Loved that plug for warp speed....and in the next sentence said the stinking jab did not work. How did it save lives by not working?

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Yeh- I caught that, too.

The entertainment value of the political arena is a constant source of amusement.

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Dear Robert. If you invented MRNA what had you intended it to be used for ? Or did you set it aside as dangerous or otherwise. I understand the use of spike proteins and graphene and mercury and DNA inclusions can be dangerous and counterproductive. Please advise me and make it clear for me and us.

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Pfizer's heavily manipulated (perhaps fraudulent) clinical trial did not show reduction in deaths. The "saved millions" was modeled by the CDC by simply making up something which did not occur in the clinical trial.

How do we know that Pfizer's vaccine did not save lives? If it had, we would have heard them market such an outcome aggressively...rather than saying it "reduced the severity of symptomatic infection".

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Excess deaths went up after the vax rollout and has been elevated ever since.

That is the clearest sign the vax offered no benefit to society at all.

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It worked great for the biowarfare gurus that wanted a real time exercise to see if they can control the masses. It worked great for Big Pharma that is the recipient to harvest the rewards of creating RNA injections. They are elated that humanity is now in the same class as lab rats and they can continue to experiment without any concern about liability!

The Pfizer papers tell the story and should be the legal text book for class action lawyers to sue Pfizer into oblivion.

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A+ for the Braintrust high paid "never sleepy always creepy" Marketing dept.

With the comfort of the 1986 .GOV iron clad protection from all liability blankets,

plus the highest fear levels, this went to cruise control easy street for sinful profits.

Now if only we could convince them to leave their horrors of the DARK SIDE!

Haha... never gonna happen. Welcome to the New Frontier.

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The very words "these vaccines saved lives" is remarkably ersatz BS.

Each type of vaccine jab is by design injected to give you a tiny dose of the disease outcome unknown. At which time mapping instructions to the body immune system control center pathways to call in your personal God given Army /Navy/ Marine corp.

By that very proof, if your wellness returned. You saved your own life. You fought an internal battle on two fronts. mRNA Vaxjuice and the viral airborn spike devils.

If not vaccinated, but got the spike devil, they forbade you early remedy treatments.

Thus if you suffered for a week or so struggling a return to wellness with little help or maybe the help of Nutraceuticals assisting the fight. You in fact saved your own ass.

This was indeed the wakeup call challenge for each and everyone!! Should they do this all again with mass fear hypnosis and shamelessly lying month after month. *SHIVERS*

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Overall the report is revealing, but.....really, warp speed saved millions of lives? What a crock.

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Jeffrey tucker of brownstone institute said President Trump saved us from the FEMA camps they had planned to put us in. He saved us by operation warp speed. Otherwise two years of lockdowns and FEMA camps.

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Oh! Wow! I must not have been subscribed to BI yet. I missed that. Then Trump actually did save lives by doing that. Thank you for that info!

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I believe PDJT mostly intended operation warp speed to remove the leftys excuse for keeping the lock downs in effect. Up until December when the vax finally came out nobody had any way to know if they would be effective or not, including PDJT. But.... It was a pretty sure bet the only way to get the economy going again was to have the vax that at least half the country had come to believe was going to save them so they'd return to being brave enough to come out of their houses. So, in that way it did work.

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Maybe. Or maybe he just listened to the wrong people. Which I hope he learned his lesson.

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Well... God knows there was plenty of that going on. But if you think back to April/May of 2020, the leftys were pretty excited about the prospect of keeping the country closed up for several years while a vax was being developed. DJT knew our economy couldn't survive that much abuse and the WEF/globalists would have accomplished their goal, the collapse of America. The end result of that would make the damage caused by the vax look like a drop in the bucket.

And, to be honest, I don't think, looking back at the history of vaxxes in my lifetime, there has ever been one nearly as dangerous as this one has been. So I'm not really that surprised that people weren't more skeptical about it to begin with.

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Yes see Jeffrey Tucker’s article at brownstone institute on the FEMA camps.

