Brilliant, as always. Unfortunately for Pfizer & the entire deep state apparatus, they can’t change reality. The last three years has created an ever-growing hardened core of like minded individuals who understand the very nature of what we are dealing with. The first step in defeating evil is to call it by its name.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Those of us who *do* understand what is happening face an equal if not larger hardened core of hive minded non-individuals who accept and embrace without question -- or even a passing analytical thought -- what they are told to believe. No matter how hard you hit them upside the head with undeniable truth, all they can mutter in retort is the tiresome "conspiracy theory" epithet.

In a world gone mad ignorance is bliss.

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Don’t disagree, but as history shows, a relatively small percentage of the population determines the future. Philosophy and core beliefs are the drivers. We must stand up to the idiocracy and their ridiculous attempts to control narrative through absurd ideas.

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There was an article I read a couple of years ago that stated that no country's government has withstood a rising up of 3% of the population against it.

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And don't forget, there are some senior folks who have survived even the latest attacks on their existence. Even some with memories of better times, insights into today, love for our USA and the rest of the good folks in the world. Some likely who can be recruited to help in responding to these evil times and evil people.

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deletedJan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023
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I disagree. I believe the spoiled socialists and grifters of the 60s and 70s are on their way out. Those who grew up in the 80s & 90s are far more liberty minded.

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If injuries and death continue, their eyes will open. I’m with you though. Most of my friends and family don’t believe a word of what I tell them, both conservative and liberal. I’m tired of their responses and their refusal to even LOOK at anything other than what the MSM, their vaxed friends and physicians(I use that term loosely). I’ve seen the injury in my own 66 year old brother. Though his “Dr” tells him it wasn’t the shots. My focus is my grandkids and their futures. I will do whatever it takes to protect them. Thankfully their mom listened to me and didn’t get the shots for her kids.

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The second and third steps will be more interesting and potentially entertaining. Question is, do we have it in us? Think Pfizer and Google execs and the entire Davos cabal reprising the role of the Monster as the peasants with torches and pitchforks corner them in the fiery windmill.

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I think you'd be amazed at how many are ready with the pitchforks and the Torches.

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Here's something else that Pfizer can't control: Pluto conjuncting Bourla's Jupiter (for the third time), which hits at 2:35 pm (Paris time) TODAY --- January 28, 2023.

This ("A," see below) means complete and absolute irreversible change, which in this instance and context means chaos and turmoil.

It confirms --- as an independent, unPfizer-bribable source of information --- James O'Keefe's description (video, above) of Pfizer itself exploding from within.

Bourla might (maybe) be able to temporarily patch up his torpedoed ship, but these five major future fatal dates await him.

This time, billions of dollars of "advertising money" (bribes) will be useless.

Fate cannot be bought and sold, unlike the mainstream Mengele media.

Key: A = the 4th and 5th times that Pluto conjuncts Bourla's Jupiter.

B = Neptune 135* Neptune = Complete and absolute disorientation.

March 27, 2023 (B) August 16, 2023 (A; 4th/5 time);

October 16, 2023 (B) December 03, 2023 (A; 5th/final time)

January 24, 2024 (B).

Mark these down on your calendars.

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Why not? From what I’ve seen in my 65 years on this earth, I won’t ever be shocked about anything again!

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Don - writing from a mental asylum?

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Yes. You're in the cubicle right next to mine.

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Call it by name: I like that, which i already do.

GENOCIDE and COMPLICITY in WHO member state implemented Genocide (IMHO).

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Love all that you and Jill do for our country, but please don’t neglect your health issues. ♥️

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What the eff happened to the Wayback Machine and its commitment to protecting information from the Ministry of Truth? Who is controlling that? I first noticed them memoryholing content with a CDC page that formerly said masks were ineffectual against respiratory viruses and COVID specifically (removing all archives of this page prior to summer 2020), so this has been going on since the outset of the COVIDcrisis.

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I read a news story a while back that the wayback machine website capitulated to the Gov during the 2020 election. That they removed content regarding stories about Hunter's laptop and since then, they just remove what the gov. tells them is "misinformation."

Last summer, when the Hunter Biden story became "true" according to the state sponsored media, the wayback machine got caught in real time adding back in pages from 2020 about the laptop!

Censoring all of us is the new reality in the USA and most are in complete denial.

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Wow, great intel. I can only hope other archiving services like archive.ph haven’t been compromised because preserving online records is vital to defending against those who are rewriting history before our very eyes.

