May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

All this aligns with the proudly stated goal of Barak Obama, "fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

Rush Limbaugh translated that phrase perfectly, saying that means "to destroy the United States of America."

So far, BHO, and the governmental uniparty, is keeping his word.

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BHO and G.Soros have been behind every effort to destroy the US. BHO has hated the US ever since being mentored by Frank Marshall Davis when he was a teenager. His mother was a devout America hating Communist as well.

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And he hung out with communists like ames and company to further his indoctrination.

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Bill Ayers and Bernadine Doren ?

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Yep. Was to lazy to look them up and every time I do my gut growls.

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Mine too. Always have a tough time coming up with Ayers in particular.

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and there are more, some now associated with higher learning institutions in the Chicago area and elsewhere. Some are re-constituted Weathermen of the late 60's. Some were on the FBI most-wanted list by that time, and 2 of them came to indoctrinate students at the mid-sized university I was at in central IL at that time. They have been around a long time, now out of prison and 'teaching' in universities. They are very good at what they do, and they do not quit.

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this is exactly the goal of the frankfurt school.

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How was BO able to get enough votes to win and thus gain the power needed to spread his parasitic ideology? Was it simply that he was a cool black dude? If so, the American voting public is chock full of gullible dullards, which I believe is the case. The voting age needs to be upped to 25-30.

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That election was rigged, IMO. As they will be from now on.

Only the massive number of Trump voters in 2016 overrode the calculated number of fake ballots printed, and when several states stopped or slowed the counting on election night, I joked that Dems were printing out as many fake ballots as they could to try and overcome Trump's lead.

That, my friends, is why HRC pitched a screaming fit and refused to concede or to even come out herself and address her fans on election night. She KNEW it was rigged and was furious that the Dems did not throw enough fake ballots in the mix for her to win.

They made sure that would never happen again, didn't they? Our votes don't count, or rather, are no longer counted. 🤬

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As we've found out in recent times, elections are riggable. I'm convinced he didn't win. He was "installed". Like so many of our America-hating politicians in the last 50 years or so. It's really disgusting when you think about it. Julie

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Could not agree more :)

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Been saying same for 60 yrs. Sure did not want the average college student I to vote when I was one. And knew lowering the age a big mistake. But did raise the drinking age telling us where the priorities lie

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Check out candidate Vivek Ramaswamy's stance on voting rights. Quite an interesting approach. Will never happen because it will be criticized as a "poll tax." But at least he recognizes the problem publicly.

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Good one-you have me by 10 years. The only candidate running so far to call for voting age change is the brilliant Vivek.

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I believe all voters should have to pass a civics test to vote in an election.

Most people have no idea how government works.

In 2010, I created a handout for several college-educated neighbors who did not understand how a bill becomes law. And they all had been voting for decades!

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Major State voting restrictions eliminated over time by the states: White males owning property and/or tax paying; property and/or tax paying; religious affiliation; only white males; only males; immigrant waiting period; 21 years-old. Color and sex were forced as amendments to the constitution. Also instituted by proxy, cartoon character voting; pets voting, dead voting, double voting, paid voting, vote stealing, votes not counted, votes changed, vote imagined… We’ve come a long way baby.

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Check out candidate Vivek Ramaswamy's stance on voting rights. Quite an interesting approach. Will never happen because it will be criticized as a "poll tax." But at least he recognizes the problem publicly.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Tony Blair in the UK decided most young people should go to University

He engineered this

The majority did/do Humanities degrees

But this qualifies them for nothing

Manufacturing (making stuff) has long been a dirty word and so run down snd outsourced to China

So now we are a hollowed out service economy which producing nothing itself is parasitic and slowly eating itself

