Jan 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Keep up the great work Dr Malone! We are indebted to your bravery in speaking the truth!

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Jan 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I agree with you, Haupt. I was fired from my job in local government for refusing the shots. Fired 4 years short of full pension. My termination letter says that I’m a danger to my coworkers because I’m unvaccinated. I was fired on January 4. Now Covid is running rampant through their “fully” vaccinated office.

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Sorry to hear about your situation. I hope they reinstate you when this mass hypnosis ends.

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Don not fret - the lawsuits will be abundant!

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Sue the bastards! Sorry to hear this. This country has become intolerable!

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For the past decade we've all threatened to leave this Country and head to Canada and elsewhere. NOW look at the situation. It's pretty pathetic when the US is a safer haven in comparison to parts of Europe and of course all of Australia.

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Not to mention the Peoples Republic of Canada!

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May Karma help you and punish those that harmed you.

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I hope you sue them. Wrongful termination.

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That’s not right or fair what they wrote in that letter.

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Yeah. And now they’re fighting my unemployment compensation

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Two years of this incessant cognitive dissonance is making my head implode. I’m sorry for your situation but also impressed at your strength in withstanding their immoral coercion. FWIW, You can file a complaint with the EEOC (state) and that will preserve your right to sue them as long as you file the complaint within the required timeframe. Perhaps as some of these lawsuits move through the courts, it will give you power in the future to claw back some of your lost wages/damages??? I hope it doesn’t come to that and wish you the best!

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Appeal and follow through, you will get it, they have no legal grounds!

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Jan 22, 2022·edited Jan 22, 2022

sounds like the simpleton statement placed as a rationale to terminate you has been weighed in the court of real life and been rejected as counter factual. If that is the core of what the hysterics issued from HR, I can see a class action suit in your future. When irrationally must come to the bar of justice where evidentiary rules and standards of practice must be applied fairly — it tends to blubber. The problem for so much of this period of disintegration is that we have been in a lawless landscape. I hope you get a good judge to match your courage.

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As long as the judge is not a progressive/fascist.

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BJ is in serious jeopardy of being ousted - I can only assume the powers that be who're calling all the shots know they need this sap to remain IN office leading me to fear what they have in store next?

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If you are COVID-recovered, download this: https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/113253 and find a lawyer. You very well may be able to prevail in court, or at least get a big settlement out of them.

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Jan 22, 2022·edited Jan 22, 2022

Doesn’t doing something like that only play into their narrative?

Isn’t sharing your medical status just another form of “showing papers” and opting into their thinking?

Nope. Don’t do it.

Accept the loss and get away from their narrative instead. That’s the only way humankind can “win.”

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I sent a similar email to my boss who will not relent on his obsession with masks. It basically read: So let me see if I have this straight - the ENTIRE staff albeit 3 of us are triple injected - wear masks religiously (as though it were some sort of satanic a badge of honor) and are currently ALL - OUT - SICK! Tell me again how these lethal injections and masks prevent anything?

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I am 72, unvaxxed, and I tested positive Tuesday morning. For the previous 8 weeks my wife and I have faithfully followed a comprehensive preventative program, as outlined on www.covid19criticalcare.com, including doctor-prescribed Ivermectin, and 1% providone-iodine nasal mist.

It is now Friday afternoon, and all that remains is very moderate sniffles. Yeah, Tuesday and Wednesday the body aches were a bit tiresome, but no fever or significant congestion developed. My wife hasn't even developed any symptoms at all and has tested negative twice this week so far.

So, prevention and at-home treatment works, praise to God, and thanks to brave, outspoken doctors like Drs. Malone, McCollough, etc., etc.

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It's nice to hear positive stories like this. I hope you can spread the word!

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Excellent story and result Robert. You obviously utilized the good sense and judgment that you were born with and should be everyone's birthright. I just don't understand how so many, so quickly, surrender this to our "caring government."

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Because those people don’t have high IQs (and I’m not being rude) ergo the inability to think critically.

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I used to work with some of those people, with PhDs, for God’s sake.

I could not believe my eyes and ears at the time, with the crap that was coming out of their mouths in meetings.

