Aug 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes! Yes! and Yes! Plaxlovid is BAD AS THE VAX! Stay away!!

I got c19 on July 22, one day after Biden. My doctor insisted that I take Paxlovid. I looked up the side effects and symptoms of Paxlovid and C19 were identical!

I said to her- “why in Gods name would I take that drug when the effects are identical to the symptoms?” Her response: “it’s what protocol we are “allowed” to prescribe.” I said, “haha, you got to be kidding me, - NO THANK YOU I will pass, I told her I will treat the symptoms, I am a healthy person and will trust my own bodies defense to protect me!” They called and followed up 2 days later- and I was doing great!

It’s been 16 days post c19. I feel great! Have a mild phlegmy cough treating with Ludens honey lemon cough drops. Went out today to Farmers market for fresh fruit & veggies.

This is what I did: I treated each symptom as it appeared. Motrin for fever, Vicks rub for head congestion, dimeatap for cough and cold, ice pack for fever, Motrin for body aches. Cool air vaporizer, heating pad for aches. Bed rest, BRAT diet for stomach flu part and probiotic and Vitamins.

Never been VAXED. Had covid 2 years and 10 months ago 9/22/2019 until this new one on 7/22/22 and this round was not as bad as the first time. So my body remembered and repaired more quickly!


Do not be afraid to get get sick- it’s a natural part of being human to occasionally get sick, trust your body to heal yourself!! Godspeed!

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Thank you for sharing. My experience is quite similar: Mild case, not high risk, but my primary prescribed Paxlovid. Already somewhat informed (I read sites like Malone), I looked up the drug on WebMD and quickly said "No thanks!" I never picked up the Rx from the pharmacy.

I'm not saying never rely on a doctor, but if there is any lesson here, it's sadly that you simply no longer can trust your doctor, even ones you've known for years. Whether coerced to or because of unquestioning faith in the FDA/CDC/other standards of care (which is worse?) the patient simply cannot rely on the doctor putting one's health first.

For my own part, except in exceptional circumstances, I will never take an EUA product, and I am doing my own due diligence on what I get prescribed if it's an unfamiliar drug. I've not yet abandoned my statins or blood pressure meds, but reading the literature is on my to-do list.

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Here's a doc who's easy to understand and thinks for himself. Great sense of humor, too. Good starting point and branch out. Thinking for ourselves has never been more important.

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Sunsandwind thanks for that link. The lab next door to the one I worked at was dedicated to lipid research. Genetics/ family hx play a large role and insults like smoking , hypertension and diabetes exacerbate the problem. I will never take a statin.

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I am interested in this because of my family history and a son in law whose family has genetic heart issues. Working in a medical lab I had many people tell me about their bad reactions to statins. This doc was the first i read to explain a lot I didn't know.

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Aug 7, 2022·edited Aug 7, 2022

Look into berberine as natural alternative to statins. There have been some positive studies, but some medications may still be needed, I guess it depends on individual.

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Exactly right, my friend has all three of those.. no more smoking.

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sunsandwind, this has been percolating out there for awhile. A great popular summary of the skullduggery behind the war on cholesterol & saturated fat is Nina Teicholz’ 2014 book ‘The Big Fat Surprise.’

A more technical appraisal here. Note the very strong language: ‘Fraudulent’ crops up a lot vis a vis the ‘studies’ they’re critiquing. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17512433.2018.1519391#abstract

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Excellent resource. I still have a copy of Nina's book on my shelf. After a cancer diagnosis I had been told 'go low fat or die'. Being a conscientious and scared patient, I followed the advice. That led to clinical depression. In desperation I started researching and reading. I credit Nina with saving my life. I went back to eating butter, cheese, cream, etc. Understanding how our brains are made of and require the very fats the medical establishment is demonizing was the beginning of my refusal to blindly trust so-called experts. It's been many years since that original diagnosis and I've never had a recurrence of either cancer or depression.

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May I ask, was your cancer estrogen sensitive?

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It was. That led to more research about hormones and the delicate balance our bodies need to function well. Had I known all that, it's likely there wouldn't have been a tumor. Can't change the past but my lifestyle has changed a lot now that I'm better informed.

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that is an important point, my friend was told to go off his statin and cholesterol drugs. that was when I said: should have never been on them.. but he is and I said your doctor said to go off them if you go on Paxlovid. which is not a good thing because the Paxlovid is not covered for issues .. like so called rebound" but your normal drugs are part of your normal routine.. which is why he never went on the Paxlovid. I also have never been on the statins. what a mess.. thanks for bringing that one up

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I am not a Physician; however, do have a family history of Heart Disease, Hypertension and diabetes in the rare circumstance in the senior years >age 65. Many physicians now test levels of homocysteine to determine vessel injury indicating intensity of arteriosclerosis briefly discussed in the link, etc. Celebrate information now more commonly distributed allowing awareness regarding the complexity of cardiac problems far surpassing Cholesterol.

