Those who want the state in charge of everything look no further than FEMA in the Southeast.

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20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert, I'm trying to get off my computer and go outside but you won't stop publishing amazing essays and exposés. Don't stop, but I'm going outside for a stint.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert, thanks for touching on Utilitarianism. Not a lot of people know about it. Whenever we hear “for the greater good,” that just means that WE’RE GOING TO DESTROY THE MINORITY.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So... if 51% is "greater than" 49% ... and I define what is "good"... then I can obliterate the 49% that I don't like!!!

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When the majority of people made stupid by corporate media are allowed to vote for abominations like vax mandates, democracy is pure evil.

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This IS why a democracy must also protect individual rights to prevent tyranny. If living a free life matters to one, then both concepts must be made to work together.

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That's the other teams definition of "democracy".

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Yes. It seems to me the intent and import of "Democracy" is dependant on who is using the term and for what purpose. Like many other terms today, there are many definitions. It would be helpful if we were discussing/reacting to a given and understood concept.

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18 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

Yep!! When members of the "other team" (i.e.: Hitlery, et al) refer to "our democracy" they are using "double-speak" and referring to their corporate tyranny which they have laid over the Republic which Franklin questioned our ability to keep!!

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If we have learned anything from the government produced covid virus it should have been that the government has no regard for the citizen only its desire to link with big business, put money into both of their pockets and expand its power and control over its citizens. Call it whatever you want “conspiracy theory”? Things just keep adding up. Are we supposed to keep ignoring what we see, what we hear, and what we read? The government produced virus, Covid, produced a big pharma vaccine that was unsafe and completely ineffective yet trillions of dollars were extracted from tax payers. The fires in Maui, in the district of Lahaina, destroyed more than 2200 structures with literally no help from our government and an attempted land grab began. Palestine Ohio train wreck, again a next to nothing reaction by FEMA which is a tax based security agency that is in place to help American citizens, nowhere to be found. And of coarse now we have hurricane Helene which we all know has affected Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, and Tennessee, devastating Red areas which I question as to why such little to zero response. I have read North Carolina sits on the largest deposits of lithium in the country and Black Rock had gone there trying to buy up the very lands that have been devastated. Could this be the reason for such a lame response by our government? Yes!!!! Lithium is the life’s blood of the lefts new green deal. Without lithium electric everything will wither on the vine. Getting back to my conspiracy theory, could this have been geo engineering by our government? Are we to close our eyes to the Chinafication of America and the American government? If China wanted a tract of land for the mining of lithium would they not do the very same thing America is doing to the citizens of North Carolina? Can we not see the government is colluding again with big business to make trillions of dollars off the backs of the good citizens of North Carolina? I guess this time it’s the North Carolinians and the rest of the south east to be screwed by this administration. J.Goodrich

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James, sadly my neighbor all true what you said. It would have been unfathomable for this type of evil behavior from our governments a while back , but those bastards and bijotches are doing it right in your face. They have no heart no soul. My prayers, along with millions others are with the people in those disaster areas. Have faith people the Lord is with you, He sees all and hears all our prayers. To those evil doers better you all put a millstone around your neck and jump in the deepest lake then straight to the lake of fires. May our Lord Father protect, bring comfort and Bless you in this disaster that you are enduring. God Bless. Much love and prayers from Canada

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It may be quartz.

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Back for essay comment later - Watching Butler Rally

J.D. Vance just gave a decisive speech. Animated, from his mind, no help of notes or other. Decisive! Conclusion: Trump has selected a very formidable backup! Trump alone isn't the only thing they need to worry about!

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The populace will sacrifice all of its liberty on the basis of false claims of security.

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Those who would sacrifice their liberty for safety will eventually lose both!

Ben Franklin

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As we are a republic it has occurred to me that as the fed has increased its economic and political girth the states have slavishly followed suit. I wonder if the states began reducing their footprint on the back of its citizens could induce the fed doing same via a reverse osmosis effect. A smaller state footprint would draw more attention to that of the fed and make remediation somewhat easier

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I find this idea that leftist amoral politicians in control of federal institutions would willingly relinquish power to be highly improbable.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The inability to provide a mechanism for recovery is due to the fact that no system of government exists that does not require a morality that exists at all grass roots level independent of man made laws.

And the only example of this has been this nation under the influence of Christianity. Only a spiritual revival, something a government or political movement cannot produce, can restore the nation.

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Was not proposing any relinquishing of power. What I am saying is that if more people pay more attention to state gov and improve it they just might do the same at the fed level and start putting better stock into that herd

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Arlie, major point! It hinges on what is in the hearts and minds of individuals who will, accordingly, make or break any materialistic, outer laws/schemes/programs etc.

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I think Dr. Malone, that you would find great deal of perspective from Dave Barton and Rick Green's offering on the Constitution. I currently am hosting their "Constitution Alive" class in my district. It is very intriguing and mind blowing in many ways. Because of offering that class in my very liberal/left/dem/prog district, my neighbors have now labeled me as a "radical right wing, Christain, Nationalist" and inferred that I am an "insurrectionist" as well and published those words on a local online bulletin board whereby I was promptly booted from said bulletin board and cannot reply.

That part of your post today I will bring to our next class and offer it up for discussion. There is so little actual thinking going on in America today as to frighten me at the soul level.

