Feb 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Truck convoy heard round the world..Thank you for standing up for We The People...

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Dr. Malone… I wish them safe travels and fair winds… and the full force of free independent folks paving their way… but most of all… I wish them freedom from lies and manipulation by the press and politicians and safety from the jack booted thugs that so impacted and harmed their Canadian brothers. God speed…love… peace .. healing… and may freedom prevail.

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RemovedFeb 20, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022
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Yes. And don't forget the psychiatric victims. Most started out nervous and unhappy. Our severe neurological damage was caused by "safe and effective treatments" and attributed to the unproven "brain disease."

Most "mental illness" today is of iatrogenic origin.

Have you also been given a stigmatizing label (psych diagnosis) to conceal what was done to you? Different doors to the same prison.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, i’ve been following Dr. Peter McCullough before he appeared in Congress to discuss early treatment of COVID-19. Then your name came To light. I have a deepest respect for both of you physicians. I want to thank you profusely for all your time, energy and money spent so the truth could be known ! You Folks are heroes ! Let freedom ring. Much love💗🙏

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They should seige DC like it's Leningrad until all the b.s. ends. If the sophisticated elites have to eat rats, let them. They can start with Fauci.

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Then we need to get them all solar generators, faraday boxes, and full defense against LRAD and other DEWs.

The government can destroy a stationary protest now. Mobility is a better answer!!! And if that doesn’t work everyone should lay flat the first week of March - truckers don’t haul, service workers and other in person labor people all call in “sick,” and everyone refuses to spend a single dollar for the week but commits to withdrawing some amount of cold hard cash from the bank each day. As it gains steam the banks will close (many ran out of cash, not employees during the initial shut down). This screws up their balance sheets. You get the banks on board. Nothing coming in and everything going out. 🤷‍♀️

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022

Sounds about right BUT walkouts don't work. This is straight up war. Which requires dragging them out by their limbs and burning them at the stake

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What are you talking about

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Did you submit to a study? It just happened to you? Can you elaborate? There are centers that use light and sound to marginalize and destroy electronic transmitters inserted in humans.

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Feb 20, 2022·edited Feb 20, 2022

Agreed. If we don't soon they're going to eat us

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They want us dead or enslaved. Nothing to lose at this point.

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Damn straight

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Not a great idea. It will only create great optics for them.

Think—and act—outside the box.

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Seige with words, signs, flags, your votes in the future, and your peaceful and loving protest as they did in Canada. A bit of disrupted supply chain lets folks know who the heroes are. That will make history.

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Are you officially a criminal now


Feb 19



Understanding the new rules of supporting a cause. The Canadian Government has said I am a criminal for supporting a cause. Will I be labelled a terrorist? I am sure if not already, probably soon.

Its important to discourage future dissent now. This is done by threat of immediate and future penalty.

I have donated to the freedom convoy

To my understanding I am now flagged as a criminal/terrorist for supporting a cause that was not illegal at the time of support being sent. Is it Illegal now?

The bank now has my account under observation at the least? possibly already sent for investigation at the RCMP/CSIS.

Where is this information, what will be done with it, who will it be shared with. Which Government departments will be alerted and told to look carefully at my interactions?

Will my emails be flagged so they can be shut down. In the event there is another cause I may want to support, based on my profile of course

Should I expect to pay higher interest rates now as the bank knows I am a terrible person, associated with white supremacists, nazis, misogynists, anti government, anti vaccer’s and of course what ever else the government and media are calling me.

What about insurance, considering all those things mentioned above. Am I now a high risk, how does that translate to my premiums.

Border crossing, can I cross the border now. Will airport security search me more thoroughly now I have been labeled a criminal/terrorist, where is my information?

Can I fly through American airspace on my way to South America or Europe? Will I be put on a no fly list?

If only I had known All these things would result for my support of this cause, would I have sent in my support knowing I would be punitively punished for disagreeing?

Will I have to present myself to the authourities for processing as a dissenter.

I wonder what they are hoping will happen. Possibly a database of Canadian political dissenters.


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Last night I passed by a CVS Pharmacy and a few of the lights were burnt out on the sign. It said HARMACY. I thought… huh——how appropriate and accurate—— BIG HARM-YA!

