I am a Texan and will never set foot in any Baylor associated hospital or medical practice because of they way they treated Dr. Peter McCullough and have promoted Dr. Peter Hotez.

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Baylor used to be excellent…Now, Run don’t walk. Ed

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The term of art "science" as employed by Hotez and his allies means the official narrative; or the promoted position. Notice they do not speak of evidence, except to state that the narrative is based on it. But the discussion never strays into evaluation of the evidence, and how the narrative (opinion) reflects the evidence. Consistent with this usage, the discussion is forcefully focused on who is delivering the opinion, not on why, or on what evidence. All is personalized (See Saul Alinsky and other propagandists) so that one can then insult the dissenter personally and distract from the point (See Jerry Springer show). The insults are vulgar, and we know them all by heart now. Racist, phobe-something, extremist, conspiracy theorist, etc. All delivered via the logical fallacy of guilt by association (in Hotez' case "anti-Semite," although his Jewishness has not been established to in any manner be a part of the discourse). The point is that if you detract from the narrative, you, personally are bad.

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

There is a whole group of "medicine men" who are enrolled in the effort to protect the 100 Billion dollar vaccine/injection machine that is going to 200 Billion if they gas light the gate keeper (FDA) that injections are the Holy Grail of Medicine to treat disease states. The RNA injections that reprogram cellular function are not even a vaccine. Prevention and reversal of disease states by life style changes and eliminating the factory processed foods laced with trace toxins is ignored, and is actually welcomed, because it keeps the Medical Establishment growing. It was 10% of GDP in 1960 and now it is 20% of GDP and food is now 10% when then it was 20% in 1960. Food is now mass produced and is heavily treated with chemicals in the growing and manufactuering process. Not Good! US Sales of Big Pharma have reached about 500 Billion per year. Hotez is a prime example of being a victim of not understanding the root cause of his health issues and hasn't a clue that what he espousing is causing great harm. Why would he want to search for the truth when he sees Fauci as his idol. He has bought into consensus science big time and will go with the flow because that is where the money is. As long as ROI is the main goal of the Medicine man, we will go down the wrong road to the detriment of humanity. Ultimately, it will not end well for all humans. A recent letter from Senator Durbin sent to me confirms that he and his fellow Congressman are going with the flow and will defend NIH and etc in their efforts and current form. I wonder why?

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and how about the unrivaled irony: Hotez has an autistic child and is so blinded by his vaccine mania cannot and refuses to see the cause of his own child's ills. So much so he wrote a book errantly "proving" the opposite of the likely reality!

“There are none so blind as those who will not see.”

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I read a report on Racket News today about Hotez and it said the same thing. It also contained the same video of Hotez/Rogan that Doc had on a previous substack. This man is definitively derided and ridiculed by all (most). His book didn't prove anything but is blindness to facts.

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Tell that to the average american...

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

I don't care what made Hotez who he is. I won't consider his actions to be "lesser sins" simply because he is a messy, conflicted (even perhaps internally tortured - seems to me he really does blame himself for his daughter's autism), damaged soul. He put himself on a pedestal and fought hard to keep himself there. He gets not one single ounce of sympathy from me.

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Empathy for people lacking any themselves is a wasted effort

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I have found throughout my life that people make choices that like, the fork in the road saying, allow certain things in their life to become normal. Whether it be smoking cigarettes, drinking too much alcohol, doing drugs, and looking at our current political environment, taking money or grants to influence one’s policies. I at one time smoked a pack of cigars every day, and as bad and gross as it was, I allowed it to be an accepted norm in my life. I believe corruption is another issue one must make a decision to accept. I see intelligent people who take the money which corrupts them. I consider this a good versus evil situation, which in turns divides the good and evil people. In many cases I do think the corrupt intelligent people use (I don’t mean to be rude) useful idiots to create havoc and division. My last point; many Americans take for granted their freedoms and this soft life that surrounds them. They may wake one day, like a light switch, to a freedom less world. We are all just four meals away from a catastrophic life.


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Plus carrying water and chopping wood for open fires.

How would you like your Squirrel prepared? Roasted or pan fried?

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Uhhh…I’ve eaten armadillo and rattlesnake. 🤣 Ed

Edit - the large rattlesnakes are a little chewy. 🏴‍☠️

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"Peter Hotez's War Against Common Sense..."

"Peter Hotez's War Against Conscience..."

Where does it stop?

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

I love reading essays from The Midwestern Doctor, they cover familiar territory in a way that is in alignment with Dr. Malone and others I respect. I always learn more ways to see a situation that requires thorough examination. Dr. Malone"s habit of promoting other worthy writings certainly indicates his lack of jealousy for others in his field of expertise!

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Hotez = useless idiot.

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Hard On The Eyz

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It would be easier simply to dismiss Hotez as the clown which his countenance and actions portray. But there is something more deeply dark and sinister living inside him; worse because the media give him a forum he does not warrant.

