Oct 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. M... That this frenzied harassment against you continues is really quite incredible. I admire your ability to stand against the zombie horde, but at some point you must let it go for your own sanity. You have NOTHING to apologize to anyone for - least of all, your "helpful" colleague. I am finishing a book that I learned of on this blog (apologies for not remembering who suggested it) - Edith Sheffer's "Asperger's Children: The Origins of Autism in Nazi Vienna". If you have not read this, I strongly encourage it (I am a nerd on para-WWI and WWII history, as I have always been motivated to learn "what caused?" the disasters of the 20th Century). The biggest takeaway form the book is how Nazi ideology infiltrated and took over control of medicine in Germany and Austria in the last century. Reading this reveals an almost identical pattern to what we see around us today. We have several competing "Nazi parties" vying for their view of medicine, the world, the "Volk" - pharmacentric mainstream medicine adherents; non-traditional or questioning medicine advocates; corporatist totalitarians; and those who do not even bother to hide their Nazi roots to advance their Great Resets and UN Agendas (such as Schwab and Gates). All these competing factions end up pursuing the same control mechanisms to achieve their particular goals. At some point you must save yourself, You have done more than can be expected of one man. Let the naysayers rant "Nay", the haters hate, and those seeking to capitalize on their nostrums and platitudes try to emulate the Bezos and Zuckerberg crowd. Their ends are certain and predictable.

I discovered Rostand's "Cyrano De Bergerac" as a young man and have always been moved by the tale - self-sacrifice for another... “You have riven away my laurels and my roses, but there is one thing that I take with me, one thing, in spite of all my own, and that is…my white plume.” Do not allow them to take your white plume! Peace...

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Wonderful and inspiring comment. Thank you.

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Written far more eloquently than I could have, and amen to studying WWI/WWII. Fascinating periods of which I know some, but not enough.

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Love the concept of Cyrano. California is well on its way to realizing the Nazi Medical Dream.

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Well, have you heard of MK-Ultra ?

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Yes. It never ended. Technology has enabled it to move to an entirely new level that reaches the population of the entire planet. Hence, the mass psychosis...

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Amen Amin. Many Canadians and my Serbian friends that live there believe and agree with mass psychosis. Some of the people are doctors, but mostly common sense tells them. Thank you, hvala Dr. Malone and Jill. God Bless you and your Family!

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Vrlo dobro!

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Hvala vam puno. Ziveli!

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Yes yes and YES!

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When the "illusionary" and digital expanding "Court" of public opinion wrongfully breeds and feeds on it's own dirty laundry tactics. And grows like a mold. Seems only the noblest and humbled men must gather valor to protect his ethics/integrity/values/sanity/and family from such dishonors and discounting's. It is true that while Robert W. Malone is not on trial for any crimes or legal ambiguity of any sorts of Dis-information. There is a conglomerate of media butchers that will slice to the bone to stop his dedications. To be in his shoes and his state of mind to defend all that he has devoted an entire life's work to achieve, is a question we, as an individual can only assess. Would I go to the greatest stress test that has been set like a brick wall before me to climb over once more? Would I turn to others asking to join my quest?

Or has this become the most Ludacris pilgrimage of no end in sight for me? Does it serve any purpose as the remedy? What would you do? Step back and re-assess? Or just walk away?

I advocate to circle the wagons. Saddle up the horses. And go Hollywood right back at em!

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022

Well said. Though, there ain't no cavalry coming to the rescue... Of course, the Loan Arranger might show up!

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Shall I gather the horses Keemosabi?

Yes Tonto....these lowly scoundrels need to be run out of town! The sooner the better.

You speak words to make things better Keemosabi?

Yes Tonto....the townsfolk come to rely on us.

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Your "loan arranger" diddy hit my laugh button real squarely. My mind when back 50 plus TV years as a kid sitting on a floor shaping my world of the future in black and white imaging. And "Imagine" I did. thanks for the laughs. Doc

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Good advice on the "walking away" advice. I recently unsubscribed from Steve Kirsch's Substack community because, as a dentist, I took issue with his unabashedly all-in embrace of the anti-fluoridation crowd's unscientific scathing of community water fluoridation programs (1ppm of fluoride, the salt ion of the naturally occurring element, fluorine). Given the addition of a plethora of new fluoride modalities, I actually lobbied for more studies (RTCs and meta analysis) but got absolutely raked over the coals by dozens of anti-fluoride denizens--all of whom displayed an uncanny amount of disdain for me and my profession. The ad hominem was at the top of a list of a dozen or so logic fallacies that appeared in the dozens and dozens of whack-a-doodle comments that hit me like a tsunami within less that a five hour period of time. It was all I could do not to default to a "Well, at least I'm not Dr. Robert Malone" position.

