Considering Joe Biden is senile and protected by the duopoly. the election was cleary rigged. The dominion servers were owned by Investment funds/firms by George Soros and London/wall street criminals. Five cities Phoenix.Atlanta.Philadelphia.Milwaukee and Detroit were the swings. The Democratic party was hijacked by Communist/WEF New World Order Globalist. The collection server was destroyed by a truck bond in ATT building in Nashville in July. Guess who was the largest donor to the Clinton foundation-Ukraine. It makes you wonder wgats going on! Your country has been hijacked by traitors. Those who vote do not decide the ruling party it those that count the vote.

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I had forgotten that explosion in Nashville. Very suspicious.

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There had to be a "dump gathering" server somewhere, Data was routed out of the country for reconfiguring. I hope you saw the great acting job of the prestitutes in totaling the results-great CIA Ops. Living in Arizonia. I saw the coverup daily-the audit was pretty much over before it began. It says a sad tale of the state of the country. All agencies of Federal government has been corrupted!

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Mike Lindell had evidence of the data from the tabulation machines leaving the country, being manipulated and then sent back. He had several credible experts going over the election data. Then I read and heard derogatory accounts that this testimony and the printed data were a disinformation psyops. Who do you believe when the level of lying and manipulation is in the stratosphere?

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Look at the source of disinfo. Find out the background of said "expert" and u can do an audit trail of affiliations, most likely 1 of the kazillion global/deep state think tanks! I hope you understand the Hegelian dialect-problem (agenda)>reaction>soloution. I shouted who killed the Kennedies when after all it was you and me.

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I personally don't have the capacity to do an audit trail of affiliations. I have to rely on those I trust and that list is shrinking by the day.

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Freedom isnt easy and isnt cheap. Your freedom is their "misery" your slavery is their "joy"

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Well said Master Kramer.


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I never forgot that event, due to the bs from the media. They said the perp was angry due to '5G'. Also, the fbi miraculously figured out who the perp was overnight. Amazing,eh?

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Yes, amazing and then it all disappeared into a black hole.

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Indeed, you stumbled upon it:

5G is exactly what “Covid-19” is.

It’s simply just Radiation Sickness.

In a “Trust Me, I’m A Doctor” manner:

There is no such thing as a “Virus” - EVER…


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We have had viruses long before we had radiation, the Internet, and even electricity.

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Yep. They’re older than we are.

What hubris for mankind to think that we can eradicate them!

I take solace in the fact that Mother Nature will ALWAYS win, even if we humans don’t.

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Have faith for someday you will understand, it is not the right time yet...

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yes and a satellite that spotted the van of the guy prior to it being blown up

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Naomi, do you remember on the night of the 2020 election how some people were saying that our votes were sent over to Germany to a server over there to be processed, and then this story of how they were then sent to Italy and something about a satellite? I remember reading and listening to witnesses in Italy testifying to this happening. Whatever became of that?!

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It was ridiculed and supposedly debunked. The company doing it was an Italian company that had a contract with our Defense Dept. The servers were in Frankfort Germany. There were time stamps and detailed information about this but it was claimed that it was a counter psyops and was entirely false. Mike Lindell showed extensive data sheets of vote tabulation data going from specific counties in the USA to specific locations in China at specific times. It's probably still available to view on his FrankSpeech website. This was supposedly also a "false flag." Mike Lindell and the various legislative hearings held in a few of the questioned states had experts with reams of credentials testifying. Makes one think of all the highly accomplished, well published doctors who tried to get the word out about COVID only to be sidelined, fired, ridiculed and silenced. Dr. Shiva's evidence of vote fraud in Massachusetts was, to my mind, compelling and overwhelming. He was shunted aside and ignored. His election in Massachusetts was stolen from him. The voting machine tabulation in his race had the tell tale "fishtail" result.

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Thank you for responding. I wonder if I could find those Italian videos.

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I remember that. They flat out admitted to it...then it was gone. Deep state is world wide.

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Like really gone. Weird.

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Yes, very.

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The FBI has never published a full accounting of the Nashville incident, have they? Hmm. As well as Las Vegas, but that's a different time.

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ChrissyRay nor Bill noballs Barr who sat on the laptop even let out a squeek... Criminal!

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The best summary of a complex and well-executed criminal endeavor. My compliments.

