Apr 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Did anyone notice that the less you are in debt, the lower your credit rating is? My husband and I are buying a new home and wanted to borrow a minimal amount and were told if we borrowed more, the interest rate would be lower. We paid off our current home and closed a credit card account and our credit rating went down. These oligarchs want complete control of your life, especially your money!

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yup. We have the same experience.

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Robert, thank you for replying to my post. I so look forward to everything you put up. Your sense of humor in light of current events is inspiring...

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Yes - I have noticed this. The credit score algorithms used to be largely secret. Recently, I closed a credit card account that had been unused for the last 3 years (I had about 6 - am down to 4) and my score went down. My credit monitoring service explained why the score went down. My credit score is still very high, but it was dismaying to realize that the very actions that would have historically been favorable are now unfavorable.

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I find this very disturbing

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True and you don't have to owe on them. I was told by my banker about this long ago so I've left probably 15 accounts open but haven't used them in decades. At present we owe only a small amount on our house and have the maximum credit score possible.

Simply because we haven't closed any accounts. That is stupid and makes no sense but it's true.

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Ironically, the reason I closed the account wasn't necessarily related to my credit score - it was because I wanted to reduce my exposure to identity theft and fraud by having accounts open that I wasn't using.

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This was meant to be a sidebar comment but apparently it found traction with a lot of people that share the same experience. I remember asking a mortgage lender about 20 years ago how credit scores were computed, thinking that there would be a simple answer with a handful of criteria. That's when I discovered it was "complicated". Later, I discovered it was basically an algorithm that the Big 3 credit agencies had adopted in various forms and codified. So, your credit score is now basically AI-driven and probably based on a very complex flowchart that nobody wants to divulge. I understand the reasons for automating this but what I do not like is the secrecy that surrounds the algorithms instead of a sort-of "credit score logic 101" that is given to consumers. Things like:

- how much weighting is given to payment history versus other factors?

- how many cards or credit lines are too many versus too few?

- why would closing a "dormant" account lower your score and doesn't that incentivize people to have an unnecessarily large attack surface for fraud and identity theft?

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Apr 19, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022

“Its all about them”!!!! (Making money)

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I am chuckling because an off-hand comment on credit scores that took me 30 seconds to pen has garnered more interest/reads/likes than a much longer and more serious comment that took me 45 minutes to write and is posted here:


I am really curious to know what others think about the idea of deliberate breakage versus merely the relatively random, uncoordinated global incompetence by our leaders. There is a point where you ask the unthinkable: "Hey - wait a minute. What if they WANT it to break and their decisions can largely be explained in light of this disturbing possibility?"

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Interesting. I’m in the category of panned destruction by this group of well connected evil men who believe they are remarkably special. That a whole other bag of worms one can only attempt to prepare for,

As for the credit score issue We’ve had no debt per sea for 15 years. We do use credit card but pay it off completely each month, use it to get air miles. I find my Credit score remains in highest level within 1-3 points. Maybe that’s because we keep a credit card in use. We only had one till traveling…long story CC canceled, totally my fault no fraud. Best trip ever to Iceland which was paid totally before we landed. Now we have a back up card which we never use.

Fun interaction and interesting info

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I am a mortgage lender, and have been around since before credit scoring, and i can assure you that credit scoring, etc., it is a complete racquet. And, don't even get me started on student loans. The whole system is rigged to keep people in poverty or in forever servitude to the government. It's not easy seeing the truth of our world, that's for certain. Stay strong!

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You are being made to pay for those who are in debit and cannot pay, Lars Lawson talk show had the same thing happen to him and to Dr. Malone, time for a class action lawsuit.

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Omg yes!!!! I have known for years the entire financial/credit rules were rigged.

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Apr 19, 2022·edited Apr 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Defining a term like populism for a scientist is an exercise in research, study and contemplation. Re-defining a term like populism for a leftist ideologue is a reflexive matter of declaring it the opposite of what it really is, and then relentlessly peddling that re-definition. Just look what they did to man, woman and marriage to name but a few terms the left re-defined.