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The statement that Warp Speed saved millions of lives is unproven and it pays undeserved homage to the newly crowned king. We must be vigilant against the human vice of consecrating men.

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See Jeffrey tuckers article at brownstone institute about the FEMA camps and how Trump saved us from the camps in two years of lockdown this by releasing the vaccine early.

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Okay. I will see Jeffrey Tuckers article at the Brownstone Institute, as you suggested, about the FEMA camps and how Trump saved us from the camps in two years of lockdown by releasing the vaccine early, but before I loose my thoughts here, when DJT-45 announced the release of the Wunderbar vaccine that he was using as a method of breaking the grip of "mass formational psychosis" on our collective minds - globally and saving us from FEMA camps, it also occurred to me that DJT's ego wanted to take credit for Operation Warp Speed, as Dr. Fauci allowed him to do, to claim credit for defeating Covid and for saving MILLIONS OF LIVES. Wunderbar!!!!!!! And that is how it is perceived. Is it true?

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I also wonder why DJT has said nothing about the damage the vaccine causes.

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You have a valid point.

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Yes. Quite an ego he has! This whole time period has been so bizarre! Who can know another person's mind/motives/intent? The rabbit holes keep getting deeper and deeper!

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DJT is as faithful as any American we can elect. He's not perfect, but he's as good as we can do. Support his efforts to make America healthy, wealthy, and wise again.

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Operation Warp Speed was designed to rapidly produce a COVID vaccine and funded multiple competing technologies simultaneously. This would increase the likelihood that a successful vaccine would be produced and available in shortest possible time. It also bought down the risks to vaccine manufacturers by pledging to buy their products, regardless of their clinical trials (and just throw the vaccines away if they failed the trials). OWS also sped the process up by funding the mass production and distribution of vaccines that were pending testing results. This meant that if the test results were good, the vaccine would be immediately available instead of having to wait months and months after test results. This is an expensive way to do things, obviously, but the cost of not doing it meant that the pandemic would have been prolonged, causing more economic damage and loss of life. However, this cost benefit analysis was deeply flawed because Ivermectin was already available and could have been used immediately to end the Pandemic before OWS was even conceived. That's the REAL tragedy.

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I was thinking the same thing.

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What a farce. Its about as believable as the Warren Report on JFK's assassination. The vax didn't save any lives and continues to kill and disable innocent people all over the world.

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These clot shots will be killing and crippling people for generations to come. I saw a study that said average loss of IQ in kids is 10-15 points. As for the laughable Warren Report, it is very strange that the WR is always quoted and not a word about 'The House Select Committee on Assassinations' which concluded that JFKs' murder was part of a conspiracy. For those reading this that think that Oswald was the lone killer, WHY DOES JFKs' HEAD SNAP BACKWARD AND NOT FORWARD? Oswald was behind JFK. His head should have snapped forward.

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And still most of it nevertheless reads like a searing indictment of lies, incompetence, malfeasance and stupidity.

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And then there's this unbelievable blurb on page-3...

"3) Operation Warp Speed was a tremendous success and a model to build upon in the future. The vaccines, which are now probably better characterized as therapeutics, undoubtedly saved millions of lives by diminishing likelihood of severe disease and death."

Eh... Really now.

Link: https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/12.04.2024-SSCP-FINAL-REPORT.pdf

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Right. I read pg. 301 of the long form Final Report re: Operation Warp Speed. It makes no sense in light of the other conclusions of the Report. It is contradictory.

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I found it contradictory too. However, I often wonder if something changed after the first round of shots. People I know(elderly) who got the first batches but never got any boosters have not had as many problems as those after Biden took office

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I read that many of the 'shots' were just saline once the deals were made all over the world - no way to produce the vaccine in the quantities demanded. Maybe this is why so many contracted covid even after getting the shot? So many questions.

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So many questions but I think some in the beginning got the saline, then everyone started getting sick or having adverse reactions after the initial round. I think it was planned that way so people wouldn’t be afraid to take it then they went all totalitarian - part of their design, that’s what I think, anyways.

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sooooo many questions...

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Yes! Uggghhhh…….