You ask what we are going to do to get the "genie back in the bottle"? SIr, I do not have an answer for you either, but my guess is something along the lines of the plots of several apocalyptic novels I have read over the years. Try Blue Dawn or One Second After. No other way is feasible. Even if DJT wins next month, the liberal/left/dem/prog aren't going away. Nor changing their mind nor going to calmly, rationally, maturely accept the outcome and move on with their "lives".

I would also like to offer again, to organize an event for your subscribers... please consider reaching out to me in private messaging. Many of your loyal readers are keen to be involved. We know how busy you are and understand the limits to your resources. And if this is something that doesn't appeal, please do let us know. And we shall zip our lips... so to speak. We understand.

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David Barton, along with Tony Perkins will be in KC on the 13th for a prayer service and a call to action on Missouri Amendment 3.

David will share insights on America's forgotten history, focusing on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage.

Admen 3 will be on the ballot in Nov. It would enshrine a “right” to abortion in our state Constitution, and would prevent your state/local government officials from establishing/enforcing regulations including the current partial-birth abortion ban, parental consent laws, health & safety standards for abortion clinics, requirement for abortion clinic to offer a mother her baby’s ultrasound image, forces elected officials to appropriate tax dollars to fund abortion & abortion providers and prohibits any civil or criminal recourse against anyone who performs an abortion and hurts or kills the pregnant women.

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Praying for you all.

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Thank you. I almost added a request for prayers to my post.

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PB - good point. The behavior you listed: "calmly, rationally, maturely" stands out as desirable for all of us, on both political sides, for helping move forward, together, toward better solutions to our present distorted political situation. We've all learned that working with animals - horses, dogs, birds - they reflect our emotional/mental set. Anger, hate, blame - no matter how they are behaving, doesn't get us anywhere. Patience, acceptance, and positive feedback does the trick with animals as well as humans...including oneself.

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Two of my memes from years ago succinctly touch upon the topics of this post:

Totalitarian Takeover Disguised as Pandemic Response


Fascism = Government + Corporate Tyranny. Faucism = Government + Corporate + Medical Tyranny


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Fearism = Government + Corporate + Medical Tyranny

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I saw a joke about the difference between a republican and a liberal. When confronted with a problem the republican works out a solution and proceeds to do what is necessary to fix the problem.

The liberal when confronted with a problem blames the problem on someone else and goes looking for a handout to fix the problem for them.

Not necessarily true in all cases but it illustrates the two schools of thought.

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LOL, well, if nothing else, it certainly illustrates the perspective of a republican...

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Had we followed Thomas Jefferson’s advice, “My general plan would be to make the states one as to every thing connected with foreign nations, and several as to every thing purely domestic” we would not be in the mess we are in now, would not have had BS wars or have the corrupt ABC agencies that we pay to censor us!

But what if we amend the Constitution to mirror the intent of the Articles of the Confederation to end the deep state? We’re Americans – We the People overthrew tyranny once; we can do it again – if we unite for the common cause of freedom.


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Almost all taxes come from income.

Total US income is $15T

Total USG (local, state, fed) spend $11T

That is, the USG spends 73 cents for every dollar Americans make.


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And Bernanke, when head of the Fed Reserve, admitted that every dollar flowing through gov loses 30% of its value.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for laying these issues out for us. Its going to take me a re-exposure and likely more exposures to effectively absorb and be able to draw conclusions.

Hopefully, I have a couple related basics. Its best to be able to call one's shots. To do that one needs to be responsible and independant.Then oneself and others need motivation.

Todays rally yielded a couple, new to me, plans. One is a definite plan to return 'education' to the states. A related objective is to eradicate (my impression) DIE, race theory, etc from what's taught. Wrinkles to be worked out?

The other tied our position as relates to the Worlds currency. We would encourage foreign countries to locate operations here - on conditions they would signup to use our dollar. Something about taxing their efforts, if they dont accommodate our conditions.

Personally think capitalism is the best answer. Need to develop a more detailed understanding to champion it.


Trump and supporters (Musk plus) arrived, communicated and evidently left safely. Trump was generous in his praises of his team (my word) - Vance, Musk, SS, and local law enforcement. He offered words of respect for the July victims, particularly the fire chief. He covered the problems plaguing the victims of the hurricane and recovery efforts. Commended to Vance's continuing efforts.

Vance played major parts in the rally and did himself proud. His vice presidency looks to be substantive.

Thanks for your efforts in broadening our funds of knowledge!


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Why on earth people everywhere can’t see this is beyond me. All one has to do is read Thomas Sowell’s Basic Economics. Beautiful essay Dr. Malone.

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Well those who choose to be blind will use the exact same words to describe those who do see. Self induced myopia.

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I suppose it is part human nature, we have failed to teach the art of critical thinking, and much of our culture has bought into the idea that there is no objective truth, which leads to living in fantasy land.

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The father of all lies is very good at keeping us living in the Matrix - art imitating life.

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Absolutely true.

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18 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs ago

Article I, Section 8. "...To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof..."

Congress handed off their constitutional responsibility a long time ago. Many don't know that the Federal Reserve is owned by banks. You can remind most of Congress about this, and probably get blank looks and silence.

Bankers are trying to push us to CBDC, and our enslavement. Banks.

I've just started reading Adam LeBor's "Tower of Basel," about BIS, the Bank for International Settlements.

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So... if "good" is defined as what brings someone pleasure... and... rape, murder and drinking baby blood brings someone pleasure ... then... rape, murder and drinking baby blood are good!!!

"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players." Unfortunately, millions of those "players" are psychotic!!!

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