BINGO and exactly what I suspected as well. As I mentioned at Meryl’s post, Sachs left out “genocidal war criminal” when referencing “our dear director general of WHO” 🧐

As I detailed in Part 3 of my “Anatomy of a Philanthropath” series, Yuval Noah Harari is also angling to give the WHO more funding and power:

“The skeleton of such a global anti-plague system already exists in the shape of the World Health Organization and several other institutions. But the budgets supporting this system are meagre, and it has almost no political teeth. We need to give this system some political clout and a lot more money …” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd)

Here are a couple of pieces on the WHO’s attempt to secure one-world dictatorial powers:

• “Letter to the WHO” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-who)

• “Letter to the US HHS Office of Global Affairs” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-us-hhs-office-of-global)

We must #StopTheWHO and #ExitTheWHO. I encourage everyone to follow Tess Lawrie (https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/), James Roguski (https://jamesroguski.substack.com/), Shabnam Palesa Mohamed (https://shabnampalesamohamed.substack.com/), Karen Bracken (https://karenbracken.substack.com/), and me to keep apprised of the latest developments and opportunities for action.

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well said, Margaret Anna Alice.

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This is the Director of the WHO!!! Email me Dr. Malone @ richard.hoyer.psy.d@gmail.com for a very concerning picture of the head of the WHO.

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You are right, Margaret Anna Alice. Yuval Harari is the limited hangout incarnate. I wasn't aware he built in a plea for weaponizing the WHO. It sounds like such an insignificant thing, the way he weaves it into his grandiose vistas.

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Grateful for you, and your ability to articulate and address these issues. Fight on!

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Basically, the limited hang-out is a way to change the subject. "Look! A squirrel!"

Barack Obama was a master at this. On the rare occasions when a member of the media would ask him about the words coming out of his own mouth that would later prove embarrassing, his response would start with, "What I said was..." Then layer in something he actually said. And it might even be embarrassing. But far less so than what the original question was about. He used that technique when Bill O'Reilly interviewed him. O'Reilly fell for the distraction. Forgot his own question. This guy Obama's good.

Obama was caught on an open mic telling Putin's step'n-fetch-it to relay a message to Putin, he'd have a lot more flexibility to deal AFTER the election. Obama knew he had been caught red-handed. There was no denying. What does he do? He walks into a room full of people who call themselves journalists, and makes a wise-crack: "We got any open mics around here? Nyuk nyuk nyuk."

Those clowns fell all over themselves. "Oh Barack! You're so funny! That was hilarious!" Nobody ever got around to asking him, "what did he mean by flexibility to deal with Putin?" After 20 minutes of schmoozing with an adoring media, all was forgotten.

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I remember that! It was so disgusting! Almost as disgusting as the press pool laughing at Bush's "Looking for WMD in the Oval Office" photos.




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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Alex Stein recently trolled Dan Crenshaw in person, You lost your eye for fake WMDs! You should be upset about that!

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I'm not a huge fan of that guy, but he's completely correct. Crenshaw should have roughly the same anti-war views as Tulsi Gabbard, but he seems to be all-in on everlasting conflicts around the world.

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never forget that Tulsi Gabbard was trained in the WEF young leaders program...

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Oh, I won't forget, Dr. Malone.

As was Dan Crenshaw. At least according to a list you published, and The Way Back Machine. He denies it. Claims they just put him on a list, and he had nothing to do with it. But I don't believe him.

Crenshaw is my Congressman. I have buyer's remorse about the vote I gave him two years ago. Won't ever do that again.

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True as that might be, she's one of the only ones publicly speaking out against them today. Sadly we don't find ourselves in the position to pick and choose our allies in this battle.

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But in picking and choosing, NEVER let your guard down. As a friend often reminds me, sometimes, it's better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

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Just watch your back!

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I guess Biden was "trained" in their "Senile Leaders Program"?

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She says all the right things lately, but I trust her about as far as I can throw her……not at all.

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Gabbard seems to be a bit of a loose cannon by WEF standards. She may have decided to think for herself, regardless of whatever "training" she underwent via the WEF. She should be asked about the issue. So far as I can tell, Justin Trudeau and Jacinda Ardern fit the mold of true WEF trainees very nicely. Tulsi Gabbard is rather different from them.

