May 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One of the biggest tragedies of this whole covid situation has been a loss of respect and confidence that citizens have in doctors, the CDC, and the FDA. It's hard to know how and when (or even if) this confidence will ever be restored. Irreputable damage has been done from conflicting information and even out right misrepresentation of data by these parties. At this point if one wishes to remain healthy one needs to do their own independent research rather than relying on most "professionals".

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I trust Dr. Malone, Dr. Bhattacharya, Dr Kheriaty, Dr. Kory, Dr. Ladapo, Dr. Ryan, Dr. McCullough, and the other doctors who have joined them in their efforts to get out the truth.

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They are the only ones I trust.

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I trust Dr. Fauci; his omni-science is so powerful that he doesn't have to prove anything. EVER!

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Fauci surely can be trusted to kill as many of us as he can and to protect Big Pharma.

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... or the big finance :)...

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ROFL...I hope you are joking.

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I am sure it’s a joke.

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As a woman born 1960, I learned not to trust doctors or pharmaceutical products in my 20s when the birth control pills prescribed to me generated one serious negative side-effect after another, failed to prevent pregnancy, and while I was young and without adequate guidance, struggled through memory loss, exhaustion, cluster migraine headaches and dinner plate size "bruises" on my legs which were actually capillary bleeds from the high-dose pills prescribed to me by exceptionally reckless and obtuse male physicians.

Finally a neurologist who was a genuinely good doctor, (a rarity in my own personal experience, yet greatly appreciatedwhen found!) looked me straight in the eye and said,, "Never take the pill again in your life! You have the blood type, (A+, ) and response of women that the pill will kill!"

I will forever be grateful to that man. He told me the truth and I was able to hear it.

Over and over, though, the vast majority of doctors in western medicine caused me harm. Serious, life threatening harm, and their treatments failed to heal my health issues.

And then in 1995 my only child was born, a daughter, and again, western medicine proved the most dangerous thing she encountered in life. Her vaccines, the proverbial "well-baby" shots almost killed her, and made certain she was never well again.

It was not until I heard. RFKjr mention the Guinea-Bissau study which proved that for little girls the standard shots created an overall INCREASE in mortality that I finally understood what happened to her.

These children did not die of the target diseases but they died at even higher rates from sepsis and pneumonia than they ever had from Mumps, Measles and Rubella.

So, more dead little girls than in those not vaccinated.

Look at the survey from the Control Group Litigation.

That information is truly stunning.

Or the information on the strange behavior of sheep after Aluminum adjuvant containing vaccines.

Or Dr. James Lyons Weiler's study of Dr. Paul Thomas's pediatric practice.

Or just spend a weekend with RFKjr. This man is a real hero, and the bravest man in America, in my personal estimation.

However always remember to DDG anything that goes against Pharma's wishes---- it will never be found with a Google search!

We are living in a disinformation nation. The truth on the most important topics of the day is all being hidden, and if certain forces prevail, will vanish from history, and the internet, permanently.

This is why I print out and save hard copies of all the foundational studies and still buy books, especially the ones that expose the agenda.

And that agenda looks dark, indeed.

Thank you Dr. Malone for your integrity and all your hard work.

Together, perhaps, everyone fighting to expose the mountains of hidden facts on "science," and "medicines" will finally be successful!!

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I didn't know all that. Thank you for sharing. I only recently learned of RFK, Jr. and bought his book, "The Real Anthony Fauci." What an eye opener. I have heard RFK, Jr. described as a "nut job," but that person was igorantly wrong. RFK, Jr. is one of the bravest people in the country now along with Dr. Malone and the other doctors who are standing up in spite of the threats and loss of income. These are true patriots.

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I read the book and feel like I was reading history that I went through. I remember when Fauci had us nurses so misinformed! It was horrible!

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Still happening. Remdesivir was just approved for babies.

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If you want to continue expanding your understanding of the deceptions we are being subjected to the next book you might want to read is "Breaking the News" by Alex Marlow. It's full of quotes made by the mainstream media that were absolute lies and fabrications, mostly about Trump.

