Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Many electronic systems don't allow a firmware rollback for security reasons because it reintroduces a known vulnerability and all a hacker has to do is roll back your system to then exploit it. This is why companies constantly want to upgrade the OS and firmware in your phone, TV, computer, etc. The idea of rolling society to a new version of "firmware" without the ability to roll back is bad enough, but it is even worse when the new firmware causes that society to crash! But to the current "handlers" the crash seems to be a feature - not a bug.

I really hope that the malicious firmware they are trying valiantly to inject will not lead to a civil war. Unless you are completely anesthetized, the tension in the air is palpable.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Definitely need to take a break and absorb about half way through…impressive again

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That is what I am going to do as well. I have already had a long day.. will share after I read this as well. I heard International restrictions were lifted but driving around today in NoVa people of all ages had masks. not children thankfully. :)

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Jun 14, 2022·edited Jun 14, 2022

I am in Northern Nevada in a very conservative community and am beginning to see people wearing masks again. When you go to Reno, it is bluer and the mask zombies are more prevalent. In Las Vegas, even more so. The correlation between masks and those subscribing to Leftist ideology is nearly 100%. The only real discrepancy I have seen is among the conservative elderly who have been scared half to death into thinking the mask and the jab are the only things between them and certain death, even if they watch Fox 24/7.

Today, 2-3 people in the grocery store were wearing masks and even one in their car - alone - which to me is the absolutely litmus test of insanity and fear and the earning of a lemming merit badge. I remain open to anyone, anywhere, showing me convincing evidence that masks have a statistically significant impact on infection rates. This entire two years has been an exercise in unthinking herds playing Simon Says and leaders becoming intoxicated with the adrenaline rush of watching people kneel, rise, and kneel on their command.

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because I jettisoned cable TV more than 10 years ago... a great move.. I sometimes look at my tv which is in the living room and never had one in any bedroom.. and think I am paying the bastads to pump this crap into my house. I am retired and older.. but because I worked in medicine and understand about "group think" and all that you said I knew day one when I got Adrian Bond's White Paper on the Covid vaccine. a younger scientist, constantly being de platformed me alerted me to it because I pay attention to all things in virology. the blue diapered faces is totally appropriate and like you said the manic adrenalin rush of controlling other's lives is sick .. anyway will be upbeat today.. :) it is Flag day. and food is on sale RFOL. :) take care..

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I believe your last sentence is a description of what Mass Formation does to large groups of people. See Mattias Desmet for details.

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At an appt with NP today, she had a mask on and said she will continue to wear one permanently bc she has been less sick than she used to be pre-covid when she never wore a mask. She said now when she thinks how she was constantly up close with ppl who were sick, coughing etc. without one now seems to have been short sighted. How could I debate that with her?

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whatever .. :) I am going to see my sister today who is homebound, has same issues right in her home with nurses aides.. etc. and frankly.. I think they should wear masks.. yeah.. most of them are not American.. let's put it that way.. who knows what OTHER DISEASES THEY could have .. no I am going to be nice today.. BE OF GOOD CHEER.. hope your appt goes well.

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For all the talk we hear about "science", your NP's posture is decidedly rooted in anecdotally driven behavior. It's a bit like saying "I was listening to the XYZ podcast on the way to work yesterday and I noticed that I hit all the green lights for once. That settled it. I'm going to listen EVERY day from now on because I'll get to work 10 minutes earlier!" As many of us learned in college: "correlation is not causation".

If it were me, I would probably ask her for the supporting science of masking and why she believes a paper mask is going to stop a virus.

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also.. I am not afraid to meet my maker. :) that is along conversation.. however it is shocking to realize that people are afraid to die.. death will come.. it is really about LIFE QUALITY.. as you well know.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh my God this is staggeringly profound.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert, thanks for sharing your megaphone like this.

I now grasp that much of my discomfort, not just of the current narrative, but of societal and individual narsciscism, is due to values being abandoned. I get it.

Values are learned in infancy and childhood. We are herd animals, and the greatest value most learn is to stay with the herd, the clan, the tribe. Step out of the group results, for most of evolution, in death. So the narrative propels us along our merry way towards the precipice, add most people hug to the herd heading over the cliff.

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it's not that values have been abandoned, it's that different values have come to the fore. Everyone has values, not just "Values voters."

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Slightly off topic, but actually on topic as well--did you know Justin Bieber's wife had several small strokes (as did my cousin, AFTER the booster), and NOW Justin Bieber's face is paralyzed with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome--which IS associated with the SARS Covid-2 mRNA vaccination? Teachers are reporting seeing children in class collapse with grand mal seizures. A 33 yo friend of mine got a blood clot in her ankle after the booster, and now even my own PCP (with whom I originally got in a fight when I refused the vaxx) has seen so many blood clots, that he HIMSELF won't have e any more boosters. Additionally several of his vaxxed and boosted staff have gotten Covid (sometimes twice), and have NOT had the promised "mild case" either. Look at the Queen. She's boosted, yet has been too ill to participate in much of her Jubilee celebrations. OK. NOW I'll read your article, Dr. Malone!!!

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yet these people are under the delusion of "Mass Formation Psychosis"..it would seem.

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Yes! I've left comments on all the Bieber videos I saw today, pertaining to the association of the vaxx with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome, and I suspect he'll never read them, as they'll probably be deleted. But even if he DOES read them, will he BELIEVE IT???

