Whoever has an iota of intelligence and a rudimentary knowledge of history and of human nature should immediately see through this document - promises of a brave new and glorious world where we all march in celestial harmony and bliss towards the promised rainbow on the horizon where we will live happily and peacefully ever after. Do not…
Whoever has an iota of intelligence and a rudimentary knowledge of history and of human nature should immediately see through this document - promises of a brave new and glorious world where we all march in celestial harmony and bliss towards the promised rainbow on the horizon where we will live happily and peacefully ever after. Do not count me in. Keep that communist utopia to yourselves and the gullible bird brained fools who may unfortunately fall for fairy tales.
Whoever has an iota of intelligence and a rudimentary knowledge of history and of human nature should immediately see through this document - promises of a brave new and glorious world where we all march in celestial harmony and bliss towards the promised rainbow on the horizon where we will live happily and peacefully ever after. Do not count me in. Keep that communist utopia to yourselves and the gullible bird brained fools who may unfortunately fall for fairy tales.
Your words reminded me a little of Jimmy Jones and those who drank the Kool Aid and worse, fed it to their children.