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Using the evolutionary model goes a long way to describing the behavior of the globalists, but I think a more spiritual evolutionary mode also needs to be invoked. First, I believe the WEF is not a parasite. It is one of the vectors that transmits the parasite, as anopheles transmits plasmodyium. Among the other vectors are the Central Banks, the billionaire philanthrocapitalists, the World Bank, big pharma, and governments who are allied with the above and do their bidding. What is the parasite? I think it is evil. This is where the analogy breaks down. A more useful model, I believe is the ceaseless ebb and flow of morality and spiritual values in human culture. We have seen this since Biblical times, and the archetypes come from figures such as Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses, and Jesus. Humans are beings who are in conflict with themselves: there is a side that succumbs to material and carnal pleasures and another side that seeks to transcend and even escape the merely physical and resonate with the infinite. Both sides, when over-represented, are a violation of the other side. When the material/carnal side is over-represented we have evil. When the spiritual/other-worldy side is over-represented we have renounced part of what makes us human. Humans must traverse the middle ground of these two extremes, without succumbing to the temptation to renounce either. This is the challenge of being human. History has shown that as a species we spend all too little time in that middle ground, but tend to get lost in the extremes of one or the other. Inevitably, after the excesses of materialism, manifested by wanton behaviors, criminality, and war, there comes a period of religious revival and moving away from these excesses to their opposite excesses. This in turn leads to a Thermidorean reaction where the prior excesses re-emerge. The cycle repeats.

The different globalist powers are not alone in transmitting the evil. It has been infected into many doctors and even lay people who shame the unvaccinated and promote trans-sexual surgery for children. It has infected the "woke". This spiritual disease is showing signs (Budlight, Disney, Target) of reaching its apex, and the beginnings of a movement towards its antithesis is already becoming apparent. It will take time, but we will get there.

A better analogy might be the model of ecological balance. When any predator ( or invader) becomes excessively powerful, the ecosystem becomes unbalanced and seeks correction. Balance is the law of nature. In time, the predator will give way to other predators, who also tend to imbalance the system under certain types of stress. They will have their day, but eventually will give way to others. Such does the fossil record say. In a spiritual evolutionary model, the human psyche is divided against itself and moves towards greater integration, gaining greater tolerance for tolerating the incompatibilities of its own nature. As the historical record has shown, we have made some progress in achieving this goal. In modern society, one needn't choose between being a monk and a hedonist or gladiator. The events of the last three years show we still have a long way to go to defend agains the predatory and prey-like sides of our own nature.

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Dr. Malone’ s various parasites described all operate instinctively while we are faced with sentient beings with evil intent, not found anywhere else in nature.

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Absolutely right. All of God's creatures, but the human and fallen angles, are incapable of acting against their will, which God forged into their being.

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I do not know how you wrote this so quickly. The ebb and flow of the human struggle is not only historically written by man and nature, but entirely identified in the Bible, which is the history and future of mankind, written by its Creator.

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Does your 'like' of OBECALP post mean you used AI? Or does that stand for your Almighty Intellect perhaps?

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No I was agreeing with obecalp and you questioning James’s post of how he came up with that so quickly.

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I don’t mean to go on but there are words in James’s post that I’ve never seen heard or read before, such as anopheles which is a mosquito, plasmodium (I believe he misspelled) which is a parasite that causes human malaria, archetypes which means behavior, historical psychology and literary analysis, Thermidorian which is a French moderate group from July 27, 1794. Who knows this stuff???? And can write it in minutes???? Not me….

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Oh my, by the time I saw your thumbs up I had forgotten it was another 'James' that had written that spiel. I was assigning it to you! All cleared up now. Dr. Malone like the AI comment!

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I wish I could take credit for that intellect!!

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Great information. I think you and Dr. Malone are both right. Two slightly different approaches to the same issue. His seems to be more at a microbiotic (right word?) level while yours is a slightly "bigger picture" analogy. Thank you for your comment. And I totally agree with you that spirituality (God vs. Devil) is in play right in front of our eyes in these times. You are so spot on to remind us all to REMEMBER that God is active in all of what's going on. Thanks!

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All I can say is WOW.

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Human nature has little to do with the success and evolution of the human race. Humans and all living organisms must obey and adopt the prime directive of this Universe. And this Universe is designed to promote and propagate those who work together in cooperative groups. For example, ten people working as a team is many times more powerful than ten people living as isolated individuals. Those who do not obey the prime directive of the Universe will not evolve and eventually will be destroyed, as was the Dinosaur.