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No need to read the book. I heard all those in real time. In case I missed any of them by not listening to MSNBC, CNN, etc. they were repeated nightly on various Fox news shows and on Newsmax as well.

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RFKJR is literally the bravest man I have seen. A true American Hero for telling truth to power over and over and over again!

He needs the rest of us to wake up, start doing the same things he is, if possible, and get behind his, and others', efforts to rid our nation of the corruption that has taken control.

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I agree completely. His books have been extremely well documented and written. Unfortunately it's so much easier and less risky for people to simply go along with the conventional narrative and just collect their paycheck. He is a brave and unique man and we are very fortunate to have him..

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Like! (Since your "like" tab is not responding...)

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I've had that happen too. It could be it can't handle a high traffic on "likes" at that time.

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Great comment, except, don't use DuckDuckGo (DDG) anymore, as they announced recently that they *would* in fact be downgrading "results" that were of so-called "misinformation." DDG censors. Use search.brave.com instead.

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Thanks. I bookmarked the brave search engine, but Firefox does not offer it as a default. One more push toward the Brave Browser, I suppose.

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You can make firefox offer brave search as a default. You aren't limited to the search tools Mozilla bundles in as choices by default. Here's how to get it.

Go to the settings/search page.

Scroll to the bottom. There is a clickable text that says 'Find more Search Engines'

click on that.

You should end up on an addon page which has other extensions.

Mine says: 3,393 extensions found in Search Tools

Every one of those can be added as a default or an additional possibility with firefox.

Seach for 'brave' in the search bar on top (because wading through three thousand plus is tedious).

You will find several addons that claim to be for adding brave search to firefox. For all I know, all of them work, but I'm using the one by Dusan Uveric https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/brave-search/?utm_source=addons.mozilla.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=search because it had the most users, 13,000 by a large margin.

Add that addon to firefox.

Go back to the 'change your default search engine' section in


Now brave will show up in the list. select it.

Off you go. :)

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Absolutely right!!

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Thank you for what you shared. Good point about buying books, rather than relying on a virtual archive.

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I buy books too. They can't be erased by the push of a button because some 20's something fool finds the book offensive.

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Lol! All too true,!

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I'm so sorry for your daughter's situation. We have things in common - I was born in '62, my only daughter born same year as yours. Although she is fine, I now wish I'd questioned the vaccine schedule more than I did. I rejected the Hep-B vaccine the hospital wanted to give her (that was a no-brainer). But we did the usual well-child visits. I reasoned that anything I myself had received would probably be OK for her (although of course the formulations may have changed, something I didn't consider).

We're both A- blood. Can you explain the correlation between A+ blood and problems with BC pills? With the benefit of hindsight, I think my past depressive episodes were linked to being on the pill, and it seemed to happen with my daughter as well.

Circling back to Covid, type A blood has been linked to more severe disease, but I recovered without incident in 12 days. Kind of a long time, but it was never very bad. I've had colds that were much more uncomfortable.

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I just know that doctor told my it clots more easily, which is typically the fatal side effect from the pill.

Don't know if there has ever been a good study done, probably not, but it certainly made sense to me, after my experiences!

Also, just because your daughter didn't experience issues you recognized as vax injuries, it doesn't mean that she hasn't had them

Once you dig into the list it's stunning.

Pull up the Survey from the Control Group Litigation.

It's amazing.

Good luck!

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Ok, clots. Yes I remember that. Never had one, luckily. I now remember asking about them way back then... was told that they don't use high-dose anymore (this was Planned Parenthood). But I sometimes think some doctors would rather kill the woman than have a man deal with paternity.

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I just wrote up a "fact check" on a CDC "fact check" that was full of flat out lies. They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel over there. https://wholistic.substack.com/p/cdc-makes-up-claim-that-vaccines

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No. When someone has been lying to you and manipulating you, attempting to cause you serious bodily harm for their own gain, and you find out about it and decide not to trust that person anymore or regard them as a credible authority, that's not a "tragedy".