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no. The hypnotic effect is massive. It will take ....everything...all the corruption that has been going on FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS to be exposed. And taken down. The jab is just the TIP of a mammoth iceberg. In my view

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This is an apt description of The Great Reset, which has been in the works for a LONG time.

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This is amazing. I wondered about this, and could not help but compare it to the "most untimely" death of one of our favourite Sons here in Australia. (for those unfamiliar, Shawne Warne was one of best cricket bowlers of all time, very famour and actively promoted the "vax".

He would have also been fully jabbed as a sportsman AND flying all over the world".

Found dead, alone in a foreign land. no known heart problems (despite media reports to the contrary, but then, thats the narrative we all expect). I can't find out why!

I have to ask (I already know the answer) WHEN IS THIS MADNESS GOING TO END!

Great comment Karen and fabulous article Dr Malone, Thank you both.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

WOW. Thanks Dr Malone for letting us know about PANDA. Sounds like a great group to support.

Recently I have noticed that we are getting incomplete information on almost all current issues. Vax benefits without the side effects, Down side of Fossil Fuels without the enormous benefits, benefits of solar and wind power without the down sides, down sides of gun availability without the enormous benefit in preventing crime etc. Propaganda by simply leaving off half of a cost benefit analysis.

Now to solutions. We should not forget the States may get together and change the US constitution without needing Washington or all of the blue states. An amazing unused check and balance. It's called convention of States. Just need 38 states. https://conventionofstates.com/

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Obama's plan of ..what? reinventing America is progressing. Mostly, I surmise, it because he is actually RUNNING the country.

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There is already such a process--tort law. Get some lawyers and sue in friendly venues...it worked against Big Tobacco, Asbestos and a lot of other powerful interests--but it takes time and money and smart lawyers. Fraud is illegal. Misrepresentation is illegal. Conspiracy is illegal. Anti-competitive practices are illegal. Etc. Bog them down forever until they collapse from death of a thousand cuts. You will also need to spend some money on a PR campaign, free media won't do it alone...top lawyers will know how to do it.

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Maybe that’s one reason they are trying to destroy the justice system.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is the most easily understood answer to the question of "why did they do this?" I have come across. Thank you for presenting it. I won't forget the 3 M's. Intelligent people can subscribe to them, even though they are flatly wrong. Its really hard to stick with this pure logical argument, though, because of emotional toll: the number of people that needlessly died due to the propaganda, including at least one friend of mine.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Brilliant, thank you for sharing. The video at the end of the article by World View is definitely a good one to watch….. I have already shared to many.

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I just listened to Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity interview CJ Hopkins author of “The Rise of the New Normal Reich” and he discussed what’s happening as Globalcapitalism has to usher in a very ugly totalitarian system to achieve their ideologies. The global shut down has nothing to do with a respiratory virus. It’s about crashing one system to install another system that has the hubris to think it can control universal laws, like 2 biological sexes or cheating death with technology. I’m bracing myself emotionally for things to get worse before they get better.

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Though Nick Hudson says "you don't need to identify one person or one body at the heart of the whole thing". citing "the World Economic Foundation, Bilderberg Group, and the World Health Organization, but the Atlantic Council, Council for Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, the Geneva organizations around the United Nations, the Bretton Woods organizations in the world of central banking, the Bank of International Settlements, the IMF, the World Bank; all of them are on board here" --- since one encounters predominantly the same individuals in most of these groups (over many years), with some interweaving between groups and individual governments, including the EU, it would suggest they share very similar goals, interests and thus an agenda, which has been planned longtime. I'd suggest it does indeed make sense to lump them all together, as all being on board for what we have and will continue to be subjected to. Did one solitary individual member of any of these groups raise a single objection to policies adopted during the past two and half years?

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You can't raise objections if you want to remain a member of the "power and wealth" club. My guess is that most of the members of that club are greedy, narcissistic sociopaths -- elitists one and all.

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so, no critical thinking allowed. Huh. That club wouldn't work for me ;)

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I should probably explain the origins of my comment. Yanis Veroufakis was elected Greek Finance Minister. Thinking he had a mandate, he tried to get the country's unpayable debts dismissed to save the Greek people from crippling austerity. Christine Lagarde told him he was right but she could never say it publicly. A prominent US economist urged him to become an "insider". The only rule in being an insider, he said, was to "never criticize another insider".

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I would suggest it goes back to the foundations of our country, and before that.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Brilliant and accurate, IMHO. Thanks for posting this Dr.M!

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Epoch Times has a new episode in the Headwind series; this one an interview with Robert Malone, Geert Vanden Bossche and Mattias Desmet. Beautiful, thought-provoking and encouraging! https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/headwind-the-round-table-discussion_4511384.html

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What our overlords want is a world full of zombies. They sure have plenty of them but they’re not going to get us!

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EpochTV, Facts Matter, an interview with Dr. Yeardon. Terrifying. Or watch the James Bond movie of 2021 "No Time to Die."

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Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022

I feel a little less crazy listening to that article thank you. For those interested I listened to it with a free app called voice aloud, you can use it to read any text or a website it's pretty cool if you enjoy educating yourself which I know everybody here does

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What an impressive article. A useful tool to share with those on the 'other side' who claim to value knowledge, science and truth. Thank you.

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