Kinda makes one wonder if all this gender ideology and pushing drugs and surgery (that often cause sterilization) on young people isn't somehow part of the plan. Under the guise of helping "affirm" a youngster, they actually create infertile adults who remain mentally unstable and dependent on big pharma for life. Double win for the wicked.

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Population reduction by different methods is absolutely planned by government officials and has been going on in various places for years.

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Kind of feel like the constant state of war in Europe for centuries was some form of pop control and planned destabilization. I have no proof or evidence, no secret paper or agreement between the inner married families that ruled for so long.

Maybe they were just bored.

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I have a thrift store book called "Winston Churchill: An Unauthorized Look at Greatness" and his 5 volume compendium/autobiography. In both he lays out how the wars could have been prevented. In the inner back sleeve of Book One: "The Gathering Storm" he speaks to leaving the world, at the end of WWII, in the same direction, heading for a horrible awful future.

We need no documents, secret or otherwise, to see what the wealthy (used to be called "Royals" or "Aristocrats") are up to, since they have been about the same object, evincing the desire to leave in absolute despotism, since the beginning of time.

Now they possess control over a corrupted, largely incompetent, weasel class of snobs. These poor deluded 'oligarchs' think that they will come out on top of the tyranny heap. If only they'd learned their history, they'd easily see the way this thing is going to work out. The only way it can go.

Most will be led to the ovens/syringes/15 minute cities once their part is fulfilled.

The rest will wish they had been led thusly.

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Churchill could have joined with Hitler. Then USA would have stayed out of Europe. Churchill would not turn over his Jews.

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I don't know how to read that. Owning and having read biographies about him and his very frank 5 volume autobiography, it is clear that Churchill was opposed to tyranny, as well as admirably heroic in war, when at-arms, in his youth.

The legend of Churchill has been hijacked by the taint of resentful, revisionist and entitled malcontents.

At least that is how it appears to me. Churchill's autobiography is horribly and boringly detailed (since the memory of most of the characters involved is lost), so there is little left to speculation. He covered all the bases.

In his youthful military service, despite being single minded, he would not tolerate dissension and worked hard to be a leader worthy of their trust. He didn't follow them into combat, he led them into battle in many a conflict, the descriptions awe inspiring. He arrived at the right time, gave all he had, was dismissed by the then oppressive post war government, for being against socialism-as-governance (which he proclaimed Britain had become, not long after WWII). His amazing story has been scrubbed from world consciousness.

He is one of those men chosen by eternity to fulfill a specific role. Which he did so well.

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As one born in England in early 1946. I can tell you he brought us through the war. We never lost our humour or determination. In my village the men marched with pokers. Ready for the "bloody krauts".

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Well-said; and yet the Brits turned him out soon after the war ended. That's just one of the myriad of examples of why pure democracy is a very risky form of government. Another example might be the French Revolution.

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Truthfully Germans were starving. They had children's cities where the older children took care of the youngsters. My family lived through 2 World Wars. I played in bombed out buildings. My Granda died 9 months after a bombing. England certainly did not plan for war. No one won really. Especially not the Jews and Romanian gypsies. Or the poles...intact no country Hitler marched into, lining up males 12 and up and shooting them. Of course then came Russia...no break fir many.

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My grandfather (I am Hungarian) on my father side was forced to the army at gunpoint and died two years later in 1942 in Ukraine fighting against the Soviets on behalf of the Germans. He did not want to be part of the German and Hungarian elites' war; we, Hungarians, hated the tyranny by the Hitler loyalist Hungarian fascist ruling elites and the enforcers of their power, the "secret" police that brutalized the country, and at the same time, the Hungarian working class people had nothing against the Soviets. My grandfather had no choice - either obey to the law, or get exterminated on the spot by the gun of the army officer that deliered the draft to his house, or at the scene of refusal.

There was no opportunity to dodge the draft! They herded 20K young men at gunpoint into the Hungarian army and utilized as forced laborers, because Hitler demanded aid for the Hungarian professional army. In the battle at the Don river in Ukraine 2/3 of the Hungarian army including the forced laborers got destroyed/butchered. It became the most devastating loss of human life in our 1000 year old recorded history exceeding the worst bloody fights against the Ottoman Empire that took place in the 16th century that resulted in a 150 year old occupation by the Turks and a devastating setback for the Hungarian nation.

