Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We need a serious lawyer and a serious lawsuit and some serious expert witnesses. Enough is enough

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The lawyer Robert Barnes is already working on this. Hi is defending the whistleblower against Pfizer. They have gone to discovery - which has been delayed for six months - but apparently the judge is willing to get through this trial.

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Today's discussion with The Duran and Robert Barnes was particularly fantastic. Tides are turning on so many fronts. I felt optimistic for the first time in awhile at the level of all things global. The big plan is falling apart and everyone is catching on. Monkeypox a big fail and Biden's Bike incident may be remembered as a marker in history. The total geopolitics broad view is showing wins on many fronts for the everyday citizen. Apparently the upholding of the 2nd amendment broadly today by the Supreme Court is also a big deal for the US and the world. British attorney Alex Mercouris spoke eloquently early in the interview about how the US constitution is so special as it was born of revolution, with an eye to protecting individuals from abuses of the state. A really great historical review.


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I’m only getting my news from Substack these past few weeks. Had no idea about 2A and SC today. Woot!

Appreciate your optimistic post!

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Substack is an oasis.

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We The People are going to have to get involved because all 3 branches of government are clearly compromised w.r.t. the "vaccines." Its not just the judiciary.

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I concur. My preference would be, many series of "metkas" to their grey matter. Just my opinion in serbian. Dr. Malone and Jill stay the hell away from evil doers like that, so that no shedding can take place. Much love and respect to you both. A big fan from Canada.

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Good luck finding one not owned by Big Pharma.

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How about a serious judge?

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I think Robert Barnes pretty much knows all the good jurisdictions. He is a lawyer that is not tied to one geographical space.

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He has stated that overtly.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

New bumper sticker: RELEASE THE DATA!!!

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sufficient information is available for those who want to know. The problem is too few want to know.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Especially the vaxxed because they can't unring that bell.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And one that says OPEN THE BOOKS!!!

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Apparently "Arrest Bill Gates" bumper stickers are popping up in Nebraska.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Combine this with Robert Kennedy's Children's Health Defense FOIA showing the CDC didn't even analyze safety signals from the VAERS data, it looks grim. The CDC probably knows just as well as Pfizer and the FDA that the data has been warped not to damage the bottom line (best case scenario) or this vaxx is being used as a massive experiment with EUA to develop more moneymakers, or it's a bioweapon (worst case scenario). In any case they are hiding the data to cover their little cushy tushies because if it was incompetence, their would be data going both ways making the experimental mRNA injection look good or bad, but the data is warped to make it all look good.

It's all done with our tax money too. Joy. Can we defund all these horrid 3 letter agencies, please?


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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Defund & Dismantle

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Good bumper sticker.

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That should be a high priority for the next congress. Probably won't be.

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Candace Duncan thanks for that link.

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Hehe - I like your "Brandon is not your bro" call sign!

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Candace Duncan… thank you. Funny story, my sons and I were at the dinner table, discussing the state of affairs of our world. The one son loves history, the other politics. The one said check out substack and that Pandemia book, interesting reading there especially this guy named Berensen. So I searched it on my phone and found it but asked them for a name …. The one yells out Brandon and I said no he’s not my Bro! That’s how it came to be!!! How about others here I wonder?

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Nice! I love history too! I've been watching a series lately with my kids called Fall of Civilizations. I take macabre comfort that great empires always fall and people get through it.

I have an electric car we run off of solar power and I teased my brother who drives a gas guzzling F-150 that I would blow pick-up truck drivers minds by putting a "Lets Go Brandon" (except the vulgar edition) sticker on my electric lib-tard (his word, not mine) mobile Obviously I'm an EX-democrat now, I'm in the George Carlin's "It's a Big Club and You Ain't In It" political party now.

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Great story Candace , And good for you. Guys and their trucks , ya gotta love ‘em!

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I do love my bro!