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Apr 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, didn't you say in a recent interview that you were in an accelerated educational program, but one that included The Great Books? "God works in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform." So here you are, with that preparation, with your work on mRNA, your work with DTRA, and your ethical standards intact, equipped for our fight today and able to communicate so much to so many.

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Apr 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your last paragraph said it best. This country’s Constitution and Bill of Rights were designed to create a social structure that preserves individual freedom and autonomy. The individual is not responsible for the collective except to protect each individual’s rights and freedoms and opportunities (not outcomes) within that collective.

Im a new beekeeper and I am finding out some interesting things about hives. A beehive survives only because the individual bee uses individual initiative and innovation to find new sources of food or a place to live. It takes the information back to the hive and the entire hive votes on what that one bee (or several individual bees) have found. If that one bee is censored or overruled by a dictator or group of elites, the hive would die. The queen has only one vote herself. And when the queen can no longer do her job the hive kicks her out or raises a new queen to fight with and kill the old queen. She is replaced and that happens by a hive vote, too. The hive mind is not all what we thought it was. It is the group that is responsible for the individual’s freedoms and lives not the other way ‘round. Those healthy, constantly working, constantly observing and experimenting and sharing individual bees are what keeps that hive alive. We have the right to step up and sacrifice our lives to protect the life of a ship or a family. But we do not have the obligation to do so if the doing of that becomes expected vs voluntary. Or if our information that might save the whole dies with us or is kept from the whole.

I also want to thank you and all these fine folks for giving each of us a voice. It makes a difference to this old lady.

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You should reach out to Jonathan Haidt who wrote the book 'The Righteous Mind'. https://jonathanhaidt.com/articles/ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/hidden-motives/201210/the-hive-hypothesis I believe he was the first one to propose the use of the term 'hive mind' to suggest that human beings are similar to bees. He should know what you've shared is a refutation of his hypothesis.

In any case, I have issues with comparing human beings to any other species. There are just so many contributing variables that cannot possibly be fully understood. As human beings, we're constantly trying to understand ourselves by analyzing other species and I think more often than not we miss the mark and make things worse. So, I really appreciate your insights.

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I would agree with you. My commentary is about tyrants who think “hive minds” are preferable to democracy because every bee does it’s job and the hive is ruled by one individual making the whole concept more efficient than our messy human tendencies. Turns out that is not the case and hives are very Democratic. ❤️

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Apr 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Okay, I'm about 1/2 way thru Davos Man myself. It's an illuminating read. I live in Canada and was cheering for the truckers.

Justin's response to it stunned me. I voted for his party 2x, and when he called an election last summer I voted for him again.

I really, really trusted the fuckin' guy.

In late February, while on my annual vacay to that "Commie hell-hole" that is Cuba (it's not) he his move against the truckers. I'm still astonished.

It turned me 180 about this clown. And his party.

It also made me check out Trudeau's background. He's a Davos man through and through. Buttigieg is Justin light.

Here's my view:

Davos man is under threat. Yes, it's been building for years (see Occupy Wall Street), but just look:

1. Nobody buys Main Stream Media anymore. Not voters.

2. Populism is grown by leaps and bounds: see Amazon unionization efforts and the tectonic shift of the approval for unions that has come about just in the last year.

3. Guys like you are now a threat: the propaganda arms of Davos man are descending on people like you, Doc. They have to. WHY?

4. B/c once you look behind the curtain, you can't unsee what's going on. And w/ the internet, that curtain's practically transparent.

There's gonna be churn, don't worry. But good people are still good; and curious people have a massive amount of information out there should they care to look.

People like us- the ones who read/follow/support the work of guys like you are growing in numbers daily.

Davos Man is scared. Really, really scared. In fact, an argument can be made that Putin's move on Ukraine is a geopolitical expression of a rejection of Davos Man's worldview writ large.