The survivers of the "Don river" massacre in Ukrane ended up as POW and many of those ultimately died as well due to starvation.

My grandfather left a 2 year old boy (my father), and two daughters' behind, a 6 and an 8 year old one.

Till the end of WWII the fascist propaganda in Hungary covered up the tremendous human loss and the defeat of the Hungarian army, only decades later, by the end of 1980's when the "new" government decided to recognize the massacre that took place a half century before. Also, the government voted for paying monthly compansation for the surviving orphaned children (who were at this point 40+ year old), whose fathers were lost during WWIl. Many orphaned children however did nots survive the decades long starvation as a result of equally devastating economic policies as the result of the regime change from the totalilatian fascism to the totalitarian communism, which worst social-economic period under the "hard liners' rule" lasted into the early 1960's.

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Sadly that history is vastly ignored. I hadxa friend from yugoslavia who told me about the days after Germans invaded. A polish friend told me about the Russians deporting his family to Siberia where they starved. Then the Germans marched in killing 6 million poles. 3 million Catholics, 3 million Jews. I believe the truth about the real atrocities was covered up in the USA because there were so many people of German decent. Same with the monstrosity the Japanese visited upon every country they marched into. England told the truth. The reason my Mom hated Germans until the day she died at 93. Of course the Russians were brutal to the Getman people. Women and children. My Dad was part of the convoy that took food to the starving Russians. Sub division, Royal Navy. Thank you for your post. No one comes out ahead in a war.

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It was family squabbling. They were not a close-knit family and highly competitive. It was the surfs that served them that did all the dying, although a few within the several monarchies succumbed to their own madness.

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They were all related. Royalty married royalty. However, after an all night bombing Brits were happy to see King George walk amongst them.

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Did you see the movie with Colin Firth, The King's Speech?

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Of course. Born and bred in England. Still have my Queen Elizabeth coronation Cup.

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Def part of a few plans, the transhumanist design as well. These puberty blockers kill the hypothalamus. What kind of person do you get now?


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"THEY" win rigged plays but not THE War.

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Was our bombing Iraq part of a World Plan ?

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Absolutely. An unstable world delights their puppet master, fulfills his plan. And God is not absent in all this. The scriptures indicate that He will release His restraint on Satan, as mankind will have fallen to a level of wickedness that becomes intolerable.

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Well....it's one hell of a group of controlled experiments to see what the end results show!!

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Truth! And I choose to NOT be a lab rat for them.

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When the fertility rate falls below replacement level it creates an inverted population pyramid, which leads to a host of big problems. Economic growth slows and government budgets are strained. Today’s babies are tomorrow’s workers and taxpayers: They're the ones who'll sustain the economy by funding our pensions when we retire, paying the taxes that finance Social Security, Medicare, and many other government programs we’ll rely on, and buying the homes and stocks we invested in to build our savings.

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Couldn’t agree more. I often wish I was redpilled a decade earlier. My 12 and 9 yo kids are the center of our universe. If we had it to do over, knowing what we do now back in our early 20’s, we’d have at least 3-4. I have few regrets in life, but one of those few I do have is not having more kids........

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One of the greatest heartaches for a mom is to lose an only child. I have read about this where a mom for some reason only has one child and then loses them to an accident or illness. It is one of the most important reasons for having more than one child. My wife lost her eldest of 3 some 7 years ago. Her nephew died at christmas and he was an only child to his mom. It hit her brother hard. He is lucky to have two other children but the mother has lost her only baby.

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We have four, and I’d be lying if I said part of that decision wasnt to safeguard against ultimate loss. If some awful tragedy struck, we’d hopefully not lose all of them. Or if something happened to both of us parents, at least our kids would still a good-sized family in each other.

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Same here!

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Same. That is one of my few regrets. I hope my son has a houseful of kids.

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"They're the ones who'll sustain the economy by funding our pensions when we retire, paying the taxes that finance Social Security, Medicare, and many other government programs we’ll rely on"


Another reason not to set up our retirement plans as a giant pyramid scheme.