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Tulsi was also listed as a Council on Foreign Relations member.

...But she is an enigma (that) of late appears to have (perhaps) unwittingly connected the WEF/ WHO/ CFR/ International Socialist "movement"/ TRANSNATIONAL/ One-World-Order/ subjugation of humanity dots.

Or, she is yet another very clever politico seeking power. Hard to know if former Lefties have truly 'seen the light' - or are just faking it.

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Yes, she is, but Crenshaw is on the take too. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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Silver tongue and very polished in a white pants suit. Sorry to say I don't trust her either.

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Do you think she’s still involved with them? She says all the right things….

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If the pandemic has taught us anything it is that most folks have been operating with misplaced trust in the system and institutions we're part of.

My own Beltway Bandit background includes activity that in retrospect is clearly on the wrong side of history but hindsight is always 20/20.

If we are ethically guided we revise our alliances as a process of learning and our actions define us. Using my own early career as the benchmark Tulsi's WEF training is the most trivial element of her record of being friction unto the machine & fierce advocate for peace and Julian Assange.

Never forget life is a timeline & update our profiles, some folks wise up! :~)

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Tulsi is now referred to as a "former Democrat". If she is really a "fierce advocate for peace" one would hope she would publicly expose the WEF (and) CFR NGO's for what they actually stand for which is de facto One-World-Order via TRANSNATIONAL 'government' - which is precisely what the so-called "Council on Foreign Relations" was formed in the USA in 1921 to institute.

The CFR was ostensibly created to promote "world peace" and an "end to war" which is well and good, BUT for the fact that to get there, both the national sovereignty AND INDIVIDUAL sovereignty of the USA and its citizens MUST be subordinated in perpetuity to the dictates of (Globalist) law and rule - "administered" by un-elected and un-accountable INTERNATIONAL

nomenklatura and apparatchiks. Its bad enough the We the People are ruled by un-elected and un-accountable federal bureaucrats via unfathomable laws, rules and dictated THEY (unconstitutionally) create - to have yet ANOTHER layer of INTERNATIONAL law, rules and dictates heaped upon us in the name of the (global) "common good".

And never forget, ALL so-called "administrators" extant do NOT produce ANYTHING of value, they are NOT the working class but rather are a peculiar class of parasites. Just LOOK at the HUGE assemblies of 'administrators' as seen in the EU, or the UN, or the CCP. They sure as hell CONSUME 24/7/365, but they PRODUCE nothing but chaos.

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Very true! It's just that too many people are too blind or too much in their egos to admit they were conned into accepting false ideas.

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Isn't Ivanka Trump also in the WEF young leaders group?

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I looked again on another site and she was trained in 2015. Hmmm

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I’ve heard that, but I can’t find her name on their list.

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Another mannekin.

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He really earned the name Eyepatch McCain. The military industrial grift is worth a ton of money.

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I am strongly opposed to Crenshaw, as a congressman. He's my congressman. I won't vote for him again. But he served our country honorably.

Trust me Resist, IMHO, we should fight as dirty as they do. We don't have to lie and break the law to do that. We can be honest while fighting dirty. That said, I'm not a fan of mocking Crenshaw's eyepatch.

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Mentioning the eyepatch is not making fun of that at all. It's recognizing the eyepatch as his only difference from military-grifting, war-mongering McCain.

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Didn't both danny and Tulsi process through klaus's WEF young world leaders class? Check it out.

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Yep. And now she's been scrubbed and is speaking out about how we need to stop them.



While we struggle to afford food and fuel, the elite gathered at Davos/WEF to discuss how we should be allowed to live our lives. Their totalitarian dream of a so-called “Great Reset” where people own nothing and are tracked/monitored with every step, must be condemned by us all.

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I hope & pray she means what she says...I want to like her - but - I'm afraid she's just telling us what we want to hear...A True Politition

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What does our opinion matter?

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I think he has a prosthetic eye that has the marines insignia on it. I seem to remember him pulling the patch up to reveal that one time.