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In my opinion the bottom line is that without peer review of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA studies, we are dealing with junk science! A study over 20 years ago by diligent physicians reported that about 80% of all research studies have a bias for a preplanned end goal and are not objective research.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Junk science is how science is done these days. It's how most people want it.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

People don’t have a clue what the real motivation is in science today

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I think most scientists want to do it right, but the bureaucracies are more interested in the expected answers than in the right answers. I see three problems.

One problem is the corruption of the leaders of the sciences which forces propaganda to be reported as science.

Another is the willingness of rank and file scientists to accept the corruption. This is the same syndrome we have seen in police agencies, the press, politics, and education. Most people know better but accept corruption as the normal course of their lives. Society has become a cult, as Desmet describes very well in his excellent new book "The Psychology of Totalitarianism."

Third, and most important, is the willingness of large portions of the non-scientist population to accept the corruption of their own future. Most are just unaware, having received no training in the sciences, nor in any form of rational, analytical thought, due to the failures of the education system. It's a vicious circle that produces increasingly bad outcomes until a critical tipping point appears that forces even the most complacent to rebel. That will resolve the corruptions, but likely will introduce new ones as we oscillate into new normals. Maybe rationality will prevail, and science will identify and correct their errors gracefully, and journalists, and cops, and social institutions at large.

The important start for returning to rational society is for those who recognize the failures to become aggressive in pointing out those errors in thosearound us. Be judgemental. Make some of them angry -- it breaks their complacency. Make it clear their obsequious acceptance of fascism is unacceptable. It takes time, but its better than the likely alternatives.

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Unless we have governmental and medical leader ship that understands the issues nothing will change!

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Government and medical "leadership" is the problem. We need open source and free discussion. Forget all these useless, captured guilds.

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I agree with you 100% and the issue is that if there is not open dialogue and a challenge to The status quo we will continue to go down the the wrong path in medicine. This has to be resolved by our leadership in DC and if they don’t understand the issue and comply with the status quo they are complicit in the destruction of mankind!

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What needs to change is we the people. Government and medical bureaucrats will become as oppressive as we allow. Fascism is their nature. Tolerating fascism is our nature. If we decide we don't want to endure fascism, and only we can stop it. It's up to us.

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When mass media dominates and controls the narrative we are not able to separate the pepper from you know what!

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More like 99.9% now. The conclusions are pre-determined, even if the data does not support!

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I also read Dr. Jessica Rose on this. Between the two of you, I have a pretty good idea that the preprint info is more than sufficient to raise the need for more info- period. You all must be wrought with despair and yet the drive to succeed. If only the average american had the insight to look a little deeper. Complacency is a problem. P.S.I love your extra sayings, pictures and personal takes.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, your very succinct commentary outlines the primary reason I soured on Trump.

He allowed ego to override what should have been cautious common sense and dismissive expediency above careful , ethical professionalism. His first epic example of poor judgment and callousness handing off responsibility to Pence, a complete incompetent without the capacity to weigh options. By choosing Team Fauci,I realized Trump wasn’t the “outsider” or “ genius” he so often touted.I’m neither a medical professional, politician nor powerful activist, but I’ve been well aware of Fauci’s sadistic, corrupt, megalomaniacal scandals dating back to the AIDS crisis and beyond.What shocked me to the core was the fact Fauci was still employed.It is surreal.

How in hell was Trump unaware of Fauci’s history of devastating criminality? How could it be that as an average citizen I was aware of at least ten horrific debacles that Fauci should have faced the international court, tried for committing Crimes Against Humanity? From the H1N1 Pandemic of 1976 that never was to HIV and the 17,000 victims who perished in agony unecessarily to the Medical Kidnapping of minority orphans, foster children and disabled wards of state used as guinea pigs-tortured, many tortured to death. To the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Cover-up, to NC lab leaks to Weaponized Anthrax, to the subversion of Drs Hatfill and Ivins, to the persecution, patent theft and incarceration of Dr. Mikovits, to the experimental HPV vaccination of unwitting, impoverished female villagers in India , Congo , Zimbabwe, Zaire and Liberia, to the failed Ebola outbreak containment to SARS to MERS to Operation Dark Winter Clade X to Tedras/Ethiopia/China to Haiti to Event 201 and on and on. Yet Trump cuts a deal with Bill Gates, Pfizer, Moderna ,Boomberg -Johns Hopkins… Essentially getting in bed with the World Economic Forum. And even after the election loss when he had every opportunity to do the right thing, he chose to hawk his poison darts, going so far as attacking DeSantis.

