Nov 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Christine Anderson may be the single most admirable MEP bar none. She is honest, a fighter, and does not hold back from making her case emphatically & pointedly, have liked her a TON for many many months since she came to my attention

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Christine Anderson is the very definition of Badass German (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/are-you-a-good-german-or-a-badass) 😎

I first encountered her when she gave Justin Trudeau a walloping for his behavior during the Canadian trucker protests, calling him “a disgrace to any democracy” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-the-canadian). I later nominated her for Bravest Politician in the World (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/68654621/bravest-politician-in-the-world) in my “Letter to the German Bundestag,” which includes three speeches by her I encourage everyone to watch.

She is fearlessly taking on the globalists, pharmaceutical companies, and tyranny the world over, so it’s no wonder she’s being smeared as a far-right extremist.

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What's that old expression about messing with Mama bear? 🤔 She's all that plus.

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I saw that video smacking Trudeau - glorious !

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Sadly the corrupt journalist and camera people, did not focus of castro jr. face while this ass licking was happening. We the Canadian people loved every minute of it. Much appreciation to the Croatian minister that followed and one other. What a beautiful scene. Thank you. Castro jr hides his mug now as does our Premier of Ontario Dougie, chubby Ford. God Bless WE the people.

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An alternative media is imperative now. I noticed that around the world the MSM is ranting against liars who "misinform" people. They look scared as well as angry.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

Kicking ;)

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Yes, my bad, needed to put my glasses on. Letters seem to get smaller, at a certain age. Apologies to those offended.

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I do the same thing. I get exactly the wrong letter in the wrong word wrong. Why is that? :)

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A joke played, perhaps? Beats me! Cheers.

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Any way we can get it on a loop— say, on the side of a building in TIMES SQUARE?

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Great suggestion. Make sure you share your suggestion with Steve Kirsch…..maybe a video feed alongside the billboards he has going up!

Would be great to imagine, yes?!?!

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Another good loop would be of clips from Romanian MEP Cristian Terhes: “the countries with the highest vaccination rate right now have the highest mortality rate…”


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Loops are good. Also printing out flyers and leaflets to put around town.

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Christine Anderson: A member of the European Parliament. She represents the Alternative for Germany (AfD), which is labelled as a “populist political party” in Germany.

In plain English: One of the smartest, bravest women on the planet! Long may she represent the best of the best.

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It is a relief to see officials with some power around the world stepping up. We can't fix this alone here in the US.

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Spot on!

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Thanks Big E.

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I have been following her a long time, she is awesome!! She speaks the truth!

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She sounds like Rick Desantis. In Indiana, our governor is a globalist RINO.

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Wow, your namesake! Love that one.

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Oh, I didn't realize that was you, Terri! 👋

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

She's been speaking out for a while now, and much appreciated by the people, I imagine. There seems to be a concerted effort to draw attention away from these globalist climate meetings by all kinds of redirection to 'shiny object' events. Closer to home: If the Republicans are restored to power and do NOT stop the tyranny of the globalists, they're one of the following: complicit, bought-off or cowards. If so, I have NO USE for them. No more excuses. No more stupid 'investigations' that GO NOWHERE and hold no one accountable.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Perfect. Thank you.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Amen. We have had enough. Full stop.

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Think global. Act LOCAL.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I totally agree and after watching the excellent investigative film The Real Anthony Fauci the movie.com and reading the book I now understand the vast depths of corruption emanating from the USA over the decades. Truly shocking.

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When all is finally exposed, mark my words: it will be shown that the "cure" and the disease were developed as a joint process by a single cooperative and then the disease released intentionally.

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Haven’t received my copy of the

movie but the book was—- I don’t have the words… Just flooring. The prologue alone ticked me off so badly, I couldn’t put it down.

*The Real Anthony Fauci book has QR codes at each chapter so you can UPDATE the current stats at any time. A truly dynamic book.

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Wow. Hey, that's neat having the QR codes so it updates.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is ironic how there are voices speaking up in Europe about the same issues of freedom that our American founders valued. Too bad the similar voices here in our own country are being drowned out by the very same tyranny that we fought so hard to escape under King George III.

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Fascinating isn’t it. And wildly, no reporting in the press.

