Thank you for this touching piece—especially those lovely photos at the end. It brought back nostalgic memories of my childhood in California and years in Santa Barbara. I am thankful we escaped California when we did, but you reminded me there are still some positive elements. Let’s hope it’s not beyond salvation.

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I think those photos at the end are just Robert boasting...

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Those condemning Florida, Ladapo and DeSantis are putting Phizer's profits and their own collapsing reputations above the needs of children. It is beyond contemptible. Here is hoping Republicans take back the House and Senate, and spend the next two years putting Covid Policy, Fauci (NIAID), Walensky (CDC), Francis Collins (NIH), Biden, Big Tech and Big Media on trial.

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Beautiful article Robert

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The stories and photos of your youth were difficult. When I think of what we have lost and why we have lost it, I am both deeply saddened and bitterly angered. Those who helped trade away the American dream for this woke nightmare deserve nothing but our most profound contempt.

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Mistrust, yes, contempt no - although I’m not sure we have a choice. But I think we’re all the same, at root, and we aren’t better than people who do things we find contemptible, only luckier if in fact we are less selfish than them.

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Beautiful Beautiful ! It's a crime what they have done to California.

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Isn’t it amazing what $1 billion funneled into the Mass Media will do to corrupt viewpoints not to educate but to control

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a beautiful personal account. I think it's your connection to farming, like Ron Paul's, that creates your 'groundedness' in these issues. I live in Santa Cruz and throughout the pandemic we've had an 'unmasked underground' with a raw milk dairy that delivers in my driveway and a Worldanz crew that met in parks, abandoned church grounds, and my Garaj Mahal. We get through, with a little help from our friends. Thanks for being one.

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Beautiful, beautiful sentiment, memories, and photos. Thank you for sharing. This last part of your post is the most important. This is how we choose to live, love, contribute, spend our time. These are OUR lives to claim and live… Not to be dictated by any authoritarian regime. Perfectly illustrated and sweetly shared. Thank you.

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I'm sorry, but this article makes me very sad. What the WEF cabal is doing to us is so cruel. Seeing these pictures of your past, what once was, and knowing where life has brought you. To be so crucial in this fight...for the longing of a simpler time, and the hope that it will be that way again. I am sad because I don't think it will be. These monsters we are fighting against don't want it to come back again. They have a vision of the future that is so perverted and frankly, impossible to return from. They literally want the extinction of mankind and a future where there is no recollection of what we once had. They find beauty in circuits, wires, connectivity and trans humanist enhancement. In a fake rendering of what we already have around us. They just want credit for being so smart that they can "improve" it. The only way they would find beauty in a flower is if they decided that they made it better somehow. Not just in appreciating it for what it is. We are in a desperate place right now...and my fear is that their methods are so destructive, right down to our very DNA, we may not ever be able to get back to the simple comforts of appreciating what once was a really magical place to be. These last pictures you posted in the article of your father in law working at the grinder, and of you and Jill surrounded by the foliage in beautiful sunlight are really so wonderful. Thank you for all you are doing doctor Malone. I hope we can find our way out of this mess. Tears of regret about paradise lost in exchange for the risky benefits of extinction level technology is no bargain.

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Mar 22, 2022·edited Mar 22, 2022

Nostalgia of things past, means that we see the value of that experience. I agree with you entirely, that what was a life, free from the dystopian situation, is what we are in now. It's hard to get my head around what and how much things have shifted for all of us and as Dr Malone has quite rightly pointed out, so many have suffered unbelievable harms - for so many different reasons. Worse still, there are people in organizations that continue to prop/propagate, what is ultimately cruel malicious harm, every which way. Dr Malone's mentor was a very hands on guy, probably had an eye for accuracy, with successful outcomes. That's Dr Malone too. With fortitude, Dr Malone has become a role model for us all and has never shied away from what is right. We must prevail, so our children will not become perverted by these rich twisted monsters and to never really know nostalgia.

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I sure hope we do prevail, Simone. Right now it looks like the confidence level of the enemy is high. And they are moving from manufactured crisis to orchestrated conflicts faster than we can regain our balance and throw a punch. Unfortunately their brilliance is only exceeded by their cruelty. I really don't see any way to disarm the detonator that is attached to this well planned demolition...but I sure hope we prevail.

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Mar 23, 2022·edited Mar 23, 2022

Thank you John, for this. What happened is that this is an undeclared war on humanity and the evil brilliance of it, is that many people have been consumed by fear -as you say, by manufactured crisis. That is the war. We who understand this, see that there are so many people who have been brainwashed and are literally walking zombies minus the makeup. Are they collateral damage? Fear and blind obedience is part of the psychological damage inflicted but worse, the physical blow too. It's almost a given, they took the vaccine at least twice or three times. It's a wait and see what happens to a vast population of people and their health. We cannot succumb to the terror that awaits us, if we dont do everything that we can to prevent mass surveillance and social credit. We are literally on that threshold. War is not easy and the other team are cruel and well resourced. But we are literally the holders of light. This is truly a battle of good vs evil and what choice do we have John? We must prevail.

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Wonderful, thoughtful and encouraging comment, Simone. Thank you so much. We must not grow weary, we must prevail.

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Thank you for being unresigned!

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Hi John

I understand your sadness I feel it also. But don't despair we are talking and that is the one weapon that will change the course of this dark history. We must keep talking we mustn't relent. I have attached a post I wrote today related to some news from Canada. I expect it will make you somewhat sad but keep in mind, they may be watching us but we are watching them.

Chin up my brother.

The taking of Canada



4 hr ago


This morning CBC is reporting two of the federal parties are for lack of a better description merging. Those two parties being Liberals(Trudeau) and the NDP(Singh).