PS: Thoughts and prayers to Dr. Malone and his wife.

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Nurses get put through the wringer also. I plead my case and it simmered down, but the last few days I've been getting beat up because I responded to a post about how harmful masks are, stating I had been concerned and checked my O2 saturation and it was fine. That statement got me labeled a crazy mask wearer and traitor and idiot for giving in to wearing masks when any tiny bit of research would show they don't help. It bugs me when people are so happy to post anything that makes them feel good and don't care if it is illogical are partially false.

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Do I understand correctly that Peter McCullough is taking the adversarial position to Robert Malone?

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I don't know where people are getting that idea.

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From this (found in the Malone article), I guess (guilt by association?):

"On a related note, I learned last night that Drs. Peter McCullough and Harvey Risch have joined a company which is promoting overpriced vitamins, nutraceuticals, and telemedicine. The Wellness Company. This firm is headed up by a physician that was formerly with the Global Covid Summit group, and is now quite antagonistic to us. This firm is controlled by Mr. Foster Colson, head of the Colson group, who has no prior experience in the health care industry and no training in health care, but who Peter McCullough refers to as a “Social Media Genius”. At a minimum, this represents an undisclosed conflict of interest. Icing on the cake is the rumor that Peter McCullough’s social media guru Carolina Galvin received a $250K “grant” from someone recently to assist with her promotional efforts. Carolina is one of the ones that tried to blackmail me to go on someone else’s podcast, and if I did she would make all of these attacks go away. And Peter McCullough received $750K from someone. Furthermore “Dr. McCullough's Mito Support Formula” was actually developed by Dr. Ryan Cole. Suffice to say, although the above has the appearance of a conflict of interest, I hope and trust that has had nothing to do with what I have experienced. Right?"

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I apologize for missing that part. I often read these in wee hours of the morning, prior to coffee.

I don't want to fret about someone making money from wellness. If overpriced, consumers will know where to find alternatives.

Good to know the rest. There was going to be a point where some of these brave leaders had to spin off, make a life for themselves, create meaning out of the horror they have witnessed and recover from the harassment directed at them. Let's see how all this plays out.

Reshuffling is going on and all will settle out. Part of that process will Include some being called out for behavior that doesn't seem to fit with their stated values. I am glad that Dr. Malone is talking about it. Even if he didn't publicly, undercurrents of tension will likely reveal themselves in other ways. Perhaps the fans and admirers of all of these actors in the COVID drama who have helped us so much can engage in a way that will help reduce tensions or find points on which all can stay united. That may be lot of Pollyanna talk I know, but on this one it seems premature to be discouraged.

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Reggie--I just read your tag line, "speak the truth or despise yourself." I agree and like that motto. I gather that is what Dr. Malone is doing here, painful as it is.

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What "Malone article?"

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022

Thank you so much for all what you have achieved for the past three years. I remember when you changed your point view on the "vaccines", when you said "I now very much doubt if there is any positive outcome for anyone from these injections" (or something to that effect). I greatly appreciated that you followed a prudent course. I didn't mind some other people were more definitive from the beginning. It seems normal to me that people can have slightly different points of view. Actually I like that. But I am probably a man of the past.

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Sadly, for whatever the reason, I commonly see the comment suggesting these jabs should be avoided by all but the elderly or persons otherwise needing them. Much like someone being urged to jump in the net from a burning building but scared to let go they always make that last gasp suggestion the jabs are good for something. As an 80 yr old who has not and never will take one of those blasted things am frankly sick of seeing that copout being used by people who should know better.

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I, too, am frustrated by those who continue to say that these toxic shots might be beneficial for some people. I don't think they were ever of any benefit. I have compassion for people who took the "blasted things" but I wish those who have never awakened to what is happening, would do so! Use common sense and critical thinking! Why do the vaccinated who keep getting covid over and over not realize that something is amiss??? Why can't people whose loved ones died or suffered illness or injury after being jabbed see what is happening???

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Precisely Dr Malone changed his mind on this. Quite publicly. And I am very grateful he did. Not that I blame him for having had a different position at some point. That's life! As for me it was obvious from the start that the injectable products were of no benefits at all for anyone. But I don't get mad at other people for whom things are not quite that obvious!