They are pretty confident they have us in silos sufficient to control the global population.

I still worry about what they know that we don’t about their plan.

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Pretty soon Europe will be suing vaccine makers and America will be mandating the shots for kids.

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Bitterly ironic, isn't it?

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Very astutely stated!

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We need to reach the point where telling people you work for Pfizer is met with the same type of derision as telling someone you work for a company like Philip Morris.

Capturing public health to the point of getting covid shots pushed onto children makes big pharma much more contemptible than the tobacco industry.

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I too agree...watch Pfizer run to take cover under "good" companies like Philip Morris did with Kraft. Overtime Pfizer's name will morph into a new one. This is why we need swift Nuremberg trials to catch these people and lock them up.

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Nuremberg trials not all we were led to believe they were - see "Operation Paperclip" for how Nazi scientists were brought to the US instead of being tried... and see the movie "Everything is a Rich Man's Game" on youtube for the depth and breadth of corruption that spawned and financed WWII and continues to this day.

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10000% Amen Amin!!

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Tide is turning.

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022

I agree that the tide is turning. But I also think there may be great urgency in quickening the tide. In my opinion, the highest-level perpetrators in all of this are fanatically in the grip of an ideology, totally committed to achieving a global technocratic totalitarian state. They will not simply "lay down their arms". I believe we need to disarm and prosecute them BEFORE they have a chance to release a more deadly virus (or perhaps even worse, a few "tactical nuclear weapons"). To the extent they are both sociopathic and desperate, unleashing more evil on the world in that way would not be beyond them.

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You may be onto something.

And the “real enemy”….the global techno fascists are on both sides of the aisle.

This is about far more than COVID and the vaccine. That narrative is an example (symptom if you will) of what we can expect if the cancer is not excised. I worry that it will simply be treated and go into remission to roar back worse than before.

When we reach the bottom….they are ready with their “social impact markets” and solutions which literally enslave us and partner with technology to begin execution their plan to “engineer our evolution.” Scary thought, but there it is.

And the thing to remember, as they make their millions to further invest in their technology and machines, data can be manipulated. We have seen just how easily that is the case with the COVID narrative, and most are none the wiser.

So when they talk about public/private partnerships and the glory and perfection that will be afforded us in our lives (you will own nothing and be happy) remember they are talking about a system whereby they claim that “data” and articulate intelligence will be used for decision making. Kind of funny given the past two to three years that ANYONE would think a system that is supposed to be data driven with these guys at the helm would be anything other than a tyranny. For a while, it may look pretty and be made to appeal with bells and whistles, shiny new innovations that are all about “economy and efficiency”—-But let’s not forget that those who claim to be trying to rescue us and cure disease, poverty, etc. with their dara are the first to say the Earth cannot sustain a growing population that abuses its resources. Again, rules for thee but not for me is their mantra. And they have been busy for some time consolidating their power and garnering more and more control over the Earth’s resources. They want everything to have a QR code, measurable and quantifiable as to value based on THEIR SYSTEM they are working to out in place.

Don’t forget that in the days ahead….no matter what becomes more f the issues around the COVID chronicles.

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32,000 imbeded administrators all beavering away at their evil tasks......

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

It's foretold, and it sure looks like first the Great Restrainer needs to be removed, and then things will go real quickly, likely as you describe. After the big restraint-removal, a strong charismatic takes the stage and gets a 7 year peace treaty done in the middle east. If you're around when that happens, look to Israel as they will see it clearly.

Be wary of a time when the globalists seem under wraps finally and we get all giddy with peace and safety! It comes quickly then.

It all underscores the opportunity de-jour to turn to the One who can remain in unity with us now, during the transition to the next life, and forever afterwards.

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Did you know Trump got a peace deal done in Israel in September of 2020? Funny how few evangelicals even know this.

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yes, did know that

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Yes, time is of the essence.

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone is commended, with gratitude, for getting to the point. And Pfizer HAS corrupted the entire WORLD, period. When the Vaccine Poison volcano blows, there will be no survivors, and the Pfizer CEO and his entire board of directors will be swinging at the end of ropes after a proper trial for the worldwide genocide they perpetuated. Too bad. Some of the Krauts made it to South America after their WWII inferno blew up in their faces. There will be no such refuge for these debased scoundrels (included the CDC/WHO criminals and Fauci). Their only hope is that their own injected poison (assuming that they actually took the same shots we did) will kill them before the floor-drop on the gallows abruptly opens to reveal the chasm below.

