Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Cristin writes:

“And therefore, in full coherence, the forthcoming Italian Prime Minister Meloni announces now the establishment of a parliamentary commission of inquiry on what she calls “the disastrous management of the pandemic”, a commission in front of which “everyone will be called to assume their responsibilities”, and that fixed as “one of the first things we will do at the beginning of the next legislature”.

Can we (here in the USA) get such an investigation?

Sadly, the answer is no. The Deep State will not allow it. It needs to protect its own at all costs.

Don’t believe it? Turn on the news and watch FBI SWAT teams arresting non-violent political dissidents in early morning raids.

And should you agree with the FBI’s tactics, just remember, when they’re done with all of us, YOU’RE NEXT!

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So very true. We celebrate Italy for now.

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Politicians Behind COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Should Be Brought to Justice: Maryland AG Candidate

He believes that implementing the restrictions was an abuse of power under the Maryland Constitution, citing Article 44 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights, a document similar to the Bill of Rights.

Article 44 says “any departure” or “violation” of the provision of the U.S. Constitution and Maryland Constitution, for whatever reason, is subversive of “good Government.”

“I would investigate and prosecute anybody who did that,” he said.


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Joe and his handlers say they are Democrats in reality they are totalitarians evil to the core

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An excellent comment but may I suggest one tiny correction; you're next rather than your next.

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Done. Thanks

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Do not mediate with anyone, neither with politicians nor with epidemiologists; on freedom (and on truth) there are no mediations or shortcuts, because the question of freedom is as essential as that of identity, and both must precede any action. This is the ethical and political knot that must be dissolved as soon as possible, so that it does not again become a noose on which to hang personal and civil liberties, and with which to blackmail the people." Bravo.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In 2018, we took our son with Autism on a magical European tour. I was really grateful for how the Triestians (??) treated him and us. If the link works, the pictures describe their spirit better than words - https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm3StccA30L/ The two pictures of him on the main dock show their unique ability to "let him be". I hope they lead us out...

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Thank you for the lovely photos. I hope your son had a fantastic time. God Bless!

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bravo!! “This is the ethical and political knot that must be dissolved as soon as possible, so it does not again become a noose on which to hang personal and civil liberties, and with which to blackmail the people. “

Thank you Dr. Malone for highlighting the Italian journey. Giorgio Meloni ‘ s speech was filled with passion. She absorbed the outrage of this lack of freedom, the loss of life and the goal to lose identity and she said No!

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

OMG, Thank You, Dr. Malone, for sharing Dr. Cristin's words. Reading this was like thinking you're not very hungry until you taste something delicious and then can't stop eating it!! The words were TRUTH, of which have been STARVED these last 2.5 years. Starved! And they tasted so good!

I only wish the USA had Giorgia Meloni as President, right now, instead of the calcified hemorrhoid, the Resident, in the White House.

God Bless Freedom!!!

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Thank you so much for printing this article by Dr. Cristin in defense of Giorgia Meloni. Some who I shared your previous piece on the new Italian PM were not sure that her words and sentiments were genuine and felt like they must wait to see proof. This article makes me feel more strongly supportive of her and the fact that the media is tearing her apart is more reason to believe she will actually do her best to investigate the behaviors of all the government agencies responsible for the unethical handling of the pandemic in Italy and their connections to other 'bad actors' across the world. This article helps me to feel confidence that Giorgia is someone who will fight for the freedom and rights of the common person--a person of integrity. In this she appears to align with you dear Dr. Malone.

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I do love the old-world eloquence of this serious man. Maybe Italy can lead us out of this? I have no doubt our shameless media will do its best to ignore this spark of light.

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

GREAT list of questions!! Bravo!

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow to the infinite degree … I have never read a more compelling, beautifully written, inspirational, contemporary piece on the worldwide, inhumane horrors over the past 33 months. Luminoso!

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Reading this is good medicine for discouraged souls. Every word defines and expresses the indignation and exasperation we have been suffering now for nearly three years.

