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As Jesus said on the mount of Olives prior to His ascension: "All power is given me in heaven and on earth". Is it not possible that the reason that the devil is holding sway over man's corrupt nature is because Christians are not exerting their dominion properly?

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We Christians need to be getting more of our ideas from the first century Church. Not mega corporations or the legacy media of this world.

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There is no middle man needed to commune with Christ and the ascended masters and guides. Why worry/subscribe to one? Churches may be supportive communities, but look even at the Jehovahs witnesses, they, who used to eschew western medicine were all about the mandates and the vaccines. They lost sight of the power. We are next to Source. Source is our closest connection in life, whether we see it or not. WE are direct elements of Source, and No one thing, person or authority steps between. All thinking that allows that is self inhibiting and defeating. Today we need to access our sense of authority and our courage too. This is OUR country. We are WE THE PEOPLE, nothing needs to go on that we do not support. The problem, as I see it, is how do we do a clean break? I work on our Design for Freedom, Freedom's Foundation- Intro will be published tomorrow on my sub stack at 4:44 am. I want to talk directly with you Dr Malone.

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All we like sheep have gone astray.

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Most questions regarding faith and Christianity can be debated until Hell freezes over. Did Hitler nearly conquer the world because Prohibition had ended? How did Cory Tenbloom maintain her faith after her sister was killed in a concentration camp? Is it not possible that, as Solomon stated, "Shit happens, and then we die"?

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Man is born evil ever since the "apple." There's only one path out of that. And the gate is narrow.

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And they're decreasing on a near daily level. That this would all happen was written about thousands of years ago. We've known the end of the story just not necessarily the steps to get there. We are seeing the steps.

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