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‘in the future’ is the scariest part of that sentence

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A conspiracy theory is what the American people know long before the government admits to it. My pronouns are Told, You, So.

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You win the internet today

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Thank you for that, I have tried to ensure via FB and private emails that all the detractors I know see this because of its official nature.

Well, what do you know, we were not conspiracy theorists after all, who would have thunked.

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Oh my! Reckoning day coming? Where is the apology for being called conspirators? I was called it to my face!! I just looked at the young lady!! Her Mom OB GYN Dr retired! Trust has to be rebuilt by a new medical profession. FLCCC & Dr. Malone a

& Midwestern Doctor lead the way! Thanks for all you have done to be true to your oath. Thanks to a lawyer in Florida on our side Jeff Childers. I know there are more! I so appreciate all you all have done.

Closer to 80 than 70!

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And the infamous, "Senator Paul, you don't know what you're talking about." And for an apology, Senator Paul is still waiting.

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Biden will probably pardon Fauci before he leaves office too!

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He kept one heck of a nice wall around him for sure.

Security among thieves was rampant,

and opened doors for abuse against humanity profitable.

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Hell is freezing over really good and cold while it awaits the arrival of a Dr.Fauci.

God doesn't want him and the Devil doesn't need the competition!

LIMBO offers the best place for folks like that. Forever stuck in eternal no mans land

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I will not hold my breath until he is arrested for crimes against humanity.

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You would not be alone.

Millions are standing by wondering?

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Yep I was in facebook jail several times for calling BS on the vax and the governments reactions to it. There's not much solace in knowing I was right all along. And of course no apologies from the you're gonna' kill grandma crowd.

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They're too ashamed to apologize and too embarrassed to admit they were wrong. They prefer to slink away with their tail between their legs. I was warned on FB several times and was shadow banned.

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‘“Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. I will repay. “ God has it. Never forget this is His world. I’m reading and studying the last Book. I so enjoy this each year. I chose again Revelation.

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The Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh away.

What end of that equation you end up on, is in your own hands.

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Margaret, precisely my thought. I feel Blessed riding this tsunami of a farce for 4yrs. and witnessing the personal loss (economically, physically and emotionally) with both Jeff Childers and Dr. Malone’s. Are we done yet?

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There better be the political will next administration to exact severe penalties for the malfeasance direct obstruction. In addition compensation to military who were let go for lost wages due to firings and rehire as practical. The next Plandemic IS. Already in the works. Hopefully RFK can mitigate by restructuring the current regulatory agencies and their capture by the entities they're suppose to regulate. RICO indictments where applicable.....it is a start

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Doesn't begin to address the real harm, greed and gross negligence which drove the push for unsafe and untested vaccines to be forced on the public, driven by a phony fear campaign engineered by the government. At the same time the government suppressed cheap and effective treatments at all costs. They killed millions of people and saved almost nobody. Where is that conclusion in the report? Countless lives destroyed and the harm continues.

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I noticed that too. Hopefully, that will come later when those responsible are held accountable.

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Some good admissions from the government. Other lies still being pushed (operation warp speed saved millions of lives and VAERS caused confusion).

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Curious thing that BS is in the report. Oh well. It's not perfect, but overall it goes a long way to reveal the truth.

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The things that they did own up to were backed by tons of peer reviewed studies.

We don't need ever shot to be a kill shot when so many have already done the job.

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Yeh. But this makes it official for those who were in the MSM bubble all this time. Of course even this may not make to MSM. All those who accused us of being conspiracy theorists. I feel satisfaction in that.

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Just another report about what to do in the future. I don't see anything about bringing to justice all the people that KNEW ABOUT THE HARM that these would do and hid it. I don't see anything about Rochelle Paula Walensky (CDC) knowing very early about heart problems in young people and hiding this info. I don't see anything about people going to prison because they perjured themselves in front of congress!!!!! I don't see anything about. About 5,500,000,000 people received these clot shots. Conservative estimate of millions of people have died from these shots. Many of millions of people have been left totally disabled. Many times more peoples have been afflicted with a disease directly attributed to these shots. How many people lost their businesses, licenses, life savings, jobs, and relatives that died alone? These monsters need to be brought to justice and serve the rest of their lives in supermax prisons where they can slowly but surely go crazy.

