The Cave parable is an excellent metaphor for current times. Profound in its implications yet easily missed, because we never see ourselves as the prisoner. Worth noting the Philosopher King he spoke of was someone over 50, and unmarried and without a family. It could not be someone susceptible to bribery, which I think is understandable. We either have a citizenry who takes turns as representatives for short periods, (built in term limits) or those who cannot be tempted. Otherwise, we get, well, what we've got. Thanks - look forward to reading your book.

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Philosopher Kings may not be necessary, or desirable and in fact may represent the problem. However we do need the capacity to make we the people the rulers by having the right cultural structure in the first place. We need to accept certain basic fundamentals about ourselves as fellow biological beings. Never will we be or become some godlike creatures divorced from our evolutionary & biological realities. Intelligence does not change this nor make us any better than animals/people with less IQ points or ability to create mental models. Being the body politic means we accept and adapt to exactly that. Each of us along with all fellow humans and fellow life on the Earth are the body politic. We learn to choose leaders by what they do, not what they say.

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Excellent points, KW, to add to Kathleen's. True humility is recognizing we're still chained and bound like everyone else but we're also the flickering figures on the cave wall, the puppetmasters, and the Philosopher-Kings. Maybe we need to interpret the puppet show as something beautiful rather than fearful, before we'll all be ready to turn around to the fire, to stand up together, to walk out singing.

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a puppet show? oh yeah. bring on the show. excuse my cynicism on such a day as today: one half of the people attending the n the show will disagree and throw popcorn.. remember?

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Historically, though.. people have always yearned for a philosopher King.. and biblically.. and since you noted what you noted you will then know why..

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Yes, absolutely. This is indeed a big part of the problem and got “baked into the pie” in our earliest civilizations. Will it be different in our last? In middle of writing a post to ask these questions.

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I’m against term limits because it’s like putting handcuffs on yourself to make sure you won’t do something foolish in the future. While there may be a temptation for people in power to become corrupt, I think we should trust our own future judgment as to whether or not that has occurred and preserve the option of allowing someone as special as Dr. Malone to remain in power a long time!

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True democracy is anarchy. In the United States we have a Repubic. Not a democracy. The Founding Fathers came up with absolutely brilliant documents, The Bill of Rights & the Constitution. I don’t really know how briefly that miracle stayed true to its intentions, unfortunately humans with their evil inclinations got involved & Benjamin Franklin was quite correct when he said “We have a Republic, as long as you can keep it.”

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I think in the Cave parable the leader of the prisoners name was Klaus.

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And that would be a disaster as we know.

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May 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Cognitive dissonance can hurt when you come out of the cave and first encounter bright sunlight."

In that is also betrayal by institutions granted our highest level of trust. We need to mourn the loss of what we thought were guardians but sold us out like pimps. It's heartbreaking and horrifying, even those who have no doubt of systemic fraud & corruption wish were otherwise.

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Pamela, you nailed it and I have expressed those very sentiments on other platforms. I worked for one of those institutions for 24 yrs then finally retired in 2021. I happily lived and breathed the work I performed and felt we truly were making contributions to public health. Enter Coronacrisis (borrowing that word). March 2021 I got my (regretfully) 2nd jab. Truth- It was shortly after jab #2 I ran across this gentleman Dr. Robert Malone and he changed my life and my critical thinking going forward. Truly an awakening. Regarding CDC-I feel betrayed, anger, disappointment you name it. I no longer trust these institutions and sadly I don’t think they care.

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May 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love you Dr Malone.

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As a bedside nurse who has had to muddle through this great mishagas with some healthy suspicion as to the narrative it’s impossible to adequately express my gratitude to you and to your partner Jill. I tear up thinking about how much I’ve been buffeted by your work and the work of others who have held to the deep and beautiful tenets of medicine and care. Thank you. It’s bewildering to continue to work in a system so corrupted. Thank you for being a lighthouse.

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May 28, 2022·edited May 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks Robert. I must say at times I have felt like your inclinations towards political discussion have hurt your credentials on being objective about specifically covid, medicine and biology topics. But I do enjoy your deep thoughts, and think they have merit. Perhaps now is the right time for them as a pivot towards preventative strategies for the next time around, (since it did so little to rail against mistakes of this pandemic). To that end (at least in part) I would love to see you interviewed by Dr. Jordan Peterson. He might be less political than you are (but has become more so under Trudeau), but has extensive psychological/neurological/biological/medical training. He is also exceptionally well versed in historical atrocities from the left. Bret Weinstein is friends with him. Perhaps he could get you interviewed in light of your book and other contributions.