Things WILL get better. But it's gonna get a hell of a lot worse first. Davos Man won't go down w/o a fight; and he fights dirty.

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022

I can't imagine ever being able to justify voting for that trustfund, CCP-admiring, WEF tool but as a fellow Canadian (Montreal), I heartily welcome you to the fold.

Hopefully, yours will be a story oft repeated when next, election time rolls around. The Liberal/NDP pact ( hopefully seen as the act of Davos desperation it is) may be tough to beat.

We Bernier supporters may have to swing to Polievre and the Conservatives to beat the marxist elite cabal.

Cheers and welcome!

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I LOVED Bernier in the debates!

Look, I grew up in NYC and moved to Canada back in '86 when I wed 'Mah Liddle Maple Leaf'. (She was a ski instructor @ Gray Rocks if you're old enuf to remember THAT place! LOL)

TBH, I think the only way Pierre will be a threat if Bernier throws his weight behind him and those two form their own 'coalition of the Pissed Off' or something after the next general.

I think the next 3 years or so are going to be hard for ol' JT. He pulled his move, but (cough, cough) 'I Will Remember'.

Sadly, it's at best a 50/50 chance that Canada will reject him next time around if he doesn't pull another boner like he did. France will be the bellweather, b/c like JT, Macron's very much like him. We'll see.

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Good analysis. Let's vote and encourage as many others as we can to pay attention.

My folks used to ski vaca at Gray (Grey?) Rocks annually in the 60s.

We take at least one (two this summer) cottage a year in the Laurentians. Nothing like lake swimming!


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I don't watch debates normally and I thought Bernier didn't "qualify" during the last election.

I remind folks that even O'Toole received more of the popular vote than Turdeau.

It seems that it's only the Conservatives that have a chance of winning more seats than the libs.

They may be able to get their agenda through more easily while they are in office with the backing of the NDP but I can't see NDP voters going for Turdeau.

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Based on the deal Justin cut w/ Singh it doesn't matter if they go for JT or not. An NDP seat is a Liberal seat, period.

My big problem w/Pollievere is that his vid re housing prices was a total fail. He blamed the current regs etc which is a smokescreen. I worked in construction for some time, I was a Plumbing & Heating contractor. These regulations provide protection for homeowners; they're not barriers-they're the rules of the game.

The actual cause of the explosion of house prices is b/c of the ocean of money released by the Federal Reserve bank in the USA drifting worldwide. I won't get into the mechanics of that, read 'The Lords Of Easy Money' as a good primer of the machine behind the curtain.

Short version: for the last 10+ years there has been interest free loans available to those with connections to the FRB. Because of that, two things happened:

1. All this money is looking for ANY return on investment. Since there's no interest on the vast stacks of cashola, they can purchase a home and the net rent (after insurance/repairs) is pure profit. Analysts have concluded that this aspect is responsible for about 1/2-3/4 of the price increase on the home.

2. These notes are 10 year or so notes. So they pocket 10 years of rent before they have to pay the note. Well, 10 years from now, (well, 9 b/c the FRB is putting up rates) those homes can be sold for what they paid originally in the market and cover the debt.

THIS IS WHAT"S behind home prices, and NO politician is saying a word about it.

Calling out the regulations that have existed for decades as the cause is a lie.

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....or a misunderstanding.

How much is foreign ownership affecting the prices?

In 2018, one of the offers we got for our home was from Hong Kong and it definitely caused the bidding war that ensued. Good for us at the time, not good for the homebuyers.

Of course, fuel prices have a global effect on inflation. If we got rid of the destructive carbon taxes it would help as would opening up domestic production and allow the product easy access to the market.

I recommend writing a letter to the PMO and any prospective Conservative candidate for leader with your analysis if you haven't done so.

Of course they prevaricate but occasionally the actual issue is addressed. They are highly motivated at the moment as they seek the leadership.

Perhaps reaching out to a journalist who is interested in the issue and not just supporting a narrative. It seems as if you could make a case.