The following article written by TIME Magazine Reporter Molly Ball on February 4, 2021, describes in minute details how they did what you have described above. Anyone surprised that no Republican Congressman/Senator in town (DC) has investigated this smoking gun? I am not.

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The minority never has much power to investigate anything. They have essentially the same authority as you have. If you expect meaningful investigations, help elect more of them. Make them the majority and you'll get progress. Make them a veto proof majority and you get the win.

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Mar 20, 2022·edited Mar 20, 2022

Republicans have had majority both in House and Senate, but always submitted to the Dems. The most recent was during Trump's first two years, where Republicans had all 3 branches, and not many meaningful laws were passed, and the House majority leader was a RINO actually undermining the president.

The concept of one person/one vote implies that the weakest representative has the same power of persuasion or championing as the strongest, which we know it to not be true. The contrast between the current House Speaker/Senate Majority Leader and their predecessors is startling. Conservatives/Republicans just don't organize and fight. There is no nickname such as RINO among Democrats.

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It's an imperfect world. I know a lot of conservatives. Many of them are jerks. I know a lot of leftists. Most are idiots. I, of course, am a nearly perfect being, inequaled in wisdom and strength. Dissatisfaction arises when we vainly expect others to be as perfect as we are. Conflict arises when they expect the same from us. But in the real world, we can't have it our way, unless we're willing to fight for it. Fight well and you get some of what you want. Never all. Fight poorly, or surrender, and you lose everything. The key to success is consistently making the best choice from imperfect options.

More divided government and we'll get more of the same discordant confusion. More leftist dominance and you'll get more oppression. More conservative dominance and you'll get a different oppression. Less government and you'll get less oppression. Pubs claim to want less government. We should hold them to that.

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Good thinking and argument. Fully agree.

However, I remain startled when most of my family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances (all with college education and past 40)cannot name their State Rep and Senator, much less the US ones. I think of the saying "Do not try to teach a pig to sings. It wastes your time" (and annoys the pig)! Emphasis mine, based on experience. Alas, I continue engaging on both sides.

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The only guaranteed way to lose is to surrender. If the pig won't sing, we'll make barbecue.

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Neither am I.

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Lara Logan - first few mins of her talk on Cowboy Logic this week - Soros' Open Society Foundation is in 120 countries - Obama's Petrick Gaspard -is the new President of Soros' Open Soc AND Voter fraud related Dominion software, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown is now Director of Soros' Open Society.


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Lord MOLOCH-Brown?

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They can't cheat if it's not close. We only need to convince a few to make it not close. If it's close enough a little cheating makes a difference, it's our fault.

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Yes they can. We have internal numbers in California that President Trump won with 12 million votes. It wasn’t even close. We are trying to get a forensic audit. But you see how that goes. We have a lawsuit in the California Supreme Court.

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"Internal"?? That would require a lot more evidence. Relax. Nobody could pull that off.

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The evidence exists. It’s obviously not for public consumption especially since there is a lawsuit.

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I have no doubt about that!

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Unknown evidence is not evidence. But it doesn't really matter how much misbehavior there was in 2020, only what will happen in 2022. That's up to you.

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Go back to the 2018 midterms and see how many republican wins were reversed on recount, due to “found” ballots. It’s stunning, how long they’ve been doing this. And I don’t believe it’s just democrats. It’s whoever can afford to pay the fee, and is morally corrupt enough to pay it.

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When it's that close, it's a toss up anyway. Don't let it be close. Convince your friends.

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Its been kept close by policies enacted after they laid JFK low. The socialist policy of LBJ provided the strength of democratic party. The electoral votes of the big 3 NY.Illionois and California will always be the blue strength. Did you see the video in Atlanta pulling ballot boxes out od covered tables after auditors left the building!

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Mr. Kramer, read Roger Stone’s book:

LBJ killed JFK.

It’s the Awakening time…

Or, be left behind.


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And watch « America’s untold stores on Locals » they have several episodes that describe the assassination of the Kennedys. Fascinating.

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Thank you.

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It's close where people are complacent. In those three states and several others, people making lots of money don't care about government, as long as they don't interfere. Those getting welfare like it. Those who want change surrender.

