Sep 5Edited

The "Project 2025 for Socialists" reinforces that we need to throttle back if not totally disengage from these global bodies after Trump takes office in January 2025 (I hope and pray this happens). Just like when Trump withdrew from the WHO, we need to withdraw or substantially lessen our support and participation in the UN, World Bank, IMF, IPCC, OECD. These organizations are the primary drivers of the "New World Order" and "Global Reset" and will do nothing but benefit the ruling elite of the world. The good news is that the ruling elite have been pushing this (New World Order) for decades and have still not achieved their goal so there is hope that the current push will fail likewise. For some great background on the push for globalization and the coordinated funding mechanism of world wide inflation (via printing of fiat currency) read "The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve"--available from Amazon. First published in 1998 -- you will see many parallels to the current globalist push being discussed 25 years ago.

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"We have seen that for governments are inherently inflationary, since inflation is a tempting means of acquiring revenue for the State and its favored groups. The slow but certain seizure of the monetary reins has thus been used to (a) inflate the economy at a pace decided by government, and (b) bring about socialistic direction of the entire economy." - Murray N Rothbard, What has Government done to our Money?

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We need to get out of the UN completely & evict these traitors from our country. We pay like 27% of their budget. Take your communist crap elsewhere.

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I can't, I just can't. I already read this: https://americanstewards.us/usda-is-monetizing-natural-processes-under-the-sustains-act/

and listened to this: https://x.com/MikeBenzCyber/status/1831159843933114420

I am going to mow the rest of the front pasture and decompress and have a nice cold Root Beer afterwords.

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I totally relate... I listened and read the American Stewards info. Unbelievable and insane, but goes right along with their agenda to attack small farms and private property. So hard to believe that all of these "agendas" could even be happening in our country. Many people know about these plans and either think that it can't really happen or don't think it will affect them. Biden Administration is bending every rule and using a brain-dead president to do what they think will allow them to stay in power. I have notified all my reps and senators and they promised they would not vote for it... but it doesn't matter, they are outnumbered and I personally believe they are not planning to even pretend to put it to a vote. Biden said he would sign it even though a treaty has to be approved by 2/3 of Senate. Pact, Agreement, and Treaty are the same thing but obviously they are going to let one senile man sign it. I have heard that it has already been signed but who knows.

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I listen to Mike Benz as well and this is all very depressing but we have got to stand up and take action and quit sitting around letting this BS happen.. we put these people in office and we need to take them out!

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Dear United Nations,

Make me.

Kind regards,

All of the Patriots, Malcontents, Deplorables and the Working Class of these United States of America.

P.S. I hate bullies.

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Don’t forget “INFADEL”! Lol 🥴

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I understand the problems associated with these efforts and this document and the global entities thinking they represent us while they make proclamations and decisions for us. I get that. But please read this document from the eyes of much of the world. Particularly our youth. But even older folks who just want to be left alone and to get back to life as it was. Not understanding that won’t ever happen. My stepdaughter, reading this, would not understand why I was so horrified. She would not. She’s 51. Educated in the current social system. Will probably never own her own home until I’m dead and this home still being available at that point and not the property of the state. She and her husband make a very good salary but they can’t afford to buy a house because they’ve raised his kids and are sending them to college. Not lazy. Dont accept handouts. She and so many others like her would see this as a welcome document outlining things that would make people have “better lives.” Half the community I live in would see it that way as well. It is written to tug at people and make them think that our governments will do something different and free everyone and we will all float together in peace and happiness. How the heck do I explain that this won’t happen? The document does not say it will take our properties in order to make everyone equal. It doesn’t say it will establish digital money in order to keep us enslaved to their new system. It doesn’t say they will use force if need be to make everyone knuckle under to the new, global government. It all sounds like peace and happiness and prosperity for all. It doesn’t say that the of most all wealth will be funneled into the pockets of the people signing this document and enforcing it. If I had someone read this and I told them it represented the total abolishment of all we hold dear; our homes; our savings; our freedom. They would think I needed a vaccine for mental health. Beacause it sounds soooo wonderful as it is written.

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Our education system has a lot to do with the laziness of mind and the auto-trust syndrome of many. What it does not teach and what it does lends itself to this. Many do go out of their way to not find the truth.

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Modern education grades on capacity to memorize and regurgitate. The most educated are the most indoctrinated.

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Thanks for documenting this particular piece of insanity. Fascinating that these folks believe they can operate outside of the sovereign structures that are in place which can only be interrupted by way of legitimate action by the sovereign governing bodies. To my knowledge neither the UN or the WEF has a standing army capable of forcing their desires on us.