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Jul 15, 2023·edited Jul 15, 2023

Social Security is supposed to be a trust account of the money you paid in, plus interest, to be paid back to you when you retire. The reality is it was a scam from day one. The plan allowed collection of benefits at age 65. The statistical age of death when the program began was 63.... Then people began to live longer and the program became a Ponzi scheme to buy votes, and the trust account concept flew out the window, and now here we are...

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Thats government in a nutshell.

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SS was never a trust account of just money paid in by workers--think of its start--it was immediately paying bennies to folks age eligible who hadn't contributed a dime. And it has been underwater ever since.

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The original SS was marketed a trust account. Now whether that was ever actually true or not is a different discussion. As for it initially paying out to people who didn't pay in, it was only those on the right side of the bell curve of death that were able to collect...payment at 65, statistical age of death 63. So originally they had the entire working population "supporting" those only on the right side of the bell curve. A sweet deal indeed for the government as long as the statistical age of death doesn't change or it actually drops. But instead it rose significantly creating immense fiscal problems for the program. Its due to go broke in about a decade now unless a lot of old people start dying off from *whatever*... Did I actually say that?!!?

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It was a trust. The problem is that the government has been raiding it for billions and billions, for decades. Another of the lies from our wonderful gov.

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Plus last 4 Presidents took large amounts from it. Not sure about Trump or Biden. It is also given to those who didn't pay in.

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There’s no money to take out. What’s left now is Gore’s lockbox with IOU’s for the money that was moved to the general budget. The “I” in IOU is the current taxpayers. The sad thing is Gore knew he was lying about there being money in his lock box.

For the younger folk Gore said there was money in a Social Security lockbox in the 2000 presidential election debates. He was also about the first of many “election deniers” by the current definition (anyone who has questions about election fraud).

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Why Gore. He wasn't President. Your going back to Clinton. Bush took the most for his war. Plenty goes in..every year. Sadly it doesn't all go to those who paid in...

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Gore was running for president when he said the “lock box” was secure and that he would keep it secure. The pilferage of Social Security began long before 2000. Because the money coming in no longer covers current retirees due to very predictable demographics. We could have used the money that was supposed to be invested.

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What makes you think our gov under the NWO is going to let people live beyond their usefulness?

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Americans are the most heavily armed country in the world. Definitely can't take us going door to door.

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Right. Because Americans aren't compliant to government edicts?

When an economy collapses (or is driven to collapse) the government, with it's Pharaoh-like confiscation of food and goods, will require you to sacrifice something to show your allegiance. In the states it likely will be confiscation of a weapon or turning in someone who has weapons, if you want a days worth of food. It has happened so so many times in history, I can't believe it is so difficult for people to conceive this continual truth.

Guns may be the weapons we think will save us, but it is food that governments always use to enact their tyranny.

A German Jew, being interview in New York city after WWII, was asked how his family escaped the Nazi pogroms and death camps.

His answer is classic.

"In the 1936 there was a large amount of debate about whether the community should leave Germany or stay."

"Many people thought that the persecution would finally abate, that Germany was a civilized nation of artists and intellectuals. Others felt less optimistic."

"So" he finished "The pessimists went to New York and the optimists went to Auschwitz."

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I have faith in the American people. I believe they will fight back against any attempt to subdue us. Part of being multi nationalities makes us stronger than any country in the world. Push comes to shove we have always fought back together as one. The far left stupidity is a small percent of the USA. They simply get all of the media coverage. Start now. Start to fight for the USA.

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I agree, but it would be wrong to think that, since it is portrayed by too many that democrats were mostly the ones to take the vaccine. Democrats are virtuous in all things public(ity), always quick to show off the left hand to the right, with petulance. Many fearful conservatives took the shot in silent shame.

I think it's an even mix.

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But they can make communicable diseases that are genetically and presumably epigenetically targeted.

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This latest generation is the laziest I have seen. "Hiring" signs everywhere and few want to work. I know many young, and not so young, who just exist and are content to do so. I'm glad my parents had good work ethic and I paid attention in my youth.

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It makes me feel good about my job prospects! At least I'll show up!

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At best you get Japan this century...

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Jul 16, 2023·edited Jul 16, 2023

Japan doing OK. Rahm Emanuel.was sent by Biden to Japan. He has nothing but positive things to say about Japan. No guns. No mass shootings. Etc. Etc.

