Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert - you have seen our homestead version of what you are creating. We have 4 new lambs, with more expected. Our predator is a mountain lion. Piglets are in abundance and several big ones have gone to the butcher. Looking forward to ham, bacon, and pork chops. Our hens are producing lots of eggs and we can’t supply all who want to get some. We have a guest house, as you know, and would love to have you visit any time. As you are flying all over the world, it’s encouraging to see you guys stay grounded by the reality of having to clean stalls full of horse manure. For some strange reason, my wife likes the smell. Keep up the good work as you help the citizens wanting to regain our nation, and shovel out the not so nice smelling manure in government.

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The farmer 'off the grid' that raises chickens, says ypu can make your own feed. He shows you how do it. We just may go back to eating correctly from this nightmare.

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I'd be interested to know how people raise enough chicken food to avoid the feed store

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The 'Off the grid' You tuber has a video that shows how to mix what to feed chickens if they quit laying. The chickens quit laying eggs when fed feed from the tractor or feed store. It had something wrong with it. It was going on all over the country. (*Off the Grid with Doug and Stacy, how to make chicken feed on you tube). I tried to send this to you but the stream on you tube was too long.

Something was getting into the feed and consequently will be in your eggs.

There is a story from Robert Barnes (attorney) who is taking a case pro bono for Amos Miller from PA (Amish man) that uses techniques of raising his cattle, chickens, etc in the old techniques and the government is fining him a lot of money. If you get a chance to read about him, do so. There is an agenda to relieve us of our property and our rights. Also, to shorten our lives. We won't have to worry about a death tax because they are fixing that problem with these poison jabs! Stay safe.

Bill Gates and Black Rock want us to own nothing, rent stuff and eat bugs.

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Perfectly stated. That is what is confronting us all, just too few that can embrace such an awful truth. Keep it up, you are in my prayers!

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There was a story about chickens and some types of chicken feed interfering with egg production last week on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

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So would I

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Build a "Chicken Tractor on Steroids!"


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When I had three hens and a rooster (he was beautiful) they refused to eat bagged feed. They were free range on my 5 acres and dug up all of my plants and flowers looking for worms. I had to put up chicken wire along a back paddock fence so they could not cross the lane behind me when the neighbor complained they were shredding his plants. I started to root new plants in plastic mess so they could not dig. They dug around in the pasture manure looking for bugs and anything undigested.

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I guess even hens and a rooster are pickey eaters. That is good to know.

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If it moves underground they'll eat it. Not too fond of pill bugs, aka rolly pollys

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Absolutely, manure is a heady cologne for the rural citizen.

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I purchase horse feed and hay and then I daily muck minimum 200 lbs of horse manure except in the summer when it's mostly dried out when I get to it. Yea for summer, except the flies, heat and humidity and the mowing, mowing, mowing. Yes, it's pastures but if not mowed - weeds, ticks and jiggers. Winter - all I have to do is use the tractor bucket to spread the manure I piled up all year on the pastures and then drag, drag, drag. My blessing, a heated and air-conditioned cab! I rue the day I will not be able to do these things and smell the heady cologne I've known since 1962 and the immense pleasure my four-legged companions provide in addition to the exercise.

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To me, only pigs are unbearable lol, the smell is just outstandingly bad

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"However, Jill hates leaving all the stalls for the staff, so she will often clean stalls to lesson their load."

That was the point I stopped using a house cleaner. I always found myself cleaning the house before they came.

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I was always told I was nuts cleaning before my lovely two cleaners arrived.

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I thought you were going to call him on his mis-spelling of lessen, instead of "lesson"...

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In the era of text mistakes that is really puny

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love your description of your farm, Dr. Malone. Thank you. Just a reminder though, I have been a conservative all my adult life... today's CPAC is not Reagan's CPAC, not one bit, sadly. We need a NEW party, one of actual Constitutional Conservatives. Peace to you.

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I agree.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you! I follow you and your wife's efforts to save our lives. You are a good doctor! I appreciate you and your wife very much! Sometimes, it just doesn't seem to be enough to say, 'Thank you.' It is not enough.

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I think a new party is perhaps a good idea at this time, however political parties are inherently undemocratic, imo, and are basically the result of the undemocratic methods we have been using to hold elections. We need a multi-candidate system, not a multi-party system. I’m in the process of rewriting what I have at MEVoting.com to make the issue as clear as possible, I think I can make a very convincing case that there really is only one truly democratic method of holding elections, which will shift power from political parties to the electorate once it’s implemented. If anyone wants to help or discuss let me know.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert and Jill - Thank you for sharing the photos of those precious babies. So absolutely beautiful!

Robert - saw you on Bannon this morning. Makes my heart sing that you are very encouraged by the latest developments. I am too!!!! Glad you are speaking with Marjorie Taylor Green.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'll have to watch that!

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a refreshing morning read. About real things. True things. Baby animals, barns, poop, hard work, trees, paths, ponds, fruit....not an electronic device or computer in the mix (except for you to write on and me to read on!). I was so glad to read about your and Jill’s periodic returns to normalcy and nature to soothe your war-wearied minds. What a blessing.