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TIME Feb 4, 2021. Mollie Ball revealed the “winning” strategy. A “shadow government” of R’s and D’s, and corporatists, set up a committee that worked for years to “secure the election.” The zuckerbucks to all districts, but in varying amounts was part of the game. Zuckerberg staffed the election office with activists. The article was a bragfest with not the hint of a mea culpa. The election was not stolen, or a big lie. In my view there was no election. It was a coup d’etat.

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I have a post in this thread that includes the link to TIME article, repeated here:


Glad more people are seeing this coup for what it was.

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I have always known that it was a coup. Sometimes called a Color Revolution.

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That election was NOT close. They cheated BIG TIME.

I say this as a registered Democrat in Philadelphia who could not get on the volunteer rolls months before the election no matter how many calls and applications I made. Fishy stuff.

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They used Shapiro to cement the PA cheat. He likely lost, but kept his seat and may be installed as governor since he’s keen to play ball.

I truly believe Shapiro lost PA (along with Biden) The glaring improbability- how did Torsella lose, Shapiro win? Same target voter demographic. Makes no sense- the coal area and Scranton Catholics didn’t vote Shapiro but voted Torsella. The never-Trumpers didn’t vote Shapiro either, his opponent was a RINO. The analytics don’t match the reported outcome. That one even had a few of the old school Philly dem ward leaders my folks know well scratching their heads!

Shapiro fits as the point position of the recent PA voter fraud. A few of his neighbors were in a good position to help him too. It would be nice to see them all go to


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No. No. No Shapiro! Ugh.

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If there was a lot of cheating, it should be easy to prove, and to prevent. You can't, because it's minor, and it's not possible to prevent minor corruption, just to identify and punish as it occurs. The problem in 2020 was the election was so evenly split that a little cheating could swing a few of those even elections.

Honest voters, dem or pub, will take steps to ensure honest elections. Pick a party, get involved, make them behave. Volunteer as poll watchers and catch the crooks. Identify corrupt election officials and get them removed. Whining doesn't help. Action might. Of course, it's easier to just give up and take it.

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Did you not read my post???

I DID attempt to volunteer as a Democrat for the 2020 Presidential Election. As a poll watcher. But I would have taken any post.

I applied. I emailed. I phoned. Numerous times. Nothing.

The only thing I’m giving up on is your incessant gaslighting.

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And they didn't give you what you wanted. Boo hoo. So sad. Giving up is why you lose.

One final suggestion for you -- join the pubs. You'll be happier. Dems are persistently unhappy people. Bad vibes to be around them.

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Watch the PA Senate hearings, it wasn’t minor. Too many swampers like Corman to make it right, unfortunately.

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Depends on what you consider minor. The PA tally was 3,458,229 to 3,377,674, for a margin of 80,555 out of 6,835,903 validated votes. That's 1.2%. No one has found sufficient evidence in any state to decertify their election.

The polls, which also likely contain some fraud and obvious errors, showed Joe leading 49-46, for a Joe Jean by 3.7%, so Trump beat the forecast. But that showed a close split going in. The primary failure of American society was that over half the people of PA actually preferred a senile Marxist over a proven successful leader. It shouldn't have been close.

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I don’t know whose screwed up numbers you are listening to but I can tell you that President Trump won California by 12 million votes & you won’t see those numbers until we can prove it. Do anyone can just put out numbers. Doesn’t make them true. The fraud was not just minor. It was massive. What other election in history did the vote counting shut down in the middle of the night? And since when do the media have the right to call an election. In California the polls were closed for about 10 minutes & the media called it for Biden. That’s impossible & it’s fraud & media insertion in an election. Who died & made the media GD.

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Bev Harris used to run a site "black box voting" which tracked very suspicious patterns especially with Diebold. There needs to be paper trails and audits of elections, the machines can be hacked. https://www.organicconsumers.org/news/rfk-jr-taking-diebold-black-box-voting Diebold has been aligned with Republican interests, which party is more corrupt? No way to know but people's memories are short.

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both parties are hijacked by the globalists. If we lived in a time where the rule of law exists, audit would exist, but sadly the corporate interests hijacked the governments like the vaxx will hijack your free will and spirit. The Arizonia/Maricopa County audit included Shiva Ayyadurai, probably the best at statistical/machine knowledge genius and was discredited without any debate. In a fascist state-truth is the enemy.

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For corruption I put my money on the Democrats election after election after election.

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Hardly a dime's difference between the two as Mencken used to say on corruption.

