.S. dollars - not like drunken sailors, but exactly like drunken SOCIALISTS - that led to DOUBLE DIGIT inflation and DOUBLE DIGIT INTEREST RATES that all but paralyzed the U.S. economy by 1982.

In more recent times, another Democrat controlled House and Senate with money being controlled by Barney Frank in the House and Christopher Dodd* in the Senate led to the Housing Bubble burst and under Republican president George Bush and his secretary of the Treasury - Henry Paulson* - led to another gazillion dollar spending spree to PAY BACK the BANKERS for having to make NO DOWN PAYMENT HOUSING LOANS that DEFAULTED all the hell over the country - in order to "make the BIG" banks solvent again and "too big to fail" - at U.S. TAXPAYERS and DECADES of generations expense!

And THAT led to 8 years of other Democrat president - Barrack Hussein Obama - and his Democrat controlled House & Senate - and the most anemic "recovery" of the U.S. economy since the Great Depression from 1929 to 1941 ( Which WAS initially caused by the FEDERAL RESERVE TIGHTENING the U.S. money supply )! Good INTENTIONS (are) NO excuse for incompetence and abject stupidity.

*It just so happens that all the names above with asterisks* just happen to be members of (a) "NGO"

Non-Governmental Organization called the "Council on Foreign Relations" - which also includes the TOP Federal Reserve Chairmen including Ben Bernanke, Janet Yellen, Jerome Powell, AND our "president" Joe Biden - an economic illiterate who has NEVER in his adult life held a real job in the "private" sector - where REAL wealth and jobs are created.

Anyone who actually "fact checks" the names above (via the CFR members roster), will know the truth of my comments.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A very interesting offering. It seems like a part of your explorations on how we might consider in developing better tomorrows. It has definitely contributed to my fund of knowledge and perspectives. Where the world has been, the travails its lived through and overcome. Where we are now and the outlook if an effective evolution isn’t envisioned and pursued. I get the impression that the immediate question is whether we are forced into one world Schwab temporary solution or we evolve in small groups with solutions (like our constitution and bill of rights?) that we take up and eventually come to share. The long term perspective is somewhat soothing. If only the “peoples” foolishly/perversely pursuing climate change, adverse energy policies and destructive health guidance could be overcome.

You (no doubt our good Doctors) are so appreciated! My “Overton Window” is wide open for the perspectives you keep offering us. Thank you!

By the way - was so pleased to hear a positive mention of your book, on my radio station this morning!

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wow! Thanks for that bit of good news!

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We have some short segments. This was part of the segment by "The Institute on the Constitution.." They repeated it again just now. My guess is our "Radio Guy" passed it along to them. We are for you and your success!

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for publishing such an interesting essay. I found it thought provoking to say the least. The best part was looking at the really big picture. Given our current state of affairs, that is so much better than watching the slow collapse of all that we hold dear.

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Interesting point….when Moses parted the Red Sea that was a very warm period of time on earth and the level could have been very low. Much like California drought is seeing as Lake Mead level drops. Histories poetic license….from “dropped” to “parted” makes a more interesting story. Look at earths temperature history chart below.


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Of course it's a COMPLETE SCAM. and even though the lot of us know, it doesn't matter. In continues unabbated.

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There's no data either way as per the sea-parting, it's only people saying what they themselves decide is possible or not, much better to tell the truth, which is, say, it's not provable either way. It's in the past and there was no undeniably accurate video. Matter of faith to deny or believe.

Maybe better is to look at things that are provable? Like the Isrealites getting their promised land back? go find a pre-1948 bible and read it directly.

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Yep. Agreed.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Extraordinary essay with... quite uplifting grand finale!

Also, WWIII has been postponed - it wasn't Russia that killed 2 Polish people; provocation attempt has failed. Swift denouncement of president Duda was priceless.

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Great read - good information and allows for another thread of thought - that people won't cease to exist, but the system probably will - and that is a good thing. We have Schwab, insisting that he can and will do it better than all those before him - for the greater good of 'the people'... only he doesn't really think of us as 'real' people. He is wrong - being a cerebral being with nasty intentions he will defeat himself because he doesn't really 'know' what a wealth of humanity people have inside them. But if we are able to hold out - find and thrive within out micro communities, then I have hope. That is a great thing. Find community, buy seeds like you are growing food to save your own life - put away things that are relevant and focus on what will save yourself, your family and your future. It would be interesting to move forward 10 years and continue this conversation.

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Thank you for sharing this article! I look forward to reading it later tonight!