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Bill O'Reilly starting out with a tough question or questions and then totally letting his subject avoid the question(s) was an all too familiar pattern. Tucker Carlson is a FAR better option to have in that time slot.

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O'Reilly is a wannabe. He wants his "fame" to continue, and he knows that if he really digs and pushes, he'll be removed from any slots. He's a tool. He was used to get the conservative Fox viewers to tune in, but in the end, he only answered to his owners.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Absolute failures with covid, and rather than admit their errors and try to avoid accountability, they jockey for even more power. This system is catastrophically broken.

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it is a central belief of the intelligence community that reality is what they make it. But this requires a populace that is not aware of being manipulated. Once aware, the spell is broken. Hence the massive push to delegitimize Mattias Desmet and his work on the psychology of totalitarianism.

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They NEED buy-in. That’s why the propaganda is incessant.

They DON’T HAVE buy-in. That’s why the propaganda is incessant.

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I'm told this is biology, but feel free to check it. Red ants and black ants will go their separate ways, and do their own red things or black things, unless they're messed with.

But if you put red and black into a jar and shake it, then dump them out, they fight.

Let's not do that. Both parties are in it up to their shitty eyeballs. If possible, let's walk away from the parties and be human beings to each other.

Divide and rule is an old strategy. Because it has worked over and over and over again. Can we be the monkeywrenches in the works?

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022

COVID has enrolled us natural rebels in the University of Monkeywrench.

Down with Political Correctness.

Down with "going along to get along".

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I'm in. Thing I worry about is that people we've been convinced are "the other tribe" are not our *natural* enemies, but they may think we are theirs. We are all getting the crappy end of the stick. As the computer in that old movie _War Games_ figured out, "The only way to win is not to play."

It's not left vs. right, it's up vs. down. I don't know how we avoid getting played against each other.

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We don't want to destroy them (if they'd just leave us alone!) but they want to destroy us! Because of this detail, we won't be able to just ingnore them and hope they go away/leave us alone.

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Tyrone, I believe you are right: a polarized nation, divided against ITSELF, is a weakened nation. The WHO is a formidable enemy that will take advantage of our weakness. If our nation can find a way to unify, and to thus redirect our power, then we may have a chance to fight off this terrible pending power grab by the WHO.

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INTENSIFY INCESSANT since it's correlational with the more people are AWAKENING. They must continue on with all their Technocratic Totalitarian FUN...The more they over-react, steal more money through taxes/inflation and the 'Human Herd' must wait in line at McDonald's since the Lobby and only one Drive-Through Lane is open to get a Lucious Pumpkin Spice Latte because NOBODY WANTS TO WORK, the CLEARER it is that the propaganda is what it is.

SOME require true misery and suffering before the 'False Flags' are visible...Hope and Pray the comatose wake the heck up.

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.. . still, a long way to go.

My neighbor, a bodywork / collision repair tech who is very skilled in practical matters, is ready to vax both kids so the family can go on a cruise. I gave a wan warning pointing out how Denmark has stopped the vax and UK is tightening on it and he is still ready to "see how it goes."

We, here, are SO much in the minority. It is mind-bending how easily almost everyone is "mass formed!"

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They just never heard a different narrative. I frequently meet people who ALL they know is the mainstream brainwashing "Safe and Effective" B.S. narrative. The Propaganda Masters have done a pretty darn good job and gotten almost 262 million Americans to take the gene-transfer experimental shots. Nobody told them the truth. Nobody gave them the facts. They trusted the "authorities".

Fortunately, I figured out in my first semester of nursing school that doctors aren't gods and a lot of them don't even seem know what they are doing. And the patients who "bought into" the medical system the most were the worst off.

Hey, people . . . do you all know that the medical system is the THIRD leading cause of death in America? And that if you figure that most heart disease is preventable or curable, and the same with most or many cancers, (but the system doesn't WANT people healthy/well, because that isn't profitable), so the treatments they get are designed to maintain, not cure, them (same with diabetes), so if you calculate in all the unnecessary heart disease and cancer deaths caused by The System, the Medical Industrial Complex might be the NUMBER ONE cause of death!!!! So is anything we have seen with the COVID catastrophe so unusual?