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Mar 20, 2022·edited Mar 20, 2022

There's still a difference even if 1/3 to 1/2 on our side are squishy or corrupted the rest are not, yet. There are still a few Ron DeSantis' out there and we must give them all our support. The new crop of people running for Congress on the Republican side gives me hope. Joe Kent gives me hope. J. D. Vance gives me hope. Dr. Oz gives me hope. James Craig running for governor of Michigan gives me hope. Blake Masters running for the Senate in Arizona gives me hope. The truck driver who won his election in NJ with $123 gives me hope. Come on...you can think of a few and add to the list.

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Agree, AND interesting, one of the strongest Conservative groups is

Young Republicans. Many podcasts reach this group with facts. Also, they understand MSM and Social Media. Many do not bother w TV or news stations at all.

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Interesting ! I didn't know that I'm going to check them out. Thanks !

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Good points, I'm not sure how we can encourage and get quality politicians with all the hurdles required to make it to high office. I believe in common sense regulations, the Dems do the GOP generally does not, historically, the Bushes and Trump represented their rich friends in advancing the global plantation. We have the most dangerous criminals in the US and law enforcement should be holding them accountable, from the most dangerous white collar ones to those on other levels that elude indictments. Catching criminals is one of the few things our system has done well in the past, but not well especially during the pandemic where much criminality was not caught. If things continue to open up I'm expecting a bumper crop of indictments.

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In the past when a new administration came in they did not go after the criminality in the previous administration. There was plenty of evidence just from reading the newspapers of the problems in the Clinton administration but when Bush came in it all disappeared. Clinton instituted preferential hiring practices instead of meritocracy. This is never a good policy. It is nearly impossible to fire civil servants so the corruption and waste continue.

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There are many - but I’m not so sure about Dr Oz….Go here https://precinctstrategy.com/. To help the fight !

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In my view the only real difference is that the Democrats were the first to totally purge the elected class of anyone, who is patriotic and still feels bound by the Constitution or personal ethics, while the Republicans still have a few. The leftovers in both parties do have a rare, but currently excellent opportunity to band together as populist/nationalists and take over the Republican Party as it should prove the easiest, but beware of the duplicity of the elected class and hangers on, who would use this movement to raise money, win election, and then cozy up to the swamp. I would urge you particularly to scrutinize Dr Oz and JD Vance as I personally doubt their integrity.

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I have no reason to doubt the integrity of Dr. Oz or J. D. Vance. Give me facts as to why I should.

I am encouraged by the new crop of people running for Congress. It helps that President Trump is endorsing the ones who have an America First focus. It's a short cut on who to vote for. If they are America First they will support strong US borders. I want that. We can't last long as a country if we have open borders.

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A couple of quick ones for now, as I places to go. Oz refuses to renounce his Turkish Citizenship until he is elected…why. I am from the Scots Irish Appalachian culture of “Hillbilly Elegy” probably more so than Vance and that book was written to ingratiate him with the Ivy League crowd including the Senior Executive Service class of the Federal Government. I would be happy to continue our discussion later, but right now my spouse has to take precedence.

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Oz is bad for PA, he lives in NJ and he’s a RINO at best, a clandestine dem at worst.

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I am from West Virginia, but with the exception of a couple of years have always lived within ten miles or less of the PA border, My mother was from Washington. I am familiar with politics on both sides of the mutual border and know a carpetbagger when I hear of one. Snake oil salesman Oz in my opinion is being encouraged by someone (Mitch McConnell?) to enter the race to use his name recognition to either confuse things or be a stealth RINO.

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He lives in NJ? What other options do you have? Does he have a primary opponent?

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I agree about Dr. Oz not about JD

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Vance sold out his heritage in his first con “Hillbilly Elegy”. I am of that culture and the book is largely a lie.

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Really ? I really liked his book - what are the lies ? (I'm serious)

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It was actually George W. Bush (Dubya) that talked Biden into running and getting the GOP establishment to support him. It was also Dubya that first came up with the idea of social and economic "lockdowns" to deal with pandemics. I always thought Dubya was a POS.

I did not like how he got the GOP nomination with barely a primary in 2000 and I did not like how he let the neo=cons under Cheney completely take over his administration. Of course we all know that Dubya was the front man and that Cheney actually ran things (into the ground).