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you don't have to be a physician: yes family history heart disease, Hypertension and diabetes are actually common in 65 plus years. Type two. Homocysteine is not a new test.. it is usually a secondary test and can only be done by blood labs. A good doctor will order it with other corollary indications If I did have any of the above I would use all tools available .. for self testing. I have felt really crappy lately because of complications from the Corona virus.. but problems are not related to that at all: I have long term diverticulosis and other stomach issue .. also in my family. but I think I will look at my old labs..

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I wish more people would see that MDs were brainwashed in their Big Pharma captured med schools. My parents never went to a doctor. They just ate right and stayed active. I've never had a doctor. I need to be specific here. Dentists are MDs and I go to a good one twice a year. If I break a bone that needs setting I will not go to a plumber or electrician. But. have a family doctor that I would go to for info on health? No way in hell.

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Not every doctor was “brainwashed.” Their views were suppressed by the leftists. One must avoid Groupthink that proclaims all doctors were brainwashed.

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I am aware of two MDs near El Centro, California who are not into pharmaceutical drugs. I also know there are many more MDs who are not into the C19 vaccines. However, nearly all of them are still into treating C19 with Big Pharma's drugs. For the lion's share of them drugs is what they prescribe. It is their education.

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I’m a happily retired neurologist and grateful I don’t have to deal with this crap. I bet we’ll see an exodus of clinical physicians from Healthcare and a decline in admissions to medical school of top students. There are plenty of other ways to make a living and feel one has autonomy as a professional.

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that is what I did.. and I am still doing.. The doctor did prescribe it for my friend. but he decided not to use it .. and is doing all of the above; though has more medical issues than I do.

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This. I am sick right now. Is it CV? Who knows? I am just treating the symptoms as I always have although I am upping the vitamin supplements based on the Zelenko protocol. But I figure my immune system needs a workout. I am in SF and it has been very foggy the last couple of weeks so my cool air vaporizer is an open window at night but the sun just came out so I plan on sitting outside for a little natural Vitamin D. Symptoms started on Thursday. Hopefully by tomorrow or Monday, I will be on the mend.

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The protocols on flccc.net are also good. Taking whatever you can to limit the virus replication would seem to be good to minimize the amount of spike in your body. The spike is toxic - vax and disease.

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I used a combination of Dr. Zelenko’s protocol and the FLCCC guidelines and was better in two weeks.

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When I got covid in August 2020 they weren't prescribing anything. I did a similar regime to yours and have been living my life ever since. BTW You forgot the chicken soup! :)

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Another person with a brain. Hospitals are death houses today. Stay the fk away. If you work for one you likely work for satan

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No! Please have have mercy on the nurses and doctors, and support staff in hospitals. They are as victimized as other Americans. And mark my words, we’ll all call 911 in our lifetimes.

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If they're speaking the truth? YES. 💯 yes. If not, ABSOLUTELY NOT.

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Hospitals are not the place of healing, like they should be and some of the medical staff have lost their minds.

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Shanna, I am glad to see a nursing colleague!

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Great job!!

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Thank you for telling your personal story - I'm so glad you have recovered well both times. The problem I have with the "trust your immune system" part, is that this is no ordinary virus or sickness, thanks to all the gain-of-function work NIH/Fauci paid for. I'm a fan of early treatment with repurposed meds that work and have multimodal means of action.

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Good for you! I’m glad you said no way to the doctor and stated why 😊👍

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Well spoken. Thank you.

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I never took the Jab, given that I had the original Mar-April 2020 for about 10 days (complete with total loss of smell), I figured I'd take my chances with natural immunity. Was able to help people recover from various iterations subsequently and had good antibody levels at 12 and 17 months. On Jan 1st 2022, I got Omicron. lasted 3(5) days with 12 3mg tablets of Ivermectin over five days following the September 2020 Indian protocol. I bought the tablets over the counter in Egypt, no questions asked for less than $1.50 for 12.

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They charged me $4.50 per pill in Northern GA. The first compounding pharmacy I called was charging $8.00 per pill, and I bitched them out for taking advantage of the situation.