We know that it is possible for the Executive in our US system to take unlawful and unconstitutional actions thanks to the Biden/Harris and previous administrations. We know that there is much unconstitutional governance in place today. But collectively these unlawful actions remain unconstitutional and are subject to reversal or nullification; we've seen corrections recently with Roe vs. Wade and the Chevron Defense Supreme Court rulings. Lincoln may have stopped a particular succession but he most certainly did not eliminate future potential should appropriate circumstances arise.

As a people we need to maintain an absolutist posture as related to our Constitution. It is our governing document and it is our best protection against tyranny. No Executive, No Congress, No Court can change it unless they follow precisely the mechanisms provided in the Constitution itself-- adoption (2/3rds of Congress) and ratification of 38 States or Constitutional Convention. I would argue this nonsensical UN/WEF pact relates not to foreign policy but is deeply intrusive into our domestic well being and harmony and for this reason would require many amendments of our Constitution for Executive or Congress to action it in our Domestic affairs.

We have been loose to say the least in demanding this adherence which is one of the reasons we are now being choked by a giant hostile federal government. We have 50 States that agreed to the Constitution and each has every right to rescind its consent if the federal government should attempt to rescind our Constitution, which I think is very unlikely.

The more people who are demanding adherence to the Constitution on the part of our federal government, politicians, bureaucrats, executives, judges, soldiers and et. al. the more unlikely it would be. We should also engage in repairing the harm that has been done by continuing to reverse the unconstitutional actions already taken by the federal government. This will become easier as the reality of our nations collapsing finances bites deeper and deeper into our society.

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Whoever has an iota of intelligence and a rudimentary knowledge of history and of human nature should immediately see through this document - promises of a brave new and glorious world where we all march in celestial harmony and bliss towards the promised rainbow on the horizon where we will live happily and peacefully ever after. Do not count me in. Keep that communist utopia to yourselves and the gullible bird brained fools who may unfortunately fall for fairy tales.

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Your words reminded me a little of Jimmy Jones and those who drank the Kool Aid and worse, fed it to their children.

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It will be an absolute nightmare, hell on earth. Socialists will love it of course as they get to mandate all their imprisonment-style policies, which naturally everyone else will pay for.

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Is it any wonder the UN is pushing this authoritarian socialist utopia TREATY less than four months before Joey Biden steps down and less than two months before a presidential election. There’s no way he’s reading that!!! Sign here Joey.

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Joey is having fun at the beach! He couldn’t care less about the good ole USA! This rotten thing must be stopped! Wake up America! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Unless I am totally missing something, the fact that this pact is a treaty seems to me to be a big weakness re the US because it will not be a legally binding one if the Senate does not approve it and we can ignore it (either by Trump's adios, sayonara, goodby) or the states individually via the 10th.

Also, I am sure it has been said before but socialism is the perfect fit for the definition of insanity being repeating the same thing over and over expecting a different result. This is socialism, it repeatedly fails...this is insane.

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This is sickening. It’s written as a global communist manifesto, by an AI system tuned to brainwash the youngest generation. Because I’m old and grumpy - what I hear from the text: we the elite, needs more control over the public - to do so we need more money, more power, control over speech - and did I mention more money already?

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They can take the “International Law” and shove it.

Four heads of state wrote and formed the UN Security Council on January 1, 1942 making themselves permanent members of this newly formed world’s hegemony: ROC, USSR; UK, and the US. Two years later France became the fifth permanent member. In 1945 their veto power became law under the new UN umbrella. Yes, China has been on board all along. In 1971 the UN recognized the PRC as its official government against the US’s opposition. In 1979, the US recognized the PRC for diplomatic relations. Much has happened since then; The World bank provided millions in loans to Europe and elsewhere and so did the separate US Marshall Plan.

Helping the UN: Among the most influential non-government organizations are the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Worldwide Fund for Nature (formerly the World Wildlife Fund, and still known as the WWF), and the World Resources Institute (WRI). These three organizations, together with various United Nations agencies and organizations, shaped the policies that are now being implemented in the United States, and around the world, under the banner of sustainable development.

These three organizations participated in the preparations for the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements in 1976, where the first formal policy on land use was adopted by a U.N. agency. Many of the land use restrictions now imposed on land owners across America arise directly from the policy recommendations adopted at this U.N. conference. The preamble to the conference report on land use sets the tone for more than 50 pages of very specific land use policy recommendations:

"Land...cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, and therefore, contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole. Public control of land use is therefore indispensable...."1

Here is an example of the policy recommendations that follow:

Recommendation A.1

(b) All countries should establish as a matter of urgency a national policy on human settlements, embodying the distribution of population...over the national territory.