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Thank you. I didn't know there was another archive service. We need to promote this in our everyday interactions. 👏👏🙏🙏

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So true. We distinctly lived in a pre Covid and Covid error. We need our history?

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🤦‍♂️ insert Homer Simpson <dough> meme here

Sigh….getting red pilled sucks sometimes…..just got another smack on the face about that way back machine info. This one’s gonna leave a mark. 😔

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"most are in complete denial"

That is the crux right there. We're facing as much a mass capitulation as we are a massive gain of function in government power.

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Well, there’s my answer

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I learned this problem real time. I saw the video and read the article of Biden's pronouncement that this election was going to be the biggest fraud of all time. (Likely bigger than Hillary's - which wasn't big enough). I did copy an indecisive snippet of it. But greatly regret now I missed the decisive part.

So, might we each take it on ourselves to capture what appears outstandingly important - in a special folder clearly marked so we can get to it and copy it if needed. Clearly identifying vital videos and articles. Then hopefully some (one) among can dredge it up if needed?

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I have been doing JUST that for over a year.

My "Virus Mania" folder!

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Print it out. No way I trust my computer to be safe from file deletion.

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It is backed up to an external hard drive and I am not quite that paranoid about deletion from an external source hacking my Mac.

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Hard Copy. Hard Copy. Hard Copy.

Screenshots are great. Books / paper last much longer and once in hand are not subject to electronic chicanery.

Many, many, many investigations over 30 years...still have copies of certain things, 'cause you just never know when that copy will be needed.

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hmmmm. You are going overboard here. . .

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"The question is not are you paranoid, but are you paranoid enough?"

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So, am I correct in assuming that Jordan Walker pages existed on the Wayback machcine before Veritas broke the story? If so, then where is the Veritas video, or someone in the know, showing them searching for Walker AND finding him Wayback? Just call me trust but verify!

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On thursday I followed a link to a site that provided backround research on Jordan Walker. I don't know if it is still searchable today.

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I did see that link posted in a comment either on Dr. Paul Alexander's substack article or it may have been Steve Kirsch's. I would have to go back to search through the comments.

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I went back to it just now. Here is the Link. It still works.


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thanks Fred for finding the link and posting it. This is the one I did come across on Friday.

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I saw it in a comment on Dr. Panda's site I think.

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This is why I maintain a huge library of physical books.

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Apparently any site owner can get their site removed from archive.org and its Wayback Machine. I have not tried this myself but a description of how to do it is at https://inteltechniques.com/archive.html

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I look forward to an answer to that question. I have been trying to archive a number things but no one had foreseen this

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Robert... THANK YOU. Jill... THANK YOU! I’m just waking up to the fact that THIS is our world war for this century. It’s not being fought with guns, but money, drugs and power (same as any war). And people are dying all over the world as a result. Thank you for being on the front lines.

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 29, 2023

More precisely, 2020-24 (25?) has been and will continue to be a repeat of World War One (1914-1918).

1914-1918: Governments, united as allies, tried to kill the citizens of other countries united as allies.

2020-2025: Governments unite worldwide to kill their own citizens.

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I'm getting rid of my Google phone. Didn't want to go back to the Chinese-made iphone. However, Google wouldn't open the link to the Veritas video conversation with Steve Kirsch, so that's it. You want to restrict me, I restrict you Google. What goes around comes around.

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On a humorous note, Dr. Walker has just confessed that he did all this "lying" to impress Don Lemon (CNN. We recycle the John Hinckley Jr.-Jodie Foster gallows-humor from time to time).

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Yep. Nice!

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So, what brand / model are you considering to replace the Google phone. Isn't that the Android(Google)? I have an iPhone.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Loved your article, especially the insight into the backroom workings of the news writers, big tech and corrupt drug company.

You are the best Dr. Malone! Keep up the good fight.

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Find someone in your area who gives IV Magnesium infusions. It won't solve your tachycardia, but it will relax your blood vessels so that the symptom is not nearly as unsettling as it likely is for you. And talk to a good chiropractor. Allopathic medicine pretty much ignores how nerve problems can affect organs. If you've ever been in a car accident or fallen off a horse, your heart problems could in part be caused by a nerve being irritated where it exits your spinal cord (a bicycle crash did it for me). And, if you have forward head carriage ("nerd neck," like most people who spend too much time looking at tiny screens), it will exacerbate the problem. There's a reason it's called POTS - the postural part comes from the spine not being properly aligned!

Go to an MD for medical advice. Go to a chiropractor for HEALTH advice. They would have clued you in on the health impact of diet long ago.

We need you in this fight, so take care of yourself!