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Japan sadly is not doing OK. It's caught by demographics. Some villages have no residents but the elderly who are adamant about not leaving. Services and groceries need to be trucked in. The Japanese refuse immigration but import "guest workers". They are smarter than the EU in those workers are time limited. OTOH, they are a portrait of a society without immigration. China is there as well as is Korea.

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Something to be said for living on a collection of islands with a monoethnic, patriachal, highly conservative population dedicated to ancestor worship.

I have always thought of Japan as a high tech version of 1950's America.

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I have a big family. I have 6 children , thirteen grandchildren, a great grand child and one on the way. My family is my life. I have a college degree in voice performance. I had the opportunity to go professional. Catherine Grayson had found me a gig in California. I told her her that I had children that needed me, but thank you so much. I have been a stay at home mom. I teach voice and piano lessons in my home. I couldn’t even think of putting my children in daycare. One of my children we adopted. He was Latino and a crack baby. We got him as a foster child at 2 1/2 years old and the adoption became final when he was 3 1/3. I can’t imagine not having my children. Family is everything .

Wow a virus that could sterilize an animal species and transfer to humans is frightening.

In the 1970’s the big push was zero population because the planet would not be able to sustain human life. It has been 50 years later. Liar liar.

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Yes the 70’s , Brought abortion ,and the pilll ! And The Carter years ….what a disaster they were ….gas lines ….Biden is working on a redo …. God help s !

We are better off without this government …..

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Personally as a woman I'm happy with the advances we have made. I was a secretary and men knew we needed the job. Sexual harassment was just normal behaviour. Boys will be boys. Read about the woman working in the factories needing jobs. Male abuse was every day. Plus no bank account or credit card legal.for woman intil.1972. MY Friends mother almost died squurting gasoline into her womb to prevent the birth of another child with a man who beat her.

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My Grandmother had 10 children with an alcoholic. They ate pigeons. At least in 1972 women could have a bank account and a credit card for the first time. Today we can make a wage to support ourselves and our children if we marry an abusive man.

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Yes such a blessing. My first husband was abusive.

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Mine too@

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Melanie, From what I have read from numerous sources and from many different time periods, there is a concern that is legit for the Earth to be able to sustain unlimited population. Unfortunately, the way we're going about it is hardly the higher road.

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It is not up to humans to determine how many of us God's world can maintain. I have posted several times on Doc's substack links to the documents that prove the financial founding families of the western world have had this concern for at least 70 years. Congress and Nixon commissioned the Rockefeller Commission on Population in 1972. Its report can out in 1974. Margaret Anna Alice's post mentions the Kissinger Report. That is all Nixon did, ask Kissinger to report on 3rd world population not the US. He shelved the Commission's report but when Ford took office he opened the Office of Population. Look at all of the tabs in these links.


And the details provided by Planned Parenthood in 1969 to the president of The Population Council https://jaffememo.com/ - which I believe was a UN funded council.

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Shelly, I know this concern has been going on for a long time. The information I have read is not of human origin . How does God show up? Will we be able to recognize the prophets when they appear? We certainly have not been left alone to figure this out, we do a horrid job on all fronts without Divine Inspiration.

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Planned Parenthood is heavily involved in this gender push.


What does this have to with family planning?

It shows the true colors of this organization and what its intent is.

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The dutch outproduce us in north america 10:1 in food production. A plus is they don't use as much poisonous herbacides and pesticides. Obviously we could feed a lot more people so no need for immediate population control. There are a lot more greenhouses going up in Canada and probably the US as well where greater concentration of food production can occur. There are vast areas of Canada with little population. Bottom line is there is no immediate need for population control It is being done in developed countries without government intervention as pointed out in the article. As more parts of the world are developed there will be a natural stabilizing of the population.

My congratulations to Melanie if she has brought up 6 wonderful kids. Quality child upbringing is always welcome.

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Fred, This is so much more than food production, there is a reason that certain parts of the world have very little population. Siberia for instance. They don't use as much? poison? What about the constant mining, polluting of rivers, air and water. The rate of childhood illnesses are up, as well as everything else. We are in trouble for the health of the Earth, and I'm not talking carbon emissions!