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Dubya was a pawn as all present "Leaders" are. Who is the puppet master? There is a committe of 300 who empowered by the NWO globalist. I see his GH but no GW!

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Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi are partly responsible for my joining Substack. I figured if journalists of that caliber are choosing to use this platform, there must be something to it. And thus my life was transformed, but that’s another story.

Both Greenwald and especially Taibbi haven’t gone far enough in decrying the hazards of the injectables for my moral barometer, but I still respect them and give credit where credit is due.

I’ll share the comment I left on Glenn’s post about the Hunter Biden story as it applies to your own experiences of the media pivot, Dr. Malone, especially as described in your recent “How does it feel to be vindicated?”:

“This was the story—or rather the story of the coverup about the story and your decision to walk rather than collude—that cemented my respect for you as a journalist of integrity, Glenn.

“Don’t you find it disgusting that the MSM is now admitting to the truths they were responsible for maligning and obscuring on behalf of political and corporate interests—as if they’re trying to reclaim a sliver of their credibility now that it’s ‘safe’ to do so? The NYT ‘exposing’ (the long-known) CDC scientific fraud, the SNL skit mocking the COVID religion, Trevor Noah saying Trump would never have been disrespected like Biden when it comes to foreign relations …

“This lockstep pivoting to a more critical stance is highly suspicious, and I can’t tell if it’s to cover their butts as the Big Lies collapse of their own weight and justice is finally served or if they’re priming us for more shenanigans and perhaps a Biden scapegoat ouster.”


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More shenanigans

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They must be pretty confident there will be no repercussions to there deceit , manipulations and lies! That's the scary part -WHY are they so confident ?

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The courts are stocked with Soros judges. Plus the usual repertoire of blackmail, bribes, and threats.

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We find ourselves rather far down the road to authoritarianism. Vetting candidates and disseminating accurate information is essential. Vetting via triangulating data and sharing the links as well as saving or uploading crucial data to an archive like Wayback needs to become SOP if we want to overcome disinformation.

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My belief is a change in winds to prepare for midterms and marginalize the crimes. And they will ALWAYS have more money.

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We can never ever forget what's her name newscaster who said of Epstein "we had it, we had it all" "but they wouldn't let us tell it"

It is a truth that applies to anything and everything.

LOL don't know why I couldn't think of Amy Robach's name when I posted that.

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"We can never ever forget what's her name" 😆

True that.

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It is my opinion, this is the beginning of the 25 Amendment of the Constitution, to remove Biden and replace with Harris and a new VP.

If the President is removed, VP Harris is sworn in as President and a new VP “X” is selected.

However, the date and timing are crucial.

If Biden serves one day past his 2 year mark and then removed VP Harris serves the remainder of BIDENS 1st term. If Harris were to run for President these last 2 years would not be counted as her 1st term in as a new President at the end of BIDENS term.

She would be allowed to run for 2 full terms (8 years) giving the Dems a total of 3 terms Biden = 1 term, Harris = 2 terms or 12 long years of total destruction and mayhem.

However and this is what I believe WILL happen…

When Vp Harris becomes President, her party will not allow her to run for President in 2024, (for obvious incompetent reasons) they will implement the PLAN for the new VP “X” to be the democratic primary candidate in 2024.

It’s going to take a lot of effort and possibly guns for this revolution to take place. We may be heading towards another summer of 2020.

See this article- Building on anti-mask activism, far-right groups pivot from mandates to midterms


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Republicans, patriots or Conservative Constitutionalist we need to band together and stay the course. We must win!!

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Oh dear, the WP is already sowing the propaganda seeds to discredit anyone who questions the likely midterm manipulations to come.

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Mar 19, 2022·edited Mar 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great comments…..the next obvious questions to be asked is why. Why did they put numb nuts in the Whitehouse and who are they? Everything and every act while President has been in office has been to weaken and destroy this country. Every appointment he has made are the most incompetent people he could find. We are doing a disservice to the description “The Swamp” when we describe Washington DC. They are traitors in every sense of the word. Maybe DUMB and greedy, but still traitors to our Republic. It isn’t the number of people involved. It is their positions in our Government they hold. There is only one answer and that is getting engaged at the local level and start taking our country back.Don’t be afraid of speaking out….just as you are doing. Thank you

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Globalists calling for a one-world government ruled by themselves.