Scaling this basic dynamic up to a worldwide phenomenon with a lot of politics and mass formation and whatnot doesn't make it a tragedy either.

When daylight is shone onto evil people, and their cowardly puppets are exposed as such and discredited, that's not a tragedy. Except maybe in the Greek sense: for such monstrous hubris will always invite its own downfall.

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Yes, I believe hubris invites a fall. Just hope it will be sooner rather than later while we still have pieces of a country left.

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What I object to is the pearl-clutching sentiment: "oh, but think of the lost trust in our institutions!" These institutions betrayed us. That's the basic fact.

There could be some "tragedy" in that betrayal, I suppose, if you believe that they once were good and pure and have since become corrupted. From what I've seen of the FDA, CDC, WHO, WEF, etc etc, I'm more inclined to believe that they are doing exactly what they were designed to do, and this is just the endgame. Either way, there's nothing "tragic" about realizing you've been conned. The tragedy, such as it is, consists in being duped in the first place. For millions of vaccine injured and bereaved, this is a very real thing, and the "loss of trust" line is frankly insulting.

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I think the "tragedy" is the people who might now steer clear of even the conventional-medicine treatments that actually work (there are a few). And who discount the good advice along with the useless advice. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater, as the saying goes.

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Blind faith is, as ever, an invitation to tragedy.

Find a doctor you can trust... but verify.

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Many generations lived without the purveyors of toxic, wildly expensive and and often flat out inhuman "medicine."

Ancient Chinese Medicine tradition decreed that you paid your physician as long as you were well. If you became ill, you did not pay him again until you recovered!

That might create a little motivation to improve outcomes, don't you think?

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Many had no idea how corrupt our "experts" were, and are. Now they do.

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Get busy acting to create change, just "hoping" leads to more of the same!

; ))

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I don’t think I was ever fully confident in any doctor until they proved themselves to me. The CDC and the FDA? Nope. Never really trusted them, either.

You see, once upon a time, there was responsible reporting and investigative journalism. It wasn’t perfect, but it definitely kept me aware that not all was sweetness and light anywhere.

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I think you meant "Irreparable damage" but thanks for a Sunday morning laugh! :-)

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Well stated. This is one of the reasons I am so glad I found Substack. It is not only the informative, thought provoking articles, but the discussion boards. It is gratifying to know there ARE intelligent, thoughtful people out there.

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The system itself must be reformed, with incentives for GPs to re-enter individual practice and protections of the doctor-patient relationship from bureaucratic interference.

The current system guarantees corruption starting with the Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS), which has mandated protocols that include Remdesevir and ventilators and prohibit HCQ, IVM and other useful early treatments. Hospitals/clinics that don't comply may have Medicare/Medicaid reimbursements cut off. They also require hospitals/clinics to mandate the "vaccines." The shit flows downhill to the staff. Turns out Grassley was right about "death panels."

Independents like Meryl Nass have their licenses challenged and revoked. Only a handful of states are fighting back. Eg, Nebraska AG has ruled that the NE licensing board may not challenge a doctor's license for prescribing off-label as long as the patient is fully informed. Florida (DeSantis) is also fighting back. States need to find a way to strip CMS of its power.

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Agree. CMS has got to go.

In the meantime I’m willing to pay cash for an “unlicensed” real doctor.

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I agree with you that the loss of reasoning skills is deadly, and that this is what has harmed the "people," the men, women and children that are trying to navigate the morass of lies, misinformation and manipulation we are currently drowning in.

But I disagree that a lack of critical thinking skills created it.

Something even more fundamental is also missing these days in far too many individuals sitting in powerful places.

Those organizing the take down of the Formerly Free World are clever indeed, having developed a brilliant and highly strategic plan to accomplish their goals.

And this plan is going forward at pace.

The issue at heart is a loss of their morals and of their very humanity, rather than the loss of mental reasoning faculties or factual information, IMHO.

Our world is being run by Sociopaths, Psychopaths and Narcissists and their behavior has become normalized throughout our society.