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Surely you know bureaucracies always become voracious aristocracies after they attain commanding power. Frank Herbert

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

I like the apex-predator analogy, to a degree. We, like Rome, have spread ourselves too thin. We are collapsing under the weight of our own decadence and other people will only be ruled (even if it is a soft tyranny, for a while) for so long before they find the ‘relationship’ untenable. (Hello, King George?) It’s over-simplified, yes…but it is a well trodden path to implosion. When I was younger, I saw a photograph of a shiny red apple (waxed?), you turned it around and it was rotted out. Eventually, that exterior was going to collapse under its own weight. Like many, we did not plan for a long future, that was given over to future generations to deal with. We put massive profits over building something to last. The Republic was further corrupted by Dewey who pushed socialism into our schools, the Kinsey sex studies and the failure of the American church to call its own and the nation to repentance and to lead by example. Instead, the Evangelic church become a political arm of the Republican party and the political state of Israel… most not really making disciples. Cozy in its own club and drugged up on escapism eschatology. (The Catholic Church is well documented in its own sins.) We are reaping the spiritual crop of what we have sown.

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Dewey was greatly aided by wilson in his attacks on our schools.

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Was he an ideologue or a patsy?

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Both Dewey and Wilson were certain ideologues.

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Why did he regret the League of Nations? Or is that just bs? He was the one who made us beholden to the banking families, I believe…

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History as written by the victor includes falsehoods, many in some cases. He did not retract his position because he was totally incapacitated after his train tour of the country trying to sell it. Yes, he was the first to use the “Administrative State” where trusted experts take on the duties of running the country. He obviously had little regard for the Constitution and Congress. He did give us the Federal Reserve, his expert on money, the imposition of an Income Tax, and the election of Senators by the people instead of the state legislatures. A swell separatist, ideologically bankrupt as the son and grandson of ministers.

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Wilson is really the first President to be 'Progressive' - a brilliant term that morphed into having a positive tone, by definition. I can usually take anything that the Marxists say or propose and see that what is really occurring is the opposite.

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That’s a sad ‘PK’ outcome, isn’t it?

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Good thoughts LDT. In the nation’s existence time-wise, the GOP’s Evangelic appendage is barely a week old. Dr. Malone might say the GOP is a parasite feeding on the conservative religious. I think the Left first conferred to and now uses the progressive religious ideologies in all Protestant secs and they specifically benefit from the Vatican II/Bergoglio Catholic Church.

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Yes, time wise, I agree. I think both parties use the church. I have watched it since Reagan in the Evangelical church, and I loved Reagan. I was a young idealist and 'pro-military intervention’ at the time. I had been a college and a Young Republican. The Republican party, for the most part, hates its own base. Both parties manipulate the church emotionally. There have been actual Christians who have run for office and a few are still in Congress and maybe the Senate.

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Great assessment. Those elected members of political parties, for the most part, lose their autonomy once captured by their new friends in office and benefactors financing their next election. They feel beholden to them, not to their constituents and certainly not to their core values and principles. Michele Bachmann was one of the few that held her head high without remorse while keeping her integrity to faith and country. Tony Perkins is still an ever present' let’s get Congress to act' foot soldier. I sometime think he’s used by those supposed Christians in Congress to get air time, contributions, accolades – all the while following their leader’s marching orders.

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Not only that but are required to raise money and that requires a lot of their time

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I think Perkins is one of the pimps. I hate to speak poorly of a brother, but I think he (and many in his ilk) value the prominence of politics more.

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I only alluded to it. Thank you for the clarity!

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Sometimes it can be depressing, then I remember Who is Sovereign… that this is world is passing away. That I belong to another Kingdom. It doesn’t mean I don’t work and pray for a better one, but that I hold on a bit more loosely and keep my eyes on Christ.

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Of course, it is only my opinion… I could be wrong.

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shrillary was a Young Republican, as well!! Always makes me chuckle.

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She was a Goldwater support in 64... and then studied Saul Alinsky. The rest is history.

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That’s bizarre considering she was radicalized in college.

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The radical women’s college, Wellesley, introduced her to the writings of Saul Alinsky and she was enamored - so the story goes. I have a friend (ex co-worker, both of us retired) who looks like Hillary in stature, face, hair-do, walks and talks like her, outspoken, demeaning to others, never married, no children, educated at Wellesley and a believer in all things spouted by the Left. I befriend her without a common thread between us and ignored her general dislike of other people and constant complaining about staff, her boss, etc at work. We still converse on occasions to this day.