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Some of the "Krauts" made it to right here in the good old USA. I know that because two were the lead scientists in SAM at Brooks AFB when I served there in the 60s. Which is why I am highly skeptical of any of the major malefactors suffering any for their crimes

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Unless anyone at Pfizer/CDC/WHO has the technical knowledge/ability to rig the Powerball drawings, the analogy does not hold (German scientists escaping retribution thanks to their rocket knowledge, useful to the Americans and the Russians).

My (sarcastic) advice to the Pfizer/CDC/WHO future defendants is, find out how the Drexel Pick Six boys managed to almost pull off their stealing all the money in the 2002 Breeders' Cup Classic*, and fix the flaws so they don't get caught rigging the Powerball drawings.


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I understand the point you are trying to make. However, too many of the leaders will hesitate before executing justice and will talk themselves into negotiating a truce….why?

Too many in the masses are not sufficiently outraged. And why?

Because they are I’ll informed and the msm is bought and paid for.

How and when does that change?

How do you get Americans, many who are untouched (so far) by the lies to actually look at the issues if they have an attention span of a gnat and are on screens consuming the tech giants propaganda and feeling warm fuzzy righteousness feelings?

We are stuck in a loop.

The bigger agenda (beyond COVID—-COVID was a mechanism for putting into play the demolition of western democracies) is the one we should now begin to look towards.

What is that agenda? Well, when we are poor enough, sick enough, hungry enough….they will offer the solutions (with their wealth and technology) with strings attached. It is what the predatory philanthropists have perfected as an art. Our politicians have long been prostituting our interests to these fin/tech elite—/-how else do you think it is that the WEF has infiltrated governments, cabinets, bureaucracies in our nations?

This is going to be a long drawn out battle and the odds are stacked against us.

As a student of law and political science, I recall the teachings of John Locke….

The state of nature is a state of war….survival of the fittest if you will with little regard for a moral code. We entered into a social contract (rules of governance) to help to ensure our own survival. These guys have never really played by that contract and the evidence that they do not think it applies to them is growing in spades these days.

So what does that mean for all of us that have abused by the social contract and who have sought not riches and fame but comfort, independence, some semblance of security and the right to self determination?

It means we are going to have to realize and accept that we are actually in a state of war—-that is, the social contract that we still try to adhere to is increasingly becoming null and void. We will need to get more comfortable with the reality that to stop the hijacking of our humanity by these beasts we need to engage as they do. We need to stop expecting them to play by the rules or to think we can regulate them into submission. It’s a tall order.

And they have had far more time to prepare for how to deal with any resistance that manifests.

That is why I have felt like they are baiting us….hoping civil unrest will erupt so they can implement the next part of their plan.

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We are not as many in number as some think. About half don't know and don't want to know. Another half of the half buy into some version of Q anon. That "red wave" of controlled opposition will save us all. Just like Elon Musk's Twitter.

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022

There is that matter that God is allowing all of this to play out, and every last thing is completely understood. There is no "getting away with it" for any of us.

Our #1 weapon, by far, is the personal selling out to Jesus and then to admit all of our sins to each other and pray for each other and be in unity.

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The lenght of your comment makes me suspect you are a lawyer and that is the tribe I blame for much of the destruction that has been wrought to our poor old Constitution. You have virtually demolished the 10 th amendment in which lies the power of self governance left us by the Founders.

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Michael: To whom is your comment addressed? Don

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deletedNov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022
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YES. I second that. last night on Tucker Carlson's show he had on Harmeet Dhillon, a great honorable attorney, working for our cause and she pointed out that ACROSS THE USA there are over 80 lawyers working in our defense over the election alone.

ALL professions have the good and bad. Let's be grateful for Harmeet and the others!

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For many, if not all, cases where we need lawyers it is to disentangle issues created by lawyers with their legalese.

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Afraid I miss your point. What does powerball have to do with German biomed scientists working here?

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The German scientists were able to escape retribution because they could build rockets.