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I am more optimistic about the world providing we can get governments to quit with the genocidal covid shots and damaging childhood vaccination schedules. Man will find a way to survive and move forward as shown by the Simon–Ehrlich wager of the 1980s.

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Jul 16, 2023·edited Jul 16, 2023

Fred, As long as there is greed, avarice and no awareness of the interconnectedness of us all, we are surely going to see the 6th extinction.( see Zack Bush M.D.) Good luck with changing the childhood vax schedules, few people talk of this seriously, maybe RFK jr.

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The Dutch food production figure above is false and deliberately misleading. On a unit land basis, the Dutch had/have the highest agricultural production in $. You need to define food, and generally, tulips have a low caloric value. Not to belittle Dutch farmers-they are extremely productive at whatever they grow. Generally when discussing food, the conversation assumes edible calories.

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Netherlands agriculture $715000 per hectacre, US 42,000 per hectacre. Can't say if any of it is horiculture instead of agriculture however the concept of being able to grow food in place of flowers is always there.

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Just what I said: "On a unit land basis, the Dutch had/have the highest agricultural production in $."

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Eastern agriculture is generally rain supported, but west of the 100th meridian, it quite arid. John Wesley Powell made this distinction 150 years ago. Out west of the 100th, there is strip production, where rotating strips are left fallow for a year just to accumulate moisture for the next year's crop. Or fields may be rotated every 2 or 3 years, yet the total land area is counted as farm. We have almost countless acres devoted to just hay and forage production. Which brings up a good point that throws back to basic ecology/biology. How to define biomass. How can you use it to differentiate productivity in a stream when comparing the biomass of say the fishes and the invertebrates. Can you include the molluscs-is it fair to count shell weight? But back to include forages-do we count their sale price, or just the amount of marketable meat that the forage produces. As opposed to say an irrigated potato farm producing loads of direct human calories at a very low price.

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USA is very empty except for cities. We have to find a way to use the land. We drive Az to Chicago once a year.

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I've found it very easy to forget just how big this country is. I grew up in Manhattan, and took the subway to junior high, which was always packed with people, and I saw a poster about "Global Cooling", and I was freaked out, they were pushing it hard, and I was in 8th grade, thinking "everything was is so crowded, wake up people!" Then I heard about the ice that covered NYC up until 20,000 years ago and it was so daunting, the ice was about 4 miles thick and I'd be in Central Park where the boulders were left behind by receding glaciers, and here it was happening again! But then I thought... wait, what caused the cooling back then? Not us, we didn't even own a car. Then I realized "they" were lying. Soon it was going to be Warming as the problem, and extinct animals, and I thought: apologize for how wrong you were, THEN tell us your latest concern. And show us what you've invested in. How do you make your money. Because I'll want to help but I have to believe you know what you're talking about. Now time has passed, and not one single climate disaster has come even close to happening. Ozone, rising seas, warming, cooling, on and on, and I don't live in NYC anymore. And I'll be driving through 5 states to get to Montana, or reverse the states and end up in Santa Fe, and I'll see millions and millions and millions of beautiful open acres, nothing but open sky, and realize this is just the land, 3/4ths of the planet is ocean, and things feel a little more peaceful. But those covid shots were bad. The CDC and others knew they didn't work, and they were dangerous, and then they mandated them while letting the hordes cross our borders. It's been 3 years of this madness. Something is going on, and it's truly bad, and there is a plan afoot, and until we figure out why this giant Covid lie ripped our country, and who did it, and we reestablish the citizenry as the people in power to be feared, our children won't be "safe" from tyranny. The earth will be fine, but not necessarily our country.

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Margaret, that is part of the problem, finding a way to use the land. We need some major spaces that are left wild for the wildlife and nature. Our wildlife are suffering from lack of balance.

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I'm very happy for you. Obviously your parents were wonderful and you married a wonderful man.

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My parents were very kind and loving. They were spiritual, honest hard working people. For that I am very thankful. My husband had never been married. When he married me he took on 4 children, a grandchild, a son in law and everything that came with it. My kids call him dad. He is a great man. He is a wonderful blessing to our family. Plus he is an attorney so whenever my ex didn’t pay his child support , which was not much, he would send him a court date to appear for not paying his child support. I am truly blessed.