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Shelley, what are your thoughts on Bergoglio?

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A puppet of the Adversary who will die having served his master well. Christ's Church will survive its fallen state if the faithful grow the remnant that's left. According to scripture, that will happen.

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His universal church ebbs and flows, but remains. Jesus has true believers across the continents, now the Christians in Africa pray for us and send missionaries… both in Europe and in North America.

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Evil men and their evil plans will eventually self-destruct. Some will never realize they're only being used for the propagation of evil by the very one who will destroy them once he is done using them.

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If you have the Holy Spirit, read scripture for yourself carefully and are under a Godly Pastor… chances are you’ll see through the spiritual deception. Wisdom and discernment are two things the Lord says we should always pray for.

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Other cultures (like China) have "five-year plans", twenty-year plans", etc. Organizations and governments in the West can barely make a "next quarter plan".

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Ussr had 5 yr plans and they never worked. Suspect Sam may be true in china

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Agreed. I grew up in Hungary in the 1970-80’s and the pretty insane, centrally create and controlled plans were the butt of the jokes that even the controlled media allowed to make by comedians and comedy shows. Why? Because we all knew that those were made by ideologues who had the least amount of knowledge about the industry they oversaw. This is why socialism was a total economic failure in the short run.

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It's also a failure in the long run, which isn't very long within the continuum of time. The pilgrim’s contract with its monetary backer required the pilgrims to operate as a commune for seven long years. They lived in constant hunger and disease. Once free of the contract, their land was divided between the families according to size and the they all flourished. As faithful servants of God, they dedicated themselves and their endeavor to posterity.

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Seem to recall that 1/2 of them died in a couple of years

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Yes sir. Half within a year of arriving. They remained on ship until dwellings were build. Supplies were not sent forthwith. Another ship arrived with no supplies and they shared what little they had with its crew members.

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Can’t disagree with you there, at least in the US, economically.

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Thought provoking to say the least! Humanity is the host for big Pharma, M/I and WEF. They are the parasites that will consume humanity, and then they themselves will be discarded and humanity will again reinvent themselves! The beautiful earth has gone through five extinctions, and we are on the sixth extinction, which is being accelerated by the parasites!

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Big Ed and K-12 Ed is on that list.

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HavN’t got a clue who you are talking about!

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Not a who but a massive bureaucracy with a huge taxpayer budget and control over most of the children of the nation.

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Many years ago the president of Toyota stated: "There are only 3 sources of wealth for a country, Mining, Manufacturing and agriculture". If you are not engaged in one of these you are not contributing to the wealth of the nation.

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Absolutely, which is why all governments and their agencies are parasites!

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone writes, "I find it hard to wrap my head around the big picture of what is really going on with the failure of many western governments to effectively serve their citizens, the “Global Reset”, the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, globally harmonized transsexual and transhumanism advocacy, and the “climate agenda” at a macro level." I think most of us feel that way. While I like (and understand) the biological analogy, I think most people choose to ignore the parasite and focus on their personal issues today. It is part of the focus on self whether it is personal self or corporate self. We are all guilty of this.

To respond to Dr. Malone's request, I see dangerous ideologies being introduced to our children from pre-school through college as one of the most dangerous parasites. The teachers/teacher unions deliver the parasites. The antidotes of strong families, parents, and religious faith are not being used effectively to prevent the infection/indoctrination. Once the students are indoctrinated, the ideologies will spread.

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The Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci was prescient in developing indoctrination within the educational system. It seems now to have been dominant in the U.S. system; born, I surmise, by the route that other Marxist philosophies - universities.

