Dec 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When I saw this "Document", I thought , okay I'll take a look. That was a long time ago because I couldn't stop reading. And when I got tired, I skimmed to see how much more I had to go before finishing. A lot to go, and I went back and read it anyhow. I sit here full of emotion and tears come to my eyes, to once again "grok" what has happened, how, and why and the cost to those in the know. There is no way to convey my immense and deep appreciation for all you and Jill have sacrificed and the others who have swum against the tide for my and others well being. So, once again I will just say thank you from the bottom of my Heart. As a friend of mine says, "I'm having a Heart-a-crack".

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You speak for me too...and surely millions of others.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oslo Lecture, Book Launch; "Lies My…


Loved every word of this. Your path to becoming self-aware of what was occurring is as important as the medical details you provide elsewhere. To often, people suddenly appear with well formed perceptions when the journey to those perceptions was equally important to their roots in truth-telling.

Thank you very much for this. It was heartfelt, very articulate and to the point at many levels.

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A great summary of the insanity of the last 4 yrs. Sounds like you are suggesting that the c.i.a. Is an operative arm of the w.e.f./c.c.p because they and bill gates are the obvious moving force behind the one world movement. And if so must say they have improved their game immensely because ever since they unbecame the o,s.s. they have pretty well mucked up everything they have touched—at least as far as anything involving making the Republic safe from its enemies.

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Still looking into the possibility of a Rockefeller, Italy, super rich Cabal that is setting the goals for their field operatives (CIA ect) to achieve. As noted before several possibilities as to whos at the head of the effort or do we have several independent actors.

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Jean; The head of the effort is the owners of the Central Banks, through the fraud of factional reserve banking they stole the wealth of the world, but it's about much more than just money and lot darker. They want a World of their own, they want to destroy this world and people in it and Build Back Better, The Great Reset. Their foot soldiers are the Freemasons. It is satanic For info on factional reserve banking see the great Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard

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Thanks for your point here and the lead.

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Actually, suspect c.i.a. primary role to promote financial ventures and not combat the red menace. That glee club that made up the o.s.s. perfectly willing to fight the nazis they likely considered right wing supremists. They were created by the closest to a communist we ever had in the Oval Office and rebranded by his dim successor and show little interest in combating commies as Ames debacle and the exposure add killing of their assets by the c.c.p demonstrated

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This was an awe inspiring talk! I so enjoyed listening to you for longer than the 10-15 minutes you are usually given to speak in some of the other conferences and gatherings I’ve seen. It is apparent you believe in your journey to educate those of us who are “enlightened” and you speak from the heart. We have an obligation to Speak Truth if we wish to save our world. You are right, however, when you call it a tremendous burden upon us. We each must decide whether or not to follow that path. I intend to, in my own humble way, and I am counting on you and Jill to educate me so I may do this. Thank you for all you do!

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We all go around in a big circus (an Arena or cycles?) that’s what Pharm and Gov’s wants us to attack each other and we get nowhere, no one could have said it better than you Dr. Malone, their end goal is that they want us to forget, forgive and continue as there never happened this unequivocal crime against humanity.

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Thank you for including the text of your speech. I am old school enough to very much prefer reading to watching a video!

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I just went back and looked and the whole video was an hour and 44 minutes. You must talk slow because I was able to read the whole thing in about 1/2 an hour. I am quite sure I wouldn't have been able to last that long watching the video!

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Dec 16, 2023·edited Dec 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks to both of you for your courage and determination to speak the truth! Having dug in considerably, I do think that the integrity of our elections is a psyop all its' own. "This was the most safe and secure election." And so I do think it's important to fight back and bring the corruption of our elections out into the light of day, just like the truth about the vaccines must come out. It has little to do with Trump or political parties and everything to do with reaffirming reality and weakening the hold that "their" lies and machinations have had over us.

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That was excellent! I learn something with every video I watch. Thank you for putting you and your sweet wife out into the public for what must seem like a flogging. We are so much more equipped to talk to our friends and neighbors about what happened, what is happening and what could happen.

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We each have our own stories of when we realized something was not right, something was very wrong and very suspect about how the Covid 19 virus was left untreated in 2020. I discovered Dr. Brett Weinstein and his wife on the Darkhorse podcast early in the pandemic and watched every time they were on. I saw Dr. Malone and Steve Kirsch on with Dr. Weinstein as they discussed their concerns. I realized when YouTube, Twitter and others took down all voices that questioned the government that this was about authoritarianism. The numbers of people who took the shots who now say never again is growing. We cannot let this attack on humanity ever happen again. We must continue to speak truth.

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"And in such a country, who wants medals? Who wants prizes? You saw these parades with the big shots, communists, they had those uniforms full of medals. They just looked ridiculous."

Love the scorn; echoes of Solzhenitsyn. "Live not by lies!"

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Awesome. ONWARD!