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I also like Jordan Peterson and Bret Weinstein, and have done some episodes on them that I'll link below. But to be honest, I don't think either one has anything on Robert in terms of grasping the truth. Jordan has come to a place of humility and raw honesty, from some of his recent life experiences, and I admire him for it. Bret (who graduated from my alma mater here in Santa Cruz) has some excellent insights along with his wife. But Robert's true groundedness, I feel, comes from his connection to food, land and manual labor. I found that understanding missing in the others, although I've learned a lot from them.

The Divine Feminine on Jordan Peterson: https://youtu.be/ja_ADXTe7G4

Waking the Dragon Mom on Jordan Peterson: https://youtu.be/E7IxL3WOf1w

The Demonetization and Demonization of Disinformation on Bret Weinstein: https://youtu.be/9UlgpFoaIJc

The Crisis of Meaninglessness on Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying: https://youtu.be/Z_llmgrJSLA

Alien Nation (categorizes Bret, Heather, Jordan and others by atheism vs religion/ superiority vs equal morality): https://youtu.be/I8nafyRhubI

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Yes, Robert is intimately connected and grounded and that is evident in everything he says and does. That's how he has earned such wide spread respect. (...along with his great big brain, of course...)

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J Peterson? Na. Stick with Mattias who projects no hubris, similar style as yourself Doc M.

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I’m a logical thinker. I think I always have been. When Covid first came on the scene I remember the number 99.997 % survival rate. I thought ok not to deadly. Then the fear mongering began. Brand new virus that no one has had. Could be deadly. That got me scared. Ok a new virus . That means anyone could catch it. Then there was the 2 week lock down to keep it contained. I thought well that would be a good idea. Then there was the constant news about the deaths and being highly contagious . Then the introduction of masks. It was at this time that I began checking my states statistics. We had been having 6 cases in our county for 3 months. Nothing had changed. The statistics of cases by age that were getting the most cases of Covid were ages 18-29. The cases of Covid that were getting it the least were ages 80+ and children under 18. The cases that were dying the most were the ages 80+ . We had no cases of children under 11 dying from Covid until the vax was being administered. These statistics never changed throughout until the introduction of the vax.

I had decided early on that if there was a vax that I would not take it.

My husband and I quit taking the flu vaccine after get the flu 3 times in a row after taking the vax. We haven’t gotten the flu since. We do take vitamins every day.

Ayer seeing Dr Malone on the Dark Horse podcast with Bret Weinstein, I knew I had been thinking correctly and it made me more a seeker for true information.

The information coming across the news networks were just propaganda.

I still can’t believe my college professor friends who totally had bought into the propaganda. They were wearing masks all the time. You know the ones wearing masks inside of their car when they are by themselves. Crazy.

Thank you Dr Malone and Dr Jill for your constant fight for truth.

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The easy way out by accepting the narrative is taken by way too many people. Those of us who see through this will NEVER accept this. My wife’s sister is definitely one still chained in the cave and is determined to stay there the rest of her life. I have a brother who is very informed about the dangers of the vaccines and is unvaccinated yet he lives in isolation in his apartment because of his total and irrational fear of the virus. It’s sad and I give up and please don’t anyone tell me to keep working on them because it just won’t work. Some people won’t see the truth and some others see it but are so overcome with fear that they can’t act.

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The two categories of people you mention reminds me of what Mattias Desmet says about Mass Formation. About 30% of a population typically gets captured by the Mass Formation hypnosis, swallows the "approved" narrative whole, and will go so far as to attack nonbelievers. 20-30% see through the narrative and the rest, 40-50%, just go along with it because they don't want to make waves. He says the enlightened group of 20-30% have a duty to continue their active written and verbal resistance else the hypnosis will only get deeper. The danger being that Mass Formation, when allowed to deepen sufficiently, leads to totalitarianism. That's what Mattias' book is all about.

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However, I recognize futility when I see it. Of the two I mentioned, one has a closed mind and is 100% sure she is right. The other I have known all my life and no one has ever been able to talk sense to him. It’s his life and if he wants to waste it and won’t listen then it’s his business.

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It’s bad enough that Controllers are making life difficult for all of us. We don’t want to become the Controllers in response.

That works for no one.

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Right. Mass Formation can work on anyone, any group. Head's up!

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May 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

there is something to the “gut feeling”, which is really a cognitive imbalance, when information is received that is “off” from ones education & experience. I am looking forward to the book being ready to read!

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Dr. Malone, wonderful insight into the "Coronacrisis" is reflected in your writing here, soon to be expanded upon in your book, which I have just pre-ordered. The analogy to Socrates' cave metaphor is brilliant.

As a retired clinical microbiologist, I also appreciated your reference to the discoverers of the bacterium that causes stomach ulcers, Helicobacter pylori, who were disbelieved and ridiculed by the medical establishment until they demonstrated their truth with a somewhat shocking experiment that could not be questioned, giving themselves the condition by ingesting the organism.

