Our local Costco has someone out front hawking the jab. Literally shouting out “get your CoVid vaccine!” As people walk in and out of the store. The good thing is, I’ve not seen anyone taking them up on it.

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I saw that too. Right at the Costco entrance — Covid and Flu shot jab hawkers. Happily, the jab table was nearly empty of customers.

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I’m tempted to take a big permanent marker to the vaxx signs plastered all over the doors of Kroger, Walmart, et al and draw a giant X over them.

If I could draw well enough, I'd depict the skull and crossbones to convey the actual message!

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Here you go: a skull and crossbones illustration (crossed vaccine needles, actually) I designed several years ago. You may print out, email, use any way you wish.


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Clever! T-shirt! T-shirt!

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I put that design in the public domain, so you may put it on anything you like, posters, stickers, T-shirts.

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Thank you! Great work!

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Use Stickers. Halloween is coming up so there shouldn’t be a shortage of skull and bones ones 😆

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Excellent idea! Thanks!

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You know they are going overboard with this and soon once again will be offering a chance at winning a car like they did in D.C. which failed. Any offer of money tells most people that something must be wrong here and any demand is Fascist and taken from Nazi protocols.

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Next thing you know Girl Scouts will be offering a free box of cookies with every shot.

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I have not seen this at my local Costco yet. Will make sure I tell them what I think if they do.

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I’m gonna put on my Big Cowboy hat and blare sippin’ on “Gin ‘n Juice”. What the heck. Ed

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That is so ridiculous it's hilarious! Anyone who would do that must be very desperate for money. Either that or...well, if you can't say something nice....Lol!

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I find it hard to fathom that there were years, maybe decades that the mRNA vaccine technology wasn’t passing safety studies and then, by golly, one day it did, and now everywhere you see new vaccines with this new technology. Hell No! No vaccines for me and definitely no mRNA vaccines for my pets.

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My highly educated children and grand children will be standing in line to get the next "poison injection". Why you ask? Because they are "following the science"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sometimes education stops people from thinking for themselves critically. Indoctrination happens now at all levels of education.

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I know--it's terrifying! The propaganda machine continues to spew and spew and spew. But the truth will continue to come through. Can you send them links to some of Dr. Malone's columns, especially the one with the timetable for myocarditis? Include a list of Dr. Malone's accomplishments and his educational background--maybe that will convince them to pay attention to another point of view.

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Thank you for your suggestions. However, I have tried to discuss the covid "plan-demic" and other destructive policies initiated by the democrats and rinos who are intent on destroying America. They don't want to hear it. They "think" they are liberals, therefore they must vote for democrats. They truly believe I am a paranoid victim of the "knuckle dragging" MAGA cult.

They are totally unaware that they are actively participating in the annihilation of their liberty, their freedom and the country which made their comfortable lives possible.

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I struggle being in your shoes with some family members also. Thank God, my adult sons, my mother and my sister all saw the truth but other family members absolutely refuse to even consider or look at the opposing side. I have to remind myself, almost daily, that everyone is here on this earth on their own path, their own lessons to learn and their own lives. It’s heartbreaking to watch. All you can do is accept their choices, be kind and loving and influence by example. Practice Love.

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They are the same morons who screamed, "No way will I take Trump's vaccine!"

Yet, here we are.

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Absolutely right on both counts: No jabs for me and none for the pets I love.

Rabbit Advocates, the Oregon-based bunny rescue group I worked with required Covid jabs for humans and Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (Medgene) in order to participate in any activities (examples: https://rabbitadvocates.org/rhdv, https://rabbitadvocates.org/events, https://rabbitadvocates.org/hay).

Both shots are/were EUA only — yet mandated! Coincidentally, at least some of my former colleagues at Rabbit Advocates died rather suddenly without having serious prior medical issues and their website still shows most everyone wearing masks. We left Oregon in a hurry in 2021.

Medgene is “proud” to be the only RHDV vaccine licensed in the US (https://medgenelabs.com/rabbits/). Look carefully at all the weasel words (pun intended) on Medgene’s site — looks very much like the corresponding human info for Covid jabs.