Trump betrayed Drs Levitt, Atlas, Ionnides,Ladapo,Buttacharaya, Duesdorf, Hatfill, Risch,Smith, Zelenko, Simone Gold, Stella and all who advised him prior to and at the onset of Covid, including RFK Jr, Mikovits, Mike Flynn, Charles Ortleb, Lee Smith and God knows how many others. I don’t know whether Drs Malone,Kory,McCullough, Mullis the MIT professor, Michael Yeadon,Sen Ron Johnson had yet been in contact with him

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022

Gail, you not only are limiting your information base to the point that it satisfies your narrative, you are a RINO, or more accurately, a Neocon. Trump is by no means perfect, he has made mistakes given what he knew, and therefore based his decisions on. He has attempted to rectify most of them. You are correct in that his ego overrode his common sense temporarily, but you cannot deny he was the best president this country has had since Abraham Lincoln.

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Deborah, he should have seen through Fauci in about 5 minutes. His greatness ended with his handling of this pandemic.

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And then he compounded it by what he did in the Georgia elections. And now rather than putting together a succinct plan of action to move the country forward and out of the absolute nightmare we’re in his ego can’t get off how the election was stolen. Call for election reform and move on already!

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How do you feel he influenced the Georgia election? Until the 2020 election results are rectified no amount of election reform will change anything

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BTW, I worked alongside Trump for 2 years designing Derek Jeter’s NYC Trump World Tower 90th floor penthouse. 2000-2002. Was alone in that glass crib on 9/11 with a parallel view of the World Tade Towers. A glimpse into the gates of hell. Trump was wonderful. Larger than life, but not a loud, boorish bully. Everybody loved him, even if they feared him. I never saw this side of him. Had he maintained the Trump persona of days gone by with a bit of polish, he’d have won over enough bipartisan support to wipe out the Deep State UniParty saboteurs

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The stupidity of starting a public fight with Kemp and Raffensberger when Loeffler and Perdue had it in the bag and worse, pushing Doug Collins into the mix, costing a Congressional seat AND shaving enough from her lead to cause a runoff. There was NO reason! She was moderate enough to appeal to suburban women and fiercely took on Warnock’s antisemitism. Collins just preached the gospel and was so far right that he couldn’t garner any support other than Evangelical fundamentalists.

Even worse were Lynn Wood and Sidney Powell hanging around Perdue’s campaign screaming into bullhorns, telling people NOT to vote! That’s how stupid Trump’s attack on Kemp and Raffensberger was. It made Trump look unhinged and equally untrustworthy, if not more.He just does not know when to stop , where to focus or how to choose and deploy surrogates. Sending Pence to garner the Latino vote? I saw him in Miami and wanted to cry. I’m a native . White though I am, Pence looks like an albino in a city of every shade of brown and every regional Spanish accent. People, no matter their political bent, particularly if on the fence, are tribal in majority populations. He should have chosen a Latino to lead the Hispanic campaign. He never seemed to get that. The Democrats totally get that concept because identity politics is all they have, but it works. The Republicans are so dense that they seem to prefer losing.

Mayra Flores ran her own campaign. The DNC didn’t even give her a nod. Didn’t even give her a spot on Vote Red. And she nailed it! Maybe that’s the way to win. Youngkin, Winsome Sears ,the VA AG, Byron Donalds, Brian Mast and prior to shoving John James into Michigan, a local businessman who was really, really well liked had it in the bag. James could not connect with the constituents.

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022

I beg to differ with you. Not to be rude, but it seems your greatness is in question at this point. Explain what you would have done differently, given his options, if you had been in his position, please.