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022

Lol! Thanks, but I got so fed up with the system that I got out of it after 25 years and went on to other careers. Good thing, because this COVID shot mandate nonsense for the healthcare workers sure wouldn't have set very well with me. Part of The Plan, I'm sure. If your goal is to exterminate humanity via disease and poison, the fewer doctors and other healthcare personnel that might be able to help them, the better. The irony has been how many doctors now are assisting in the mass culling with their deadly hospital Remdesivir protocol and denying of effective treatment. Josef Mengele 2.0

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Surely agree! Will be hoping your neighbor and children don't end up on the wrong chamber in the Russian Roulette game vaccine is today.

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You may be bemused. Dr McC in his interview last night opined that he thought some of the Doctors were suffering from :"mass formation."

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And to delegitimize you.

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I was a civilian psyop officer. (Marshall McLuhan: Artist is some that competes for your attention.) These psyop artists are loosing their touch because we know their game. The only psyop artists left will be the ones with no soul and we all know those artists are the least talented. Hence the thinly veiled shit we are stuck with in the "news" no one watches is going to bleed into all our escape-from-mass-media spots. The Medium is the Massage.

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You assume that the failures were errors or well intentioned mistakes?!?

I’m not so sure. My gut says they may have known what they were doing all along….with intent and purpose.

What came first….the chicken or the egg? What came first….the plan or the pandemic? The plan definitely, which begs whether the “pandemic” was part of the plan.

Why must everyone globally get the jab? Something stinks and the smell is getting worse by the month, day, hour.

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Depopulation, Depopulation, Depopulation!

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Someone once told me: Listen to what’s not being said” it was the best advice I’d been given.

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My dad told me that from the time I was able to sit and watch a newscast with him. He'd watch the news every evening, then tell me what he observed them not saying. After all these decades, what they do not say is much more valuable than what they do.

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As a business executive I trained my staff and my children to always look at the speaker, their body language, and tone of voice with the goal of catching what’s not being said. Also most people are not experts at those they listen to for guidance, they are amateurs easily manipulated by professional hucksters who troll for the unsuspecting.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The global elites are busy with global takeover.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent, excellent article. Being able to discern the propaganda within the propaganda is a real art. I once again am so glad to be in your corner, murmuring words of strength. I wrote a piece against Jeffrey Sachs and The End of Poverty a dozen years ago, that I'll link here. I was surprised when I heard him say something recently that made sense. I should have looked deeper, and I'm glad you did. You are a Godsend, which I mean literally. http://thirdparadigm.org/doc_theendofslavery.php

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As the Technocrat Totalitarians have and are teaching we, the 'Human Herd', is that there are actually MANY KINDS of colonization and slavery. While the Brits eradicated actual slavery of individual human beings; they never did eliminate their penchant towards colonization or FINANCIAL SLAVERY, especially of the United States. The PLAN to RE-TAKE the United States after two efforts of FAILED Military Colonization has succeeded DRAMATICALLY as the current implementation of the 'New World Order' with their cohorts is now more and more clearly seen.

While there are many books to document what's wrote above and the contribution to the U.N's WHO as the SECOND TRY at a 'One World Govt' following the 'League of Nations' following WW1...The one most concisely addressing this topic is 'Tragedy and Hope' by Carroll Quigley or an abridged version of that 1,300-pg. tome, 'Tragedy and Hope' by Joseph Plummer at 200 pgs. LOVED THE ARTICLE YOU WROTE...And, thought it might be beneficial to open-up the 'Slavery' issue to confront the types of 'slavery' more common in the modern age.

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022

Slavery is not dead! Currently there is more human trafficking and more humans held in bondage than at ANY time in history. It is going on in many, many countries. China may be the most visible with their millions of Uighurs and Falun Gong in slave/organ harvesting camps.

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Hi, Faith. I completely agree with your first point. In addition to human trafficking, I think we outsourced slavery and didn't abolish it. For commodity slaves (rather than chattel), we rent them by the hour instead of buying them by the life.