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I've been calling it Big Harma for a while now, but I like your twist even better!

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So good

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That is Gold T=D! Consider it stolen for MemeWork. lol

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Feb 20, 2022·edited Feb 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well after the inserted communist sympathizer said.. on Feb 20, 2022.

“The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause significant risk to the public health and safety of the Nation. More than 900,000 people in this Nation have perished from the disease, and it is essential to continue to combat and respond to COVID-19 with the full capacity and capability of the Federal Government,” adding that his office has “determined that it is necessary to continue the national emergency declared” almost two years ago.

We need a Nationwide walkout. But they are preparing to false flag Russia into a war to change the narrative.

Left Berensons subatack to come here. The guys half a douche

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Feb 20, 2022·edited Feb 20, 2022

I’m with you on this. Berenson has done a lot to get the word out. I will give him that. I respect his work. But I don’t at all appreciate his attacks on Dr. Malone. It seems to be about ego to me.

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And his absolute surity that ivermectin doesn't work. I think he's been bought.

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I believe Alex Berenson is a "peder" and that is a form of a disease, never mind a sin according the Bible.

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Another curiosity. He really jumped the gun on believing the headlines of that last misleading journal article.

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I agree! What is up with AB? He threw RM under the bus with an IVM comment the other night. RM and colleagues have made it very clear about IVM.

Why can’t people understand that most drugs have rules for affectedness.

I.e. You can’t get a women pregnant if you don’t ejaculate inside the vagina, it’s a nice try but doesn’t get the job done and you can’t give IVM after 10 days of Covid onset. Both methods are ineffective in achieving the best results.

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022

Lol. Interesting analogy. I know a guy who had long covid for 7 weeks. He took both ivermectin and hydroxychloriquin and it was gone in 72 hours. He's a good buddy. It's either a massive coincidence or it works after a long time as well...At least for him

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IVM can work in late stages, although it works better earlier

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It REALLY helped me 3-4 weeks in with Covid. My energy levels came back to normal in just TWO DAYS after starting Ivermectin. Amazing difference and it was so obviously because I was taking it!

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That's not true. While HcQ is really only an antiviral, IVM is BOTH an anti-viral AND an anti-inflammatory. It works in all phases of the disease.

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HCQ also has anti-inflammatory properties too, as those with rheumatological disorders well know.

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It is curious isn't it? I read both Substacks. Some detractors of Dr. Malone charmingly seem to think that it is his responsibility to come up with an antidote to mRNA vaccines. Dr. Jane Ruby and Stew Peters talk like that. I have long thought it would be helpful for direct contact between these folks to straighten out some of the more bizarre ideas. Dr. Malone posted awhile ago a long background piece and a video on what his background and roles were in building a foundation for mRNA technology. He said his wife helped put that together, out of frustration with the misrepresentation being put forth. Ruby and Peters aren't familiar with that work. Everybody is so angry and afraid, but it gets messier and counterproductive when people only have time to read the surface level of any story. Getting all this right takes time, effort, and discipline. What I have learned from my own career is that when most people are largely on the same side of an issue in a basic way it is quite harmful to attack within on the small stuff. Respectfully disagree or ongoing inquiry is needed to make sure the totality of the story is correct and accurate of course, but there is a well-crafted discipline and set of long traditions within science and journalism of doing that well which we seem to have lost.

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Professional envy, I guess. Sad.

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Do you think? What is obvious to a scientist, may not be to a journalist. So I have concluded we are just desperately in need of more really great non captured scientists in journalism and in citizen journalism as with Subtstacks. And of of course, in politics too.

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only half?

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Important message from Canada. Please watch https://rumble.com/vvaw0n-urgent-message-to-canadians.html

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Oh boy! God Speed and peace be with the people of Canada!! We stand with you.

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I'm from Alberta. In Alberta you don't get in the way of a man getting it done. Respect. Consider a televised debate instead of removing Trudeau. When the truth is out removing Trudeau/Freeland/Singh etc.. will be a foregone conclusion.

Not that this matters, this isn't political. I have been hard NDP/union my whole life and I don;t care how a man dresses I judge a person by character and morals and ethics. The NDP are on the wrong side of this issue.

