I understand the problems associated with these efforts and this document and the global entities thinking they represent us while they make proclamations and decisions for us. I get that. But please read this document from the eyes of much of the world. Particularly our youth. But even older folks who just want to be left alone and to g…
I understand the problems associated with these efforts and this document and the global entities thinking they represent us while they make proclamations and decisions for us. I get that. But please read this document from the eyes of much of the world. Particularly our youth. But even older folks who just want to be left alone and to get back to life as it was. Not understanding that won’t ever happen. My stepdaughter, reading this, would not understand why I was so horrified. She would not. She’s 51. Educated in the current social system. Will probably never own her own home until I’m dead and this home still being available at that point and not the property of the state. She and her husband make a very good salary but they can’t afford to buy a house because they’ve raised his kids and are sending them to college. Not lazy. Dont accept handouts. She and so many others like her would see this as a welcome document outlining things that would make people have “better lives.” Half the community I live in would see it that way as well. It is written to tug at people and make them think that our governments will do something different and free everyone and we will all float together in peace and happiness. How the heck do I explain that this won’t happen? The document does not say it will take our properties in order to make everyone equal. It doesn’t say it will establish digital money in order to keep us enslaved to their new system. It doesn’t say they will use force if need be to make everyone knuckle under to the new, global government. It all sounds like peace and happiness and prosperity for all. It doesn’t say that the of most all wealth will be funneled into the pockets of the people signing this document and enforcing it. If I had someone read this and I told them it represented the total abolishment of all we hold dear; our homes; our savings; our freedom. They would think I needed a vaccine for mental health. Beacause it sounds soooo wonderful as it is written.
Our education system has a lot to do with the laziness of mind and the auto-trust syndrome of many. What it does not teach and what it does lends itself to this. Many do go out of their way to not find the truth.
I understand the problems associated with these efforts and this document and the global entities thinking they represent us while they make proclamations and decisions for us. I get that. But please read this document from the eyes of much of the world. Particularly our youth. But even older folks who just want to be left alone and to get back to life as it was. Not understanding that won’t ever happen. My stepdaughter, reading this, would not understand why I was so horrified. She would not. She’s 51. Educated in the current social system. Will probably never own her own home until I’m dead and this home still being available at that point and not the property of the state. She and her husband make a very good salary but they can’t afford to buy a house because they’ve raised his kids and are sending them to college. Not lazy. Dont accept handouts. She and so many others like her would see this as a welcome document outlining things that would make people have “better lives.” Half the community I live in would see it that way as well. It is written to tug at people and make them think that our governments will do something different and free everyone and we will all float together in peace and happiness. How the heck do I explain that this won’t happen? The document does not say it will take our properties in order to make everyone equal. It doesn’t say it will establish digital money in order to keep us enslaved to their new system. It doesn’t say they will use force if need be to make everyone knuckle under to the new, global government. It all sounds like peace and happiness and prosperity for all. It doesn’t say that the of most all wealth will be funneled into the pockets of the people signing this document and enforcing it. If I had someone read this and I told them it represented the total abolishment of all we hold dear; our homes; our savings; our freedom. They would think I needed a vaccine for mental health. Beacause it sounds soooo wonderful as it is written.
Our education system has a lot to do with the laziness of mind and the auto-trust syndrome of many. What it does not teach and what it does lends itself to this. Many do go out of their way to not find the truth.
Modern education grades on capacity to memorize and regurgitate. The most educated are the most indoctrinated.