They're called technocrats and transhumanists. The WEForum.org is where a lot of the unelected experts' ideas can be found. "The Great Reset." "Build Back Better."

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When I think of numb nuts Biden, I can't help but think of Vincent Gigante, the mafia boss who eluded prison by pretending to be insane. There is no question that the Big Guy manipulated events in Ukraine to make himself and his family rich. He also maneuvered Ukraine and Russia into war. He will soon be giving Iran billions to destroy Israel. President Poopypants (as I like to call him) is deranged and he is a traitor; but he is not as crazy as he pretends to be.

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A weak america is a controlled america

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I think we would find that a substantial number of the "numb nuts" are graduates of the Obama years. People credited them with the ability to know the goals and how to go about obtaining them. It was never really clear whether that was the case or whether they were indeed receiving some direction from above. IMO there is likely some to a lot of this going on with this administration.

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For some reason I think the globalists find the Democratic Party as a whole to a more easily manipulated group, why they want them in power. They can control more using the Democrats to control us, or at least the people they vote for them who happen to also be people that are easily manipulated.

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While I am a registered Republican and despise Pelosi, Schumer, the Obamas, and both the Clinton and Biden crime syndicates, many Republicans (Lindsey Graham, Dan Crenshaw, and Tom Cotton in particular) are anxious for Amerika to become involved in a global war against China and Russia. We can't forget that George H.W. Bush, during his term as president, cheered for a New World Order.

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Yes I agree. I was going to also say something about this gang but figured it would come in further discussion. It’s been a huge disappointment to see how our republican leaders have failed us over the years. In the last few years you can really tell who they are.

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Lindsey Graham IS no leader. He is a risk due to his insane desire to be on camera and is very unstable in policy.

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3/21/2022: Zelenskyy just announced that Russia's failure to leave him alone WILL RESULT IN W.W. III. Did Klaus Schwab secretly make him Mr. Big?

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Apparently. After all Schwab and or Obama put him in office...

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Fun Fact: We have never seen Klaus Schwab and Barack Obama in the same room. Do they share a secret identity?

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Much of the Left/DEMs/Progressives are collectivists that subscribe to group think and the greater good, and eschew individualism, personal freedom, and autonomy. Perfect sheep.

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maybe the greater good in my choice to take care of my health, work out, eat clean/vegan, and because of that (SO FAR) I take nothing from Big Pharma and have no diseases? Maybe that's HOW I CONTRIBUTE to the greater good. But, nooooooooooooooooooo

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My sense is that all roads lead back to the WEF. Why Biden? Perhaps because he is morally bankrupt, power hungry, entitled, and a life-long prevaricator with many skeletons in his closet that make him very easy to manipulate and extort (not that I think extortion would be necessary in his case).

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Mar 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The "open letter" propaganda campaign has become one of the most common and easy-to-spot tools of those who want to shape public opinion. The formula - take a few "experts" (whether they are truly experts or not doesn't matter), have a PR person draft an "open letter," and then get media outlets to print misleading headlines claiming that the letter proves this that or the other thing.

The "open letter" was used to cover for Hunter Biden's laptop, used to try to get Joe Rogan fired and Malone's interview removed from Spotify, and has been just used again in the past few days to try to disclaim the concerns over Ukrainian biolabs - see my analysis here - https://wholistic.substack.com/p/10-russian-biologists-pen-letter

From now on, if I see an open letter promoted suddenly by a bunch of media outlets, I'm going to question it immediately. We all need to call people out on it as soon as possible.

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The problem isn't the open letters, it's the media that promotes them. We need to be better at marketing.

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The media is the virus

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No amount of smart marketing can help when a few large media corporations have a monopoly on the news. That monopoly needs to be broken up but big tech is now enabling them instead of allowing alternatives.

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You are so right. we need to get beyond the fact that the legacy media is the reference. This is the big problem. Most people won’t believe anything unless cbs msnbc cnn cbs abc etc say it !

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So, you want to surrender. Others won't. Maybe enough.

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Not all open letters are propaganda campaigns. My sense is that we have a poorly educated electorate due to years of "critical theory" educators ensuring they graduate activists instead of scholars. How many people do you know who take the time to vet information down to the original source and then determine whether the information is objective fact or opinion?

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Beware the Open Letter!

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They got away with their illegal and unethical treatment of Trump, so in the way of tyrants they have taken more liberties, and will as long as they can until there are none.