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Here here!

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I’m 76 yo and knowing what mRNA normally does in the human body (transmit genetic instructions from the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm to build proteins) I said “no way am I letting them inject an experimental drug into my body. My immune system will handle COVID-19, as it did to produce natural immunity after a bout with COVID the first week of February 2020 that we thought might be the flu, until we heard the name COVID-19 3 weeks later. Dr Malone has been consistently correct in his assessments of what is going on in our troubled medical care system here and globally. I’m embarrassed to say that too many of our medical colleagues have strayed from the truth or have fallen for blatant lies.

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Absolutely true!

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Dr Malone changed his mind on this. Very much publicly at the Joe Rogan show. And I am very grateful he did. As for me it was obvious from the start that the injectable products were of no benefits at all for anyone. But I don't get mad at other people for whom things were not that obvious!

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I wonder too if Robert has changed his mind about all vaccines since the Joe Rogan Show (that he cited above):

"Medicine is being destroyed, globally. People are losing faith in the whole system, in the scientific enterprise, they're losing faith in our government, they're losing faith in the vaccine enterprise.

"What is going to be the long-term consequence on public health when you have a large fraction of the population who wasn't "anti-vaxxer" before, who are now saying: 'Oh Gosh, if this is how these people make decisions, I don't want anything to do with it, and I certainly don't want it jabbed into my kid.'"

This seems, to me, like a good outcome of this, although I don't know if now is a good time for Robert to take an 'anti-all-vaxx' position no matter his personal beliefs.

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Tereza we usually agree but not here. The Air Force, among a score or more, gave us the Sabin polio vaccine for which I am grateful. Was pipetting some high titer stock of Mahoney strain polio virus when the cotton plug came loose and I got a mouthful of virus stock. Can't think of a better way to get polio than that and am pretty sure I didn't because of that vaccine. And with polio coming back across our border now does not seem a good time to ditch it--tho maybe should go back to Saulk given the problems they are having now with the Sabin. Also not good idea to convince everybody vaccines bad if pushes folks to skip them for their pets. Do that and some pets guranteed pretty awful dearhs. And then the rabies vac.....

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Thanks for the reply, Micheal and I'm always happy for an honest disagreement. You may be right. I certainly thought so before I read RFK's the RAF. What he described, from my understanding, is that polio was almost eradicated until Gates decided to make zero cases his mission. The vaccine itself had the live virus (you're going to know the details better than me) and it resulted in an outbreak of what looked like polio but had been renamed. Do I have that right or am I missing something?

But certainly looking at vaccines one at a time rather than being omni-vaxxers is a step in the right direction, and I think pets are a different category.

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Yeah. Why I said be careful of the Sabin right now. It is SUPPOSED to be an attenuated strain but I understand in NYC some folks who were vaccinated with Sabin developed polio from the jab. Not what should happen and suggests a major foul up in its manufacture. Worrying to say the least. That Sabin saved my bacon in the Air Force but now......?

Actually, my suggestion to go back to the Saulk version may have extra relevance because there is some info oozing around the edges that all these attenuated vaccines may be contributing to the host of autoimmune disorders we see endless phama ads on tv offering to treat.

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I hope I made it clear. that I was NOT including Dr. Malone in my diatribe as he has made his objections to the jabs painfully clear

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my thoughts exactly. There is simply NO redeeming value!

"Oh, the king has his skivvies on at least!"

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Agreed. I keep asking why (though I know perfectly well) these immune system destroying injections are being promoted to population with already comprised immune systems. I get no reasonable reply. Maybe something uttered about data.

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Every time I hear someone suggest the elderly should take the shot, I think of eugenics and purging society of the less fit. I'd rather people push the idea of each deciding for himself.

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There is something suspicious when TPTB are in a great rush to vaxxx the elderly (moi) and black people. I advise both groups to run away!

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Also when "safe and effective" almost becomes trademarked before jabs are even available.

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S&E ranks right in there with "evidence-based medicine"

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Agree... Elder abuse. Being 70+ myself, it is irritating!

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If all this madness was unleashed as population control, then it makes perfect sense to out the “elderly” at the front of the line. Aren’t we a drain on the system? Too many resources wasted upon us who will depart sooner rather than later?

My husband & I (now 76 & 80) never complied & never will.