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I believe angels look out for us. I was very naive. Could have ended up.in a bad circumstance. My angel seemed to nudge me onto the right path. You were loved by God.

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Yes we were.

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If you haven't read 'The Population Bomb' by Paul Ehrlich, 1971. Most of us bought into the fallacy.

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Dr Malone, you mention adenovirus and sterility. Is there a relationship to the Johnson and Johnson adenovirus cdna vaccine in regards to increased sterility/reproductive health? I am curious because this vaccine was specifically pulled by the FDA the other month. No mention was made on reproductive health but I wonder....

My second comment is yes, my wife and I made the mistake of waiting too long to have children and now it won't happen. I explain the mistake to younger people openly sometimes and the act like I am crazy for bringing up that they should have children younger and not wait. I honestly think I am the only person to tell them this and even their grandparents or parents don't put pressure on them to have kids. I do recommend everyone here to tell young women to not wait so long even though it can be a difficult discussion with them.

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Some additional points to consider adding to your justifications

Dr M pointed out in his visit with his grandchildren how much attention and energy they take

Younger folks seem more versatile that way

My Mother started out planning to have 6 children, then she hatched me

Turned out my father could only tolerate me for a few weeks at a time and took to traveling

She had to go to work 6 days a week and help my grandmother on the 7th

I think she found me more challenging and worrisome than she expected

Grandparents to help are a plus. On the other hand Lifes realities can be a deterant

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She was supposed to say "pollution" but the truth slipped out.

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“There is a scenario whereby it could decimate the population of an endangered species or all the cats.”

That was my first thought when I learned about this heinous idea. When you introduce viral vector technology into nature, how are we to control it? How are we to cram this back into Pandora’s box when the inevitably catastrophic consequences become evident?

“Our government needs to stay out of the business of enforcing population measures.”

Absolutely, but unfortunately, governments feel otherwise, as the 1974 Kissinger Report documents (see damning excerpts in Part 1 of my “Anatomy of a Philanthropath” series: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams).

“Who is to say whether an organization, perhaps even one with the ‘best of intentions’ in mind (or believing the ‘the ends justify the means’), would be willing to go there.”

There is no question of that. These noble-lying philanthropaths are deluded by their Malthusian models and think they are “saving” the planet by decimating humanity. That’s how they sleep at night. Indeed, they think they are heroic for taking on the formidable challenge of reducing the population—just like Hitler and his minions thought they were doing the distasteful work necessary to save their people and nation.

“Their words endorse low birthrate as a pathway to population stabilization, but their actions enable rampant population growth due to immigration.”

You are thinking in terms of nation-states, but they are thinking in terms of a one-world government, so they are focused on reducing the global population while simultaneously destabilizing strong Western nations to the point of collapse.

As you said, “You can know them by their actions, not their words.” I outline a few hundred examples showing their actions advance a three-tiered agenda of power, profits, and democide in the “Retrospective in Whys” section of my Corona Investigative Committee presentation notes:

• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)

Mistakes Were NOT Made (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a), and no one can claim they were with a straight face now that the mortality data reveals 13 million have been massacred to date and counting:


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I am more convinced that the most effective takeover strategy, and the one that will be deployed, is via financial collapse. No money, then no food for most, it's chaos in three days.

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Precipitated by, electric grid collapse.

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I told my husband if the Chinese can cut our access to electricity and the Internet. Disable cell phones and computers, they win. People 30 and down have always had access to a cell phone.

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Book idea for someone....

"The 72nd Hour"

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They just can't help but keep playing around with God, it drives me nuts.

Here is a story. There is a bacteria called p. Syringae. It is ubiquitous. It is in the sky, it is on the ground and everywhere in between.

It is an ice nucleating bacteria which means it can cause frost damage to plants above frost temperatures, strawberries are particularly effected.

This bacteria also plays a role in cloud formation due to its ice nucleating properties.

So, scientists went and figured out how to remove that ice nucleating gene and what they figured was if they could spread that over the strawberry fields, it would out colonize the native ice nucleating bacteria and save the strawberries.

