Absolutely! They’re only buying it up so that we can’t use it for farmland or grazing. They’re trying to force everybody to eat bugs and that’s what’s happened to the beef industry in this country. We are importing more beef from out of the country than ever. That’s insane When we have all the pastureland we need and the idea that cow farts are somehow killing the planet is asinine. I just read an article today that said we are not CO2 heavy we are actually CO2 deficient right now compared to previous times in the world and the CO2 that we do have is actually helping Green the planet not kill it…
Which means they need to divest Bill Gates and China of all of their land and give it to somebody else…😂
Resurrect the homesteading act and let the Americans have it.
Absolutely! They’re only buying it up so that we can’t use it for farmland or grazing. They’re trying to force everybody to eat bugs and that’s what’s happened to the beef industry in this country. We are importing more beef from out of the country than ever. That’s insane When we have all the pastureland we need and the idea that cow farts are somehow killing the planet is asinine. I just read an article today that said we are not CO2 heavy we are actually CO2 deficient right now compared to previous times in the world and the CO2 that we do have is actually helping Green the planet not kill it…
That is all true Beverly.