Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The support for lockdown on the left is one of the most bewildering reversals I have ever witnessed in my whole life. Where was the concern for global poverty? We told our opposition against lockdown to a friend, a self-styled "anarchist leftist" with whom we still haven't spoken again. He accused us of listening to the right-wing media, and declared that lockdown was a worker-rights issue, to protect them from coronavirus. It was the first of many such conversations; we never imagined this crowd taking a stand against freedom for poor people. It was a rock and roll scene.

Gobsmacked. He also praised mask mandates, as it would allow for evasion of facial recognition.

We've had to let a lot of people go.

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Fear overcomes every thought. It's actually a form of insanity. They were afraid because they were misled, but mostly because they are stupid-- a common affliction of leftists everywhere.

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is a wonderful guest article, and it's coincidentally timed to provide another example of the most important lesson one can learn: Government doesn't care about you. This is what I wrote about last night:


Thank you for your writing, Dr. Malone, but ALSO for using your platform to enable people to speak that would otherwise go unheard!

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is so humbling to read this article about the people of Africa. My worry about the people in the USA is that we have so much here. The grocery stores have food in them. Right not there is plenty to eat. What is going to happen when the shortages come? Generally people do not have gardens. They depend on everything from the store. It will be a very terrible and scary time.

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I lived in Nigeria for a year while working for an oil company. I made a point of venturing out and about to see the kinds of things many Americans cannot imagine.

Nigeria is the richest country in Africa, b/c of oil wealth. Much of the oil income is stolen by government officials. The poverty and misery there is soul-crushing. My wife and I lived on Victoria Island, a suburb of Lagos. At the time (2006-2007), it was common to see large groups of polio-stricken beggars moving themselves around on small squares of plywood equipped with roller skate wheels. My most recent visit was 2019. The polio victims have disappeared. I suspect the government has relocated them... probably to a place nobody would want to be.

I could write pages of similar comments. I'll summarize by saying, black people in this country have a right to be angry about our country's history of slavery. But they don't have a right to be consumed by it. Contrary to what some of the progressives say, the US did not invent slavery- it's been around for thousands of years, in almost every society.

Their ancestors paid a heavy price to come here and be here. But they themselves are blessed; they would NEVER in a million years want to trade places with the average African.

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Take a listen to Peter Zeihan's YT videos. He's a geopolitical analyst with some interesting predictions. I shared your concerns, but he's pretty persuasive and suggests the US will not experience shortages...at least not to same degree as the rest of the world. We can easily feed and oil our nation, and protect our borders like few others. Plus we have the world's reserve currency and a giant share of its Bitcoin...

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I agree we won’t be to the extent of some African countries. But if the bad dudes want to make things really bad for us it could go south very fast. How many people do you know that can make homemade bread or can food or grow a garden? We have been so spoiled. Most of the population lives in big cities. It will be interesting.

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Well we live in a rural ranching/farming area where most people do all of that.

If the gov wasn't subsidizing soybeans, corn, wheat, sugar and seed oil production and weren't villifying and obstructing the small ranchers (e.g. supporting regenerative farming practices) our population would be exponentially healthier. A healthier population means lower mortality from things like Covid, fewer comorbidities, no need for costly insurance...less bloat literally and figuratively.

Check out Zeihan's reports. There's turbulence ahead, but not the hardships Europe, Africa and Asia will face.

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I was raised on a farm. They subsidize so the farmers won’t plant the ground they subsidize . If they would allow the farmers to plant we would never have a shortage. Also you have to buy certified seed to grow crops. You can’t grow your own seed. I remember when I was a little girl and dad would hire some local woman to slice potatoes for seed. They would put them in a gunny sack. Tie up the gunny sack and cut some more into a new gunnycontrol. sack. I remember dad also setting a side some grain for seed for the next year. The farmers are no longer able to do that. Such a shame all of this government

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have a nonprofit in Uganda, specifically working in the largest slum and with 2 schools in Western Uganda in extremely impoverished conditions. Uganda had 2 lockdowns officially, but without much freedom in between. They closed schools in April 2020 and just opened them in late January 2022. They killed people for breaking the lockdown even if they were GOING TO THE HOSPITAL WITH COVID. They used covid to ban gatherings during the election and call any that did gather rioters and beat them up. We work with teen girls and teen moms, and teenage pregnancy went from about 50% in the slum to over 2/3 of girls. The government said they'd give everyone free food during the lockdown - SOME people (not many) got food, which was 5kg of posho (corn meal), 2 kg of beans, and some salt. The lockdowns went on for 18+ mos! The second lockdown everyone with a cell phone that hadn't received more than 300k shillings on it (ever) in mobile money - this is less than $100 - was to get a payment. The first guy they gave it to worked in a mayor's office and still had a job (as did all the government people even when they weren't allowed to go to work). Most people didn't get anything. The Chinese discovered gold during 2021 while people were locked down, and the government tried to give them the land for a huge mine - that's actually being fought by a consortium of nonprofits and other stakeholders who work/live in the area that is home to more than 10k people who will be displaced. The IMF gave UG tons of money - where did it go? The international airport in Entebbe has now been "repossessed" by the Chinese because UG didn't make loan payments... I could go on and on about the devastation that was caused by using the "pandemic" as an excuse, but you get the idea.

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That is so terrible.