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The 2020 US presidential election was "won" on well-funded, highly coordinated, massive and multi-faceted fraud. This disinfo campaign was just a minor part of it.





... I could go on and on, but that's a start.

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Mar 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The lead spreader of CIA's "Russian disinformation" Hunter laptops lie was -- JOE BIDEN.

He and St. Obama are Deep State's leaders (the UNI-party of DNC and GOP war ghouls) who are sacrificing Ukrainians in their criminal war against capitalist Russia.

Biden, a war criminal, will never be asked to account for it. In fact, what proved the media's corrupt intent from the start was that neither Bidens denied Hunter laptops authenticity, yet media still claimed it was fake.

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Sometimes…. Life becomes too complicated…. And sometimes it behoves us to examine the simple solution to a complicated mess. What if….what if we had a eureka moment… what if we stepped back in time and analyzed the precise moment the world went insane.

I remember popping into the bank… and out again in ten minutes… and then the computers moved in and lineups went out the doors … and then ordinary folks forgot to say… good day… because their noses were buried in their phones and wires were shoved in their ears and whole days were filled with lies propaganda and drivel.

What if we all turned off our cel phones… computers and tv for a solid month… go off grid… listen to the bird song and children laughing. What if we just say no… NO….we’re not going to take this any more.

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Mar 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Again thank you for your work and insight. I’m visiting my daughter who is attending SBCC and went to the rally today, how are we going to make a difference with out a whole lot more people resisting? So many people are just apathetic about being vocal or seen, it’s concerning and it’s the same with in many even in my circle, they want to pretend it isn’t happening or doesn’t exist or it will just work it’s way out. It’s terrifying to me that so few speak out or just remain inactive

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I expect the food shortages will wake more up to the fact that all is not well. Way too many just go along with whatever their boob-tubes tell them. And get hateful or threatening when we don't. Glad I live in an open community. Trying to secure our local food supply. More are on the same page or listening to me now. Different kind of warfare.

We fight by communicating, sticking with others, growing, mending and making things. It will cost to resist and things will get a lot worse. We'll all get a lot poorer very soon.

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Mar 19, 2022·edited Mar 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Expecting MSM to apologize or even admit the Laptop from Hell was legit is a Fool's Errand. The only reason the NYT is even mentioning it is Hunter will soon be indicted on charges, but will be exonerated when the Ukraine Debacle goes to a hot war. There will be one distraction after another so the midterms can be hacked (again!).

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Sobering Dr Malone. And thank you. I recently got booted out of Facebook for daring to mention that Ukraine had a Nazi problem with that Azrov group. After being booted out, I learnt that Facebook would promote violent thoughts and actions against Russian people. That was it for me. I will never use Facebook again despite losing contact with a good number of friends. I cant let my mind (and heart) be colonised by Facebook-Im mightily aware of the power to sway opinions, to the point of being in an echo chamber with like-minded opinions, yet there is this line that Facebook wants to push us over into- that of mob rule. No, Ill stay the course, with my mind intact and adhere to hopefully objective, yet not discompassionate, thinking, and importantly, rule of law.

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Carry on Young Lady, you are in good company.


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Mar 20, 2022·edited Mar 22, 2022

I agree with your assessment and find it disturbing that anyone is okaying hatred or violence against a people because of the nation they were born in or the language they speak! After 9/11 government organizations rightly encouraged people to not turn to violence against people of Middle Eastern descent, but now it’s okay?!! I watched a short video being shared on alt media of a Ukrainian news reporter encouraging the killing of Russians including Russian children - I don’t speak Ukrainian so I can’t verify the translation but I don’t doubt such hatred because of the well documented problem of far right/ Neo-Nazi/ Nationalist groups in Ukraine. People should instead be reminded that there are innocent hardworking Russian families like this - https://youtu.be/cBPw_3W6DLg Dan Sheekoz, Susie & Sati Invite You to Blini! - who don’t deserve their hatred!

Many organizations like Amnesty International, OSCE - Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, United Nations office of the high commissioner for Human Rights (OCHA), and Anne-Laure Bonnel, a french reporter, who has been filming in Eastern Ukraine since 2015 (and is claiming that people of the Donbass region are being tortured by government), have produced documentation of heinous crimes being committed against the ethnic Russians living in Donbas since late 2013. Why haven’t we seen any outrage on MSM over those crimes? (BTW I am not a Putin fan or apologist, just a supporter for human rights for all)




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You're true friends are not from Facebook

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Facebook should never be used to keep contact with anyone close to you.