Also look at the documentary Under the Skin. It’s mostly about the aluminum and other dangers of the HPV vaccine, but also discusses pet and livestock vaccines: https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/under-the-skin-documentary-4736070

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We have had rescue rabbits for several years. When I first learned about the RHDV injection, it was easy to see the similarities between it and the EUA COVID-19 injections.

At least the RHDV injection (I'm fairly certain) isn't mRNA.

We currently have two pet rabbits. One, "Hyzenthlay," had the RHDV injection only because of extenuating circumstances: in brief, her much-older rabbit friend died in late 2021, and the only way we could be approved to adopt a new rabbit (from a rabbit rescue with which we had previous experience) was to get her the RHDV injection.

Hyzenthlay was somewhat depressed being our only rabbit, otherwise we would not have sought the injection. Her new friend, "Hazel," had already begun the RHDV series before we adopted him, and we had to complete his series.

Hyzenthlay experienced an unexpected medical problem about eight months after RHDV injection; of course I asked our DVM if it could be related. He said he personally hadn't read or heard reports of any side effects, but since it was EUA, he didn't deny that this was possible. Neither Hyzenthlay nor Hazel received RHDV boosters!

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As a veterinarian.....I am horrified by the mRNA tech coming to vet med....and of ALL vaccines, RABIES--which is not only lethal to animals but a real concern for zoonosis.

Are they gonna follow the COVID path and pick the pathogenic part of the rabies virus to replicate?

Rabies vaccines are HIGHLY effective and cheap...we don't NEED alternatives.

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Just yesterday, I told my vet that if they reformulate the vaccines for dogs (cats too) that I was not on board with any of it. I wanted her to know where I stand in advance of any impending changes.

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Even the current pet shots are not safe. See Under the Skin | Documentary (EpochTV video 1 hr 35 min). Includes info about human HPV and animal vaccines: https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/under-the-skin-documentary-4736070

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Thank-you for this link. I am presently watching it.

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Do your vaccine providers indicate your clients be given an option to authorize either traditional or mNRA vaxes after a full informed consent discussion?

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I've seen where the gov't has been airdropping rabies vax in remote areas of the southwest US. Something tells me they are not the traditional formulations...but are mRNA based.

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Actually the Southeast, North Carolina, supposedly targeting raccoons. Where are all the environmentalists on this one?

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They have been doing it for years. Imrab is the vaccine in the bait. It is a cell culture grown from the original seed developed in Louis Pasteur's lab in France. It is the same vaccine used in humans and it is given in small doses for treating rabies in humans. It's the best rabies vaccine on the market. You should ask for it for your pets. BTW..Pfizer sells a rabies vaccine that protects 87%. So 13 dogs out of a 100 can get rabies. It's cheap and widely used by veterinarians. Imrab is 98-99% protective. Also if your dog was to find and eat one of those baits, it would be fully protected from Rabies. You are not supposed to know that.

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Rabies Vaccines Airdropped from Planes Throughout the Southeastern States in October. USDA states oral rabies vaccine distribution has taken place in the U.S. since 1990 and that these are “safe for many animals.” https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/rabies-vaccines-airdropped-from-planes-throughout-the-southeastern-states-in-october-5505805

The article does not ask or answer: Which animals did they test? What happens to those they didn’t test? No mention of birds, fish, grazers, entry into waterways, etc. How likely are encounters with rabid animals vs potential risks? What about the increased loads of environmental toxins these vaccines pose? Have real studies been conducted or is this another example or regulatory capture to benefit pharma, other industries, and politicians?

They're also discovering microplastics in clouds and seeding clouds across the country. In Idaho, the Idaho Department of Water Resources admitted they do not test the seeded rainwater. So there you have it!

Just trust your government and shut up. It's necessary, safe, and effective...because a three- or four-letter agency said so.

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They have been doing the oral rabies baits for wildlife for some time. I don't THINK it's mRNA, but don't really know.