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Can't adequately describe all the positives as relate to your talk here. Powerful. From the heart. Full indepth, on point insights. Inspiring. Thank you❣️

Back to business as you noted (our) Government and the judiciary are back at it. ET, Stieber - 'FDA can withhold key Covid vaccine safety records for now' ( for at least 6 mos) - due to high volume of FOI requests

Passing thought - is it possible to check on whether what FHA IS producing in any way addresses safety issues and can be shared?

One notes GOV/PHARMA are ramping up their covid is increasing - get your booster effort (across my phone feed daily +). This is despicable. Shots are dangerous. No informed consent. Did register my complaint in article comment section. More Dmd stones to roll up hills. Clearly guilty GOV doesn't want to share!

You are both ever so appreciated! ♡♡♡

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

WOW!!! What a phenomenal talk that encapsulates the last four years so eloquently. My first awakening was discovering the trio podcast with Malone, Weinstein, and Kirsch. But there are so many layers to the real story. Thank you Drs Malone for shining a bright light in the darkness.

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I have to give credit to Dr. Mercola for pulling my coat early on about the potential problems coming with the vaccine. I am not sure when or why I subscribed to his daily email but it has been life saving. By the way I am very interested in Wadsworth genealogy, especially the descendants of the original William of Hartford, Ct. By chance do you know if that is your line?

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Yes, Dr Mercola is very helpful, too.

I have followed his work for quite a while. As a retired pharmacist, I was suspicious of the mechanism of action for the Covid vaccines. I didn’t want a spike protein factory inside of my body. It’s taken years for science and FOIA to piece together all of the insidious side effects and mortality risk. I am not familiar with the Wadsworth genealogy, as that is my adopted side of the family. My stepfather was born and raised in Utica, NY. His folks moved their family to Detroit during the Depression to find work. So there may be a Connecticut link. I do remember my Mother indicating that Dad may have had a distant relative who came over on the Mayflower.

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OK I understand your lack of interest in the Wadsworth side. My grandfather was actually adopted by a Mr. Strong, so I have no great interest in the Strong side. If you are in contact with any of your step-father's family they could take a look at my website at:

www.WadsworthInstitute.org to see if there is a connection. I do show a Randall Wadsworth born in 1943 on my chart (who married a Shelly Blair).

Interestingly, there are two main branches of the New England part of the family. William and Chris both arrived on the same boat in Boston in 1632 and for over 350 years people assumed they were related. Recent DNA analysis, however, has proven they were not!

If you step-father's family came out of New England, there is a good chance they would be related to somebody on the Mayflower. I've found about a dozen in my family tree so far.

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Thanks for the information Corrin. I don’t see any familiar names on your genealogy chart. My stepdad was one of three kids born to Willis and Stella Wadsworth in Utica, NY. Stepdad James was born in 1926, Dorothy in 1920, and Joseph in 1932. Uncle Joe just died last year. I will pass along to my half brother and sister who are Wadsworth. Diane was born in 1957 and Bill in 1959. Both were born in Detroit, but grew up in Cincinnati.

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Ok Thanks! We are always interested in tracking down our far-flung relatives who have spread across the country!

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A perfect synopsis detailing this journey into hell. I’m bookmarking it and sharing it the next time someone calls me a conspiracy theorist.

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Impassioned speech, Dr, Malone.

I do hope your next book will also include information regarding the so-called "Non Governmental Organizations" - within America - that have been and are now actively subverting both our National and individual sovereignty in order to facilitate the "one world order" you briefly mention in your speech - the nucleus of which is of course the UNITED NATIONS - and its latest Document for (world) control as written in its "AGENDA-2030" (now 7 and soon to be just 6 years in the future - in cahoots with its satellites the WHO, WEF, World Bank, et al.

Also, what we are witnessing (today) in this era of the out-of-control "administrative state" (within) the US federal government - "run" by an army of "un-elected" and "un-accountable" (lifetime) "tenured" bureaucrats, who "live" and sustain themselves via the work done by the so-called "private sector" of real people who actually provide goods and services that we all need 24/7/365 year in and year out.

As Von Mises explicitly delineated in his seminal book "SOCIALISM" (1922), that, Inevitably, ALL "administrative" state mechanisms degenerate step-by-step-by-step into COMMUNISM and ending with absolute tyranny. (also see Mises works: "The Anti-Capitalist Mentality" and "Bureaucracy").

Bottom line is ALL administrative states live on MONEY - and the "American bureaucracy" is a prime example of just how gluttonous and POWERFUL - and monstrous "they" can become and HARD to get rid of - at least peacefully.

Cutting off their unlimited money supply would take the elimination of the (monopoly) of the Federal Reserve PRIVATE REGIONAL BANKS - and the US Congress actually doing their fiduciary duty as per Article I. Section 8., in the US Constitution - and returning to precious metal backed paper currency.

Were I an MD; and the USA my patient, I'd make a diagnosis that my patient was dying from an internal cancer that HAD infecting EVERY organ within that body - and its life expectancy had dwindled down to just a few years at MOST!

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The Government was the puppet that the puppeteers used to profit from the Covid con!

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