It's interesting that you mention the Uighurs and Falun Gong organ harvesting. I was just listening to Matt Ehret, who I mentioned above, where he says this is a psy ops myth. After everything else they've lied about, I wouldn't put it past them and it does fit their m.o.--Russian atrocities to drum up Ukraine-mania, China atrocities to fuel support for Taiwan. I don't know what's true but if you're interested: https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/falun-gong-cult-psy-ops-uyghur-genocide

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If the atrocities are propaganda, there sure are a lot of eye witness whistleblowers in on it!

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Are you hearing from those whistleblowers first-hand, Faith? Or filtered through a media source? Anyone on this site should be skeptical of anecdotes in the media that support an unpopular and nonsensical action, in this case provoking both China and Russia into nuclear stand-offs at the same time. Humanitarians wars never are.

I used to feel the same way you do about the Uighurs but I've changed my mind about so many things (including vaccines) that I don't assume I know the truth about anything anymore. Matt, in particular, has changed my mind about many things I thought I knew. He's worth listening to, imo.

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And the more immigration, the more human slavery. But then, those who control it happening already know that.

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You are completely speaking my language, BlazeCloud! I wrote that article back when I had a pirate radio show, which I paused to write my book, How to Dismantle an Empire. The second section is Two Ways to Make a Slave. The first is to take a people away from their lands and the second is to take the land away from the people, as you read in my article.

I use David Graeber's work to trace the purpose of coinage, from its origins, as forcing us to be complicit in conquering and enslaving our neighbors--or risk our families being sold for debt ourselves. That's why I think we're so trained in blind obedience today, we've had 3500 years of not seeing what we do for money and through money.

Do you know the Canadian historian Matt Ehret? I think you'd like him from your perspective (with which I agree completely). Here's my book and a link to Matt:



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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Who gave WHO super powers over national identities? The sovereignty of nations is being challenged and corrupted and being superseded by a push for a global dominance and a OneWorld fits all!

When will citizens of nations around the world push back to what is transpiring?

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The push back has started. There is just no mainstream coverage of it in the U.S.

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Yep. There are plenty of people taking to the streets, but they are inconvenient, so the media doesn't cover them.


I’m positive that lots and lots of ‘smart’ people showed the ‘leaders’ of Sri Lanka plenty of models and graphs and projections ‘proving’ how great things would be if the country beat the rest of the world to the punch and jumped on the organic farming bandwagon. And I’m sure those same ‘experts’ spent more than a little time fawning over Sri Lanka’s high ESG score as if it were something tangible.

But ultimately, the bullshitter’s bullshit is exposed — typically via high-speed collision with reality. The real world never seems to conform to the promise of the computer model, and things go disastrously wrong. Lofty promises are replaced with grim realities, and imaginary fortunes vanish to reveal desolate grocery shelves. When this happens, an angry people rise up and withdraw their consent to be governed.

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022

Computer models are mostly instruments of propaganda. They can be written to produce ANY desired result. And the programmers will keep tweaking them and tweaking them UNTIL they spit out the wanted "answer". At least that's what the pro-global warming camp did with their computer General Circulation climate models. Which is why all of their projections are so spectacularly WRONG!

Do you know that the climate models used to project global warming outcomes didn't even include the effects of the Sun, THE ONE BIGGEST DETERMINANT OF CLIMATE!? Mostly they just played around with faulty assumptions about CO2 and its supposed greenhouse gas effect. So of course it is all make-believe! See, their problem is false premises like assuming that the Sun's effect on climate is from its light intensity reaching Earth, which is variable. But that isn't it at all. And they assume that CO2's effects are consistent, and that it is the main greenhouse gas, both wrong. So nothing about their models ever could have made sense or been useful.

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During the covid 'crisis', I put it this way:

When you tell the model that masks work, the model tells YOU that masks work!


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Nor in Europe.

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Screaming and flapping arms in the capitals is not changing the allegedly elected officials' minds. Those opposed need to just break away from the braindead who don't care and refuse to wake up.

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022


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deletedSep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022
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it may turn out that way. It is probably just a matter of what percentage of the populous listens to and is convinced by the mass media as to whether local populations revolt outright and act as you believe. We can only hope the PTB have overplayed their hand and the percentage lies with "good".

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And let me add my thanks to you, Dr. Malone, for raising awareness and fighting for us against the Leviathan.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I read avidly this new article (and was very pleased to see that I had arrived at the same conclusions on the Politco paper :-D). Thank you so much.