Now I realize that it was their grant money speaking—and I understand how you are correct: They could not critically think and conclude how they are absolute sellouts.

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I’m thankful you found the at home treatments that work Mr McAnally and didn’t need hospital treatment- not many older patients seem to be making it out of the hospitals alive with the Rem-death-is-near & other failed protocols! Best wishes for continued health for you & your family!!! ( BTW you might be a distant cousin of mine if you are also descended from Charles McAnally Revolutionary War Patriot from Stokes County, NC) :)

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What are the odds. Yep, after young Charles came ashore at Safe Harbor, and grew to become a man, he met and married Sarah. Would love to connect. Email: myfirstnamelastname (all one word) @yahoo

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This might be the most consequential thread here. What are the odds? That you were both skeptical of tyrannical laws and groupthink? That your common sense, natural intellectual curiosity, independence of thought and adherence to your conscience led you both to Dr. Malone’s Substack? That you both share , even remotely, some whisper of a distant, shared DNA, ? The possibilities this presents, to me, is a testament to the mysteries and beauty of life. Y’all give me hope, and affirm a deep peace within me.

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Thank you for sharing your story, it will be so important that individual testimonials see the light. Prayers lifted for your continued recovery.

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Thank you for Dr. Malone and all our outspoken scientists such as the CovicCare team protocol . We rejoice with you for recovery. We see the light of leadership with Drs. Malone, McCullough, Marik, Kory and all the Frontline team.

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Same experience for my 70 year old husband, body aches and sniffles day 1, followed the plan, day 2....almost nothing. He is self isolating by taking his truck to the carwash:)

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Very happy to hear you are recovered and preventive treatments mitigated the seriousness. 🙏 ❤️

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Jan 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We owe a great debt if gratitude to all of these doctors and medical scientists. They are risking their careers by doing the right thing for all of humanity. And that’s not hyperbole.

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Jan 21, 2022·edited Jan 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent. Go get 'em. Just one thing (and I'm sure you agree). No one of any age should be subject to forced vaccination.

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Jan 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You are doing God’s work, sir.

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Jan 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I turned on my local channel and there was a doctor saying "if you get covid,stay isolated and make sure you hydrate. Period. HYDRATE! 2 years and that's the home treatment? Chicken Soup with plenty of schmaltz would be better. Talk about a double or nothing, bet the house on an experimental vaccine lunacy!

I am no doctor but I am old and taking zinc and quercitine, D3 and nasal rinsing and gargling with betadine/provodone iodine before I go out and after I get home. Hell! I even use carob powder in some dishes for its zinc absorbing nutrients.

How can doctors be so useless? That there are 17K left who think for themselves and on behalf of their patients is a relieft.

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Not a thief, but I recently stole a WebMD magazine from my doctors office, that I'm sure everyone is still reading when waiting there. And maybe that doctor is ok with that. But I am not. Dated July-Sept 2020, Cover title- Helping Others Who Have Covid. Of course, the article gives the advise: Wait at home till your lips turn blue. It will go on my bookshelf with my Kennedy's Fauci book as I teach my future grandchildren what has happened.

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Good on you Terri.

The only book my father made me read was "Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds". It's old and not an easy read, but the chapter on Tulip Mania is worth it. I have kept the instinct that when the noisy crowd is going left, go right. The herd is almost always wrong. The louder they are, the more wrong they are.

It's subtle; if everyone is doing it, then you don't have to explain yourself when you are wrong because "we were all doing it" (e.g. 2008 sub prime debacle). People are terrified not so much at being flat out wrong is to being ALONE and wrong. It takes real courage to go against the grain because you do it in the face of isolation, rejection, scorn and mockery and, these days, losing your job.

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Ed, excellent observations, sir.

"Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" sounds to be very similar in concept to something proposed recently by Mattias Desmet, i.e., "Mass Formation". If you haven't watched the video, Drs. Malone, McCullough, and Desmet discuss the concept at length, here:


Highly recommended.

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Yes. I will.

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Beautiful comment.

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Thx. Beautiful that we still have the freedom to speak.

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Terri, bravo! Saving that magazine was a great idea.