What these monsters did was MUCH WORSE THAN Hitler ever thought about doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hard not to become enraged all over again.

I didn’t read the full report - just this substack. But, “Operation Warp speed…helped save millions of lives”?? This gets repeated now as much as, “Safe and efffective” was, but has this ever been proven? If so, I missed it. On the other hand, there is a lot published on excess deaths which seem to correlate to the “vaccines”. So which is it?

And maybe if they care about “building trust”, they shouldn't mandate an experiment but then exempt themselves and Congress…

Trust? That ship has sailed and is NEVER coming back.

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No - it didn't get proven. This number came from a Lancet report - which used that fake 3.4% case fatality rate modeling.

I know you know this - but this is the press release from the committee - I didn't write the report. I don't want anyone to think that statement came from me!

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Thank you! I wondered where that “millions of lives saved” came from. An no, it never crossed my mind you wrote any of this.

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I think the Select Subcommittee needs to read this before they state that Operation Warp Speed was highly successful & helped save millions of lives. Pay particular attention to the VAERS report with 1,007,636 reports through 2/23/2024 & maybe also have a conversation with Dr. Denis Rancourt as to his worldwide estimation of vaccine-related deaths.....https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/breaking-new-study-demands-immediate

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If not careful that line about warp speed will be sharing space with...I will not pardon my son. Pretty bad company

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I also just read Steve Kirsch's substack on this. According to him, the report cited two studies -- both based on modeling and not actual observation.

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To be honest Trump was trying to rush the so called vax. This report will get zero play in the MSM.

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But Trump was not mandating the shot. There is that.

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Yes and honestly he would have been damned if he hadn’t gotten the vaccine and we’d still be on lockdown or in masks with the Biden admin. It was a catch-22 either way imo

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We don't really know that anyone who said they got that shot, or supposedly got it on camera actually did.

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I never thought they did -felt it was all show

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I felt sure of it too. So easy to fake that.

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Yes – read Jeffrey Tucker’s article at brownstone institute about how Trump saved us from two years of lockdowns and FEMA camps! That’s what operation warp speed did for us

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Thx! Will look it up.

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COVID, it's harmful drugs and their ongoing damage, it's lethal treatment protocol and it's economic devastation are the shame of the planet. My native country is primarily responsible for this catastrophe. From our top medical professionals all the way down to local medical boards the Hippocratic Oath was violated that corruption might thrive. Since they are all professionals in positions of influence, it does not matter whether there was malice of forethought or simply complicit. Whores all.

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I am not a lemming. I have not received any training in BS or psychological manipulation. All I know is what I discerned, that; those in trusted federal positions had absolutely expressed no motivation to protect me from their experiments. On the contrary, their experiments were used to destroy me. They prevented any use of materials known to be safe for human consumption and known to combat the effects of viruses. As far as I'm concerned, these people are anti-human. To manipulate reality that opposing this atrocity is anti-democratic is simply and completely absurd. I can't absorb the logic.

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So when do we start prosecuting the liars and criminals that ignored actual scientific thought during this entire treasonous & subversive attack on humanity? Asking for some patriots

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i agree that the time has come

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Not holding my breath

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Thank you for this summary of the report. Those of us who have followed you and several others since the beginning of the pandemic are aware of most of this information already. But there are so many Americans who blindly followed Fauci & Co. that will probably never hear a peep about this investigation and will forever live in their ivory tower of arrogance and ignorance.

It will be interesting if there will be any repercussions from this report. Cuomo has paid a little bit of a price. Will Fauci at least lose his reputation and standing in our history? Will that evil Randi Weingarten lose her job? How about the obstruction by that wicked HHS Secretary Rachel Levine? Will she ever be held accountable?

Will doctors like yourself whose reputations have been irreversibly damaged be able to regain your respective place in your profession?

At least you have to give credit to Dr. Wenstrup for his tenacity in producing this report.

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