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It's a scandal, when we were in Egypt, the tour guides told us that Eastern Europeans were coming on holiday to buy Ivermectin, Egypt makes it locally. We purchased 240 3mg tablets for $28.60, you can see the packets, inserts and 2020 Indian protocol here:


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Plain old horse paste works fine. Super cheap. We’ve been taking it since IVM studies are released. We have the pills too, but with a big family, we dose prophylactically and treat with horse paste. It works great.

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How exactly do you treat with paste, please?

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Aug 7, 2022·edited Aug 7, 2022

Buy the apple flavor paste for horses. The plunger has marks for every 50 lbs. A 150lb person takes three notches, etc.

Flccc.net has protocals. Get the full monty of drugs. Most are over the counter.

You can likely get everything you need human grade although at a higher price at myfreedoctor.com as well.

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Not quite that simple. Have to read your tube, but MOST tubes contain .21 oz (6.08 mg )of paste.

MOST tubes are standardized at 1.87% ivermectin

(6.08 mg x .0187) = 113 mg IVM per tube.

MOST tubes are designed to treat a 1250 pound horse.

The plunger will have demarcations for weight, and the one I use has the demarcations at 250 pounds, so one “mark” will contain 22.6ish mg IVM. (1250 lbs divided by 250 lbs = ~22.6 mg IVM.

I use FLCCC protocols, so I’m usually doing .2-.4 mg of IVM per kg of my body weight.

I weight 130 pounds.

130 / 2.2 = 59 kg

If you’re following FLCCC protocol for prophylaxis, you want .2 mg/kg. That’s 12 mg for me. For treatment, it’s .4-.6 mg/kg.

For prophylaxis, one tube gets me ~9 doses. For treatment, it’s ~3-4 doses.

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Thank you for your reply. However, I’m a Tony Rode a Pony, See Jane Run girl. What does one do with paste? Eat it on a cracker or put it in a capsule? Serious question though..

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Thanks for your response and both links. Appreciate it.

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I don't know for sure, but I have been told that IVM manufactured for animals is different from human brands as far as far as 'inert ingredients,' Please look at the package inserts for vet brands for ingesting them. We all make decisions based on what we know and we need to do a lot research ourselves.

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I think I recall Dr. Malone saying the animal versions of IVM may not be as healthy for humans per the manufacturing methods or something along those lines!

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Yes, that is what I understand. It is in the manufacturing process and that might include the inert ingredients.

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I ordered mine through flccc and it came from out of state because compound pharmacies here in AZ was too high so had to wait 2 weeks but I paid $125 plus about $10 shipping for a year supply of 15 mg

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Aug 7, 2022·edited Aug 7, 2022

You mean you could renew it each month for a year? What state and Dr.? TN nows sell online without a prescription.

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No, I got a full year supply. I’m thinking of inquiring about a refill. If I’d gotten sick, it would not give enough for a year but based off of 2 a week, there was a year supply. I live in AZ. Dr. Jensen called it into a compound pharmacy in Utah but they aren’t allowed to send here, so there was some kind of work-around. I had option to get here but the cost was double.

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Meanwhile I paid $200 for a weeks course of IVM back a year ago. Yes I got ripped off but I had no other way to get it. Pharmacists here were refusing to fill prescriptions. I caught Covid end of last year so it’s a good thing I bought it earlier. This year I just restocked and got it for $40 this time.

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Where did you get your most recent supply? I too paid a high price for IVM about 7 months (just to have on hand) from a Canadian pharmacy. I'm also interested in buying some hydroxychloroquine to have on hand, but am not sure how to get it if I'm not actually sick. I mean, would a doctor on myfreedoctor or any other sites prescribe it if I'm healthy?

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I got it this time from myfreedoctor. Used a Las Vegas pharmacy (I’m in CA). They filled my IVM and HCL, I stated that I am not sick but just wanted it on hand. Looks like they compound it themselves.

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Thank you for clarifying the “rebound” effect (although from a framing perspective, “rebound” is quite effective at conveying the failure of Paxlovid).

I was recently disappointed to see my alternative health–savvy doctor (who is actually awake enough to recommend FLCCC protocols) advise Paxlovid. And then, of course, Alex Berenson has been shamelessly shilling for Pfizer on Paxlovid (I’m still waiting for Alex to respond to my letter to him on #WorldIvermectinDay, I wonder why 😏 https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-alex-berenson-on-world).

P.S. You have Paxlovid misspelled as “Paxvovid” several times—might want to do a search and fix that throughout :-)

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Thanks - fixed

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Don’t waste your time on Berenson.

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Haha, don’t worry. I didn’t expect a response from him but wanted to call him out publicly on #WorldIvermectinDay and give him the opportunity to recant after Pierre Kory had just graciously schooled him in their “debate.”