How you and Jill, with your impossibly heavy schedule, managed to accomplish the writing of this book is amazing. Very thankfully, you did. I hope and trust that it will be part of the game-changing that is so desperately needed, contributing significantly to a better future coming.

Thank you for all you do.

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What an excellent beginning to a book that I'm greatly anticipating. My personal belief, which I say with both sadness and anticipation, is that nothing will change the prisoners' minds until the consequences of the puppetmasters' actions reach fruition. And those consequences, of depopulation and dispossession, scare me. But the inevitability that we're so close to the truth being undeniable to everyone, also excites me. I don't think we're in charge of reality, I think that reality is leading us into the future we need. Your book, Robert, is going to be invaluable when we start to make sense and bring good out of the crisis. Everything is reversible--that's not science but it is my faith. We're going to come out of this in a better place for all of us.

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Yes, after we reincarnate a few hundred thousand times in mutated, radiation-diseased bodies which don’t live long.

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It pains me to acknowledge that what you have said is entirely possible. Getting lost in the shuffle, I think, is the fact that while global heating is ultimately reversible, it is no longer reversible in the time available before real, catastrophic damage is done to our ecosystem and civilization. The vast majority of people are still staring at shadows dancing on the wall, hoping a mythical "someone else" will blow away any dark clouds gathering. Very few have taken an outside, technicolor look at the actual evidence of climate change around the world.

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One day when you have lots of time you can go back to 1970 (when "global cooling" was what scared my 10 year old self) and notice that every single dire prediction trumpeted endlessly on ever increasing media outlets has not come true, most not even close and long forgotten "impending disasters". But what is true is NYC's Central Park, with its huge rocks left behind by receding melting glaciers, was once covered in two mile thick ice, long before it was "our fault". There's litter and streams are poisoned and forests are cut down, but sit through one earthquake that destroys a city (as I did) but isn't felt in other counties) and you will quickly come to understand that we dirty things up but the earth does just fine overall, and then we have moved on to the next life.

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I recall that vividly.. along with the training we got to hide under desk in case of a nuclear bomb.. yeah: My very wise mother told me it wouldn't matter where we were hiding, since she lived through the bombing of Dresden.

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Actually I lived through the global cooling. Can't recall being impressed. The climate good news at that point (Illinois is a mess politically) was that my State of Illinois had lots of black fertile soil from a glacier and was terrific for growing things. I agree with your point people need to be a lot more cleanly and respectful of the earth surface we occupy, but don't equate that with influencing climate.

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It won't let me press "like" but I like your comment Jean!

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Mother Nature always wins in the end.

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yes, I know! and so that is how it should be.

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2.0, I like your comment

(I remember the desk thing from 2nd grade in New Jersey, and the teacher saying we're close to NYC so get under your desk when you hear the sirens cuz NY is a primary target, and I remember thinking "poor NYC, what happens if they aren't in school that day?")

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Mzlizzi, it won't let me press like but I like your comment!

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Thank you, Fred Wolf!

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Henry, just watched the George Carlin you posted, he says it all but funnier than Ill ever be!

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To start I agree that the climate of the planet changes and has changed many times over the years. The dinosaurs got frozen away. Today plants turn carbon dioxide into oxygen. Man may contaminate our atmosphere and to that end has been taking action. I am breathing less soot than I was years ago. The sun has been substantially contributing to earths temps as long as its been out there. While I would be open to more persuasive arguments, so far I find it impossible to buy that feeble little people can make a significant difference in global temperatures or climate changes. We all do come from different perspectives.

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May 29, 2022·edited May 29, 2022

I understand it can be hard to get one's mind around the possibility that humans might be able to affect the mighty forces of nature. The power of hurricanes, lightning, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanoes, floods, and so on, seem overwhelming when compared to human efforts. I would just offer the following thoughts.

First, there are more than 7 billion of us combining our daily use of fossil fuels to generate the enormous amount of energy needed to support civilization. We collectively emit around 50 billion tonnes of CO2e each year. How is this possible? We have multiplied our feeble individual abilities to generate CO2 many times over through the use of machines.

Second, atmospheric CO2 has been accumulating for a long time. Its concentration is now almost 50% higher than it was before the industrial revolution began. Greenhouse gases trapped nearly 50% more heat In 2021 than in 1990.

Third, the climate is what we call a "complex system". It contains many interacting parts. In such systems, a relatively small change in one part can cause large changes overall. Nature's balance of heat IN from the sun and heat back OUT into space (via radiation), which normally keeps average global temperature within limits, has been disrupted. Too much heat is being prevented from leaving. That retained heat is accumulating.