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

See at 1:11 o the video. That Bill Gates nervous laugh as he too touches on a part of the long term agenda “1948 / WHO set up for a reason”. Identical mannerism showing pride in the plan.

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yup, I noticed that tell also.

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Don't know HOW IN THE WORLD anybody even half alive could ever overlook the intensity of the arrogance inherent to Gates. He is the true Homer Simpson's 'Mr. Burns'...

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

1. Bill Gates is a CRIMINAL. Needs to be arrested and tried for Crimes Against Humanity.

2. Tedros is CRIMINAL and a stooge for the BMGF and the CCP. He's also a former terrorist.

3. "Finally we need financing. To meet the urgent needs of vulnerable populations. Especially poor people around the world." NO. NO. NO! We need to globally STOP bioweapons development. If we did that,"financing" for "the poor people" wouldn't be needed.

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Bill Gates is a wanted criminal in parts of Africa for what he did with his"vaccines" to the children. I believe it had to do with young girls and sterilization. That seems to be his goal worldwide - and it's rubbed off on the U.S. - CDC and W.H.O. - - and, then, there's Fauci.. . .

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Often I'll read a piece that seems to indicate that we are making progress, but something about it is off, it doesn't pass the smell test, though that may be a vague impression. A bunch of people will be shouting, "hooray" and that we are making progress. It's only an illusion, to take the heat off slightly while planning the next assault. You have made it crystal clear in this case, and that helps solidify understanding in the present and for the future.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

. . . "If the member state fails to act, it will be deemed to have accepted the amendments in full. Any rejection or reservation received by the Director-General after the expiry of that period shall have no force and effect. . . . "

So if a future Administration pulls us OUT of WHO membership, will this be null and void, or will the WHO/UN/Globalist Cabal try to claim that we no longer have any soverignty or rights and therefore CANNOT extricate ourselves from their Globalist clutches?

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In principle, the WHO is a good idea. Currently the organization seems to be doing more harm than good. The US Government should pull out, and let Pharma and Bill Gates do without the aura of respectability that comes with government affiliation.

If that doesn't happen, it's because Pharma already owns the US government.

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My 'principle' differs from your, as I don't think W.H.O. is ever a 'good idea'. How could they ever think there could be once method, or cure, or anything for the huge population with varying body and blood? That's might egotistical of them! Sound like Communists to me.

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Trump pulled us out, didn't he? Or did he just cut funding to them? And Biden put us right back where we were.

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Biden is not giving orders, he's taking orders. He's a replaceable part.

Elected officials, in general, are not there to express your power, they are there to absorb your power.

And the idea that Trump is some kind of knight in shining armor seems very sad to me.

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Government produces nothing. To a limited extent, its functions are necessary to accomplish things that individuals or smaller groups wouldn't be capable of, but we must always keep it in mind that governments are more PARASITES than not!

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Are the Davos billionaires the government? I didn't vote for them.

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Not government. Apparently they believe they are our owners. MEGA-STUPID people!!!!

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My question also.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

WHO is corrupt and incompetent, and we don't need a new organization with 'strong global backing' for intrusive control measures.

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These powerful organizations, that could have done great things, have decided to enrich the wealthy instead. They need to be terminated. Decentralized power can be abused too, but at smaller scale. Our survival is threatened by global power.

"Abuse of power comes as no surprise." - Jenny Holzer

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"Absolute power corrupts absolutely".

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love being so awake to the point I can see through every manipulation, mute point, deceptive diversion, failed fallacy and twisted motive the power hungry evil servants of satin are trying to muster up here. And I love even more that all of you SEE it too. God has a sick sense of humor, but the best part is the “truth” always prevails. It’s like watching the typical Romance Archetype. You know the part where the hero runs into obstacle after obstacle, looking each time like he’s never going to make it out alive and then in some strange twist of fate at the end he heroically changes the world. That’s the movie we are in now. We are the HEROS!! Thank God for that.

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We were exceedingly suspicious of Sachs when he appeared on RFK's podcast several weeks ago. It looks like his play is to pin the blame on Daszak.

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