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He lost me with his ivermectin stance among other things.

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Same. I think we know what one of those other things is, given where we're commenting :-)

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Same. I’m out.

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Loved your honest plea to him. I can’t really read him anymore. How can he deny the effectiveness of IVM, with the findings reported by Kory, Marik, McCullough and others unless he has another agenda??

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Thank you, and I agree, K Patt. How can you deny the overwhelming evidence of ivermectin’s efficacy while simultaneously hawking Paxlovid, a $500 EUA Pfizer pill with a paltry number of studies and rapidly growing evidence of its inefficacy and hazards?

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Don’t hold your breath waiting on Alex especially if he’s wrong.

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That is a sign of a big ego mixed with immaturity. That’s not good for an adult.

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Not shamelessly...paid wordsmith in my opinion!

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As long as we ignore the central role the immune system plays in keeping us healthy, we will continue to go down the wrong road in medicine. Being able to detoxify the human body from chemicals and pathogens by the liver and etc becomes a greater challenge as we age and when you add unproven injections and drugs like Paxlovid, it becomes even more difficult. Who will follow the Pied Piper this fall?


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Maybe dr. biden* can refer President biden*...

...to America’s Frontline Doctors for the proper treatments

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epic... insert clapping hands emoji ! :)

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Why is no one talking about the imprisonment of Hero Dr. Simone Gold?

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Geert Vanden Bossche has a deep understanding of how SARS-CoV-2 and our immune systems are interacting in the context of a pandemic that, unfortunately, has been polluted by a "leaky" vaccine. He has identified another reason why we don't want to speed up the evolution of this virus. It has to do with the non-neutralizing antibodies initially induced by vaccination and boosted by additional jabs.

To make a long story short, the non-neutralizing antibodies in question target antigens that carry over from variant to variant. (Unlike the Receptor Binding Domain (RBD), mutation of those antigens offers no benefit to the virus.) Since the vaccines' neutralizing antibodies are now essentially useless for omicron, the non-neutralizing antibodies are able to rush in and effectively coat the virus. The coated virions then hitch a ride on the immune system's dendritic cells down into the lungs. At the moment, the coating of non-neutralizing antibodies is blocking viral infection of lung tissue, which is where severe disease often begins. The blocked process is called "trans infection".

Geert says that evolution of the virus may eventually overcome the blockage. Paxlovid, by speeding up evolution, brings that time closer to reality. The end result would be a highly infectious, more virulent virus. For further details see any recent video featuring Geert Vanden Bossche.

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Yes, GVB is hard to follow as he writes in a very technical sciency style but I like your summary. His prediction about a more virulent mutation scares the bejeesus out of me, as he has been pretty accurate in his previous predictions.

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They will never 'learn' because this isn't about knowledge or a virus. It's about controlling you.

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Not to mention the money. More and more money.. as they control.

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Why use a drug that doesn't work as intended? Oh, right, that is the same problems with the jabs that hundreds of millions have received. Why not use things that have been shown to actually work?

Get with it. Pfizer and Moderna will do anything they can to prolong this pandemic. About time we have some citizen arrests and a tribunal to hand out some justice. There should not be any fines. there should be prison sentences and executions this time.

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What pandemic? There never was a pandemic.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am soooooo worried about President Brandon...

We should demand Fauci to put him on Remdesivir right NOW!

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Jennifer Nuzzo should lose her job.

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Who does she really work for, though? Brown or Pfizer or WEF? Hard to know with any of these charaters.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Take a vaccine that doesn’t prevent Covid infection, take Paxlovid which doesn’t cure Covid infection. Makes total sense.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yet it continues to be advertised on TV and promoted by physicians . It’s interesting to see at the end of the TV commercial that it is sponsored by, guess who? Pfizer!!!

Thank you, Dr. Malone.

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

This again is such an important information (science-based of course), especially because here Paxlovid is the first and ONLY drug recommended and given by doctors and in the hospital telling the patients „Take Paxlovid and you won’t get Long-Covid“. What a lie!!! Thank you so much!!!

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And Pharmacies! Big point!

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It is time for Joe Biden's personal physician to resort to more traditional means of healing. "Bleeding" might be just the answer!

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There are lots of leeches in DC, might be a great idea!!