The merger of these two parties essentially gives the ruling party, Trudeau liberals unobstructed power. They now have a majority in the federal house. While the parties remain separate in name they have agreed to vote together on whatever issues the liberals want to push forward. The NDP have traded off their independence to achieve nationwide pharmacare and dental care for lower income people. While I support this program, in fact its 50 years late. I am very worried about the cost in regulatory benefit/loss.

Rubber hits the road. The NDP have turned against the people of Canada again. The liberal party had a minority position in the federal house by vote. The NDP has in effect cast out all those votes. Moving the liberals to a majority position not by democratic vote but by proxy. This has happened before, but things are much different now.

The sales hook here, the pharma /dental program. No different than free ballons/ dogs and burgers “come take a test drive”

What is the real goal here now Trudeau/Freeland/Singh have the power to ramrod anything they want, what do they want. Is Mr Singh a graduate of The Schawb school. Who is Mr. Singh representing now.

Has Mr. Singh has failed his voters again.

Do we know what Prime Minister Trudeau / Deputy PM Freeland and his/her motivation really is, are they representing the Schwab school. Singh as leader of the NDP historically represents the working class. Generally the NDP carry 17% of the federal vote. Who is Mr. Singh representing now.

We may cuddle into our blankets late at night thinking my goodness we get dental and pharma isn’t it worth it all. No it is not we could have had those things at any time. Don’t delude yourself thinking this is a small distasteful thing to achieve a bigger better future.

In order to achieve this Mr Singh had to sell out the truckers(the people of Canada) by implementing the war measures act. He obviously is not loyal to the ideals of the working class the NDP. Don’t kid yourself friends we have eduction/heathcare/social justice(?) because historically Canadians have occupied the Hill, the workplace the street to demand a voice. Nothing was given to us. We earned every once/gram, jot and tittel. Mr. Singh has sold us out before he will do so again.

For those individuals that think the Schawb school is a blip consider this please. We have elected officials in both Canada and the USA. Those officials have a duty to be loyal to the country they represent. Does the Schwab school represent the ethos of Canada/USA. Does the Schwab school have an agenda. If it has an agenda fine make it public during the election cycle. If the agenda is valuable to Canadians/Americans a government will win election based on that agenda and longterm goals.

If we awoke one morning and realized our leaders were all of one religion one philosophy how would we react.

All our leaders are scientologists/cathoilics all graduates of the same school system. Would we ask ourselves do our leaders represent by election the ethos of our countries people or by other means the ethos of a particular school. If the answer is the later then do we have a democracy or a defacto dictatorship organized at a distance.

Please circulate this post if you feel it has value to you and your childrens futures. We may not agree on all things but we all agree on democracy.


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“nationwide pharmacare and dental care for lower income people.”

My God, talk about absolute intrusion.

This is basically saying, “WE decide what to do with YOUR body.”

People, wake up!

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Very insightful. What I see now Shawn is that all the power brokers are making their move toward the Great Reset. We are in for a major collapse and I doubt we can stop it. That is the gist of Build Back Better. Before you can BBB you must destroy completely...we are in the destroy completely phase right now. So many ways they can cripple the world right now with the resources they have available. I believe our only option when they are through THE "destroy completely" process is to coalesce the pure bloods that still have unaltered human dna into a parallel system as we rebuild back even better. Staying true to our humanity. After the vax induced die off, the famine, wars and rumors of wars and the petulance that results, whoever is left must continue the fight. I know, sounds pretty intense...but really, the machinations of corrupt politicians will pale in comparison to what the forces behind the corrupt politicians have in mind. Sorry I am so dower, but this is what we need to prepare for, IMHO.

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Hello John

Thank you for your reply. You are right about so many things, We got trouble right here in river city friends.

I hope things don't escalate down the hole of no return. I am hopeful, in our corner we have truth. We must relay on that one thing. I know that is not easy, I see blank faced people within my own loved ones. Having said that I also say we must fight harder if required. To defend the ones we love from themselves.

Be strong in the face of it.

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I loved hearing about the early years you and Jill had on the farm and in CA. A chill of saddness swept through me of what is lost in CA and what is being lost. All the years you dedicated to your medical career of accomplishments seem not to hold a candle to your current calling. A effulgent voice calling into the darkness. Keep calling.......

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Looks like a great place to grow up!

Further to you mass psychosis posts here is how they did it.


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Mar 22, 2022·edited Mar 22, 2022

This article is so disturbing but something everyone should read! I’ve been reposting it in my usual hangout sites. Diabolical manipulation for which so many have fallen. It’s marketing from Satan, basically. Thanks for writing it so articulately!

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Mar 22, 2022·edited Mar 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Lovely reading and seeing the pictures… thanks for sharing, since I ended up with my high school sweetheart too, it really struck a chord!! May g-d bless you every day and give you strength and courage like the “Lion” you have helped unleash on the world, “truth” can defend itself!! Thank you, thank you for giving us the “tools” and the technical words and have taught us how to analyze medical data, to help us slay the evil fire breathing dragons that surround us in all directions! You have help create a miracle, which in my world is manifested like this:

Faith+massive action= MIRACLE


Faith+massive action=MALONE


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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is a wonderful article that truly gives insight into the heart of a good man as well as bringing new information! God Bless Dr. Malone!

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this beautiful article. "...my memories of that wonderful farm..." made me cry! It sums up my feelings about growing up in California in the 60's. I'm still here but that wonderful farm has been lost. I just hope it can be resurrected.

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Praying for California's restoration to what it was back when my parents moved there in the late 1940's. I was a magical place then.

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Loved the article and your Santa Barbara video. It continues to frustrate me to no end that jounalists and politicians claim their is no evidence of a lab leak when there has been no serious investigation or access to the data. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, certainly when the topic has not been genuinely researched. Keep up the great work.

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