This article brought this quote to mind:

"Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?" --Joseph Stalin

This is where we are at folks. All thought must be controlled. The absurd fictional reality they are forcing down our throats will shatter into a million pieces in the face of independent thought and the free flow of ideas. This is our trajectory, we must put a stop to this NOW:

"It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be REDUCED to twenty grammes a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.” --George Orwell, 1984


"The solution could not be more simple. Everybody, man and woman, needs to collectively stand up for what's right and STOP backing down. My old boss was the finest man I ever knew, the kind you would follow up a hill knowing you wouldn't come back. He led by example, and had impeccable integrity, THE attribute that contains every other sub set of attributes worth having . He said "when you're right , you fight". He NEVER compromised when he was right.

Name one instance when the monsters doing this to us have compromised on anything. EVER? It's always the good guys that compromise. They advance their evil, and we fall back.. THAT, more than anything else, is how we got here. WE compromise our GOOD, THEY don't compromise their EVIL. Never again. Say it. We are right, so we will fight, and we won't compromise . Red Line drawn. We will never back down AGAIN" --Rolandttg

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If the goal is to eradicate evil, that cannot be achieved by finding common ground with the devil. If we've learned anything from this scamdemic, it's that when you deal with that backstabbing venomous snake you can only lose. So rip its sinister head off instead.

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This is one of the problems with RHINOS. They think they can tame the venomous snake by negotiation. Like Judas they sell out their constituents and we the people daily, Mike Pence!!!

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They smile in your face,

all the time they wanna take your place, Them Back Stabbers (backstabbers)

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Great song I play it all the time. Funny how songs take you back to better normal times…

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Perfectly said! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Thank God, Canadians and Americans have kept their guns, fighting our Governments every attempt to take them. We have not let them. Australians did. They have NO defence other than their voices of dissent. Which I am starting to hear. About time.

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While this is true, given the latest attempt to disarm us, since they cannot seem to get us to give up our weapons, all they have to do is pass laws that make it illegal to actually carry or use your gun. The only way to nip this in the bud is open resistance.

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True enough, but how often does the general populace actually target practice ?

When you're forced to pull the trigger make darn sure it gets the target!

This goes for many things in life, not just ballistics. Word power comes to mind.

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Word power all the way. But a last defense is a good thing.

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We have to get our firearms licence, we live in bear country, and we are focused on family protection.

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The problem is the majority will never stand up.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." --Samuel Adams

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Very poetic, I hope that is true!

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It's true. It's why they fight tooth and nail and spare no expense to keep us depressed, oppressed, divided, demoralized, and traumatized. They do not stand a chance against the united, undivided, resolve of even a small percentage of us.

"Our adversaries know this, which is why they've been fighting tooth and nail to poison the wells we share of comradery, fellowship, and family—they've been doing anything and everything they can to decimate the ties that bind us together." —https://tritorch.com/united

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Our individual rights to personal freedoms is highly dependent on our ability to protect and maintain all collective ideals/goals/ integrity.

At no time in the past several decades has all of this been under a remarkable systemic and volatile attack from every possible angle all at once. There is a diabolical blueprint that has been deployed. It is being referred to as Build Back Better! That is your #1 clue you are entering slavery and wretched servitude as mortal minion's from here on out.

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It has been written that NO GOVERNMENT HAS WITHSTOOD AN UPRISING OF 3% OF ITS PEOPLE AGAINST IT. That makes 40,000,000 x 3% = 1.2 million citizens of Canada. I think that many can be mustered.

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Sorry to be a PITA. Just doing what everyone here agrees we need more of- question everything. No exception for friendlies.

I like that 3% thing. Where was it written?


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I did not keep the reference I saw some years ago however I google it and can refer you to a 2019 BBC article.


The '3.5% rule': How a small minority can change the world

Nonviolent protests are twice as likely to succeed as armed conflicts – and those engaging a threshold of 3.5% of the population have never failed to bring about change.

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Much Thanks Mr. Jewett.

A quick look at the article leads me to wonder, are we on the bad side of the 3.5%. Let me explain. Almost all of what's going on today that I find so very objectionable is not supported by a majority; e.g gender affirmation surgery for children, males in women's sports, elimination of fossil fuels, open borders, extremist transgenderism... I could go on and on.

These are ideas pushed almost entirely by a small but very vocal and aggressive minority.