My perspective has concluded that the elderly & immune compromised (who were the ones majorly pushed to get shots, boosters, wear masks, ostracize) are the very ones most vulnerable to damage/injury from these experimental injections.

We are well; no shots, no covid, new set of doctors now also.

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Proud of you both! Had the honor of seeing Willie Nelson in concert last night and he remains one of our iconic "outlaws" at 89 (turns 90 end of April!). Gave me renewed hope that there is life after 70s...

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here’s a suggestion for Ginger & Peter (and Alex too, come to think of it): if you guys are so sure Robert’s thinking is flawed, why don’t you come on this stack and debate it with us?

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Dr. Malone. I just don't know how you can put together so much info. Studying through the links here would be quite a project. I'd have to study through the whole of this article again, taking notes on the links, to be able to guess what It would take. Yes, complicated topics not well treated in short videos. Not many go to the lengths you do to publish nicely linked material like this. But it is the complete discussion with sourced proof that is the hallmark of truthful communication. Maybe this won't strike you as anything, but let me caution you that this is not the bottom of the rabbit hole. There are at least a couple more levels to fall through and those with wide ranging, controversial corridors, spaces, doors and pitfalls. And this all in the realm of truth that has been concealed through the use of these psycho manipulating techniques. The realm of lies is easy cuz the liars don't offer truthful argument with facts. Truth when the facts are bound to be a shaking to not foundation really, but it will seem like. Just an encouragement to not sweat it yet keep that mind opened for information you now reject to be shown as true. Appreciate you.

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Truth and the never-ending struggle to find it, share it, and defend it are sometimes no match for mere mortals. Maybe that's why geniuses take the default position of believing in a supernatural power to make sense of all the absurdities that come with the quest to harness truth in an imperfect world.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Those of us who know the government/pharma narrative is false, but who are not physicians or scientists, must navigate a minefield of alternative narratives and try to determine what is true. Sometimes this is frustrating, especially when we discover that someone we thought was trustworthy is compromised (Peter McCullough? smh.) People on this side of the narrative can be "hypnotized" just as those on the other side can be, because people need to trust someone. I'm not sure that writing any more on this issue will red pill those people. IMHO you have been one of the most transparent of the experts on this side of the narrative. But I think fighting this battle on two fronts must be exhausting for you. Please don't let it destroy you. You know the truth, just keep sharing it.

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I haven't condemned Drs. McCullough and Risch just yet but my radar is up and running.

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The reality is that Uranus is in retrograde, which explains why everyone's being such an asshole right now.

A lot of people don't believe in ass-trology, but we know that shit is real.

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LOL! On the money...

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Don't forget the rare Pluto return associated with the rise and fall of societies.

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I'm going to need to quote you on that ;-)

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, I am your fan. You are brilliant, ethical & courageous. I realized this from the very start when Alex Berenson - whom I also was a big fan of - pulled out all the stops to rail against you. It made no sense. It’s a shame that this negativity has bled to others, taking hold to threaten to diminish your reputation without rationale. I am grateful to see you hold your ground, (though you say you are wearying). What you are facing is a perfect example of the censorship we are all at risk of facing at this time in history. At any given moment we stand at risk on all sides should the wrong information be sold to non-discerning human brains who accept it. I am disappointed in those whose views I usually agree with--for then comes the senseless baseless aberration of what they are saying about you! I think this is a phenomenal essay that illuminates the way in which we can easily be led astray. People should be holding you up not the opposite . Thank you for your commitment and for not backing down. You are an unbelievable role model of how to face adversity with dignity- & how to parse through the slander when it comes out of left field from your own colleagues & friends. Stay the course!! Reading your writing is a gift. Thank you.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'd say just walk your own walk and talk your own talk. The effort required to respond to each person who wishes to edit, revise or erase your message becomes self defeating. Desmet is absolutely correct about mass hysteria / psychosis in its' degree and extent. Take some counsel from others but to thine own self be true.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks, Robert. You're on the right course, IMHO.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone and Jill, thank you again for all you are doing to stand up for what is right and true. Thank you for this incredible Substack! The harassment you are both facing staggers the mind.

But I’ve come to realize that my anguish over each arrow you endure further hardens my resolve and thickens my skin to speak up and think independently. Thanks to you, I now understand how all these pieces fit together: our loss of medical freedom; the pandemic mandates; WEF; Gates; WHO; GAVI; CEPI etc. Such a tangled web.