But people, thankfully, freaked their wigs over this. If this GMO'd bacteria out colonized the natural one, why, we might not ever have clouds again. So, it got stopped. But that was in 80s. Think of what has come since.

Soon as Elon figures out this rocket tech, I'm hijacking that phallic ride off of this planet.

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Excellent example, aldous. Bill Gates’s attempts to block the sun were temporarily foiled (https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a36014979/bill-gates-sun-blocking-experiment-postponed/) in 2021 for “ethical reasons,” but it’s already back on the table—I guess ethical reasons expire? ;-)

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Jul 15, 2023·edited Jul 15, 2023

Even Biteme said just a few days ago he thinks he is okay with Gates' plan to dim the sun. Tells me he never really cared about solar panels.

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I ask, would the people be walking across our border if they recieved what my family was given in 1959. NOTHING! We had to go to an American organisation in England to prove we were healthy. My Dad had to have a job. We signed saying we would not take a dime from the American government. When my front tooth was knocked out in an accident my mom went to work in a factory to pay for a replacement. My friend, legal from Mexico, just had her daughters wisdom teeth extracted. $2,000. Paid for by the American Givt. We saw Russian immigrants in the 1990s literally in need of operations the day after they arrived. While people born here suffer, why are we doing this? Japan is 96% pure ethnically. No one criticizes them.

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My parents immigrated legally in 1949 from Sweden to the US. They came for my father’s medical school. They had to have a “sponsor”- an American citizen who agreed to pay their expenses if needed. We four kids were born in the US but were not given automatic citizenship. We kids only gained citizenship when our parents became citizens in 1958.

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Yes. Same for us. Not a dime from the US government. Except for automatic citizenship. That must have changed at some point.

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Yes, someone later misinterpreted the US constitution and started granting birthright citizenship. My father’s student visa was running out when the Mayo Clinic INVITED him to do his pathology fellowship there instead of returning to Sweden. It actually took the involvement of a US Supreme Court justice to intervene and allow my father to stay! That justice wax somehow associated with Mayo. Shows how strict immigration was back then.

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Strange considering how many arrived before you. Might be worth looking into. My children have dual citizenship. Born here,.eligible to return to England and claim.British citizenship.

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Kamala says, "jeebah jabba jabber." The blue hair neurological diverse crowd roars in approval and hell comes one step closer to our backdoor.

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Every day, Sarah Palin looks a little smarter...

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Jul 15, 2023·edited Jul 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Unfortunately the world is in the shape it is because greedy parasite weasels control every aspect of government. Would you do to any of your neighbors what we have done in country after country?

I worked on a refugee project, (in Honduras in the 80's, three years), and seen the difference between UN/government/NGO's contribution and that of volunteer citizens (usually religious). I'll take the volunteers every time.

While government is good at big projects to move men and material, they are a bull-in-the-china-shop when it comes to the lives of those in need. And the provisions provided by, say, A.I.D. for instance, is grains and dried goods for which the government overpays (contractors and contract writers glean big $$$ for the effort) are mill sweepings or outdated and infested grains.

At night you could hear the weevils in the just-arrived 100lb sacks of dried corn. The beans were so full of small rocks that you had to bite down gingerly, or you'd lose a few teeth. The flour had to be run through a screen to remove the bugs out of the flour. It was baked into bread upon which you slathered copious layers of peanut butter to eliminate the flavor, which still tasted of bug detritus.

We sent bombs and bullets to deal with issues that should have been settled over a bottle of wine coupled with a personal commitment to improve the flow of help and resources.

It is not hard to help people learn to provide for their people from what is in their environment. And we have so much more than we need.

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Doug, From the Ancient Books til now this has gone on. It is a test of our merit and attunement to the Creator. This is not heaven, it is a way of learning. Brother, what a schoolroom!

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I picked up Gandhi's autobiography at a local thrift store this morning and am amazed at the man. He states in the introduction, that the book is more a walk through his pursuit for truth, whatever the truth may be, and his desire to see God, face-to-face.

Gandhi, an amazing man who saw how simply issues can be resolved by talking to each other and allowing no tyranny to persist. Churchill felt the same way, but added the use of alcohol to lighten spirits.

A brilliant idea...be right back...

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Additionally, while this isn't heaven, we are in eternity. This is, for each of us, the start of an 'eternal' journey.

