We all knew it would happen eventually.
Today it did. Over a half million followers gone in a blink of an eye. That means I must have been on the mark, so to speak. Over the target. It also means we lost a critical component in our fight to stop these vaccines being mandated for children and to stop the corruption in our governments, as well as the medical-industrial complex and pharmaceutical industries.
So, please spread the word - share this on your own twitter feed or whatever social media venue you wish.
My Substack sign-up is:
Substack is absolutely the best way to see my writings. I appreciate everyone’s support in signing up for my newsletter. It truly matters to me. Substack @rwmalonemd
Other social media links are:
My website is:
Traditionally, the telegram account with my handle (rwmalonemd) is run by a someone else - it is not my own account. They have done a good job auto-posting from twitter and I have personally thanked the person who does this (I only have one of me and getting scientific knowledge and info pushed out is critical in this battle). It has 100,000 followers. Not sure how that will work now…
In the meantime, I am not going away - in fact, every door closed is another open. Stay tuned and thank you all for your support. It means so much to me and Jill.
Just signed up as a paying member because i believe in what you are doing. This is bravery.
Only truth is suppressed. No one ever suppresses lies and bullshit, those are free to proliferate.