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I did a little digging after I posted and the basis for the 3.5% rule comes from research done by Erica Chenoweth and Maria J. Stephan

Why Civil Resistance Works

The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict

Erica Chenoweth and Maria J. Stephan

Columbia University Press


In my opinion the problems today we see that you mention are due to vocal minorities supported by a corrupt government. The vast majority of Canadians and Americans hold traditional views about medicine, sexuality, child protection, food, transportation etc but are not able or willing to spend time to fight for their views. Canadians have historically been passive but it doesn't take much to get them aroused out of their slumber as seen during the trucker's convoy to Ottawa. I drove the 401 the day the Windsor convoy was coming through and saw dozens and hundreds of protesters on EVERY bridge waving flags and a hundred or so lining the highway at Woodstock. It was an awe inspiring day. By the way it was well below freezing that day and people still came out.

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it's not an uprising against government at all, it's changing out the leaders in a way to actually let the written government establish in context

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Don't forget that Trudeau did not garner a majority of the votes. In fact, he got fewer votes than the Conservative candidate in the last election.

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In every sports tournament I've ever played in, there was something or other that came up that I had to fight against, not to get my own way, but to clearly accept and apply the pre-established and written rules (including if something seemed unfavorable to me). Can't remember this not happening.

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What's your sport? Mine's lacrosse. We love the game; respect the rules. Sometimes the interpretation of the rules is questionable but, if we didn't have refs we couldn't play the game in any orderly way. The problem we have now - in the US and Canada - is that the refs are all in the tank for a very corrupt political class who have no respect for our history or established order. Having corrupt refs is maybe worse than having none, at all. That needs to change. Before the game is irretrievably lost.

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What TriTorch said...!

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We don't need no education (not their tyrannical style of controlled BS anyway)

We don't need no thought control

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

Teachers leave them kids alone

Hey! Teachers! Leave us kids alone!

All in all you're just another brick in the wall.

Pink Floyd

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Well I won’t bank down no I won’t back down u can stand me up at the gates of hell but I won’t back down.

Tom Petty

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Could you have ever in your life imagined that we would live through a global genocide by stealth bioweapon and a communist totalitarian takeover of Western Civilization? Never in a million years...yet here we are.

Thank you, Dr. Malone, for shedding light on this appalling practice against doctors in Canada. Heaven knows they will try to push this through in the US too. For the sake of all decent human beings, I pray we can defeat their efforts and help our friends in surrounding countries to do the same.

Your courageous and articulate voice helps so many of us navigate our way through such challenging and disturbing times. Thank you for all you do.

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“Could you have ever in your life imagined that we would live through a global genocide by stealth bioweapon and a communist totalitarian takeover of Western Civilization? Never in a million years...yet here we are.”


You’re exactly right. This takeover happened right under our nose. We had to admit, we were all under the mental illness that was quoted by Huxley in the article and propaganda plays a huge role to it.

The sooner we realize the propaganda, the sooner we realize the war has started along time ago and it’s time for us to start fighting back


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Spot on. And thanks for the link - will check it out now...

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Sep 21, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The similarities of the present governments of Canada and US to nazi's of Germany in the 1930's is remarkable.

I supported Drs Luchkiw, Trozzi and Philips with 2 letters of support to the CPSO prior to their hearings.. and subscribed to Dr. Luchkiw's substack. As one person posted on the substack "The CPSO wanted their heads on a pike". They were scapegoats as a warning to other doctors as to what happens when you prescribe effective Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquin and don't push the big pharma jab.

Even in my own great doctor's office when I went for my annual last year she offered me a Covid shot, Pneumonia shot, flu shot and shingles shot. I replied no, no, no, no. She said no to my request for an antibody test which I would have to pay for but is only available in Ontario with a prescription.

In the past the guidance of the CPSO was driven by avoiding lawsuits. Now I don't know what drives them but they seem to have fallen in line with the WEF agenda to push a shot with a 1 in 800 odds of killing the patient (currently, the odds get worse with time). Our gutless Conservative Ontario Government seems to have fallen in line with the Federal Liberal genocidal policies.