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There is another issue not mentioned. Couples with college degrees having children and not marrying because they recieve so much from the government if single with children.

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Birth control helps keep families small. Before the pill it was much more difficult. Common sense is needed to decide how many children a couple should have. My grandparents, coal miners, opted for 2. That was what they could afford. Women working, well, at least they have a choice. I believe some women need to work, they are happier, some are meant to stay home, even if it means living with less possessions. Most of which we do not need. At least today women are not forced to stay with abusive husband's. Always an upside and a downside.

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The pill may have other consequences. Houston health dept. reporting serious increase in cases of syphilis. A disease sexual revolutionaries seem to have forgotten about

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If men would use a condom that would help. So many women tell me their husband/boyfriend wont.

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I understand that without a condom and increase in casual sex, sexually transmitted diseases have risen. However, prior to the pill syphilis was a chance one took when either paying for sex or relations with a person one didn't know. During the Vietnam war the Vietnam Cong used prostitutes purposely infected with strains of sexual diseases to kill our troops. Sir Winston Churchills father died of syphilis as did Al Capone. Birth control pills probably keep the abortion rate down.

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The pill ushered in the so-called sexual revolution which has so degraded the sex act as to have virtually destroyed all the romance and cultural significance it once held. And it may very well have ushered in the rash of breast cancer we have experienced over the last 60 or so years.

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I came home at 2pm turned the TV on. Not cable. Soap opera, 2 naked men having sex. Can be men or women. In my day those films were illegal. Billboards with naked women, Playboy was conservative compared to what our kids are surrounded by daily. Much worse since Biden took office. At 15 I knew nothing and I didn't care. Young men seeing nude woman and sex on television are bound to seek it. Women seem more ready to say yes. I lived in the Orthodox Jewish Community for many years. It was refreshing. Reminded me of growing up. As I said before: the birth control pill probably lowers the number of abortions. That is a good result. As for breast cancer they can test females born to a mother who has had breast cancer and determine if her daughters are prime to inherit it. If yes, they remove the limp nodes, to prevent the cancer.

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They want YOU to have two kids so that your votes are lost in the sea of 20 "new" voters.

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Truthfully there are couples perfectly equipped to raise large families well. However, others have no understanding of how to parent. Looking back into the days of large families this was evident. I'm 77, I know many from large families with alcoholic fathers. Difficult times. Angela's Ashes was an excellent true story of poverty.

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Sheesh…More night time reading material. Much Love to All. 🔥🤣🏴‍☠️, Ed

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Jul 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

COVID-19 gets into human cells through ACE-2 receptors, which are a overly expressed in ovaries during puberty. mRNA has affected women impacting their menatrual cycles. We still don't know long term effects and what all of it will mean in terms of woman's fertility. Injecting pregnant women and children with mRNA is an experiment with unknown long term consequences. How was that allowed???

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Pfizer told the politicians that. They needed more time for proper testing. It takes years to test a drug before turning it over to the FDA. Even then it may not be approved. Politicians and FDA complicit. Plus the whole world including us were demanding something. Would we have accepted being told it would take 3 years to properly test for a vaccine? Well that would have been the truth.

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" It is time to end this nonsense"; sure, but how? Quite significant number of like minded people would have to unite and take an action like 'Screw the WHO", maybe...

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Jul 15, 2023·edited Jul 15, 2023

I said this last night on the Friday Funnies comments:

"Dr Malone and this substack have been on the cutting edge in illuminating the WEF and the globalists for several years now, and I thank him for it. Yet daily it seems to be getting worse for republic loving folks. Case in point is the recently completed Summit for New Global Financing. A goal was curbing "planet heating emissions.""

Another essay, I think, on the globalists today. Major population reduction has always been their objective. Listen to Jane Goodall and Klaus wax philosophically... ....Thank you Dr Malone! Although the end on the AAV viruses and cats is gut wrenching.

For those interested, the essay on globalists, climate change and "Finance Shock" has been moved up the pole today at Zero Hedge. It seems there's a reason for much of this debt. The hell with Modern Monetary Theory.


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I already have in my hands Beck's latest book just released 'Dark Future'. His notes start on page 431 and end on page 511.

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