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Outside of my bloviating on Dr. Malone's and other substacks, I'm a nobody. I'm just a schmuck living in Kingston running a teensy-weensy biz (not a plumber anymore, and that was in NY 40 years ago). What I'm saying is that IDK any journalists w/ sway that have influence.

My 'schmuckness' is also the reason I believe that ALL the politicos already know the truth. Pollievere's smokescreen is 'regulations' (JHC, what a tired excuse- Regan used that bromide in 1979) and JT's is 'foreign ownership'. Sure, maybe they have an impact; I'll even give you 5% each on home prices...but that's it.

It's funny you mention 2018, b/c that's when I saw a 20% jump in my home's value in my neighborhood. We bought in '11 for ~$232K and in '18 we could have sold for about $300-325 and were astonished. YESTERDAY a place across the street from me went for $600K in a bidding war. And it's gonna be a rental as far as I know.

It's a repeat of the housing bubble that melted down in '08, but the financing's different in that the majority of the current ownership can be traced back to Bay/Wall St thru numbered co's IMHO. The current residents aren't overleveraged owners, it's renters that are overstressed in trying to keep up w/ the rent. And they're replaceable.

Davos Man discusses the WEF's campaign last year. This year's titled 'The Great Reset', last year their motto was 'You Will Own Nothing, And You Will Be Happy'.

Ol' Justin's an alumni of the WEF's 'Leadership Group' (or whatever they call it) and ain't it a hoot that he didn't TOUCH the Wall St/Bay St root of home prices. He didn't say a word.

Frankly, home prices are more a Provincial matter anyway: they set the regs/tax rates/ etc etc... outside of fiscal policy it's not really a Fed issue.

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I would also say that unless every NDP voter votes for a liberal or vice versa, the left can be defeated.

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As many as maybe thousands of Airline passengers while in flight got the "Word" from the Capt while whooshing @ 35000ft over America that masks nada required. Mega Cheers!

As America goes...so goes the World. God Bless our Liberty and Freedoms again and again!

"That's one small step for man...One giant leap for Mankind"!!!

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I agree that it is terrific that THAT bit of stupidity and control is over, it makes me sad that we feel overwhelmed with excitement over getting the right to breathe freely again. People should not forget what these monsters have done. They should be pulled out by the root or tilled under.

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It is premature to celebrate as (1) certain airports and railroads continue to enforce the masking orders, (2) Joe Biden remains in office, and (3) Merrick Garland remains in charge of the Department of Justice.

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Yep. Too early. Those three things plus at least 12 other general cleanup items - for starters.

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This theater is full of surprises. Applaud the good ones as audience participation.

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You mean as in the Rocky Horror Picture Show?

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I'm sitting in the Seattle airport; only 10 percent masked, lots of happy faces!

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Biden is appealing the ruling, of course. 🙄

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Apr 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bill Gates has been very aware that broad spectrum antiviral drugs work and that is why he has done everything in his power to make them unavailable and to vilify them. He wants the vaccines that will add to his personal wealth to be the only option and he wants them to be used as a means to depopulate this planet. He makes me want to 🤮.

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Apr 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)

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Apr 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bravo, Robert - couldn't agree more. One reason I must be a populist (i guess) is because I don't believe Gates' opinion - on anything other than how to create and maintain a monopolistic business, perhaps - is worth more than yours, mine or my neighbor's.

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Apr 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your writing is on par with the best journalists on the planet. A testimony to your intelligence.

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Apr 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you. I plan to follow all the links. This document could be the framework for a one semester course in ethics, history, philosophy, or any department that dared to offer it. This document could also be used to arm yourself for whatever is coming next.

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Apr 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If we all followed the Golden Rule the world would be a better place.

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truth. the old golden rule. Not the one that goes "those with the gold make the rules"

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So true

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Vaxed Pilot's Heart Stops in Cockpit Minutes After Landing An American Airlines Flight

...US Freedom Flyers Fights Back FAA ignores long-standing CFR regulations and

Guidance and barely avoids horrific aviation catastrophe.