In regard to individual sovereignty and freedom slipping through our fingers, our senior generation is experiencing the age-old condition of mankind: Wishing we’d known back then what we know now. If only we’d been better at heeding the warnings of the forefathers, who had learned that human nature, always listing toward power mongering and tyranny, doesn’t change and must be harnessed. The Ten Commandments and our Constitution and Bill of Rights defined and provided the harness. We see how that old human nature always looks for ways to “slip the harness” and head towards the cliff.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” ~John Adams

“Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants.”

~William Penn

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone!

You looked nourished and refreshed on WarRoom today. (Thank God).

Milton Friedman reminds us that “Governments don’t learn; people learn”.

The mighty St. Francis prayer begins:

“Lord, make me a channel of your peace...”. Uh, mi scusi

I prefer, Lord, you have made me a channel ...”

Your Rx for Spritualsclerosis is bang on. 🙏🏼

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have lost all hope for this country. You say we all need to work. I’ve done a lot of work, I was an active part of the Tea Party when Obama was president. More recently, I’ve attended rallies (faced BLM/Antifa a few times), volunteered for candidates, spoken out, called and written politicians and the media. I get other patriots to call and write. I pray and ask others to do so. I’ve given what money I can. I do not do business with anti-American companies which means it is difficult to shop, watch t.v., etc. (no Amazon, no FB, no cable, no Twitter until recently, no McDs sweet tea ☹️, and on and on) I do not see anyway we win our country back without a true revolution. If I knew how to start one, I would but I don’t and I believe it is impossible with all the technology. Our only hope is a miracle from God and frankly, I believe his plan is to allow us to destroy ourselves. Obviously, I could be wrong so assuming that I am, how do you suggest we/I “work”? What more can I do?

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

P.s. I moved from my home state of Ohio (52 years) to Free Florida. I did not comply with mandates. I only masked when absolutely necessary and I did not mask (abuse) my son.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

love your spirit and resilience!

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@Patriot Ronda God bless you for all you have done Patriot I hear your discouragement loud and clear and feel we are in exactly the same place for exactly the same reasons. The only thing that keeps me going right now is that I know satan dances when I am in despair and I say EFF THAT I refuse to give him/her/it that pleasure. Keep going warrior...you are not alone I can assure you. God Bless XO

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert, is there any real estate near you that is for sale? We are ready to depart woke Fairfax County VA and want to live near like-minded people. Husband is an IT professional, father of 3 and I am a retired immunology research technician, horsewoman. fiber artist, gardener, mother of the same 3. We are both unvaxxed, recovered COVID--19 patients of Dr. Oskoui. We are 76 and quite useful eaters; experienced stall cleaners too! Really appreciate all your articles! I am currently reading your book. Well done!

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I can say that we live near north of the town of Madison - very close to 29. The prices here are very reasonable, but look to realtor.com and landandfarm.com I don't know of any near me - but that doesn't mean they aren't there.

There actually is one very close - but it is an older house on 29, four acres and a bit over priced. You should be to do better, but that is the only one I know.

Good luck - and I can honestly say that this area is pretty amazing and amazingly good value. All old farms, not fancy horse farms - LOL.

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We bought a 4 acre property years ago. You can do a lot of gardening on a piece of property this size yourself. Good luck finding something

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wow exactly the kind of neighbour I would like to have! I am currently surrounded by mask-wearing Libtards in Castro's Canada!! Best of luck Bonnie God Bless

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Ho inw did Castro's bastard son gain any political power in wonderful Canada???? How did Trudeau worm his way into government and how can you get rid of him? We used to vacation in Canada every summer and my father first moved to Toronto after leaving Scotland. Wonderful memories!

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Hi Bonnie...same way Trump lost the 202 election DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS!! It is not so wonderful here any longer Bonnie what with Bill 36 weaponized to silent physicians descent and looming 15 minute cities all across Canada I am seriously considering selling my property and finding something in Montana somewhere safe conservative and pretty. Canada is on life support. Really sad.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Personal autonomy has been the singular fundamental gift given to me by my creator...

I will oppose any infringement...

Having witnessed their Litany of Lies...

I will RESIST...


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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Upon reading the essay, it invokes the description of the well travled, well lived, individual life we are responsible to seek, and to love.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert I think you are a true renaissance man and I have met very few of them in my lifetime. I live on an amazing ocean point on the West Coast considered by many to be the best view anywhere but I would give it all up in a New York second if I found a paradise like the one you describe. Horses and a farm...my final frontier. Until then, I stand my ground as a sentient being whom nobody can compel to perform unless I agree to. God Bless you Robert. Keep going.... you are loved and admired by so many of us.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this article. It beautifully inspires. The photos are a bonus for my heart.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank-you for the sweet pictures and your tales of life in nature!

I had horses as a child and yes they are a lot of work and worth it.

Today I have a small dog and an apple tree.

Take care all and keep personal sovereignty alive!

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Congratulations Dr. Malone and Jill for building a life well lived! Thanks for sharing your experiences as they inspire us to do similar things. Being able to work and buildup is a blessing, and you guys are blessed indeed! Well done! 👍

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can move heavy things with ropes and pulleys. It's my post apocalypse skill. Just sayin'.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I want Travers!

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New too!

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