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If you need a doctor other than one who can set a broken bone , then choose anyone except a MD

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I see my doctor once every two years for a physical. She was open throughout the pandemic for in office visits for which I admire her when so many doctors went to zoom calls for visits (like my wifes triple jabbed doctor whos had covid 3 times). Fortunately I don't need any treatments these days as I don't get sick (I credit the vitamins and suppliments). If I do need a non MD then yes, I have several modalities that I can go to if the need arises. I do like having an GP though in case I do need her skills. She has been great over the years until Covid hit and she has soured some since the. She likes her license though so she is not the kind to rock the boat.

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Same here with Keiser Permanente in the US

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We elected a f f

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Diversity of Medical viewpoints is verboten when it interferes with the goal of reshaping humanity into compliant automatons stripped of independent thought and action! The statement by the WEF chief medical hacker who stated with great glee! Humans are hackable! Is the operative goal! Until the majority of humanity recognizes this we will continue down this road to hell on earth!

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Author of "Homo Deus" - Man-God.

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As a Canadian, this makes me furious. Canadians, in general, are furious about a LOT of totalitarian behaviour on the part of this Federal Government under direction of the WEF through their puppet, Trudeau. And many are awake, evidenced by yesterdays massive 1 Million March 4 Children that brought Canadian parents, grandparents and concerned taxpayers (whose money funds public/Catholic schools) across every age and culture into the streets in cities and towns across Canada to protest the teaching of Marxist Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity PROGRAMS in our schools starting in KINDERGARTEN! It was amazing. Massive turnouts everywhere. Like our Freedom Trucker Convoy. And our Communist press spun it to be ‘hate’ against Trans People. Of course they did. Parents just want to be able opt their kids OUT of those classes. CHOICE. If you can believe it, the Canadian Union of Public Employees and Teachers Unions marched (in MUCH smaller numbers, 20/1) with Pride and Antifa operators who are PAID. CANADIAN CITIZENS PAY those PUBLIC employees. Trudeau directs those people. His private army of idiots. Big changes coming.

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Fidelito's approval rating is lower than Biden's. Canadians are finally starting to wake up. It's very gratifying to see that not everyone is the Anglosphere is a spineless, service, slavering dupe.

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It is worse than this. Dr. Meryl Nass is being ordered to do 're-education' due to false accusations. This is all scapegoating, to justify the wildly unethical behaviour by those wielding power and wield it they do.

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God bless Dr. Nass for her tenacity and perseverance!

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She is a hero! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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I recently found her and subscribed. She is a beacon of light in a dark time. Please support her everyone as she is not afraid of the ethical fight.

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There is so much about this that infuriates and frightens. As I have stated before we learned about ivermectin in November of 2020 from the WSJ. At that time we did not have a physician willing to prescribe. We use ivermectin on a regular basis for any animal that appears to need worming, so are very familiar with it. We have been using it ever since. Yes..the cattle version (pour on). We learned about the appropriate vitamins from FLCCC and started that even before the ivermectin. Our family members and everyone who works for us all have had COVID. Only my 92 year old mother was very sick and she came through in flying colors. What I find so irritating is that we had to do this with no support from the medical community. We know several people who either died or were very sick for lack of treatment. Very pathological situation we are in. My immediate family has found a Nurse Practitioner who understands what is going on and provides family practice care for us.

If they can get Peterson and all those professionals like him out of the way they will come for low level resisters. None of us will be safe. I feel the same way about Trump. Whatever you may think of him, what they are doing to him cannot be allowed in a constitutional republic.

May God grant us courage and wisdom.

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Beautifully said! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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I should have said the injectable form not pour on. Sorry!

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Good, since the pour-on contains some nasty petroleum distillates!

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I might add that it is ingested, not injected. As I understand it is the same as the human form, except the inert ingredients are not controlled to the same extent as in the human form.

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What's happening in Canada is terrifying. But at least the First Amendment is still working here and Newsom is being forced to back off. And two Canadian newspapers are paying attention.

The increasing number of tragic deaths and illnesses caused by the vax will eventually change people's attitudes.

And then the revolution will take center stage.

My big questions are: How do we prepare for what's coming? How do we take care of the sickened people when our health-care system is crumbling? And how do we keep our country going with so many people either dead or too ill to function?

I hate having to ask that last question--I don't want to think of all the devastation.

My heart is breaking, breaking, breaking.