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One other consideration that you should use when challenging someone publicly is whether they, of their families, have financial interests in assuming a position.

Hotez reminds me of Dr, Zylenko of the Soviet Union who had very bazaar ideas on plant genetics. He was one of Stalin's favorite "scientists" because his theories dovetailed nicely with Uncle Joe's ability to use starvation and disease to mass murder ungrateful peasants and working class people who did not fully appreciate Uncle Joe's benevolence and socialist leadership. Millions died. Hotez's ideas and beliefs were used by millions of people to gauge and decide whether to follow the recommendations on the Wuhan virus "treatments" and protocols. My guess is that something like what happened in the USSR is happening here, and elsewhere, and because of the same reasons.

Danny Huckabee

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Peter Hotez doesn't need to define anti-science: his career and writings define anti-science. He is the incarnation of anti-science.

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Wait a minute,

You publish an article about contracting into the contraction ...

By an author that needs to remain anonymous?

'Might be high time to move on to

Bob's musings on Pre-Columbian Pottery.

- A Two Part Series On Substack.

Jesus. And You Wonder Why I Don't Let Up On You.


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Thomas, if you would take some time to read MWD you would know why it is chosen, and then maybe you wouldn't be so divisive. Tell me about how you have put yourself in the path of constant questioning, dangerous situations for you and your family etc. "Walk a mile in my shoes"

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I appreciate that.

Albeit not for reasons that you would like.

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Bob has reached the limits of his comprehension.

He is looking for a way out of all this.

It is what it is.

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

Standing against the pandemic playbook was a major experience of being "other." I did get vaccinated, but I knew that there were early treatments and that the vaccines were harmful. I was ostracized by my peer group.

Trying to understand the Orwellian pandemic control system might benefit from the experience of colonialization which exploited regions and ravaged traditions that stood in the way. Here is a short summary of colonization logic::

We are superior because we are modern. We have the power of science, secularism and governments. You have beliefs. We have reason and technology. You are a remnant. You are the other. Therefore we have the right to exploit your culture and your resources.

Hence we saw widespread lockdowns, failed drugs, mass death, and long term suffering, along with , profits and power grabs. Was the totalizing pandemic playbook simply a reenactment of the colonization plunder which went on for centuries?

We live in a time when "let doctors be doctors" is radical. I thought that the practice of medicine was a sacred, trusting relation between physician and patient, i.e., doctors were doctors. Now, it has taken major political effort, in a few states, to restore the practice and craft of medicine.

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These Are The Good Old Days.

If You Think This Is Traumatizing.

Wait Until You See

What They Have In Store

For These Doctors.


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Sorry to be late today, what with all the various fare. Had my 1/4 MD visit. Advised my D levels have been slowly rising - No D until next test in Sept (rarely out in the sunshine and not long enough for it to be meaningful. Taking only 2/3rd needed per product lable daily). Need to investigate.

That said IMHO this article covers Hotez AND WHO, HHS and Pharma War Against Science! All proclaim they possess the science which tells them the answers to this pandemic are elusively in vaccines, the safe and effective “vaccines they would develop” and provide. They did come up with ‘vaccines.’ Curiously we were called on to trust them. Data and studies to confirm their assertions have been as available as hens teeth. Studies they produced had notable flaws. They have responded by demonizing all voices not echoing their ‘Scientific certitudes,’ as anti-science. They responded by demonizing the ‘opposition,’ where possible banning them and their advice.

Some of our ‘expert scientists’ more recently confessing they ‘hoped’ they had the perfect answer. But the perversities are continuing. The Covid Vax is on the childhood listing. While our ‘Covid bus’ has recently disappeared from the Church parking lot, Vaccines are still available and will surely be recommended by fall.

On another issue, I read today that the AMA has announced they support gender affirming care. We hear digital currency will start its arrival July 1 and we hear the Post Office says we should stop sending checks through the mail (its too dangerous)

So, should one accede to Hotez, his compatriots and indeed our federal ‘experts’ marching orders? Or should we do our own research, find other credentialed experts perspectives, relevant data, studies, other folks perspectives and draw our own conclusions and courses of actions?

As for the perspectives our “other credentialed experts” provide. Isn’t best for us to listen and decide what “We” conclude? Science grows/evolves as more light is shown on issues at hand, as studies contribute to facts of matters asserted. Don’t we want to know as much as possible as we try to decide our beliefs and course of actions?

Drs Malone, Kory, Merik, Cole, et al offer us valuable data, studies, considerations and perspectives. IMO the information they provide us is invaluable! I personally wouldn’t want to have to be without it! They are all hugely appreciated. I find their openness and compassion are worthy of my full confidence! They tell us ‘keep tuned’ things will continue to evolve.

Thank you ever so much for sharing!

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