The magnitude of this last 24 months of coordinated deception, coercion, corruption and conceit just staggers the imagination. The phrase "criminal behavior" falls woefully short as a descriptor for the past 2 years.

Thankfully, it's that last trait, "conceit", that is now beginning to trip them up. Elitists always have that one fatal flaw (though usually many): they invariably believe that they are massively smarter and more clever than the huddled, unclean masses they wish to control. They believe if they generate enough smoke, spread enough lies, scream "Wolf!" loud enough, that they may then do as they please.

Elitists' conceit is a cancer that eventually weakens and destroys them, and exposes their actions for what they really are. "Oh, these tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive."

May God have mercy on their souls when The Sleeping Giant fully awakens. The Sleeping Giant will likely have no mercy.

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What is going to happen to the medical establishment, Big Pharma, mass media, Big Tech...not to mention all levels of government, individual doctors, nurses and pharmacists who injected this poison when the truth is exposed for all to see? There will be a massive attempt at coverup by the perpetrators of this Crime Against Humanity which is already underway and, despite the fact coverups have worked in the past, my sense is that it is not going to work this time. Too many people globally are now awake and the genie cannot be put back into the bottle. Truth of course is eternal but lies are not and all lies will be revealed. Before the dust settles on this Empire of Lies, there will not be a western government, "leader", political party, three-letter agency, or mass media or social media organization left standing. Let's hope there are enough good people to rebuild western civilization from the ground up after full justice is rendered in Nuremberg 2.0 Trials for those who have violated the Nuremberg Code.

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I notice no one has sued RFK for "The Real Anthony Fauci", where he destroy the Fauch and Bill Gates among others. I will make you cry a river.

They cancel, they mock, they ignore, but they do not sue.

A month before the pandemic broke, I told my son that economically what the world needs now is a virus that only kills old people. Well, regrettably, I got my flippant wish. I need to now ask the Chinese if they could please make one that only kills politicians and people who work in DC.

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deletedJan 21, 2022·edited Jan 22, 2022
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The Fauch is on board. If no other treatment, then vax is imperative, if vax is imperative then we eliminate the placebo arm of anti-vaxxers so we can't compare to see how ineffective it was. Same reason they hate Sweden and Desantis. We can't have a comparator to prove us wrong. The defenders of the "vax" (it really isn't a vax) are down to the last rampart, or refuge of the scoundrel i.e. "if weren't vaxxed it would have been much worse"; where's the random, double blind trial that proves that?

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Jan 22, 2022·edited Jan 22, 2022

One day the entire safety science and adverse event reporting for vaccines in general — including those on the current peds schedule needs to be revisited. So much about Fauci and the Cdc/FDA and big pharma / big academic medicine racketeering organization of the last 40 years has been described that at last the time has come to look at all of it from unbiased perspectives. The risks and rewards need to bE properly measured individually for each vax and for the sub populations that have different responses to different vaccines. If we look at the trials and “placebo” it gets interesting because it’s not saline as placebo in some trials. For example, the Gardasil trial gave the toxic aluminum adjuvant from the vax as the placebo. Poisoning both arms tends to wash out the safety signals from the adjuvants! If you look at Kennedy’s CHD web library there are reports on vaccines issued — Iike the population study out of Australia where young women who were vaxxed w Gardasil have greater prevalence of cancer than older women who were unvaxxed. We don’t have to have a zero sum or all-nothing name calling war to wake up to the idea that this is a longstanding racket. The herd immunity notions need examination and so do the questions around whether some diseases are better nursed at home than vaxxed. FMLA for kids with an infection at home for a week might be a fair trade off vs a lifetime with vax injury or autoimmune disease. And, I’m sure we would keep a number of vax in the schedule but they should be considered. Like the super high rates of vax injury from anthrax vax in the military compared to straightforward tx with Cipro. What does an unbiased comprehensive GRADE report tell us?

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yes. RFK discusses this in his book: "active comparator" instead of placebo. You should read the write up on Remdesivir (RunDeathisNear is a common nurse nickname) "trial"; not peer reviewed, active comparator (not placebo), changed the endpoint mid trial from "reduce mortality" to "reduce hospital stay" AND, what you won't read in the study is that AFTER the study many patients were readmitted, and the ratio was 2 to 1 Remdesivir arm which means the PIs were discharging the active arm prematurely to hit the new end point.