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Allow me to propose another line of thinking. Most/all of this isn't my brilliant revelation, but it seems to me some provocative questions for contemplation:

1. Upon what faith should we take for true the claims that Biden or Fauci have been injected with the mRNA jabs, taken Paxlovid, or even have a case of Covid-19? These people, and many more, have a well-documented history of not exactly telling the truth. If that be the case, wouldn't a safer position be to assume they are lying here as well? For the matter, just when did it become fashionable for famous celebrities to disclose their most personal medical history or illness? To my memory, this is quite recent. Again, why should we believe anything that people say, especially those who'd have ulterior motives? And if what I describe in (2) is what's actually going on, it doesn't even matter whether they are telling the truth or lying out their ass, as you shall see.

2. What ulterior motives? Until recently, I had often wondered precisely WHY there has been so much emphasis on the failing of the "vaccines," and now most recently, of the inefficacy of Paxlovid in famous cases, such as Fauci and now Biden. At first, such publicity would seem to work against what was the traditional messaging (e.g. that the jabs were safe and effective.) Recently, I stumbled upon a possible, and certainly reasonable to me hidden motive: They WANT to trumpet how ineffective the current "vaccines" and drugs are! That might sound counter-intuitive but hear me out. These products are mostly, if not entirely, EUA products. Also, they are bought directly by the government by the tens of millions of doses and multi-billion dollar contracts. This is the case with Paxlovid, at least. In other words, Pharma is making big bucks, its sale is guaranteed to the government. Think about it: does it really even matter if the public is reluctant to take the products? of course not. The government can wash its hands, saying that it's only promoting public health and offering these products at no cost to the citizenry (which is true enough.) The hidden payoff, as I've just noted, is that Pharma has made its profit and could care less if few trust their goods. And my Profound Revelation? Simple! Now Pharma and government will correctly claim that the vaxxes and drugs to date aren't very effective, and new ones must be developed right away. In sum, the gravy train keeps rollin' for Pharma.

3. I don't fault Dr. Malone for this article, in fact I admire him highly. But as a full time cynic, I say "follow the money" as well as be extremely skeptical of what officialdom claims. In my opinion, he may be chasing a red herring (or virus?) at this moment.

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It is awfully convenient that Fauci, Biden, and now Lauterbach are all singing the same tune within weeks of each other isn't it? The pivot away from vax efficacy (while still claiming 'safe') is evident but really how could they not pivot away from this - since at this point even the most hardcore mask/vaxxers would have to be delusional to think it still effective. I think this is the prelude to the roll out of the new 'multi-variant' protective vaccines. They will claim that the vax worked but not against Omicron - so now onto the new Omicron variant specific boosters that everyone must get every 4-6 months (or even higher frequency). I also doubt that these guys took anything other than a placebo.

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All lies to fit this propaganda campaign.

We have election coming.

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I agree.....I don't think Biden or Fauci, as well as many others, got a syringe full of saline!! Why on earth would they take something that they KNEW might kill them???

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Regarding your first point, you could be on to something. If my memory serves me right, did not all of the DC elite working for the Government get a free pass on the requirement to get the jab? The late Dr. Zelenko always said to believe the opposite of what we see/hear from the media. He was an incredibly brilliant, wise man, much like Dr. Malone whom I feel honored and blessed to learn from weekly.

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Part of the reason is the 'new and improved for 2022' shots all the pharmaceutical companies have in the pipeline. No further research needed according to them since it's much like the original but betterfornew variants. The $$ keep coming in and with enough social pressure, people keep taking it. Likely going to be the new version of a flu shot sold as insurance against severe illness. I've seen that claim numerous times in the celebrity world after they disclose their 4 vaxes and 'cautious' lifestyle - it would have been much worse if I hadn't had my shots.

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I agree that Big Pharma probably doesn't care all that much about the quality of their products. They have captured the regulating agencies and have a sweet deal where they get taxpayer dollars directly from the government. For their part, the government has exhibited incompetence if not malfeasance throughout. They SHOULD care but apparently don't. That's actually what bothers me the most. It's as though they all now believe that the level of control they wield over our "democracy" is so complete that no amount of misbehavior on their part will result in jail time, or even any consequence at all.

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Aug 7, 2022·edited Aug 7, 2022

There are no accidents. Everything published is a PR move designed to have an effect or response or lead to a future plan. They are pathological liars and most everything nowadays is a con of some sort by tyrannical govts who want to maim, kill and steal. Yeah, I’m kinda feeling pissed today about it all and sick of waiting for these bad guys to be brought DOWN!!!

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Wish I understood why it is believed he and Fraudci took the jabs when they have lied & been wrong on so much??

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Aug 7, 2022·edited Aug 7, 2022

I don’t think they did nor the hyena. She also took paxlovid and if I remember correctly she got it again right after. All liars! I’m not sure what their motive is yet, but I’m sure we will soon see what’s up their sleeves!

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