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Trump has not rectified anything on the “vaccine”: https://news.stanford.edu/press-releases/2022/04/04/using-trumps-vacovid-19-vaccines/

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The article you provided the link for does not reveal the date of the interview that DJT did with Fox News. I just emailed Stanford this message:

"Could you please provide the date of the Fox News/Trump interview referenced in the article dated April 4, 2022. That information is not provided in the article."

I suspect the date of that interview was in early 2021. I watch all his public appearances and have not seen him endorsing the vaccine for about a year. His advisors never informed him of the outcome of the vaccine, in my opinion. Also, initially, he believed the vaccines were of some benefit, but when the reality became known he quickly took another course of action.

If you have evidence of him endorsing the vaccines in the past year, please provide the link for such.

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Here's a CNBC article about Trump getting a booster shot about 6 months ago. There is a twitter video of him in the piece confirming that: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/20/trump-says-he-got-covid-booster-shot-tells-fans-not-to-boo-him.html

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022

This was while he was touring with Bill O'Reilly. I am aware of it. I do not believe he actually took the booster. There is no video of it, that I am aware of. As far as the Stanford paper, it is a scam. No one must of looked at any of the links provided. Here is one:


Brad Larsen , one of the six authors of the Stanford paper, has no previous experience on this topic, as you can see:


Brad Larsen

Assistant Professor of Economics


Industrial Organization

> Bargaining/Negotiation

> Occupational Licensing

> Online Markets

> Auctions

Applied Econometrics


Using Donald Trump’s COVID-19 Vaccine Endorsement to Give Public Health a Shot in the Arm: A Large-Scale Ad Experiment with Tim Ryan, Steven Greene, Marc Hetherington, Rahsaan Maxwell, and Steve Tadelis NBER Working Paper 29896 | SIEPR Working Paper 22-08 | Trump YouTube Vaccine Ad | Vaccine Confidence Fund Grant

Press: NY Times. CNN. Science. Business Insider. Bloomberg. SF Examiner. SLT. Tribune-Democrat. Stanford. Berkeley

How Well Does Bargaining Work in Consumer Markets? A Robust Bounds Approach

with Joachim FreybergerRevise and resubmit, Econometrica

NBER Working Paper 29202 | SIEPR Working Paper 21-045 | NSF Grant SES-1530632 | Slides

Quantifying Bargaining Power Under Incomplete Information: A Supply-Side Analysis of the Used-Car Industry with Anthony Zhang Subsumes some material from "A Mechanism Design Approach to Identification and Estimation" (NBER Working Paper 24837)

Fairness in Incomplete Information Bargaining: Theory and Widespread Evidence from the Field with Dan Keniston, Shengwu Li, JJ Prescott, Bernardo Silveira, and Chuan Yu

NBER Working Paper 29111 | SIEPR Working Paper 21-042

Intermediaries in Bargaining: Evidence from Business-to-Business Used-Car Inventory Negotiations

with Carol Lu and Anthony Zhang

NBER Working Paper 29159 | SIEPR Working Paper 21-043 | Press: CEC

Consumer Protection in an Online World: An Analysis of Occupational Licensing

with Chiara Farronato, Andrey Fradkin, and Erik Brynjolfsson

NBER Working Paper 26601 | SIEPR Working Paper 20-013 | RSF Grant | Press: SIEPR. MIT. HBS. Forbes. NBER Digest. Union Leader.

The Effect of Occupational Licensing Stringency on the Teacher Quality Distribution

with Ziao Ju, Adam Kapor, and Chuan Yu

NBER Working Paper 28158 | SIEPR Working Paper 20-050 | RSF Grant | Data and Code | Slides | Video Presentation

Press: SIEPR. Council of State Governments. NCTQ.

Dynamic Competition in the Era of Big Data

with Patrick Kehoe and Elena Pastorino

NSF Grant SES-2017957 | Stanford HAI Grant | Slides | Press: Bloomberg


Here is part of the introduction. The study was not peer reviewed.