We have to find a way of not using Principal Investigators paid by the Pharma. A common pool of funds donated by Pharma and PIs selected randomly, like juries, seems like a better approach. And yet, and yet... they would figure out a way to corrupt that, but it would be harder.

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Going to the hospital decreases your chance of recovery exponentially. If they can get you to die on a ventilator, they get a big bonus from the government. Talk about a corrupted and evil system.

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Read RFKs "The Real Anthony Fauci". You will cry a river.

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I was blessed and got missed by it. Of course, being a curmudgeon, I have no friends and a small family, so exposure was low. I find I need little company because I know we all share in the same existence, and at my age it is rare to find in another what you have not yet seen in yourself. But issues like these need public exposure, which pried me out of my shell.

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Please be wary of provocateurs from left-wing groups and the FIB. They may be there to rile up some bad media attention.

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Jan 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Beware of them and ignore them.


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agree the Federal Bureau of Instigation aka the FBLIe...will be there in force look for ray bans and clean shaven fellas...

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And khakis.

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yup, like the "Patriot Front" clowns today with their nazi shields and white face masks and flags... they will be there Sunday no doubt, i wanna see someone go up to these fed boyz and pull their little coward masks down off their face so we can get a real good look at em..they will run like the rats they are !

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Yep. It’s unbelievable that we have to concern ourselves with our own government that way, but we do.

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They are betraying their Oath. They should be held accountable for that betrayal. For betraying their country. Hopefully there are still agents that have remained loyal to their Oath. I truly believe there are. Now is the time for those good guys to pull the curtain back on the bad guys among them.

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They're easy to recognize. They often travel in packs and look like dickheads.

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May God Bless and Keep you, Dr. Malone. Godspeed, in Sunday's great event.

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A huge thank you to everyone who has gone to the hard work of putting this together! I pray for your success this weekend in reaching minds and hearts! God bless!

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We will be there tomorrow. A bunch of us who got fired from our government jobs with Allegheny County, PA. It’s not that far of a drive for us though. We are in Pittsburgh, about 3 hours away.

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Let's see... 17,000 real medical doctors and qualified scientists from all over the world -- plus the medical doctor who invented the vaccine technology -- but a combination of a total of 270 veterinary techs, bartenders, insurance agents, muppets, shortstops, and astrologists said "Joe Rogan" over and over again in a stern, mocking voice. I don't know whom to believe.

And, remember... Youse gotta weah TWO masks because o' 'da drahplets!

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Gas Lighting at its worst.

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Thank you for sharing this vital message and for spearheading the fight to save children, restore our freedoms, and protect the doctor-patient relationship, Dr. Malone.

At the risk of spoiling the surprise, I am racing to complete my next Profiles in Courage entry, which features you :-) I am trying to get this out in advance of Defeat the Mandate to help raise awareness about this weekend’s events.

Dr. Malone, I would like to gift you a subscription so you will receive the newsletter as soon as I publish it. Can you please sign up (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/) for my mailing list with your preferred email so I can take care of that before posting your profile?

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EVERYONE should sign up for Margaret Anna Alice's newsletter! I recently came across her work and it is EXCELLENT. Intelligent, insightful, extremely well researched, and very inspiring. Thank you Margaret!


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Aww, you are so wonderful, Christine! 🙏💞🤗

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COURAGE. No flinching. No blinking. Standing on the promises of God! Thank you and Jill for standing Robert. A VOICE for the voiceless . We have several deaf and hard of hearing people that have been TOTALLY ignored and forgotten. A mask has terminated their means of communication. We STAND and HOLD our ground and positioning because you left your comfortable life to STAND. We are with you Robert the COURAGEOUS! God’s blessings upon you and Jill and all your family and beautiful horses <•,}}}><

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This Sunday my husband and I will be praying for you, your wife Jill, other participants and their families. Thank you for standing for justice and truth. May God bless all of you and keep you all safe and secure.

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Fight the just fight tomorrow. With you in spirit from Czech Republic. Save our children

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