Study them. It's true, no matter how difficult it is to take in.

Read Peter and Ginger Breggin's book on the Global Predators, Naomi Wolf's on The Bodies of Others, or Kennedy's on Fouci and Hates.

(Sorry, "Gates!")

I'm reminded of a quote from Teddy Roosevelt--

"To educate a man in his mind but not in his morals is to create a menace to society!"

We are dealing with that issue--- in droves.

Add we are dealing with the Dark Triad types who are born that way, are fundamentally different, physiology different, with brain structure that is different than ours.

These "people" create the kind of wanton destruction and death in the pursuit of power and money that we are currently witnessing.

Allowing them into positions of power is a very, very, very bad idea indeed, and the rest of us need to awaken to that fact and take action, very, very swiftly, if we are to survive the plans that have been laid.

Lipid Nano Particles, Toxic Spike Protiens, mRNA Trojan Horses, 10 Billion Dollar Advertising Campaigns, Lockdowns, Useless Mask Maks, (really dangerous for children,) and lies, lies, lies, about early treatment strategies, plus deadly hospital treatments coupled with huge payoffs and bribes, the purges of the consciencious objectors, honest medical doctors and scientists, and the bankrupting of farmers,, ranchers and business owners, violations of Nuremburg and virtually all fundamental human rights,......not any of this was just an accident of ignorance or bad judgment. It was planned.

All men and women of intelligence and integrity needs must stand up now. We must have both to win back reason and human decency.

Both are missing.

Good Luck, and may God Bless us in our Endeavors.

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Lol, there speaks a man. A good, smart, logical man. (Imo.)

But, and for me it is the crux of the matter---morals reign supreme in facing what we are up against.

Love of life, love of liberty, love for your fellow human being, the planet we live on, and all the myriad lifeforms we share her with, is what is truly missing from the minds of the "elites." (Sociopaths all, IMHO.)

"Do unto others as you would have done unto you," pretty much fixes everything,

and would have prevented every idiocy and evil we have just lived through.

(Those of who have, that is. I just buried 4 friends, since January 1st.)

Gain of Function Research might sound logical, to many, but the above sentiment would preclude it.

Ditto vaccines full of aluminum, mercury, primitive human DNA, retrovisues, and other nasty contaminants.

Same with splitting the atom to boil water while suppressing new clean technologies....

"Logic" can get you into all sorts of nasty corners, if you lack a connection to love.

And that good ole adage above.

Our greatest capacity is the capacity to love, to care, and to transcend fear, which was the weapon they wielded against us all to bring our nation, and others, to their knees.

Logic does not cast out fear, only love does.

(However I completely agree we must have both!)

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Again, for me, it's not about what we can decree, legislate, or force upon others. It's about what our fundamental values truly are.

As long as people think the world is unconscious and simply "material," and that we are fundamentally biological "machines" without spirit or an innate connection to higher consciousnesses, they can come up with some very nasty stuff. IMHO

If the foundation is Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, for all, and you grok that what's "sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander," we can sort most things out pretty reasonably.

But cold hard logic may say, "well, we must do GOF because the Chinese, Russians, etc., are probably doing it!" Or, "we must genetically enhance our soldiers, and by the way, remove all conscience and empathy, because others are doing this, too!" well, "logic" can get you into some very bad places, indeed...

Again, I will stand on the ground that the morals must come first.

(And that people who are normal must realize that 1 in 25 males fall into the Dark Triad, by many estimations.

That leads to some very difficult realities indeed.)

Then, please, utilize all the logic in the world to move forward effectively!!

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Thank you Dr. Malone. My Mom, who is 84 and has, for the most part enjoyed very good health, no concerning comorbidities. She continues to take the boosters, I'm not sure if she's had the 4th, but if it's available, I'm assuming she has. I advised her early on not to take the vaccine in the first place until there were more studies, to no avail. Naturally she scolded me for not getting it, and as a result, I have not seen her for over two years now, and I am not sure our bridge can be mended. I worry about her health but now just keep my mouth shut. It's not a "told you so" moment anymore. It's just a terrible tragic awful situation. I have such a dark perspective for our future and the future of my country. I seek out good news, but it's very hard to find. Thank you for all you do, you are on the right side of history. Maybe someday, they will erect a statue in your honor.....maybe not.