Sarcastic (not literal) suggestion: The Pfizer/CDC/Who scoundrels can escape retribution by rigging the Powerball drawings and use the proceeds to buy (bribe) their freedom.

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Anything seems possible nowadays. My husband saw that Powerball draw delay this morning and thought the timing just too peculiar. Money laundering is going on just about everywhere.

But if we win the next draw, we will be in touch with Dr. Malone!

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That would be wonderful. Good luck!

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Suspect our "scientists" at SAM (School of Aerospace MEDICINE) did hi altitude human experimentation on what I strongly suspect were not German volunteers.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Von der Lyin’.

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Christine Anderson is a powerhouse. I have been watching her and that group of politicians in the EU that are fighting Pfizer for months now. I notice that the MSM never show their videos.

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I don’t think it is really Pfizer. I think it is the DoD. This video by Sasha Latypova lays out the view that it is the DoD that is ultimately behind this debacle. It is one of the best videos I have run across. https://rumble.com/v1jy8fz-vaccine-safety-awareness-marathon-2022-part-20-sasha-latypova.html

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I watched that, thanks for the link.

UNreal; I have heard this before but it takes a person like Mrs. Latypova with her high credentials to give it high believability for me. Sickening.

The hanging chad, smoking gun, mismatched puzzle piece here is what could possibly motivate the DoD of the USA to mass-kill citizens??

Lots of Cognitive Dissonance.

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I agree completely. I had heard similar rumblings but from sources that seemed far less credible. She is as credible as a heartbeat. Really one of the most compelling videos I have seen. She should be much better known.

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Because the Commander in Chief of the US armed forces (FJB) is fully bought into the objectives of The Great Reset.

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oooooOOOOOhhhhh. If it were only so simple.

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I know there's alot more history to it. But if POTUS isn't for it, it won't happen. It's why they had to remove Trump.

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Yeah, I am just coming from a perspective that FJB is purely a puppet--

DoD, Ron McClain, and that bixxx attorney from last admin, are the puppeteers-- my theory for now!

Chirping, cackling, brain-dead Karmalla is, likewise, a puppet, I figure. She was picked for a reason, like the rest of the chirping cabinet members.

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Add to that, the new PM of Alberta Danielle Smith's recent vow to pull Alberta out of dealings with the WEF & the health department’s signed ‘partnership’ with them during the pandemic.

Who else in power is waking up and being public about it? Keep 'em coming!! Inspiring!

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My husband remarked to me this morning…..how many up for election in the midterms made the issue of the COVID vaccines and investigations part of their platform? Very few….Ron Johnson and Jim Jordan are two examples.

But surely not enough. I know I have given earfuls to the candidates, state and federal, who are on the ballots this fall.

It is perhaps my single most important issue. In fact, it is the issue we should all be focused on because of what it represents.

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Our new governor can be counted in: Doctor(!) Scott Jensen, Minnesota

. . . Hopeful(!) new governor.

UPDATE: Scott Jensen lost the election by about 200,000 votes. Not good.

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How many of us have written to our governing bodies and clearly stated our concern about all the china flu outrages and the gov pimping a deadly drug?

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YES it's my most important issue as well. But in all the recent polling i've seen, I don't recall it coming up. But the pandemic response is the umbrella and the other issues fall under it - open border, population control (abortion), crime, etc.

I wonder if they have pandemic response as a choice in those polls?

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022

This is such good news, if they can uncover the e-mails, they are somewhere! Gotta keep digging, like a good old dog looking for his bone! (not e-mails, texts)

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She is fantastic! I am glad to see and hear level headed individuals call out the EU BS

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022

Dr. M... IMO, it is not Pfizer which corrupted the world, rather, it is the corrupt, fascist, pirate corporatist cabal that controls the West in particular. It is the century's old corruption of our social/economic/governance systems - all our institutions (from science to education to medicine to agriculture to justice) - that creates and supports soulless corporations like Pfizer and Moderna (both spawn of a real devil - our MIC). We are in a war against Humankind led by the worst of our own species. ...Though, maybe there really are lizards behind the curtain!

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Began on steroids with Wilson and has never stopped. Maybe this election will start a reformation

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Didn’t 5 members of NSW Australian parliament resign because of bribes from Pfizer? Nothing changed...

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