I recently finished Alex Jones book, The Great Reset. I found one of his concluding paragraphs to be encouraging. He said, “This all can be overwhelming, but the globalists count on you being uninformed. But the truth is their plans are fragile. All we need to do is speak out, stand up, say no to them and they will have to flee from us and civilized society.” I pray he is right.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Watched The Duke last night, regularly read the Bible, it's a universal Truth that the road is hard and narrow and traveled by very few people because it guarantees suffering for those who love Truth and have pure motives. Slander and malice will be punished by God. Thank you for not capitulating, for taking the high road, for your humility. I'm so thankful Jill is by your side, and I know there are some of us who are earnestly praying for you.

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You might want to check out "The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are" by Alan Watts. Much better than the Bible, imo.


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You don't know the Bible are the Holy Spirit that inspired it then.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Wellness Center is outrageously expensive. $1,000 a year for a few telehealth visits and don't get me started on the costs of their vitamins. We purchase American made vitamins from Life Extension and My Store.com liquid multivitamins for 75/80 percent less. About a year ago when Dr. Heather Gessling MD contacted me about having a Covid Summit here in the upstate of SC, because I emailed them three months prior. I called two dozen churches and went a visited several, until I found one that would allow us to have it. She canceled it because I told her here, in SC most of the attendance already knows about the jabs and early treatments. I'm really doing this to bring in our State reps/senators and we'd be lucky to have about a couple hundred people, because we here in SC don't take kindly to our government telling us what we can do. She canceled after I spent three weeks busting my butt. I wasn't happy... she's one of the docs working for the Wellness Center I see. It saddens me that docs Reich, McCollough and others would charge these prices + a membership just for vitamins to get free shipping after all we've been through. Remember after we go through the next crisis, there will be one. Good and bad people will always be involved for their own self interest. It's the way of the world. Enjoy your life, your grandchildren if you have them, that's what's most important. Thank you Dr. Malone and Mrs. for all you do.

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Thank you for this information. Heather Gessling is in my neck of the woods. I’ll have to do more research. I think we would like to believe self interest is not a driving force. But it is survival mode for most.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There was a fundraiser for Dr. McCullough quite a few weeks ago - if I remember correctly, Jeff Childers who writes Coffee and Covid (substack) did a "multiplier" for him (I kindly donated - I met Dr. McCullough this past May). I believe the goal at that time, was $300K. I just did a search on GiveSendGo and found this:


Their goal is $2M - this gives me great pause about Dr. McCullough

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I have reviewed the GiveSendGo website, thank you. I was not aware of this previously.

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I am sure givesendgo will forward the money collected to Dr. McCullough (not from me), however the money many of us donated through the same, for the Freedom Convoy, our brave truckers, never was given to them, Castro Jr had his dirty hands in that. The worst part, they put our names and location or our homes out for all to see. What a nasty, nasty thing to do. Greedy, and I will say another one turned for the almighty $$$. He will reap what he has sown. Much love and respect Dr. Malone and Jill. God Bless. Dark to light for these people, it shall all be exposed.

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deletedOct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022
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It's terrible for sure. We The People just need to come together for the right reasons. I was so excited to even get a call from Heather. I couldn't wait to meet my favorite docs... Malone, Cole and Urso.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We are at war. Of course, during wartime, the enemy would spend substantial resources to subvert anyone who is vulnerable.

I have no idea what I'd do in your position. It is really tough.

It does feel as though something undefineable has gone out of Dr McCullough. He doesn't feel the same. I hope he is all right. He has been sick a whole lot recently. I give him full credit for telling us all about nasal sanitation. No way the enemy wants that easy and cheap (at-home) remedy getting out to the public. Maybe he's just tired? Maybe someone or something is making him sick?

Breggin I don't know. I do think we're at war. Odd that his wiki entry hasn't been trashed, as is usually the case if you are seen as a threat to the enemy.

Stew Peters I wrote off after the snake venom thing. It smelled like Q-Anon. "Just read the drops, wait at home. Q will fix everything." Didn't happen. I bet there were promotions all around for Q.

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That was the final straw for me, but I was already suspicious from most of his prior stuff too. He and his guests were always loose with the facts.