(c)(v) Such a policy should be devised to facilitate population redistribution to accord with the availability of resources.

Recommendation D.1

(a) Public ownership or effective control of land in the public interest is the single most important means of...achieving a more equitable distribution of the benefits of development whilst assuring that environmental impacts are considered.

(b) Land is a scarce resource whose management should be subject to public surveillance or control in the interest of the nation.

(d) Governments must maintain full jurisdiction and exercise complete sovereignty over such land with a view to freely planning development of human settlements....

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Further information of note:

The recommendations contained in this 1976 report are remarkably similar to the conclusions reached in three publications financed by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, compiled and edited by William K Reilly. The first, The Use of Land: A Citizen's Policy Guide to Urban Growth, was published in 1972. The second document, entitled The Unfinished Agenda, was published in 1977.

Many of these recommendations were included in the "Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act," advanced by Morris Udall during the 1970s. Congress rejected the legislation, which forced the proponents to develop another strategy. The third publication of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund was entitled Blueprint for the Environment, which was 1500 pages containing 730 specific recommendations delivered to President-elect, George Bush on November 30, 1988.

William K. Reilly was responsible for the development of each of these publications. He was also one of the U.S. delegates to the 1976 U.N. Conference on Human Settlements who signed the document on behalf of the United States. This same William K. Reilly, left his job as head of the World Wildlife Fund, to become the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, appointed by George H.W. Bush.

This same William K. Reilly, while serving in the Bush Cabinet, accompanied then-Senator Al Gore, to the U.N. Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. There, he publicly urged President Bush to sign Agenda 21, and the Framework Convention on Climate Change, and ridiculed the President for not signing the Convention on Biological Diversity. President George H. Bush signed the 1992 Agenda 21 document.

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Moving right along:

Agenda 21, Chapter 37.4(a) recommends that:

(a) Each country should aim to complete, as soon as practicable, if possible by 1994, a review of capacity - and capability-building requirements for devising national sustainable development strategies, including those for generating and implementing its own Agenda 21 action programme;

On June 29, 1993, President Bill Clinton complied with this recommendation by appointing Vice President Al Gore to conduct a National Performance Review, and by issuing Executive Order Number 12852, which created the President's Council on Sustainable Development.3 Its 25 members included most Cabinet Secretaries, representatives from The Nature Conservancy, the Sierra Club, and other non-government organizations, and a few representatives from industry.

The function of the President's Council on Sustainable Development was to find ways to implement the recommendations of Agenda 21 administratively. Al Gore's National Performance Review resulted in overhauling the Departments of Interior and Agriculture to implement what he called the "Ecosystem Management Policy." This policy embraced many of the recommendations found in Chapters 10 through 18 of Agenda 21, all of which deal with management of land and resources.

At the 11th meeting of the President's Council on Sustainable Development, Ron Brown, then Secretary of the Department of Commerce, reported that his department could implement more than 60 percent of the recommendations of Agenda 21 through the rule making process, without additional legislation. Similar reports came from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. (We see this in EPA, DOT, and other regulatory bodies mandating limits on water usage in our farm areas, needing commercial drivers licenses for farmers to drive their equipment on private land and more.)

The Ecosystem Management Policy, coordinated with existing legislation such as the Endangered Species Act and the Clean Water Act, gave the federal government the power to regulate land use in rural America. The model legislation provided in the American Planning Association's publication, gave state governments the power to regulate land use at the state, county, and municipal levels. The federal government encouraged states to adopt this legislation by offering incentive grants to states and to local governments. Consequently, the recommendations prescribed in Agenda 21 are being systematically implemented across the nation.

This process is transforming America into the managed society envisioned in the 1976 U.N. Habitat document.

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Appreciate your providing this for us. Not the content therein. Epoch TV - British Thought Leaders also presented a fellow, having researched it, who reported the UN already has developed a universal diet to be doled out per body weight. NO meat. Like MREs and spam? He opined it was not adequate nutritionally. Bold dolts abound!

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Which means they need to divest Bill Gates and China of all of their land and give it to somebody else…😂

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Resurrect the homesteading act and let the Americans have it.