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Woohoo!! Sing it—-CW McCall: CONVOY!!!

Was the dark of the moon on the sixth of June

In a Kenworth pullin' logs

Cab-over Pete with a reefer on

And a Jimmy haulin' hogs

We is headin' for bear on I-one-oh

'Bout a mile outta Shaky Town

I says, "Pig Pen, this here's the Rubber Duck.

"And I'm about to put the hammer down."

'Cause we got a little convoy

Rockin' through the night.

Yeah, we got a little convoy,

Ain't she a beautiful sight?

Come on and join our convoy

Ain't nothin' gonna get in our way.

We gonna roll this truckin' convoy

'Cross the U-S-A.


By the time we got into Tulsa Town,

We had eighty-five trucks in all.

But they's a roadblock up on the cloverleaf,

And them bears was wall-to-wall.

Yeah, them smokies is thick as bugs on a bumper;

They even had a bear in the air!

I says, "Callin' all trucks, this here's the Duck.

"We about to go a-huntin' bear."

Repeat verse

Well, we rolled up Interstate 44

Like a rocket sled on rails.

We tore up all of our swindle sheets,

And left 'em settin' on the scales.

By the time we hit that Chi-town,

Them bears was a-gettin' smart:

They'd brought up some reinforcements

From the Illinois National Guard.

There's armored cars, and tanks, and jeeps,

And rigs of ev'ry size.

Yeah, them chicken coops was full'a bears

And choppers filled the skies.

Well, we shot the line and we went for broke

With a thousand screamin' trucks

An' eleven long-haired Friends a' Jesus

In a chartreuse micra-bus.

Well, we laid a strip for the Jersey shore

And prepared to cross the line

I could see the bridge was lined with bears

But I didn't have a dog-goned dime.

I says, "Pig Pen, this here's the Rubber Duck.

"We just ain't a-gonna pay no toll."

So we crashed the gate doing ninety-eight

I says "Let them truckers roll, 10-4."

Repeat Verse:

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This is from South Carolina Congresswoman (R-SC) Nancy Mace—-“ I signed on to a letter with my colleague Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT) and 62 of my House colleagues in support of the truckers protesting COVID-19 vaccine mandates. We urged President Joe Biden to work with Canadian officials and lift burdensome mask and vaccine mandates that have slowed, and in some places halted, essential travel at the border. Truckers are the backbone of our nation and unnecessary COVID-19 mandates have made it harder for them to earn a living. Not to mention how this has exacerbated our supply chain problems. We should stand alongside these truckers in their fight for freedom.”


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Applause to SC Nancy Mace support, yet I caution-she has no support for the American citizens in Jail since Jan 6 of which they have no charges. Nancy wants them to remain.

We the people support the Freedom to speak, protest without violence against the mandates. Innocents should not suffer for expression.

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Ahhh. Interesting! Yeah I’ve been watching her and that Bastard Lindsay Graham only (R) to vote in 33 (D) judges. He already got my letter. I told him to save his money because next election he is out!!! And she is about to get a letter from me. She got Covid after getting her sheeple Vax x 2 + boost and then says get vaxed!! Ugh how stupid can a person be. Hopefully no one is listening to that part.

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Y'all are wasting your time w/ Graham. He needs to be booted.

I grew up in Charleston SC (live in TX now). I love SC. Proud Clemson graduate. My mother still lives there, on Isle of Palms. We take our 12 yo daughter to visit her grandmother every chance we get.

Not real happy w/ Mace. Enraged by Graham. He was just reelected. I know the people of SC. Can't believe you can't find someone to primary him effectively next time he's up for reelection.

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Whoa--and how his that response to the letter going?

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Domination by defunding


Feb 18

One of the steps the government is taking to control protests is funding control. Anyone that has contributed more than 25 dollars to the convoy will/is having their bank account/credit card/ personal finances frozen/insurance cancellation/license suspension.

The true goal of restricting funding platforms is to take power from the average citizen.

Generally the real power in a country lies with the wealthy. They control and affect legislation using legal means at great(tax deductable) expense(lawyering fees) this has worked well in the past because the average person can’t contest, due to lack of funds.