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I'm obviously a paid subscriber and I've been largely a supporter of your work. To be honest, I heard you on stage a month or so back (McCollough was on stage with you) where you stated that while we know there was a plan, "We had no evidence (i'm paraphrasing, but can find the video) of nefarious intent.) It stopped me in my tracks. That doesn't compute - the dots connected quite clearly show both a plan and nefarious intent as Dr. Mike Yeadon has no issue stating. This could well mean you don't yet see that, but the "We" was troubling to me. Who were you speaking for exactly? It may sound like nit-picking but honestly when someone who has ascended to such a prominent role says something like that, it's important.

Continually referring to Breggin's age - as if he's not cognitively clear because of it - feels a bit manipulative. He speaks and thinks better than most, was well ahead of many - yourself included - in calling out the Global predators. He might not have everything right, he might be not be including assumptions of good intent that would be helpful in his criticism and have his own blindspots - we all do. But his intentions, in my mind, are good and not about selling books. He also has every right to his opinion. As you've noted in the past, "The truth is like a lion, it doesn't need to be defended..." etc.

It's not only Breggins who worry about Chapter 8 in Desmet's book. Catherine Austin Fits and Ulrike Granögger do too. CJ Hopkins has his issues with it, as do others. Critical opinions are inevitable and wouldn't we expect that?

I'm sure the attacks have been difficult and feel painful and personal. I don't wish that on anyone. But I do think there is room for question and debate and calling out ages of people or their past occupations or lack of degrees or supplying motives of greed or jealousy, as a means of undermining those opinions is not the best way forward. Just my two cents.

Genuinely appreciate all the good information you've brought forward. I feel like we can all do better here.

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In a very recent interview on Lifesite News (actually the complete interview, a portion of which he posted on September 28), Dr. Malone was asked, "How evil do you think this is?" or something to that effect. He said he has been reluctant to call people evil. He does acknowledge evil. I think the problem is that this present evil can only be explained in spiritual terms, and Dr. Malone actually referred to Lucifer, while not being certain of his reality. The Bible tells us that our true enemy is spiritual powers (satan and his demons). I don't believe the WEF characters, or anyone else, are capable of causing people to be so deluded. Sin came about because of satan's deception. He is powerful and he works through those whose minds are not transformed by belief in Christ. That doesn't remove responsibility from individuals and they will be held accountable by God, but this level of worldwide evil just can't be explained apart from demonic activity, in my opinion. No human is capable of making the entire world go mad at one time.

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Dr. Naomi Wolf writes in her book THE BODIES OF OTHERS:

“In the magnitude of the evil around us; in its awe-inspiring level of darkness and inhumanity; in the policies aimed at killing children’s joy, restricting their breath, speech, and laughter; at killing ties between families and extended families; at killing churches and synagogues and mosques; and, from the highest levels, from the president’s own bully pulpit, demanding people to collude in excluding, rejecting, dismissing, shunning, hating their neighbors and loved ones and friends: in all of this the presence of such rampant, elemental evil I felt a darkness beyond anything human. I don’t think humans are smart or powerful enough to have come up with this horror all alone.”

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What a beautiful and chilling quote from Naomi, Laura. I'll add a different ending, though, if I may. For 3500 years, the invention of coinage demanded that we all collude in the enslavement and conquest of our neighbors, as I talk about in my book How to Dismantle an Empire. That's bred cognitive dissonance and blind obedience in our bones. None of us are innocent so we can only displace our guilt by blaming others.

We're at the logical culmination of the centralization of power enabled by forcing all of our labor to serve the interests of the money-creators. They don't need to be geniuses (and those who've read Klaus Schwab confirm he's not.) They can hire lackeys and number-crunchers and psy-ops and academic research to inform their final power-grab. But the real geniuses--like Naomi--are on our side.

We're not in a battle of good vs evil, I think. We're in a battle of centralization vs sovereignty, and always have been. It's just that the battle has come home to roost. And this time we're going to end it.

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Looks like I need to order another book. I have heard her speak several times and I think her opinion should hold great weight with people, since she was in the liberal camp. Still not conservative in some respects, but her voice is powerful.

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It was a profound read. I listened free on audible then ordered the hardback.

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Those comments from Biden. So disgusting remembering them again. Trying to turn people against the unvaccinated and I was trying to find peace at that time wondering if I would be fired from my job.