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There is something going on now or about to happen. Joe Biden made some comment about many people have naked pictures of them or their relatives floating around. This is a paraphrase of what he said last week. Now the information about the laptop is corroborated by the NYT. (Why we were not to believe it until the NYT put its stamp on it I don't know. They are a proven unreliable and biased source of news. The NY Post is a proven reliable news source). But why now? Are we to be distracted while this administration works overtime to start WW3? Imagine how much power and control they could grab then if the USA was suddenly to be in a direct shooting war with Russia. Scary times to have such corrupt, incompetent people in charge of the country. Oh, Lord, please let us have Donald J. Trump back. Please.

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Re your "Scary times to have such corrupt, incompetent people in charge of the country", I don't think they are incompetent. They are actually very good in carrying out their agenda of "fundamentally transforming America." Time to wake up, America.

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Mar 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have a theory 1984 was a transposition of 1948, the year a state was born that would bring us 1984.

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So now you are blaming Israel? That’s bizarre but that’s the usual. When all else fails blame …….

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I must have missed the intent of TellTheTruth2. I took the comment to mean that the Israelis had the sense to to fight back against the Hitlarian totalitarian socialists by creating a parliamentary democracy based in classical liberalism-freedom, personal responsibility, decentralized govt. (It has drifted somewhat away from those founding ideals over its lifetime, but still remains the only democracy in the middle east.) Socialist-Marxist adherents like Klaus Schwab responded by forming the WEF by the early 70's with a goal of moving toward a global 1984 nightmare.

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Jesus Christ EXPLAINED the parable of the TARES OF THE FIELD to His disciples. It's not a mystery. https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/parable-of-tares_bible/

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What is that supposed to mean?

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Mar 20, 2022·edited Mar 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The other side of this is the group which is consistently seeing at what is happening and wondering WTH is wrong with people and their ability to sniff out BS. Over and over plenty of people marvel that others believe the lies. What I am still grappling with is that there are never any consequences for dirty lying. They just move on to the next thing or like Hillary Clinton say "What does it really matter anyway? " when confronted with her nasty lie. Or like Harry Reid when he lied about Mitt Romney being a tax evader. Reid, " It worked didn't it?" Well, then, since you put it that way - carry on!

I wish I could stop being mad about no consequence lies when the lies have such huge impacts on the world all the way down to you, me and good folks who tell the truth like Malone. THAT is what is tearing ME to pieces.

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I so agree with you - the lack of consequences of all this is eating away at me. Blatant OPEN lies and people believe them or ignore them.

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The "Ministry of Truth" is shoving facts down the 'memory hole' and rewriting history. We are expected to forget the facts and accept whatever "new truth" is offered. We really must stop giving a platform to those that wish to rewrite history. We must stubbornly hang onto facts and objective truth. Information is constantly being removed from the internet (which has become our primary source of information and research). Buy an external physical hard drive (not the cloud) and start downloading reference articles before they can be erased. Even the web archive sites are being hit by hackers.

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I wish for a time such as when I grew up in the 60’s. We believed America was number one. There was a moral compass. We all knew Red was communism. We rated first in the world

For Math, Science and put a man on the moon. We collaborated in the board rooms to solve problems. A proud nation. The bubble burst with repeated degradation of the family.

Clinton put a new definition to sex. And we have been rolling since.

MSM and Technology holds too much power. Propaganda. Not facts or news.

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for now, they have the power and intend to wear you out by openly flaunting it. When they have filled up the measure allotted to them … there will be a reckoning.

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Mar 19, 2022·edited Mar 19, 2022

Exactly; no way out through elections - corruption has metastasized.

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is great, actually, that people are waking up. They are doing the same thing with Climate Change. The same bogus computer models as Covid. The same media drumbeat for more funding. The same disregard for following their own rules. The formula for fear is always the same; only the topic changes. The elites get richer and they have all the control.

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Highly recommend American Thought Leaders- Laura Dodsworth: How Government Weaponized Fear and Human Psychology During the Pandemic. https://rumble.com/vxvs13-laura-dodsworth-how-government-weaponized-fear-and-human-psychology-during-.html

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