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He's also had the jab so could be from that which is concerning of course. But it's so true, medical doctors only treat disease. Seems like they know nothing about keeping people healthy.

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Funny how not a single U.S. congressman/senator has keeled over "suddenly," isn't it?

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I did wonder about that but we know there were batches that were worse so guess they were on the "good" batch list. Whole thing is sketchy though. Perhaps it was just saline in those batches? Yeah, thinking that's it

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All the fake shots was one hell of a kabuki theatre, eh?

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deletedJan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023
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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

"Cause Unknown," The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022," Edward Dowd, Foreword by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. [1954- ]; Afterword by Gavin de Becker [1954- ]; Skyhorse Publishing, Inc. (2022 hardcover)

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deletedJan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023
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Perhaps Dr. Malone you should switch to green tea? May taste like piss at first but I understand the ritual aspect of coffee. Green tea has many health benefits and far less caffeine❣️I am so grateful for the personal sacrifice you and Jill are making but not at the risk of your health.

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When Pfizer gets done with you, you will enjoy the taste of piss. Or else.

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Ditto that. Once you have a serious heart problem it becomes a hard-wired stress response. Caffeine will definitely make it worse. As will any sort of stress.

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Rose, I am encouraging everyone who has pointed Dr. Malone in the direction of holistic medicine to keep up the suggestions. He seems to be still captured by the models he was trained in. Thank you!

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But it has to be the right kind of chiropractor. Only a few of them use the proper technique regarding atlas adjustment. A ping on the side of the neck works miracles! Our daughter suffered from trigeminal neuralgia, aka suicide disease, after a dental procedure, and thankfully she found the right chiropractor in time.

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I also had trigeminal neuralgia. In my case (probably not yours) it was diet related. I did an internet search, found food triggers and reduced my caffeine intake and changed from fresh oranges to apples for vitamin C and voila, no more trigeminal neuralgia pain.

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Chiropractor === wich doctor

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I had an excellent chiropractor when I lived in Burlngton. He not only solved my back problem he directed me to an ethical doctor who solved my wife's blood clotting problem. This was especially noteworthy as her GP had been giving her the runaround for two years, sending her for bloodwork, having her come in for a consulation then repeat 6 more times.

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It is well known that wich-doctors can be very beneficial -- your anecdote confirms this.

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klimer, I am supporting everyone who has direction towards holistic medicine to keep suggesting to Dr. Malone to check out these options. He is still captured by the traditional model he was trained in, it seems. Thank you!

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Thanks for all of the health suggestions. I take Mg++, D3, K2MK7, Taurine BID PO, Zn++, CoQ10, etc. Jill has me pretty well pilled 2x per day.

Yeah, Caffeine. Can't live without it, can't live with it.

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Dr Malone, I had a tachycardia stemming from something I was born with. It wasn't addressed until I happened on cardiologist/surgeon Dr Mark W. Preminger (son of director Otto Preminger) here in NJ. he performed an ablation on my heart. That was twenty four years ago. I gave up my caffeine drip and never returned to it. Surprisingly I don't like the taste of coffee anymore. Wishing you good health.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, always amazed how much information you are able to absorb and assess and put back out to the rest of us. Thank you for all your labor! And please find a way to rest and get to your doctor!

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, please take care of yourself; the rest of your team as well including the wonderful Jill.

I am a Brave user as well. I ran an experiment suggested by Jeff Childers comparing searches on both Brave and google. They results were very different and telling.

I was slow to believe that Jordon Walker could be so stupid. Sometimes I am impulsive. But it is clear that this guy exists, at least for now.

I don’t spend time on social media. I exist some days on the brink of insanity. I suspect social media would be the last straw. : )

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The days of J W may be limited.

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I keep expecting an Epstein moment.

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That would be just more fodder for the conspiracy theorist who are combated by the opposition which relies on their narratives and the so meaningful use of coincident (and sometimes suicide or accident). I've no interest in tracking his future to see where he lands.

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Obvious at this point how odious pfizer is. My wife worked in med offices in the Tex. Med. Center and saw first hand how they operated, so no news here. However, now that the blinders are being removed from pfizer maybe time to spread the cheer and look at how merck has for years pulled the very same stunts hiding the damage caused by their HPV jab as pfizer has with its china flu jab. And really. belabor the revolving door between pharma and the gov that allows these atrocities to happen.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just as there is absolutely no difference between ABC/NBC/CBS/NY Times/Google-You Tube/Facebook/PR/New Yorker magazine (et al) "news" organizations (all, no doubt, now poisoned by the presence of hundreds of ex-and current FBI/CIA agents within each company*) ---

There cannot be any difference at all between Pfizer, Merck, et al. The only disagreements in both colossal camps are the ongoing ferocious, unconscionable internal civil wars about who gets promoted and paid the most.