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I will not be holding my breath while awaiting that day...

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Yeah, one could only hope, but if they did, it would be of you on your horse pointing the way forward....just imagine! ha ha ha lol.

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Sadly, we have an agenda-driven oligarchy that weaponizes science for its power and profit-driven agendas, without concern for human life, misery, or fortune. Science is about gathering irrefutable data/information and critically analyzing it - with the only agenda being "truths" that are rediscoverable and stand the test of time and further scientific scrutiny. It's clear that (in line with Chicago's former mayor, Rahm Emanuel, said, "never let a good crisis go to waste") the oligarchs and their CDC/WHO/WEF/AMA/JHU, pharmaceutical, political and big business minions have taken the C19 story and heartlessly capitalized on it without regard to the victims created.

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May 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

JAMA has been a mouthpiece for the USG, the MedIndComplex, and Big Pharma since its inception. Why any doctors remain in the AMA is beyond me.

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Robert Dotson MD…. ACOG has gone way too far recommending jabs in pregnancy, beyond shameful, downright evil.

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Yes. Sadly, I think that many in that profession actually hate women.

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Including the ones who are women!

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I have known many fine and caring women docs, but the med ed system creates a hardness in many that carries over into all of life and work. Men have no corner on the hardness market.

I have pondered the question of why people go into medicine in the first place (including my own journey) and I am convinced that it is usually life trauma that drives us there. Family dysfunction (most of it) - emotionally absent parents, outright abuse, neglect and many other factors - create souls that are "rescuers" - want to help others - want to be respected - want to be in positions of authority, etc. These personality types are perfect fodder for molding into cogs in our increasingly rigid and anti-Human corporate medicine structure. 50 years ago, the med school recruits were encouraged to be independent and critical thinkers - "Think outside the box" - but, no more. That trauma generated creativity and desire to help others is channeled into "evidence-based" corporate driven health care that is actually motivated by the almighty bottom line. It has nothing to do with health or healing. Unfortunately, the Amerikan model for medicine has completely captured the West - and, indeed, most of the planet.

One might almost think it had been planned...

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Are you sure it’s American/kan?

Seems extremely NHS-ish to me!

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May 15, 2022·edited May 15, 2022

I think that the US has been the main driver behind health care throughout the planet. The UK NHS system has increasingly moved toward a "for-profit" model as have most of the EU countries. The increasingly corporatized approach to health care has metastasized to Turkey and India and beyond....

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It’s quite upsetting what has happened to our medical field. Great post Robert Dotson MD.

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On a positive note, there are many kind and compassionate doctors out there. When you burn out, it’s time rethink your life and do something else.

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Many times they are less sympathetic.

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My best GYN was a male and my first GYN. He was my Moms OB-GYN, the man who was right there when she gave birth to me!

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May 14, 2022·edited May 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone. Thank you for this summary of dangers related to the mRNA injections. I am so enraged right now. I know that was not your intention, but none the less it is my response. I have been following this very closely for the past two and a half years and admittedly I am a layman, that is, not a scientist. But I was able to follow you through this presentation without being left behind by the complex nature of it because I have introduced myself to the language and concepts you are discussing on as informed a level as I can produce, although never being exposed to these concepts prior to two and a half years ago. I understood all of it, in great part due to your ability to "un-complicate" these ideas. Also, I have reviewed an over abundance of the contribution of many of your colleagues whom are also working overtime to keep the general public informed...and raising the necessary warning flags.

The reason why I am outraged is because it has become increasingly obvious to me that what this boils down to is that we are being poisoned, robbed and experimented upon by the "evil genius" element of very, very greedy, amoral people. What is also evident is that you are the king of understatement. I believe in your heart you want to think that they are doing this for the betterment of mankind but even you, in all your compassion and...reasonableness, must at some point admit that none of this is happening by accident. Your work alone proves that all of it is by design. These are not just gene editing scientists that have gotten "out over their skis". This cabal of conspirators are guilty of crimes against humanity, and they need to be dealt with as such!