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Politicians Behind COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Should Be Brought to Justice: Maryland AG Candidate

He believes that implementing the restrictions was an abuse of power under the Maryland Constitution, citing Article 44 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights, a document similar to the Bill of Rights.

Article 44 says “any departure” or “violation” of the provision of the U.S. Constitution and Maryland Constitution, for whatever reason, is subversive of “good Government.”

“I would investigate and prosecute anybody who did that,” he said.


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The cartel of "private-public partnerships" are naturally sensitive to exposure. These attacks are knee-jerk projections, but the public has somehow been convinced that "Nazis" are the ones who march against forced medical experiments, and "Fascists" are those who question state policies drafted in corporate boardrooms.

It all makes sense, if you turn it upside down. These were the kids who couldn't wait for "opposite day".

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We have a little Italian here in the US that we'd like to see crucified. Literally. His name? Anthony Fauci. You may know of him. Please, may he also be snared in your rat trap?

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well said and well done! So glad to know others are out there who care about individual freedoms

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Contrary to this report Meloni understands the United States' meddling in Ukraine and elsewhere and calls out the Dems specifically. This is not being reported by her critics on the Right. I couldn't find the interview but I found it in an old email. This a Google Translation of the complete interview.


Here is a snippet of one of Meloni's responses. Is this what we are seeing reported from some of the Right that are attacking her over Ukraine?

"We risk that new fronts of crisis will open up in the coming months. Kosovo, Taiwan, with that in Ukraine that shows no sign of resolving. How do you see it? “ Will the Ukrainian war last much longer? And isn't the US dem getting too interventionist?

As mentioned, we want an Italy firmly in NATO. This does not prevent us from working for a more balanced Alliance, which is the protagonist of world peace, security and stability and which keeps certain adventurisms typical of American Democrats at bay. The Western Balkans are a strategic area for the Italian national interest, Serbia is a friendly country, a candidate for EU membership and always in close relations with Russia. Polarizing the situation in that area risks leading to unimaginable scenarios and it must be avoided at all costs, we need to unite and not leave any European nation in the orbit of Moscow. We were the first - after the Russian aggression on Ukraine to highlight the risk of a Chinese aggression in Taiwan,but frankly it seems to me that Nancy Pelosi's recent initiative risks giving Beijing an alibi. I see so many doubts even in American circles. Now we have to keep our nerves, be ready to face external threats but to concentrate our energies on ending the war in Ukraine ".

Also the stuff being written about the Aspen Institute is not the complete picture. Meloni has pointed out in interviews she wants to see what these groups are up to. It's not like she agrees with them. People with no skin in the game can be very critical.

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thank you for that comment. I think it is important to learn from the full range of perspectives on this topic. With this set of three essays (including the POV of Archbishop Vigano), we can get a reasonable assessment of the full spectrum of political opinion in Italy.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

Dr. Malone, Thank you for the reply. I agree about learning from a full range of inputs. I just wanted to show that Meloni has addressed some of the concerns. It's going to be tough for Meloni to keep the Coalition together (as mentioned by others). Forza Berlusconi did better than expected and he is super tied into Draghi. I hope Lega Salvini learned a lesson (by joining the Draghi government) but I think the Lega Milan Industrialists elements are more aligned with Draghi. One of my cousins that is a Conservative (we are from Emilia-Romagna but closer to Milan) turned on Salvini after his beach tours prior to the Virus (too much playboy). She switched early to FdI Meloni. Voter turn out was low in Italy and even here lower here in North and Central America. 1 of 2 Chamber seats went to FdI Meloni and the other to PD. The Senate seat to went PD in a close race with Fdl Meloni. I wasn't surprised with this result because PD is still stronger outside of Italy.

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Meloni has to play it close to the vest. She will not become PM if you takes the advice of some on the Right (who have no skin in the game) and tries to end Russian sanctions. Let her get in and see what happens. Italy is a G8 Country so a totally different situation from Hungary. I think she might expose the United States influence (see above) in provoking situations. It's clear she wants a negotiated settlement in Ukraine but that is something USA (Commie Dems and Neocon Pubs) doesn't currently want.

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