"This research is approved under IRB-59690 (Stanford University). We benefited from financial support from the Vaccine Confidence Fund and from conversations with Cameron Ballard-Rosa, James Chu, Isabella de Vere Hunt, Pascaline Dupas, Brigham Fransden, Matt Gentzkow, Paul Gertler, Bryan Graham, Guido Imbens, Joshua Kalla, Pat Kline, Lars Lefgren, Randall Lewis, Eleni Linos, Mike MacKuen, Santiago Olivella, Linda Ong, Christopher Palmer, Kurt Ribisl, Jason Roberts, Darcy Sawatski, Hal Varian, and Robb Willer. We also benefitted from collaboration on related vaccine messaging efforts with the National Military Family Association and the Joseph Rainey Center for Public Policy. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.

NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been peer-reviewed or been subject to the review by the NBER Board of Directors that accompanies official NBER publications."

Read that study and tell me if you don't think it stinks to high heaven. They spread something he said once over 100,000 times and calculated the results of 103 people getting vaccinated after seeing it in one county. They never asked the people if they had planned to be vaccinated prior to seeing the clips of DJT promoting the vaccine in April 2021. It was broadcast in October. This is a prime example of mass formation psychosis by the readers of the Stanford paper. If you want to learn more about that read THE PSYCHOLOGY OF TOTALITARIANISM by MATTIAS DESMET

I rest my case...

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You might be right on all counts, but why would Trump say he took the booster even if he didn’t?

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I’m a “ RINO” and a “ NEOCON”? Are you out of your mind? I HATE war! It’s one of the primary reasons I voted for Trump! It’s the primary reason I DIDN’T vote for McCain, who I’ve long despised. I couldn’t stand Obama, either.

I no longer identify as either party, though I cannot vote for the Dems ever again. They’re absolutely insane. A cult of hatred and death to all things living… even if vegan. They appear to hate even plants.They are a posse of CommunoIslamoFascist cyborgs.

The Republicans are pathetic. Cowardly, old and out of touch. I’d really hoped Trump would clean house and usher in all the newbies. The grassroots crossover movements were phenomenal. He lauded them initially and then completely turned his back.

Flynn was his best pick . Amazing guy who really would have cleaned house. His “ Russia” meeting was an effort to get Putin out of Iran. It was nearly a done deal. They would have normalized ties with Russia. A far better scenario than the devastation created by the past several admins with the NATO build up, Iraq,Afghanistan,Libya,Syria,Egypt,Nigeria,Niger,Somalia and the shilling for Qatar,Kuwait,Iran,Muslim Brotherhood,Hamas,Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda,ISIS , Mexico,Ukraine, Cuba,China and the freeloading, putrid UN,EU,NATTO and the insidious WEF DAVOS Silicon Valley/Pharma/ Military Industrial Complex War Machine NWO psychopaths.

But Trump didn’t stand up for Flynn.Or McFarland. Or Ezra. He instead took advice from Lindsay Graham, Christie,Corker,Mitch on one side and the far-right fundamentalists on the other, making one lousy choice after another.

With the exception of Navarro,Atlas,Grenell, Patel and sometimes Pompeo, by the time he got screwed over to the point of no return, that was all he had left.As per Georgia, even with the cheating, that was his own doing. A really bad bet taking his fight w/ Kemp and Raffensberger public, pushing Doug Collins into the race that until then, Loeffler and Perdue( though not exactly thrilling) was a done deal. And trusting the lunatic Lynn Wood was an OMG move. If he had just shut up, he might have won the election ever with the disgusting cheating and a second term to actually clean house. But he’d likely again make poor choices.

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DeSantis has policy. smarts and people smarts. That’s why the Dems are laser focused on attacking him. He is the single Republican that can beat them.

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Jul 8, 2022·edited Jul 8, 2022

I read though don’t know it true, is that his daughter & son-in-law are WEF graduates??? Hmmm

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just like they redefined and made meaningless terms like vaccine and immunity, at one point when I saw placebo I assumed something such as saline solution. RFK in his fauci book mentions how the vax industry stopped doing that and now placebo is typically another safe and effective vaccine.

So when we see what looks like a standard baseline that includes a reasonable amount of adverse events in the placebo arm, that harm is not necessarily naturally occurring or from the placebo effect.

Do we know what they used as placebo for these studies?