Thank you for your work but until I see you in the witness dock testifying against these psychopaths, just before they are convicted and sentenced to hang for their crimes, I will not believe that adequate justice has been served. Please, you and your fellow esteemed colleagues that are on the front lines of this uncovering the evidence need to stop glossing over the fact that this is premeditated murder on a mass scale for profit and to advance a nefarious agenda. It is genocide!

I would like to see a completely appropriate, passionate expression of outrage by someone other than Steve Kirsch. He has called this for what it is from the beginning; it's time to embrace his point of view.

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Dr. Malone, Thank you for that presentation, awesome 👏🏻

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Amazing video!

I put a comment on here back in December about my vaccine injury. You recommended a few doctors that might be able to help me. I followed their advice and started a recommended therapy, and I'm happy to report that I am symptom-free and haven't felt this good in a while. As a bonus, the treatment also helped my fatty liver disease; after being diagnosed in 2018 with no improvement, it is now gone, and my liver enzymes are back to normal.

THANK YOU, Dr. Malone!!!

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Awesome to hear, daver87! I've been telling my docs and injured to get with those doctors, and locally, Dr. Cole. It's affirming to say the least, to hear you are feeling better from treatment.

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I also had a severe bout of Epstein Barr Virus, and was in the hospital for 2 weeks. Not sure if it was related to the vax or not but man it was so bad I thought it was the end. I had so many sores in my mouth and all down my throat I couldn't eat or drink anything. My oxygen saturation never went above 95 and mostly stayed around 92, I also have a dilated aorta that I didn't have before the jab. It's a millimetre away from needing surgery, but it also has stabilized. I needed to travel so I got the jab, and that is that last time I ever do that. I'm just glad that things seemed to have stabilized.

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I had to contact them from Canada, it was mental up here, for all it's flaws there is no country in the world like the USA, Americans should never take for granted what they have. I will never bet against the US.

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I also have struggled with fatty liver. What therapy helped you?

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I'm thinking it was the NAC, but I'm not a doctor so I would only be making a educated guess.

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Doc, if you keep going with break neck speed like this you may stoke.

Just unreal. But very appreciated from all around the planet. Bless you and your better half brother.

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May 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this presentation, Dr. Malone. I will both post in Gab and through email. Hopefully, people will take the 26 minutes to listen.

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“The failure to address these data clearly demonstrates, once again, both the failure of the peer review process, the irrational pro-vaccine bias of the authors, and the pro-vaccine bias of the editors of the Journal of the American Medical Association.” Perfect summary Dr Malone! In the last decade I attended an international conference on medical publishing, sponsored by JAMA and the top 5 other general journals. The state of literature and evidence reporting was my focus. It was encouraging to see an open discussion of 3 days of dirty laundry and distorting practices (eg your note here on the abstract statement not developed in the body proper). Yet, it’s been a corrupt game in elite publishing and they’ve admitted themselves at senior editorial levels. The disgusting practice of ad hominem attacks and complete bias at the vaccine study level has been decades long and RFK has been standing as the rejected prophetic voice of reason and real scientific method in the face of wickedness in the medical enterprise under Faucci. It did not just start with COVID as you know well. YOUR review here and great video on PEG are in just the right key of professional scientist speaking evidence and reasoned analysis. It is heroic to hold your fire and keep bringing the mass formation physicians into the fold — they have to be addressed this way and in the classical mode of address if they are still outstanding after all this disaster and thousands of pages of counter narrative. It’s galling though — and they go on with pushing jabs on kids. Your greatness is in your patient resolve, persistence, calm articulation of the horrible so the delusionals can be reached. We actually have to win more hearts and minds — as you are doing. Keep the breath of Christ and the Holy Spirit in your lungs — and remember the battle is the Lord’s. Love you and Jill.