Hope you don’t mind me sharing this information on Lawyer Todd Callendar’s case in Colorado-


Come and be in the gallery NOVEMBER 18, 2022 at 8:30 AM in Denver CO US Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit, Courtroom 2, or participate in the live stream broadcast. This is a momentous day with the oral arguments in the lawsuit against the Department of Defense on the unlawful mandates for experimental EUA products in the military that have so weakened our military readiness and damaged our national security. Todd Callender, a member of the Truth for Health Foundation Legal Advisory Council, major legal resource helping in our mission to rescue hospital patients trapped in the COVID death protocols, and frequent speaker on our programs, will be arguing this case on critical issues that affect all of us. Todd and his legal team ask for two things:

1 your prayer support for the Judges to have open minds and rule fairly on the legal issues, and for the safety of those arguing against the powers that have forced these mandates on the military and civilians.

2 He is also asking those who live close enough to come to the court and sit in the gallery to show there is public support on this case and that We The People are present in our court to seek redress for unlawful actions by the Department of Defense. The address is Byron White United States Courthouse, 1823 Stout Street, Denver, CO 80257. Phone 303-844-3157.

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TUNE IN today to https://www.youtube.com/c/theuscourtofappealsforthe10thcircuit at 10:30 AM EST as our attorney Todd Callender continues to fight for our rights and freedoms while bringing corruption to justice.

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Tell us more about them in your words!

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I also enjoyed this story, especially since it is so relative to our current society. I know basic finances, & the "old, demented guy" in DC has been destroying our country! He is clueless about finances! Printing money over & over, rising interest rates, rising prices for goods & services, will not help anyone, obviously! It is a shame that many job skills, in so many job trades are lost!

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So, you think that "old guy" is singlehandedly making US financial decision? You don't think there is a council of advisers representing various national/global aspects that must be taken into account?

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Of course there are advisors making these financial decisions! He, the old guy, is just the puppet! I was born in the morning, but not "this morning"....

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To think clearly about interest rates, one must stop to consider the questions: why do creditors and equity owners seek positive real after-tax returns on their investments in the first place, and why are users of such funds willing and able to pay such positive returns? How is this a win-win relationship?

The basic answers to these questions are that productivity isn't simply a matter of having labor/natural resource inputs available and of having suitable technologies for combining such inputs for producing desirable outputs. Productivity is also a function of how much time is available for transforming inputs into outputs, and of how much tolerance for uncertainty there is.. Positive real after-tax returns are what compensate investors for furnishing the time and uncertainty-tolerance to the structure of production.

An act of thrift--one's restraint of present consumption--coupled with investment spending does not injure production (nothwithstanding lots of Keynesian nonsense to the contrary). On the contrary, temporarily reducing demand for immediate consumption makes it possible to shift inputs to boosting capital goods formation and lengthening supply chains, and making supply chains more robust against occasional disruptions. This produces *more* goods in the long run and raises the real incomes of the owners of productive inputs, notably the real wages of workers. Free market interest rates balance these benefits of greater productivity against the costs of taking more time and bearing more uncertainty in achieving results.

On the other hand, the act of creating fiat money out of thin air, or creating bank deposits out of thin air, doesn't add any time or uncertainty-tolerance to production. When the Fed and the fractional reserve banks create money to spawn artificially-cheap credit, they are just bidding up the price of capital assets to unsustainable heights and misallocating them, and subsidizing free-loading elites and their assorted minions and clients, not doing anything productive. No real thrift has taken place, and in fact is discouraged by the artificial reductions of interest rates and by subsidies for backing government promises of economic security and bailouts.

If we are to free ourselves from the stagnation of capital consumption, the waste of bank-driven boom/bust cycles, the injustice of predatory Davosian elites feasting on the creation of fiat money and fractional reserve money substitutes at the expense of productive people, and the catastrophic risk of a hyperinflationary collapse of the entire global economy, we must end the fiat money/fractional reserve money creation rackets, and let genuinely free markets set interest rates by balancing the supply and demand for thrift instead of tolerating production-warping/wealth-concentrating interventions by monetary central planners.

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Inflation affects the world ... Bet Mao 4.0 was quietly thanking Sun Tzu @ COP 27 that they had bought a VPOTUS 10 yrs ago ... He'd probably be twice as expensive today

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022

Sure agree that whatever the truth is, it is the truth. Agree that there's some sort of newness that's on the way, it's self evident and most can feel it, regardless of position or response. The discourse pencils beyond that though, which calls for caution. Strict empiricism devolves into a study of one's own mind when extended to realms of the unprovable.

Respectfully disagree that it's "just happening." It's been largely foretold. The increasing flow of intrinsic difficulties are allowed, orchestrated, and vectored to raise big-time personal awareness regarding what's actually trust-able, to give people a chance at actually selling out to the One who came to offer a wonderfully close relationship with Him beginning now and extending into preferred eternity.

There was an intersection in the writing, regarding a piece of wood, if only it had dovetailed into the dove's tail.

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