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Dr. Aseem Malhotra handles the question of evil deftly--our leaders are acting like psychopaths and together they act collectively like a "psychopathic entity." As a result good people are pushed and controlled into doing bad things:



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The question is who, or what, is pushing and controlling? Ephesians 6:12 tells us: "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens." That doesn't absolve individuals of responsibility, but I agree with the quote Laura Kasner shared above, by Naomi Wolf. "I don’t think humans are smart or powerful enough to have come up with this horror all alone.” Thanks for sharing the videos of Dr. Malhotra. I have heard him speak a couple of times and appreciate that he is realizing what is going on and is speaking out.

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I am confident we will figure it out in the end, with the list of all the names.

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I think you missed the posts that indicated the Breggins did not respond to requests for conversation and attempts at reconciliation.

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No I'm aware. I found that odd and unfortunate.

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Then I think there is a time where you call the issue closed and move on to the main urgent matters.

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These are worthy questions you're raising, Kathleen, and I commend you for having the courage to do it with love and respect. I've appreciated that Robert has posted in the past about the need to welcome dissenting views, and how that's been his policy when he's headed up committees. I'm sure it's hard for him now and neither of us want to make it harder.

There are two separate issues, I think: the freedom to question/ debate ideas through ever-changing facts and logic, and personal attacks based on an assumption of character and intent. Robert has been the victim of the latter, certainly. He does it here with Peter (as you point out) and Stew. And yet he's mostly being criticized for not doing it enough--not 'admitting' that the WEF are evil or Satanic or nefarious in their intent.

What I would like to raise is whether the idea of evil or Satan or even psychopaths is helpful to changing the power dynamic. I agree completely with Mike Yeadon, who confirmed my suspicions on this, that the vaccine is the weapon and the virus was the warm-up (my words, not his.) The harms and deaths are by design for the stated purpose of depopulation, the same as the economic harms are by design for the stated purpose of dispossession. And the psychological harms of isolation, fear, and mass manipulation are also by clear intent.

Do the perpetrators believe they've already sold their souls to Satan and have no choice? Are they victims of blackmail and Mafia techniques, as Whitney Webb chronicles? Were they tricked/ drugged into sex with children groomed for that purpose? Do they think there's no going back without exposing their shame?

Connecting the dots of actions, policies, and vaccine design to their consequences is critical. Holding people accountable for enabling these consequences is essential. Changing the system forever that allows a handful of people to have power over everyone else is imperative. Seeing all people, even the oligarchs, as fallible, confused, fearful, misguided and morally conflicted is more hopeful than seeing them as backed by Satan (not that you're saying that, Kathleen). imo.

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Lots of good questions, Tereza, and I surely don't have the answers. I don't any of have the full picture yet. It's such a difficult time for everyone and skepticism IMO is only going to increase as more layers of the deception are peeled back. Tough environment - honesty and transparency are needed, as are respect, assumption of good intent and openness. And of course, none of us are perfect and we don't know what we don't know.


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I believe it is Mattias' position that the top elites who are driving the world toward a technocratic, transhumanist totalitarianism (people like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab) are madly, fanatically devoted to an ideology in which they believe that they (and only they) are capable of designing a kind of 'paradise on earth'. In other words, they're captured by a fantasy and are so fanatically devoted to the vision that any collateral damage along the way is just ignored. For sure they are guilty of both moral and legal culpability for the harms being done, but where it sits in terms of nefarious intent I'm not sure.

Having said that, I do believe that the overlords, and the foot soldiers who are working to implement the vision, can reasonably be classified as psychopaths and sociopaths. I'm seeing very little, if any, empathy for others reflected in their actions. No guilt. No remorse. Just the endless pursuit of additional wealth and power.

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I agree they have an ideology. And they be captured by a fantasy but surely the paradise they are creating does not include the majority of humanity. I see nothing but nefarious intent.


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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022

Hmmm. Skepticism and query directed to Kathleen’s comment.

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Not sure I follow. Simply making observations, not claims. I continue to be open and not come up any conclusions. Surely we wouldn't expect everyone to be on the same page about everything, would we?

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And I thought I would spend 15 minutes seeing what the doctor was thinking about... 2 hours later. Really something Doc, so grateful to have you on our side of history 🙏

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Dr. Malone helped create a new uncensored platform. Open to everyone. A forum covering C•19: it’s history, biology, public policies, treatment options, v-safety, + more. Sign-Up: https://forum.demed.com/COVID/posts

Please check and share.

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Don't forget the Funnies Dr, Malone puts out, they truly are funny and good for your soul. Laughter is the best medicine, in these dark times, especially true. I look forward to them, along with everything else Dr. Malone and Jill publish!! I am so grateful for all.

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