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Dr. Malone thank you very much for all of your communications every time I read one of your posts I can’t help but feel that I’ve walked away much smarter God bless you for all you’ve done

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Just a pharmaceutical industry promotional trade journal. That's all JAMA has ever been. That's why it still gets delivered to my office month after month, for 35 years, for free! Try to cancel the subscription. You can't.

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PS - I'm not even a member of the A.M.A. Another whore society.

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Being a solidly credentialed whore is the prime requirement for consideration for acceptance into the establishment.

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Old saying: "The first casualty of War is Truth." The War is against us...

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If they came to your conclusion they would not get published and would lose their funding.

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well, might we presume COVID JAB GUILTY when the famed healthy 62 year old Dr. Paul Farmer died in his sleep of “an acute cardiac event while he was sleeping.” Of course, nothing of the sort is mentioned in what must be hundreds of articles.

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Good Morning Dr. Malone… coincidentally… I had just finished reading this very long.. footnoted and comprehensive missive about the jabs..and included in it how it relates to children.


I was looking for an answer to a niggling question buried in my aging mind. Now I may be out to lunch or ready for the home… anything is possible… but I seem to recall reading some time ago that if the covid shot is added to the immunization requirements for babies and young children that the experimental tag no longer applies and it becomes part of general inoculations.

My question is this… if that is so… and if parents are saying…. Hold on here… I don’t think so… not so fast… well then… what to do ??? How about something more frightening… hmmm

Covid induced hepatitis???… could work???… just saying… I’m probably doddering… but what if ??

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The recent spate of hepatitis cases in children really needs to be examined with regards to vaccination status of parents. I've been reading suggestions that, especially, the J&J may be problematic because it is an adenovirus type vaccine. The hepatitis cases are thought to be caused by an adenovirus.

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In the literature now there are a lot of papers with post-jab hepatitis in adults, and the autoimmune mechanism is also showing up in kidneys. Pre-jab papers talk about finding light chains/myeloid leukemia

They aren't finding the adeno virus association in all the children. They are also being very close mouthed about the children's jab status

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Many of the kids who got the hepatitis in the UK (where it's been very prevalent) have not been vaccinated due to age restriction. The speculation is that the AstraZeneca and/or J&J vaccines may be involved, that the adenovirus in these vaccines ended up mutating and becoming active. https://wholistic.substack.com/p/mysterious-hepatitis-caused-by-vaccine

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May 15, 2022·edited May 15, 2022

Or unvaccinated children become vaccinated through SHEDDING of the Spike Protein from close contact with vaccinated parents. The SP then settles in large amounts in the liver as shown in Pfizer's Japanese biodistribution study. This in turn causes hepatitis. In support of this see May 1, 2022 University of Colorado study published in medRxiv.

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Many of the children are under the age of 5, precluding their being jabbed.

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Correct, so the idea is that the adenovirus in the vaccines replicated when it was not supposed to and is now "out in the wild" infecting kids, who are at most risk of adenoviruses.

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Like what happens with Gates' polio vaccines in Africa - they can de-attenuate when the child is exposed to a wild polio virus.

I'm recalling that HIV trials in Africa where the vaccine used Ad5. Problematic where the jabbed had immunity to Ad5, males became more susceptible to catching HIV if I recall correctly.

In October 2020, fauXi stated he recommended against the J&J use of Ad5 based upon the HIV Ad5 trials in Africa (Of course his buddy Gates doesn't own a big chunk of J&J ether, like he does Pfizer and Moderna)

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Also being masked up for 2yrs that destroys their immune system didn’t help either. The consequences of locking everyone up, masking, no sunlight or fresh air, no recommended vitamins and supplements, no exercise, being fearful of everyone including friends and family which can lead to abundant of stress on the body. We are going to see the biggest impact on children since their bodies are still developing.

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If the vaccines are approved for use in children Big Pharma receives liability protection. This is the major reason for the push for approval for children. $$$$

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All about $$$. These vaccines should never have been injected in anyone, period. Known mass murder for profit 🤬

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