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Absolutely! They’re only buying it up so that we can’t use it for farmland or grazing. They’re trying to force everybody to eat bugs and that’s what’s happened to the beef industry in this country. We are importing more beef from out of the country than ever. That’s insane When we have all the pastureland we need and the idea that cow farts are somehow killing the planet is asinine. I just read an article today that said we are not CO2 heavy we are actually CO2 deficient right now compared to previous times in the world and the CO2 that we do have is actually helping Green the planet not kill it…

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That is all true Beverly.

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Talk about a mind number of ones thoughts and spirits!

Took time out to watch your Hearts of Oak interview (afraid it might evaporate if I didnt access now). As always outstanding! And exceptionally timely. Extremely worthwhile!

I will be coming back to this again to better digest it. From an overview:

The money grab is stunning. We are a deeply in debt debtor nation, but clearly we are one of the carcasses they plan to pick. It sounds to me as if they plan to expand their own staffing as well as provide access to monies by permitted goverments on request. As we've long since noticed many governments pocket monies (that barely serve their intended purposes, if at all). Any plans for accountability?

I personally find this focus on affirmative action and women offensive. I would agree that women, in particular, may be more pliable/easier to effectively influence/push around. Again, I champion meritorious selection. In today's world, where effective performance is vital, other approaches are foolhardy.

I note toward the end they refer to SEIZING opportunities and mandates. Their true colors seeping out!


IMO we clearly dont have an executive/President that has had the opportunity to read and comprehend the purposed documents (a visit to the site appeared to indicate they continue to be revised). In fact I would challenge Biden's capacity to act on our behalf in any event. If only to drag things out this should be challenged (IMO)

There is theory (radio - WBAL) that the Dem strategy now (with the recent MAJOR transfer of Harris campaign funds to down ballet campaigns) is to assure Senate and House majorities. The new batch gets installed before the President is installed. The majorities can be ready with Trump & Vance impeachments causing a Jeffries takeover. This is not something I invest in, but I will add it into my 'theories folder' to reflect about.

Thank you ever so much for your sharing, coaching and education ❣️

It is appreciated!


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My bottom line opinion is that these UN types have executed so many disasters they have failed to merit an opportunity to govern to planet! If they want to continue in a substantially reduced advisory role - it might be tolerated. Until/if they demonstrate competence, no mandatory management can be considered.

As for the Natioal fools that are forever fooled into taking the bait - indepentant responsible persons are needed to address the issue

Our educational system is clearly a fail.

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I am struggling mightily to right what I see as wrongs in my country. The bulk of those wrongs is Government over reach. Multiplying those wrongs with some feel good global / World / Multi-National agreement is a huge mistake. Global cooperation, mutual goals and discussions are positive, but they become negative with the words contract, treaty, pact or anything considered legally binding. You can honor intent without being legally obligated to do so. More flies with honey.

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To summarise it in more elegant terms : piss off.

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Sep 5Edited

Here's a piece I just read this morning that to me, cuts thru most of the crap. David R. Hawkins, "Letting Go, the Pathway of Surrender" This is about the mechanism of repression, denial and projection. "They" then become the enemy, and the mind searches for and finds justification to reinforce the projection. Blame is placed on people, places, institutions, food, climate conditions, God, the devil, foreigners, political rivals etc. Projection is the main mechanism in use by the world today. It accounts for all wars, strife, and civil disorder. Hating the enemy is even encouraged in order to become a "good citizen." We maintain our own self-esteem at the expense of others and eventually, this results in social breakdown. The mechanism of projection underlies all attack, violence, aggression, and every form of social destruction." I think there is something to be contemplated here, and I am going to do more introspection on this!

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Divide and conquer!

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Good one! - David Hawlkins!! Cutting to the chase and long resonant with this earthling here. Most excellent that you post this and things like it, even if it seems perhaps a tad too far forward for the many 'projectors' commenting here who depend on some 'other' or another as a principal way to define themselves in terms of what they are NOT - but we must not relent. Advertising knows that you must repeat the message at least six times to have any hope of getting it through.

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Sep 5Edited

I have been posting "another way to look at it" and most just seem to not want to let go of hatred, dislike (a milder version) fear of being taken over will allow just that. (being taken over) I am alternating with Byron Katie, and others that I have gleaned to have been awakened to wisdom.

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More power to you brother. The challenge is to find ways to present such things in as neutral a way as possible, if not in their language - assuming they think and are capable of accepting another POV. But alas, I think Schopenhauer was right!:

"The majority of men... are not capable of thinking, but only of believing, and... are not accessible to reason, but only to authority."

- Arthur Schopenhauer

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