People simply don't understand freedom well enough to realize why it's worth fighting for. The pink-haired CONSUMERS think they'll be able to continue to live their slothful lifestyle of being a "useless eater" when The State controls everything.

No, you'll be thrown into the labor camps the same as everybody else, Miss Unicorn.

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Miss Unicorn probably doesn't know that, in labor camps, if you don't work you don't eat...

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From the article:

“Now is the time to let go of whatever it is you're holding on to that keeps you divided from your friends, family and fellow humans. Rise above all the micro dramas and distractions to see that a much bigger story is unfolding. Swallow your pride. Humble yourself. Let it go.”

As it relates to “Miss Unicorn,” what are you willing to let go of to create unity?

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanking for all you and Dr Cole do

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I don't know if you saw Jack Prosobiek's comment about Davos. He said there were large numbers of prostitutes at Davos, plus a number of sex workers.

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yes I did. Pitch perfect.

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Is there a difference between a sex worker and a prostitute? I'm confused. If one offers sex for money is that not the definition of prostitution? Or are you referring to those who prostitute their integrity? Can it be that all sex workers are prostitutes but not all prostitutes are sex workers? OK, I think I understand now.

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Glad you figured it out. Heh.

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for introducing us to another brave warrior in this fight against totalitarianism.

Danny Huckabee

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Thank you for posting this, Dr. Malone. My heart is stirred by its cry for unity and freedom.

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Poor sex workers. Ewwwwwww!

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The Davos pigs should have lived in the end days of Rome. They would have fit right in…

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They are reinventing them

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This post has some real gems I wanted to highlight for those who just have the time to skim:

"the WEF client state previously known as New Zealand" (So true! Reminds me of "The artist formerly known as Prince" lol. Might as well call a spade a spade :D )

“They tried to bury us. They did not know we were seeds.” – Dinos Christianopoulos

"Their goal is total control. But because they are the few and we are the many, they can only achieve total control through the age old tactic of divide and conquer." "As you see in the audience, Muslims, Christians, Jewish community, Democrats, Republicans, white, black, everyone all in between. This is the example of what you get when you choose to attack all members of the human family.” "Our greatest power is our numbers. Hence, the relentless effort to shatter us into broken fragments." "There is only one thing that we must agree on. That freedom is our birthright." "They have bunkers. All we have is each other. The good news is, that's all we need."

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and the movie :)

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It will need to get as bad as it takes to awaken the last 30%. 20+% will never awaken even if their spouse and kids dropped dead.

Thats how bad it must get. Some are prepared, some are less so.

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Amen Mikki. Amen.

Thank you Robert and Jill for sharing Mikki’s vital message to us.

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When you hear school kids singing "Gaia loves me this I know, 'cause Greta Thornberg told me so" may be time to lock and load and take back everything we have lost to the progressive movement

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Beautiful lyric! The claim is as false as Greta-the-lemming’s false arrest.

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you all for continuing the fight! Hi to Kat, Ryan etc. God bless you.

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It is very difficult to awaken people who are too busy to listen.

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You should ask Nigel Farage to have a word with his friend Donald Trump. This interview is not a good look for him.


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Trump’s ego will never allow him to see or admit the truth. Heartbreaking, because he could (and did) do so much good for the country. I voted for him, but am hoping the 2024 primaries will reveal a candidate strong enough to beat any election fraud that could not possibly occur 👅🤪

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It will be impossible for any freedom, Constitution loving candidate to beat the electronic voting machine odds programmed by the deep state. Each state needs to eliminate the electronic voting machines and all the other schemes to steal votes.

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My longtime Hungarian friend I met a a bus in Detroit in 1957 knew the essence of freedom and it was amazing that when he talked about freedom over the years, many people's eyes glazed over thinking he was some kind of crack pot. If alive, he would be furious today.

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change is happening faster and faster, and the old powers of control are afraid of us, because we see through them and their greed and games, we will win

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Yes, we will win, & be much stronger for our rights, each other, & our Country, Amen...God Bless America & all of us that "see the light", & pray for All to understand what is ahead.

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I do understand that, & I have always questioned everything that has happened in our Country for a long time. I'm a fighter & survivor, as well as my adult children. What I worry about now, is the future for not only my Grand daughters, but for all future children.

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deletedJan 19, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023
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Since I live in America, & still have Freedom of Speech, I will continue to comment & say, "God Bless America". Thank you for your words, which I do not judge. Yes, Dr. Malone has been fighting back, & has dealt with "some heavy punches", & I praise him, & his wife Jill, for continuing to help explain in much detail, the science in regards to the covid virus & in a way that it makes sense to me, & hopefully more citizens. I'm reading "Lies My Gov't Told Me", & I'm very intrigued & at the same time, overwhelmed as some Chapters are over-my-head, but I'm happy I purchased his book, & appreciate the dedication Dr. Malone has towards helping people like me, understand the entire process & situation our country is now in. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

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Do agree our Drs Malone have been delivering some heavy punches and helping us join in the action! I'm very grateful to them for all the opportunities they offer us.- to learn and to help.

You have a point that we want God to bless the whole world. So when we want to say 'God bless America' we should add "and our World."

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Not a problem adding our World, but it seems some posts are judged, & if the wording doesn't fit others "narrative" (yes, I chose to use this word), some folks feel it is "their" duty to correct, or have the original wording, changed for what reason? I'm not implying America should only be "blessed by God", but it is what it is- what I chose to say, period. Thank you.

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I believe “One Nation Under God” is more than a slogan. I believe it expresses the faith foundation that made winning the Revolutionary war against all odds happen.

George Washington made his understanding of this abundantly clear as did many of the other founders. They believed their victory was the result of miracles.

Perhaps a passion for freedom without a faith in the Author of freedom to bind us together and to empower us can succeed. I am not sure.

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Agree! Much more than a "slogan" Are you hinting there is an element missing in our current equation? IMHO - The human soul longs for freedom. W/O transformation into a new person by God, we cannot be free. The end result of being set free? This free person is now capable of loving another as they love themselves and this brings about freedom for all.

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Yes, a missing element. Freedom and transformation definitely must happen together or the freedom is incomplete and short lived. The sinful nature will always lead to tyranny. And I doubt the resistance can unite without the missing element.

The current gender identity debacle is a manifestation of the human soul longing for transformation. Here's something I wrote about that.


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