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As I mentioned - we do come with different perspectives. Personally, I resent being asked for moneys for windmills and solar panels. If man could actually effect a difference - they seem to me to be a feeble, draining answer. Many have advised eloquently on the role fossil fuels play, beyond acting as fuels to move our planes, trucks and cars. The literature I've read appears to indicate the tools being used

presently have had a minimal effect on climate. We are being warned of coming blackouts and brownouts with our electrical systems. To me (assuming the Climate panic has a veracity) the World in general and the US in particular are ill prepared for transition at this point. True believers need to return to their drawing boards and come up with more persuasive evidence IMO to justify their calls to action and more persuasive (less economically destructive) solutions.

But this is merely my point of view. I have to doubt either of us will be able to have a meaningful impact on where this issue goes from here.

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And/or, if they have noticed the rapid changes, they deny any part in causing it. Blame Nature.

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May 28, 2022·edited May 28, 2022

When I first began to learn that what we are shown and told about our country...its wars, its agencies...its illusions, is frankly bs, I was dejected and disillusioned. I wanted to believe that it was still "Morning in America'. The country I had loved and served. It is and was a rude awakening...but I am thankful for the lifting of the veil and the positioning of the mirror. I now understand what man (including myself) is capable of, even now, there is "NOTHING new under the sun". I understand my own state, and what God has done for me. I understand that He is trying to get our attention, He is showing us what we are, what we have become... and what our situation looks like untethered from His moral compass. It can get MUCH worse than it currently is. I pray we will wake up, and stop putting ourselves on the throne that is rightfully His. I pray for wisdom and discernment, for the truth to become evident... I do not want to be deceived. I trust Jesus, not that everything here will be 'alright'... but that He is always with me. That when I pray, the Holy Spirit will guide me... if I listen, He will do so. I praise God because I KNOW that this life is like a flower in the field, it has its beauty under the sun and then withers... I know that all tears will be wiped away and that I shall dwell in the house of the Lord, in His presence, forever.

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Of late I have been, sad, scared, discontented, fearful and exhausted. I no longer believe that the government state or local is in touch, or willing to work with just plain folks. There is a money grab, a land grab, a power grab. I worry a lot and it didn’t use to be this way. I have friends and a community we will work together to survive. Simple is best and while I love the Martha Stewart, Real Simple aesthetic, it isn’t real. The disconnect of reality and fantasy is hitting us faster and faster, this can’t be good for our brains. And yet I take comfort in The Rolling Stones song “you can’t always get what you want” it keeps playing in my head. Take care everyone.

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It's important to notice the parallel nightmare of Gender Identity Ideology's take-over, and grasp its connections to the Covid madness. Just 1 small example of relevance: ubiquitous K-12 gender curricula destroys critical thinking skills and primes children to accept anti-science & anti-free-speech policies. For an overview: https://caroldansereau.substack.com/p/hitchhikers-guide-to-the-transgender

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I believe it was Igor Chudov who asked his subscribers why they refused to be ‘vaccinated.’ There were several pages of responses, with a common thread of thought: “something just didn’t add up.” They we’re not from the cave, but independent thinkers with honed intuition to know there were big lies being told; that some kind of human experiment in compliance without questioning was underway. Your subscribers are well read, diverse backgrounds. I would love to know what books in their lifetimes have influenced their thinking. A surprise to me was the work of Gabriel Garcia—“100 Years of Solitude.” Your preview today brought me back to Garcia’s ability to glimpse the cave dwellers as warriors in fantasy, returning always to the medicine man, to the woman who stood apart from the herd, never losing her integrity but living among the absurdity, not quite adapting but apart from it. I see this now playing out in the US. There’s a willful denial of painful truth, so people pretend normalcy while normalcy is no more. Another small but powerful tome is Andy Andrews “How Do You Kill 11 Million People?” It’s the observation again of mass psychosis and denial, of going about the narrowing of normal, whistling as the train goes by. The answer to the question? You lie to them. Dr. Malone, one of the most disturbing things I have ever encountered, never thought possible in my native country, was blind obedience. Fear & censorship worked. Is it now a permanent behavior? With 24/7 media cycles and social media designed to encourage narcissism, not information, what is so very unsettling is not being able to find that sense of place, value & trust anymore. The orchestrated evil (yes I believe it is evil) makes sorting out difficult. I’ve watched Chris Martenson from day 1 of his video presentations. His progression from sorting out to the new truth of survival through resilience is where those outside of the cave are at—not re-entering but recreating community of bewildered but courageous people willing to move beyond mere adaptation. Is this where you are?

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I've read Solzhenitsyn, Viktor Frankl, R J Rummel's work on democide, quotes from Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. "By means of shrewd lies, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to make people believe that heaven is hell - and hell heaven. The greater the lie, the more readily it will be believed."--Adolf Hitler

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Shadowy illusions are with us still and no longer in caves. They are now in our TV sets in the form of robotic talking heads who call them "news." Those pulling the strings will have them detached soon enough as awareness continues to grow throughout the world. Truth is Truth. It cannot be hidden forever.

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You are amazing. It would take me days to produce a well written essay and you seem to pop them out daily.

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