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The many forms of propaganda generated - In 1969 the song Age of Aquarius (peace and understanding) morphed into the musical Hair. Friends ask my hubby and me (they were our bride’s maid and groom from years past) to drive the 20 miles with them to Hollywood to see Hair. We all were pretty much silent on the way back. None of us had been really enlightened during the 60s so Hair was a hard swallow. That was a great decade where we lived but I believe it was ruinous for the nation. Many say the actual Age of Aquarius is upon us, biblically speaking supposedly a good thing. Recent website Quote “If we are moving into the Aquarian Age, it is often associated with the “New Age” as Aquarius rules all things non-traditional, non-conforming, rebellious, questioning, technological, and scientific. Aquarius rules electricity, computers, airplanes, flight, democracy, humanitarian efforts, and astrology. The Age of Aquarius is all about enlightenment and represents spirituality coming together with science. It is a time in history where religion and science need to unite and create better medical innovations and medical technologies to help humanity. It is a time where we can use science to help validate religion and God instead of fighting over the “creation theory.” (https://www.learnreligions.com/evidence-of-creationism-249731)That has been going on for 60 years.

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One of the most terrifying movie scenes I have ever seen sums that up. From the Killing Fields. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhf6K9_ort4

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When parasitic hosts are available to hitch a ride on, That's opportunity for expansions.

When cancer cells set up shop on a host to multiply and conquer, that's opportunity to gorge.

America has cancer. Lots of it. And the basis for the purist and simplest of health is being deleted.

And like the Roman Empire collapsed into itself, right before their very eyes, as the cancer ruined Rome. Some fiddled. Others diddled and piddled at the sight of it. Yet nothing could stop it.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, what do we do with this? Regarding the FBI: “FBI leadership pressured agents to reclassify cases as domestic violent extremism (DVE), and even manufactured DVE cases where they may not otherwise exist, while manipulating its case categorization system to create the perception that DVE is organically rising around the country,” says a congressional staff report released May 18.

Saturday reporting on a secret court filing showed the FBI broke the law by spying on Americans 278,000 times, without any warrants, in 2021 alone. “For each American the FISA court permitted the FBI to target, the bureau illicitly surveilled almost 1,000 additional Americans,” reported the New York Post on Sunday. The whistleblowers noted that the FBI rewards agents for opening more warrantless surveillance and searches of Americans’ communications.” -The Federalist

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And "social media" was the final straw. Dangle the tantalizing toy in front of the masses, and they can't resist it.

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I left that media completely. I kept getting shadow banned. Let’s not kid ourselves and think this format is not being used or monitored, though.

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I never ever even tried it. When facebuch was still fairly new, I asked people in the office why they bothered with that data-sucking crap, and they would respond with excuses like, "it's good to keep up with family members." I just rolled my eyes.

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I was entirely too trusting and uninformed to not jump right in 2009, and I enjoyed catching up with people I had not seen or heard from in decades. It provided a venue for families and friends to share pictures and not too personal information.

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Great article! Our Cultures are hosts to a variety of Parasites, many of which have institutionalized their parasitism. A key to their success is to hide. Try and prevent us noticing. Or if we do notice, keep us from speaking of them, calling awareness to them.

I'm encouraged that more and more good people are becoming aware. With enough awareness, can we find ways to throw the parasites off?

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent read. I love how you use TRex. Perfect and very understandable. Our entire government are parasites 🦠

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I am so very glad to hear you get a dig in on the virus-deniers. LOL. Yes, viruses exist. Yes, we can even see them under high magnification.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A “thing” You left out was “taxation withot representation” and “quadruple taxation” Yay, the IRS/Gubment. Ed

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is an extraordinary conversation. It brings to mind the fractals of Being and the sense that we are surrounded by the Truth reflected like jewels in a cosmic “net of indra”.

A thought, inspired by T.S. Eliot’s FOUR QUARTETS –

“Time past and time future,

What might have been and what has been,

Point to the same end, which is always present.”


What if God is the Present.

We are perpetually in that “moment” between the past and the future – “what has been” and potentiality – what might be.

The “moment” is the boundary between Order and Chaos. The gift of Free Will means that each of us can choose in this moment.

We are always choosing.

Think of the possibilities.


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Octavia Butler extends that metaphor to God is Change. See Parable of the Talents and Parable of the Sower, her prescient dystopian cli-fi tour de force dualogy.

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apologies to T.S. Eliot "....Point to one end, which is always present."

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Those "parasitoids" sound like the stuff of science fiction horror movies!

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