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They are doing this in Tennessee! Just read about this recently!

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For wolves, coyotes, raccoons etc to eat. Rabies.Dont recall anything re formulaton.

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I'm all for a legitimate program. The problem is trust in government is now shattered. So for me anyway, the working assumption is its nefarious until proven otherwise. Unfortunately these days the initial assumption is usually right. But maybe this is an exception and I went tin foil hat over nothing.

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Yesterday, I needed to take my new puppy for his distemper vaccine. I told the vet that if they start to re-formulate the vaccines for dogs with mRNA, that I was not on board with it & she needed to let me know in advance of any changes. I think I will put it in writing too. It's very sad that I no longer trust any health professional not to do something nefarious. Between federal health officials trying to kill its citizens with poisonous injections & hospitals intentionally killing their patients with deadly protocols (remdesivir & ventilators), any trust that I had went right out the window. Let's not forget their suppression of re-purposed drugs that would have saved approximately 75-85% of those who died from covid.

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Not nefarious. I can imagine big Pharma to reformulate and not tell the Doctors. I have some background in mineralogy and learned in the mid 1970s that Johnson and Johnson lied about the possibility of trace carcinogens in their baby powder! The supply of natural talc was too small so they used degraded serpentinite deposits.

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Grocery stores are vaccine clinics, too. I go in to buy a box of cereal and the overhead announcements are continually hawking the latest vax. They even offer a discount on my entire purchase if I'll just get the shot. So, yeah, there are some heavy incentives for them to push shots.

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I can barely get a pharmacist on the phone to discuss a prescription for a patient. The phone clerk usually says the pharmacist is “out giving shots”.The pharmacies email the patients telling them they are due to come in for their covid vax boosters, making consultation with me ( their doctor) very rare. I am the one they come on to see with all the havoc created by the vax, however.

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I went through it it in a different way; however, I know. Stay Best, Ed

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Once you’ve read TURTLES ALL the WAY DOWN, A VACCINE EXPOSE, (bc conveniently there are 2 books out with that title RN! Hmmm…) and RFK, Jr’s THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI along with several

others of which I have pics of the stacks, like DISSOLVING ILLUSIONS, you’ll never get another shot if ANYTHING again, for you or your animals.

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Both CVS and Walgreens are useless as pharmacies. Only use them when it is a last resort.

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I agree 100% about CVS and Walgreens. All the stores hawk jabs over their loudspeakers. And remember that they refused to dispense prescriptions for ivermectin even before the jabs were available.

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Both chains have a very long history as prescription mills. Their efforts to recruit technicians, pre-pharmacy students, and interns are no longer sufficient. Currently they're attempting to recruit any warm body by any communication means available.

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Ha! I had a cvs and walgreen’s within 5-10 minutes…Drove 30 minutes to a family owned pharmacy that had a brain. Ed

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I appreciate Senator Paul (I actually wrote him in for President in 2016, even though he had dropped out), but there seems no political will to prosecute any of these people… so I doubt Fauci will be held accountable in this life. Fauci’s only hope is to agree with God that he is a sinner (like all of us) and repent, turn to Jesus as LORD and Savior and be forgiven and reconciled to the Father.

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My 10 year old small dog got a rabies vaccine (no vet would treat her orthopedic problem without it) in early 2022. Immediate, severe, unrelenting health problems that no one could diagnose. Suffered needlessly. I feel so guilty because I knew better, but wanted her knee problem addressed. We had to put her down in July 2022. I am unvacc'd and I will put my other dog down before she will get a rabies vax.

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Most local feed stores or Tractor Supply stores hold rabies vaccine clinics a few times a year, so go in and find out what type of documentation they provide to pet owners.

That information could come in handy if/when your vet wants to know if your animals are all dosed up.

I have no compunction about lying in order to keep my beloved animals safe.

