Feb 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent! Well said! Thank you for your strong stance for freedom and integrity.

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Can you link to the “smearing post” you referred to? I would like to take a look before accepting your characterization. I strongly disagree that Glenn is practicing disinfo. He was one of the first to call bullshit on the Russiagate narrative that we now know was invented from whole cloth by Democratic Party operatives to impede the Trump administration. He is an expert on geopolitics especially when it comes to the IC.

That is not to say he’s perfect or that we must accept his statements uncritically, and Havana Syndrome is well outside his wheelhouse. I am comfortable criticizing his outright dismissal here, and I have been disappointed in his slow response to the revelations of globalist facism over the last year. That said, I have seen no evidence of intentionally working to discredit those revelations, so I attribute it to his unfamiliarity with the topic, and I do hope that he is getting caught up.

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RemovedFeb 11, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022
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You already posted these links, I asked for a link to this: “That attorney also wrote most of the discrediting entry on targeted individuals at rationalwiki.”

I have a different take that isn’t quite such a wild accusation. My read on it is that Glenn is rightfully suspicious of state propaganda outlets such as NBC and CNN given their deep involvement in the Russiagate narrative. Since there has been scant evidence presented thus far around Havana Syndrome, it probably looks to him that blaming Russia for it is part of the same narrative. That said, automatically jumping to outright dismissing it as a real phenomenon is unjustified. So to reiterate, that seems like a valid criticism.

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I have been angry with Glen Greenwald for a long time but I now see that he is questioning "the vaxx the world narrative" and I am hoping that he will begin to open to the full truth emerging as the narrative crumbles. He could be a powerful voice in the favor of the people's power. I'm not saying he didn't do wrong, but I see a change and let us all have the chance to change our minds and sides.

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RemovedFeb 11, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022
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EC, I dislike the fact that I now am associated with Glen's icon on the left here. How is Glen associated with this syndrome? As for coming late to the party, he has shown that he can move beyond his previous ideas and beliefs--not easy to do as Mateus Desmett has made clear. I'm grateful for anyone who can wake up and shake up the narrative.

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You should take your personal crusade against Glenn off other peoples' posts.

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This is a beautiful message for us all. Integrity is a hard thing to come by these days. Thank you for this wonderful post.

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Powerful stuff, this 59 yr. old guy just shed a couple of tears....Thank you Canada, Thank you and Thank you Dr. Malone for all you have done, and will do ..we will get through this

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Please allow me to join my voice with yours to finish your last sentence. Together. We will get through this together.

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Stay strong truckers!

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So much respect for these truckers! We in the US owe a lot to them too. Thank you for your bravery and commitment to freedom!

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Joining with you in gratitude to the Canadian truckers and all patriotic Canadians bracing the cold to support them. Over the past three weeks I have fallen in love with these brave, resourceful, clever people.

For those willing and able to help the cause, please go to their new crowdfund site they were forced to resort to. God bless GiveSendGo for stepping up and offering their services:


Edit: Just made this discovery:

"The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has granted a request from the provincial government to freeze access to millions of dollars donated through online fundraising platform GiveSendGo to the truckers' convoy protesting COVID-19 restrictions in Ottawa and at several border crossings."

And this response from GSG CEO:



Know this! Canada has absolutely ZERO jurisdiction over how we manage our funds here at GiveSendGo. All funds for EVERY campaign on GiveSendGo flow directly to the recipients of those campaigns, not least of which is The Freedom Convoy campaign."

No limit to the depth of subterfuge and sabotage taking place, nor the noble resistance of those offering crucial support. The Canadian truckers must be supported at the boots on the ground level to cover their most essential needs as much as possible. Be careful where you send your money. The people we are fighting have no morals and they are very smart.

I did send a contribution to the GSG Freedom Convoy 2022 fund. I hope it helps them.

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God Bless you Dr. Malone. God Bless the Truckers.

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The Canadians did the impossible-they woke up from psychosis trauma that is pounding the world into submission. All who survive this nite mare owe all our tomorrows to these brave spiritual beings who in that freezing environment have shown the world the way. Rave on brave forever sing your song. Thank you Dr Malone for being there for us.

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Really important points, Michael Kramer, and so well said! “Psychosis Trauma” is well turned nomenclature — and multi directional.

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Thank you, Dr. Malone, for assuming a responsibility that you could have ignored. We are forever in your debt.

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Amen! ❤️

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You Rock!!! Canadian Truckers Thank you!

🙏🇨🇦❣️!! Dr Malone you and your wife are awesome 😎

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I am Canadian and so proud of our brave souls who have made it their mission to challenge the false narratives of the Elites in Ottawa.

For now the ruling class are fully & completely oblivious to the massive impulse that is building across Canada, we have become aware, we are not amused, we will stand up and add our voices to the chorus of Freedom Fighters. We will not fail in our quest.

The fight is on, the traitorous twits have no idea what awaits. Canadians will unite like never before, we will raise our collective voices and drive out the usurpers who serve the the Party of Davos. We know who you are, we are over the target and we will not flinch.

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Thank you from every nation on Earth!

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for these beautiful words. Our Canadian truckers, are good, brave, God-fearing men and women. They are hard working, love our country and have always known that we are and have always been, the peacekeepers around the globe. We all love and respect you Dr. Malone. God Bless!

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The power of the pen is mightier than the sword. Thank you for wielding your pen so mightily.

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Your integrity shines forth.. It is so lacking in those with power. But integrity is like truth.. It can defend itself.. Thank you for being a voice for those of us who have felt the risks of the vaccines from day one, and we're shamed for having concerns. We may have not had the educational knowledge of what could go wrong, but knew it was not going to be a miracle and had high risks. I am a parent and have not vaccinated because of uncertainty and have been marginalized. But I have held firm and you have given cohesion to so many of my thoughts about this..

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Good for you Kim!

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Indeed the science is settled concerning genetic COVID vaccines. And early treatment of COVID using existing drugs as well.

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Freedom for the citizens & Nuremberg 2.0 for the Covidian cabal.

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When it comes to the First Amendment, Joe Rogan has NOTHING to apologize for. None of us do.

As for the truckers: Conservative freedom-loving truckers should deliver to red states and blue truckers should deliver to blue states. A little "nudge" from America's patriots. Let's Go Brandon!!!

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Excellent suggestion because, judging from truckers I know, blue states will not be getting many deliveries. Which might just wake some of them up.

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Toronto apartment dwellers and urbanites are going to get really hungry if Trudeau tries to have his way!

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if only we could be so lucky as to see some woke people wake up !

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GREAT POST ! and yess -- we still need to see LET'S GO BRANDON -- bleeping EVERYWHERE !

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