*If these companies are useful to a fascist government, then their corporate tax returns will be glanced at and then rubber-stamped as "acceptable, pass" no matter what they state as "fact."

A powerful incentive to keeping quiet about your company having been inhaled by the government, ala Germany "peacefully" annexing Czechoslovakia in 1938-39.

Orson Welles in the Third Man (1948 film) is today's Pfizer et al.

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Even a nondisclosure agreement should be broken in the interest of public health, especially where children are concerned, and it affects the masses. Maybe your wife should be allowed to go public? I don't know the situation, but too many are tight lipped.

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That was 20 yrs ago but obviously they have maintained their stripes

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Yes, what a disgusting company Pfizer is, that video of "smug face Bourla" boasting about lab-rat level control of patients: "imagine the compliance" ...

Boicot Pfizer in anyway possible.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drs Robert and Jill: we love you!!!!!!

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent comments, one and all!

Drs. M: I do hope you will take as good care of yourselves as you do the rest of us. Get some sleep 😴, stay away from most allopathic doctors 🥼 and spend more time with your horses 🐎 🐎 on the Pfarm 👩‍🌾👩‍🌾 (sorry, I couldn’t resist).

You also might want to reduce your coffee intake ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ just in case the caffeine isn’t doing your tachycardia any good 💝☕️.

I’m not a doctor (which could be a good thing these days), don’t play one anywhere (not even at Pfizer), and I gave up reading “sciency” papers after receiving my B.S. in microbiology and chemistry in the old days when a degree was worth the unwoke paper 📝 upon which it was printed.

That said, a quick Brave search for “coffee and tachycardia” pulled up many references. Here are two:

* https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22188716/

* https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405500X18300756

Sending enormous thanks 🙏 and a great deal of love 💕 to you both for all you are doing! Keep up the great work, but please give yourself time to be two-year-olds and learn the value of saying “NO! NO! NO!” 😭 to some who demand so much of your time.

Now, please rest, then find some material for the Sunday Pfunnies 🤪, which we all adore 🥰.

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Spot on! Caffeine often is the culprit and is ignored. I know this from personal experience.!

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Same for me! And it creeps up on you. First one cup ☕️, then another ☕️ ☕️, then another ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ and pretty soon your heart ❤️ is racing 🏃‍♂️and the jitters 😬 take you on. As if we don’t have enough to be jittery about these days.

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Taking 200mg of L-theanine with your coffee will prevent overstimulation of the heart

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Thank you! I guess you are one of the few that paid attention to nutrition!

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again I am learning! thanks.

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This old guy finally gave up caffeine when the problems began slapping me ‘longside the head instead of just irritating me. Now I have more time to consider how best to be a problem to the degraded and depraved attacking us.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Project Veritas Part 3: Malone's back story on the Pfizer scoop. This is the gift that keeps on giving - on more levels than one. Quite apart from the simple way it reveals the ugly corruption at the heart of big pharma, the entertainment value is off the scale! This is a big part of how we win hearts and minds.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, we are grateful for your, Jill's and the many others efforts to stand for freedom and expose the tyranny that is attempting to engulf us. This piece details how demanding, hectic and downright exhausting your days are. My contribution to this effort is to take the information you and many others (Naomi Wolf, Ed Dowd, Steve Kirsch etc.) supply us with and share it one person at a time. This strategy has worked with feedback such as, "something is going on here", "we were lied to"and more. Thank you for leading the charge. I'll continue to spread the word, one person at a time!

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Many years ago the prescient Caleb Carr wrote a brilliant, disturbing and dark novel called Killing Time that predicted just the sort of information control that Pfizer and Google are practicing today. It was underappreciated then and should probably re-emerge as a cautionary tale for our times.

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1984 certainly comes to mind as usual but didn't know about this other book. Sounds interesting, thanks

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Apparently, almost everyone has forgotten:

A) Orson Welles in the 1948 film The Third Man (the Bourla-Soros prototype); and

B) Rex Shute's novel On The Beach (1962), southern Australia the last place to get hit with the radioactive fallout before annihilation (the impending doom of about 4.8 million vaccine-booster-murdered injectees in America, 48.2 U.S. booster shots administered).

Everyone in fictional 1962 southern Australia dies at once, within a 48 hour-span; today, it's one-by-one spread out over the years.

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