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it is known, but I would have to go back and look at the clinicaltrials.gov listings. you can answer your own question by clicking on the clinicaltrial.gov listing links provided in the Doshi paper.

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I was curious if this was something in general impacting covid shots, since they have taken so many other liberties with their studies and safety and efficacy claims.

But for the one study I checked referenced by Doshi, Pfizer says they used saline as their placebo: https://clinical-information.canada.ca/ci-rc-vu.pdf?file=m5/c45/c4591001-fa-interim-report-body_Unblinded_Redacted.pdf&id=244906 - page 71 within report body

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Great point - and since Dr. Malone liked your comment and didn’t answer your question, I imagine we don’t.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The lies and deceit perpetuated in the name of public health is overwhelming. I am so sick of hearing every day that someone dropped dead or was diagnosed notice with a previously undetected life threatening disease. I do understand the endgame but by God this has got to end. Thank you for this post. I have been following Dr Doshi’s progress.

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Don't forget, Pfizer's business model is fraud : Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History

Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing September 2, 2009

¨WASHINGTON – American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. and its subsidiary Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Inc. (hereinafter together "Pfizer") have agreed to pay $2.3 billion, the largest health care fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice, to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products, the Justice Department announced today.

Pharmacia & Upjohn Company has agreed to plead guilty to a felony violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act for misbranding Bextra with the intent to defraud or mislead. Bextra is an anti-inflammatory drug that Pfizer pulled from the market in 2005. Under the provisions of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, a company must specify the intended uses of a product in its new drug application to FDA. Once approved, the drug may not be marketed or promoted for so-called "off-label" uses – i.e., any use not specified in an application and approved by FDA. Pfizer promoted the sale of Bextra for several uses and dosages that the FDA specifically declined to approve due to safety concerns. The company will pay a criminal fine of $1.195 billion, the largest criminal fine ever imposed in the United States for any matter. Pharmacia & Upjohn will also forfeit $105 million, for a total criminal resolution of $1.3 billion.¨ Read More


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In the scheme of what has been going on, Pfizer's willingness to break rules is a feature, not a flaw.

They are darlings of the WEF Davos Man set.

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In reference to a tweet about the shot and the decrease in sperm count, an individual tweeted this:

"What is extremely troubling…..no one seems to know the mechanism as to how this happens. So what else is going with the jab/boosters and fertility?"

I'm at a loss for words. I been hearing about this since this beginning. It just shows how effective they are at lying to the masses. Very few of us thought critically from the get go. I sought answers to questions, I was leary about what the "News" and politicians were spouting. I read The Great Barrington Declaration" That made sense. I started following the signers of that, and listened to them. Among others, especially the ones that were silenced on social media. They and you were telling the truth. Thank you

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Thanks for walking us through the issues. Fingers crossed for the document release to provide the good stuff.

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Sam, I thought I told you to never play that song again.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Attempts to claw back any respect by our badly wounded medical community are futile, at this point.

However, Prof. Desmet has a great interview on Epoch TV and a new book coming out tomorrow that helps to explain the normalization of all this absurd behavior.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for your insights on the BMJ article, and thank you for treating your readers as intelligent adults! It is a Good Thing that Dr. Doshi is willing to insist on what is right and what is needed: full disclosure of the source data. Over time, the more who stand up, the more who will be willing to stand up, too.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

En masse, corporate profits over human welfare must be reigned in and be consistent with democratic principles. To run roughshod over ethical standards in the search of the next " money maker" by corporate pharmacological factories is substandard performance in a "modern" civilized world. Ethical behavior comes first. We need a watchdog. FDA isn't working.

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The same FDA, under pressure from Biden, wants to forbid Juul sales in the US.

Biden’s obsession with nicotine ban -- although 15+ years of cocaine mega-use by his soon is OK.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I saw that today. I LOLed at that and those new baby-sleep “guidelines.”

Spare me the guidelines, already.

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At this point I imagine the worst. What if they know that nicotine users have their heart and blood vessels protected from the effects of the pseudovax, and they want to maximize impact?

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