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Find it odd for everybody to continue to refer to "Martial Law" as the benign Neo-Feudal word, "lockdown". Especially since we're now certain all was a matter of the predation of average world citizens by the Sociopaths at the International Bank of World Agreements with the Rothschilds, the U.N., the WEF/CCP Cabal, Trilateral Commission, Skull and Bones Secret Societies, The Pilgrim Society, the Vatican among others. We know they've conspired for over 100 years to abscond with Global Dominance and Ownership as once the arrogant Kings, Queens, Aristocracy and Crooked Clerics had until the genesis of the United States Constitution. And, we also know how they treated 'The People' with STARVATION, ISOLATION, MANIPULATION, ROBBERY THROUGH TAXATION AND SABOTAGE WITH WAR if not DEATH by brutal and cruel means and left to EXPOSURE TO THE ELEMENTS.

Just an opinion; however, it's LOGICAL to refer to the Neo-Feudalist mandate to STAY HOME AT ALL COST be what it really was, "MARTIAL LAW". Even in times of 'Martial Law', people are allowed the right to religion and food acquisition. How is it possible the 'Citizen Patriots' of the United States have NOT pursued and indicted ALL associated with this TYRANNY?

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For I while, I was calling it "lock-ups." I get your point completely. I like the term "Martial Law" to describe what they did to us.

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And now the US Constitution is under assault by those same forces. Oppressive rulers are the natural state for all of humanity, throughout history, until the population decides to end it. It's an odd aspect of human nature that we always tolerate it for so long. Every time. Tyranny is optional. Always.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What an honest and touching article. I have always said that if any politician were forced to live on a reservation as Native People do, the impact would be felt. That too, for all the out-of-touch wealthy, greedy ignorant people making rules for the poor general populace. "Walk a mile in my shoes" says the poor. (Oh, what shoes).

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Like Chic fil a and many other wise organizations, I often think politicians should be made to start at the bottom, and live life in the lowest possible echelon as they whom they seek to “serve”/rule. Spend 3 months living in the shoes of the lowest in your particular jurisdiction and you’ll make a fabulous leader.

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What a great, but heart rendering, piece. Having lived in South Africa in my wilder youth and visited Zim and Zambia many times (one of my sisters lived near Livingstone in Zambia at the time) I can totally understand the impact of the'western' one-size-fixes-all policy on poorer countries - it belies belief. And of course the likes of Ramaphosa has risen to be Maximum Leader of SA and has lost all sense of emphathy to the fellow S Africans he used to fight for when he was head of the National Union of Miners back in the day. Most African leaders, like their western counterparts are not in control at all; they take their marching orders from the faceless, unelected and unaccountable Others.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great article. Reminds me of William Easterly's book "White Man's Burden" in which he laments the 40 years of top down funding by IMF and World Bank to African nations...it never reaches the bottom but enriches many along the way. The Cantillon Effect...those closest to the king benefit the most.

Did a desert to ocean ride in Namibia a few years back. Lovely country. Beautiful people.

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022

The story is so sad, unfortunately, not uncommon for developing/third world nations. I visited the IDP camps in Kenya about 12 years ago, although horrifically poor, the soil was rich and veggies could even be grown along the sides of the roads if you owned/rented no land of your own. The biggest problem was getting enough protein in the diet... and, of course, education.

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Look what the Globalists did to Sri Lanka. God forbid.

They have zero conscience and see humans exactly the same way they see the insects they are trying to con people are food.

We need to rid ourselves of the WEFers and the WHO and every single One World Order types on Earth. Their agenda includes WW lll for goodness sake!

They will stop at nothing. It's up to us to stop them!


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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022

I don't follow Icke. However, I agree that the Globalists (specifically the IMF) did this to Sri Lanka, Lebanon and Syria. I think the actual goal may be to collapse the US, it stands in the way of One World Governance. Not sure what exactly is going on, but I am sure that the CFR has its hands deep into it. They always do.

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It does appear that the WEF was started up with assistance from the CIA. I would go to Whitney Webb's "One Nation Under Blackmail" to figure out what's going on.

But Icke sure did predict it ALL 25 years ago......

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I have NO doubt that our IC is involved at some level. The WEF, I think is a front group, for something else. The characters are ridiculous.

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So true!!

I keep thinking Schwab is an actual Cartoon....

Can't help myself lol!

; ))

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you and God bless as always.

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Evil is Abroad on Earth. Those running the Covid Con are not fully human, in my personal opinion.

Sociopaths at best!

Here is great interview with someone who predicted everything we are witnessing decades ago. Perhaps now we could pay attention?


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So sad and tragic. So often we forget just how hard some other countries have it. This is a reminder of how grateful we should be, how much we should pray for others, and how we should be looking to find ways to help. Thanks for sharing.

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So great to have this perspective. Thanks for sharing it!

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Thanks for news of the old country, Zimbabwe the land of my birth and upbringing. The reason that the colonial roads are lasting better than the Chinese ones is that my parents' company WJ&RLGulliver made some of them! They were extremely conscientious about making the substrate very solid and getting the camber just right. It makes a difference.

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This is heartbreaking. Sometimes I think the whole system can't break fast enough. And then I think, 'Watch what you wish for.' But there's no real peace in feeling lucky because others have it so much worse. It just leaves me feeling vulnerable and guilty, neither of which help anyone else. It has to change.

It makes me wonder how the economic system I've been working on would apply to Zimbabwe and South Africa. The principles are the same everywhere, of enabling communities to take responsibility for themselves. I'd be curious to find out.

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The question for the next Nuremberg will be, were the lockdowns an honest mistake? An assumption that the global health and political authorities knew something we could not perceive? Or were they an insidious plot to incite fear for their political or economic benefit? Most of them, like William Calley and many others, will claim they were just following orders. Didn't work well for Calley, who was convicted of 22 counts of premeditated murder war crimes. His pleas did seem to reduce his sentence, only serving three years of house arrest. The officials everywhere must also be tried for their crimes. Their millions of victims aren't interested in their excuses. We shouldn't be either. Nuremberg time.

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