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I’ve heard people that have lived through drastic takeovers of their government from a free society to a totalitarian form of government. They say in a quick moment their freedoms are stripped, like the flick of a switch. Is this not the beginning of the end of the long march the leftist Marxist have dreamed about for decades? My mind once thought the lefts ultra tolerance had become intolerance towards me. Though I still think there is truth in that, I have started to think that it’s our tolerance that is allowing these minute groups to force these major changes on the lions share of our population. The first amendment and mainly the freedom of speech is like a muscle, if people have extreme trepidation of speaking the truth to these political social and economic issues the first amendment has been reduced with total atrophy. Eventually it will wither and be amputated with exhilaration by the leftist marxists. We need to begin our own long march to take back what is rightfully ours. Our tolerance has been the problem. People need to speak their mind. Flex their first amendment muscle. Everything is the same. The future merely repeats the past. We must fight back and defeat this evil just as our fathers and forefathers did. J.Goodrich

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Sep 21, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I loved the Aldous Huxley quotes, some people have the ability to see into the hearts of man, and that's not always a pretty picture. My friend Dannion Brinkley (near death experience and hospice teacher and advocate) says to watch Russia, what happens there is what could be in store for America. BTW, this makes my stomach tie in a knot, this becomes more serious every day. Thank you for standing up against all odds.

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Inadvertently omitted from the transcript, "I, Dr. XX, give my irrevocable consent to conceal the fact that most of my fingernails were removed without anesthetic to ensure my compliance without reservation to the govenment gods who designed this genuine confession."

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Physician re-education? That is just ridiculous . It sounds like China or Hitler’s Germany. So wrong !

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What DO you think is going on? Both Hitler and Mao were installed by the Globalists of their era, the predecessors of the current crop of powerful psychopaths who run the world! Nothing's changed— they are STILL AT IT!

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I agree. But you would think we would learn something. People are like sheep. They follow who ever is leading them. They are not thinking for themselves

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hey Doc I did not know you were in Toronto, if I had I would have tried to attend and meet you in person, to thank you sincerely. This information you have provided today about the "re-education" of Canadian doctors has lit a fire in my bowels. I owe much to the doctors of my own circle for saving my life, my ability to live and function, and in a way, to think critically, and not cling to every word they say. Sometimes they are not right, as evidenced in the totally ass-backward dictates coming from the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Imagine being totally wrong, and yet still having the power to force any NOT in agreement with their obvious charade to grovel in atonement (for being truthful, honest and right). The bone-headed arrogance of the College's captured felonious morons begs for reprisal and punishment of everyone there, sans mercy. I just do not know how to go about bringing them to account, but I do feel motivated, when I consider that those doctors I have a deep respect and admiration for are being "perp-walked" by liars and miscreants with no respect for the truth, honesty, decency, and quite frankly for SCIENCE. Thanks again Doc, you are welcome at my house anytime.

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

Yes, it is China's Great Leap Forward all over again, only now going worldwide courtesy of WEF and their ilk running things.

". . . no respect for the truth, honesty, decency, and quite frankly for SCIENCE."

Definitely NOT science, but rather "Scientism", the RELIGION of "science" based on Orthodoxy and Holy Edicts — pronouncements by the Scientism Priesthood like the Fauci's of the world. "Concensus" is the religious position of their High Priests.

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Ep. 25 – Sep 20 -- Liberals like Karl Rove just tried to annihilate Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. It didn't work. Paxton just joined us for his first interview since his acquittal.



“Nonsense machine” - of DNC/CIA cabal – Sept. 20 -- OUTSTANDING


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The country of my birth. I’m ashamed!

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Doctor Malone, I've been staying away from your substack to limit my intake of all of things that are going wrong. It doesn't seem like we're winning and that really worries me!

I was on the fence about our TEXIT movement here in Texas. However, I think that I really need to become a recruiter for this movement before the liberal loons turn our state BLUE 🤔

As many of you have been hearing about the impeachment attempt of our AG Paxton by many of our RINO RepubliCANTS.

We have most of our representatives who have been voting 🗳 more with the DemocRATS than with their Republican colleagues.

Our Texas House has been infiltrated!!

I don't know if we'll be able to save our state, but I'm going to do my part to regain all that we have lost due to these traitors!

Many of you may find that moving here may be the only place for us to have our liberties 🗽.

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I like the version: "Demonrats". Lol!

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I have a friend who also likes that descriptive version!

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