The funding platforms make the average citizen powerful. This is proven by the recent donations gathered in support of the convoy. Using funding platforms citizens can present a united front.

The new system is one where a donation is legal but capped to 25.00 Canadian. This cap is critical to the end result. The end result being the appearance of freedom but the control of the opposition.

How does a cap work,its very simple its human nature. People will send a donations to a cause they support, which gives them a sense of satisfaction(taking action) and completness(I have done my part)

Its the act of taking action that is important, having been limited to 25.00 still satisfys the need to act but drastically cuts the overall purse of donations.

This is very important now because the powers that control Canada know if the people are powerful they(the powerful)will be held accountable.

Please cut and paste and forward if you think I am making sense.

This is my first substack posting I don’t really know how it works. I was driven here by CBC. I am saddened by that as I have been a defender of CBC my entire life. In fact I nearly came to blows defending CBC in Yellowknife at the Monkey Tree, thankfully my nephew pulled me out. Defending CBC is a mistake I won’t make again

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you done good. think the thoughts, tap them out and press post.

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In Jesus name I pray, please keepn all those involved in this convoy safe. Grant them safe passaage from California to DC. Amen

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Thank you, Dr. Malone! Please include removing mandates for college students. They have minimal risk of covid and are being injured by the vax. I have a family member who worked so hard to get to medical school and is about to lose the opportunity because he was injured by the last shots and cannot take another, yet is being forced.

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If he walks away from the coercion there will be a much brighter future for him down the line.

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He has worked too hard for this.

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He needs to pivot then and make the necessary sacrifices.

Too many higher ed and professional students chose abuse because they “worked too hard” to get where they are.

Sounds like what people say to themselves when they stay in abusive relationships.

Plus, right now he’s learning crap medicine if he’s in an institution that forces this.

This is not the narrative—nor the reality—that he signed up for. I am sure of that.

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Sad. Hard-working students in higher education will suffer the fallout in many ways. Unfortunately, this is the price of war and we are unquestionably at war. I had a teen crying at the table, understandably, she's an honors student. She's worked so hard and this semester has a break with lighter classes in language and literature but wants in-person opportunities. Her mother is protecting her from mask-wearing and the jab, and I agree. It was a hard conversation to have but I explained that, despite her nice life, friends, Spotify tunes, and movie star crushes...the world is in a state that demands personal sacrifice. The health risk is simply too high.

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The People’s Convoy is fighting for the preservation of the Republic. That’s not an exaggeration. Many Americans took the experimental shots to keep from losing their jobs. Others lost their jobs for refusing. The governments refer to us as those with “unacceptable views.” That sure doesn’t sound like a republican form of government to me. I’m going to join up with the convoy in Hagerstown.

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And freezing the funds of those who contribute to causes they support. How could I have left that out? We need to stop this now.

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Two gems from this video in Ottawa

"This isn't about health, it's about freedom"

"Silence is compliance"


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Replace Trudeau, with who

Deputy PM put the economic sanctions in place

Mendacino tried to connect Coutts guns to Ottawa, portraying us as insurrectionists

Push for a televised debate, cbc 2 hrs. both sides, going hard

although you would have an easier time replacing Trudeau than getting an open deabte

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Shawn; how about a trucker?

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Hi Patti:

I think a trucker (working man/women) might be the right choice. Someone that actually knows what its like to choose one thing over another because the kids need shoes more than you need shoes.

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Logistics. Heavy lifting.

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Mr. Smith, the trucker goes to Washington. Or Canadian parliament.

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I am ready to see just that. I saw some articulate, devoted, hard working, caring people in those live streams.

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Unfortunately another Commie would replace Commie Trudeau. Canada went off the deep end long ago.

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Sorry for the shameless self-promotion here but I've been covering the Canadian convoy a lot on my Substack in the past week and I made a "parody song" of Mad World where I mention the truckers (and Fauci and Trudeau) - https://wholistic.substack.com/p/mad-world-parody-faucis-world - I'm hoping more people will see it since I worked hard on it. Thank you!

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I just watched it. Nicely done, with a good choice of images, many of which I hadn't seen yet. Maybe US convoy can adopt it was a leading theme. I will share on Heather Heying's and Steve Kirsch's Substacks.

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