Also: check out fenbendazole as a potential dewormer for your animals. It could have other beneficial health effects. 😉

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Yes, it has shown remarkable success in treating cancer. Here is one article, which originally appeared on Dr. William Makis' substack.....https://vigilantnews.com/post/the-overlooked-miracle-drug-for-cancer-why-big-pharma-fears-fenbendazole?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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What is so sad is the States all require these because of $ donors $ to legislators. Doesn't matter if your pet stays in the house or your yard never seeing an animal that may have rabies.

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You can buy the rabies vaccine with tags and other vaccines from online vet supply stores.

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In the spring 2021 we had planned a trip to Aruba. The only way I could get on the plane is to get a negative Covid test at a lab. If I remember right it had to be the day before the flight. This was also done in a box in the parking lot at specific CVS pharmacies. I’m sure at the time this put additional stress on stores. One note; my doctor had given me a script for ivermectin and the CVS I go to refused to fill it. Of coarse I read about doctors losing their license over this and sent him some articles and he asked that I not pursue it. I think one day we will be forced to stick our arm into a machine that will automatically jab you full of whatever the government decides to jab you with. If you don’t comply you will be jailed like in the movie Idiocracy. J.Goodrich

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My brother in law's doc wrote a script for ivermectin for him and when my BIL asked if my sister could pick it up at CVS, the doc said no, you have to go to a compound pharmacy. We are fortunate to have two within 10 miles. The doc told him that CVS and Walgreens would not fill the script due to politics.

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Not sure how it’s legal not to give a patient his or her prescription

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I was flabbergasted, but it happened to a lot of people here in AZ.

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You know how often movies are the fore-runner for the real deal.

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Yes, when you watch some movies you think this could never happen and before you know it it’s here. Have you ever watched that movie Idiocracy? It’s exactly as they say art imitates life. By the way, an update on my wife. The nursing director was having a meeting today with nursing staff to discuss how important the new Covid shots are. I’m sure a lot of the importance is based on the stock value loses and the fact she’s heavily invested in big pharma as is the hospital CEO.

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James, If only someone could have an educated, with data, conversation covering ethics, and the questionable direction of profit over people. The blinders on these people are so big and they are so used to wearing them, no Light can get in.

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I find this much more effective than flu shots: Do not touch your face under any circumstances until you thoroughly wash your hands. Ever. Seems a very favorable pathway for infection exists in fingers to eyes and/or nose.

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A few thoughts come to mind:

* I wonder whether some of the walk-outs are due to pharmacists suddenly growing consciences and not wanting to jab people with harmful substances (of course, no mainstream news would report this).

* Pharmacies — especially large chains such as CVS and Walgreens —- refused to allow ivermectin prescriptions to be filled even before the jab was available.

* Walk into a pharmacy and you’ll see and hear “Get Your Flu Shot” “Get Your Covid Shot” etc. etc. messages everywhere. (My advice, walk right out!)

* Pharmacies are in the perfect position: Administer jabs (no waiting, no prescription!) then fill prescriptions for mysterious and sudden symptoms the jabs caused. Just have the AEDs on hand you guys!

* Pet vaccines: Steer (pun intended) clear! This 1.5 hour video from EpochTV addresses pet and livestock vaccines, along with HPV: https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/under-the-skin-documentary-4736070

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Stop listening to Rand Paul and pay attention to the war! Never mind the last set of lies, we have a bunch of new ones to stuff down your throat.

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Anyone else finding it "not surprising" that the uniparty cabal is now doing to vaccines what they've done to legislation for decades? You want a flu shot? The covid vax is part of "the bill". Take it or leave it. You know the next thing is "you have to take the shot in order to know what is in the shot"...

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This is just one of many reasons I have stopped using chain pharmacies in favor of a small local independent pharmacy owned by the pharmacist and run solely by her and her adult children. She doesn’t even offer vaccinations, much less push them on her loyal clientele. And the other half of the store is still an old-fashioned ice cream parlor!

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We have a pharmacy like that near us - the best service and so helpful. I have no clue if they do offer jabs since we do not partake of those items but it is not pushed at all. Let's hope more people move away from the horrid chain pharmas and go back to neighborhood compounding pharmacies that know their clients.

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