DALLAS TX (4-16-22) On April 9, 2022, American Airlines Captain Robert Snow experienced a severe post-vaccination cardiac arrest inside the cockpit of Airbus 321 carrying nearly two hundred souls, The event took place at the gate six minutes after landing. This near miss is a direct result of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) overlooking their own safety regulations for brazenly political purposes relating to the dangerous COVID-19 vaccine mandate policies many airlines have enacted in coordination with the FAA.

The FAA has violated its own Do-Not-Fly regulation 61.53 and associated guidance by allowing pilots to operate commercial aircraft after being injected with NON-FDA approved medical products, in the form of the COVID-19 experimental vaccine. The FAA is a federal agency specifically tasked with safety risk management for air travel. Its mission is to "provide the safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world." Pilot Snows incident shows that the FAA has not only abdicated its mission but has weaponized COVID-19 vaccine politics to put airlines employees and passengers in grave danger.

Evidence has piled up over the past 18 months shows that commercial and private pilots have suffered death, and other major injuries like heart attacks, brain bleeds, and blindness after vaccination. Additionally, DOD whistleblower Lt Col Theresa Long has brought forward staggering information that cases of myocarditis, pericarditis, spontaneous abortion, multi system inflammatory disease along with a multitude of other maladies have increased from two million incidents prior to mandated vaccines to over twenty million in a twelve-month period.

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Stew Peters had this on his program Monday

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Satan rules the world.

Beware of principalities and powers.

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As Jesus said on the mount of Olives prior to His ascension: "All power is given me in heaven and on earth". Is it not possible that the reason that the devil is holding sway over man's corrupt nature is because Christians are not exerting their dominion properly?

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We Christians need to be getting more of our ideas from the first century Church. Not mega corporations or the legacy media of this world.

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There is no middle man needed to commune with Christ and the ascended masters and guides. Why worry/subscribe to one? Churches may be supportive communities, but look even at the Jehovahs witnesses, they, who used to eschew western medicine were all about the mandates and the vaccines. They lost sight of the power. We are next to Source. Source is our closest connection in life, whether we see it or not. WE are direct elements of Source, and No one thing, person or authority steps between. All thinking that allows that is self inhibiting and defeating. Today we need to access our sense of authority and our courage too. This is OUR country. We are WE THE PEOPLE, nothing needs to go on that we do not support. The problem, as I see it, is how do we do a clean break? I work on our Design for Freedom, Freedom's Foundation- Intro will be published tomorrow on my sub stack at 4:44 am. I want to talk directly with you Dr Malone.

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All we like sheep have gone astray.

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Most questions regarding faith and Christianity can be debated until Hell freezes over. Did Hitler nearly conquer the world because Prohibition had ended? How did Cory Tenbloom maintain her faith after her sister was killed in a concentration camp? Is it not possible that, as Solomon stated, "Shit happens, and then we die"?

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Man is born evil ever since the "apple." There's only one path out of that. And the gate is narrow.

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And they're decreasing on a near daily level. That this would all happen was written about thousands of years ago. We've known the end of the story just not necessarily the steps to get there. We are seeing the steps.

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As long as humans prioritize blatantly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy"... instead of prioritizing the raising of healthy children according to THEIR developmental needs.... NOTHING will ever change fundamentally....

Instead we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon society ad infinitum...

And it's NOT about "blaming" parents. It's about SUPPORTING parents to support their children to fulfil THEIR true potential... NOT fulfil some political or economical NONSENSE!!

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Anyone who challenges the agenda of the Davos club gets accused by the controlled media of being an extremist .The war is being waged against humanity and we are treated as if we were enemy combatants if we try and use our ability to communicate to warn people about the danger of the schemes of some of the most powerful entities of the global elite such as the WEF and Bilderberg group.

Thank you Dr Robert Malone for the work you are doing .

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