The failure to recommend vitamin D3 was one of the most glaring early red flags to me that this psy-op had *nothing* to do with health and everything to do with mass control and depopulation.

Very revealingly (and disturbingly), when Dr. Pierre Kory’s op-ed on “Pfizer’s State of the Union Address” was published in the Washington Examiner, they excised the portions about vitamin D:


And this is a supposedly more “balanced” paper. This suppression of information about life-saving treatments is 100% intentional—and in my opinion constitutes negligent homicide.

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a crime against humanity.

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Potentially we may endure the planned manufactured Covid crimes repeatedly for millennia if the WEF AND WHO succeed with their planned global health dictatorship. It’s the ultimate crime against humanity whereby all global citizens will be subject to the whims of pharmaceutical allianced medical mafia tyrants. 194 nations will be submitting their sovereignty to the WHO PANDEMIC TREATY, which will be voted on May 22. https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/sound-the-alarm

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Yes, I believe this is the fight of our lives, and I will be writing a series of articles on this. I had a Zoom meeting with Dr. Tess Lawrie and two others from the World Council for Health last week about coordinating our efforts to #StopTheAmendments, #StopTheTreaty, and #StopTheWho.

I share more details in the section on the WHO at the end of my last post:

• “Dialogue With a Curious Injectee” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dialogue-with-a-curious-injectee)

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May 7, 2022·edited May 7, 2022

Yes Margaret, I’ve been following your exceptional articles and efforts. I’m absolutely astonished that among our acclaimed renown undeniably censored doctors and activists traveling the country coast to coast exposing the crimes of the Covid operation and the irrefutable dangers of the experimental EUA injections at the Stop The Mandates events, none…. to my knowledge are exposing this egregiously dangerous and critical covert takeover coup. It’s a surreptitious manipulation of nations sovereignty and rights, citizens sovereignty and personal medical choice rights via the unconscionable unconstitutional WHO/WEF PANDEMIC TREATY. Roe v Wade leaks and Ukraine are intentionally planned unmitigated distractions to usher in this NWO global dictatorship, in fact it is so destructive to constitutional republics and democratic nations, all citizens freedoms and liberties, how can such an endeavor be consummately overlooked or ignored unless every leader, congressman, senator, mayor, sheriff and the medical military industrial matrix is involved!?

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Thank you, Maureen, and I honestly believe the array of shiny bouncing balls—from Ukraine to the Roe v. Wade leak—is being intentionally orchestrated to distract and divide us while the magicians pull this One-World Tyranny sleight-of-hand.

I continue to stress the point that if we don’t stop totalitarianism—most especially in the form of the WHO treaty and IHR amendments—*nothing* else matters. Even democide is a secondary concern as we will be unable to stop mass murder if we are enslaved to global totalitarianism in a biosurveillance system that makes China look like Disneyland.

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Absolutely! Word for well expressed word!!! James Roguski Stopthewho.com offered several letters to leadership persons that would obviously require a massive effort involving millions to engage and send. Call me doubtful, but with The OBiden illegitimate criminal regime collaborating with the Schwab-Tedros-Gates Matrix of actors, having acutely observed a global lockdown in organized lockstep, I fear the outcome is already a signed corroborated 194 nations “done deal.” If you read the Rockefeller Foundation 2010 Global simulation “lockstep” prior to the Event 201 Oct 2019, which carried out the prescribed “pandemic” to the letter, you might feel my grave concern. Again, thank you for all you do and continue to do!!

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Oh so true

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How can the pawns in this three dimensional chess game thwart it? I know not how I can help or what I can do. I am grateful to all of you with the knowledge to thoroughly vet the data and use of platforms to voice our concerns. May God give you continued wisdom, strength and His Grace.

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Thank you, Patty! The World Council for Health just published their open letter about stopping the IHR amendments. See the section on #StopTheWho at the end of my last post for action steps you can take now:

• “Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)

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May 7, 2022·edited May 7, 2022

Yes, a crime against humanity. I believe that doctors who suppressed treatment should, at the very least, lose their license to practice medicine.

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The question I have is the majority of medical doctors fell right in line. Presumably most medical doctors are above average intelligence? What was the reason? Intellectual lazines? Fear and cowardice? Or stupidity?

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May 7, 2022·edited May 9, 2022

Fear and cowardice most likely. In Ontario, Canada doctors were threatened with loss of license if they strayed from the official narrative. They were/are following orders.

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Busy, stressed, trained to believe in pharmaceutical interventions. Lack of curiosity is really big. Very few physicians are curious. That’s why so few are good diagnosticians.

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Hidden in plain sight is the lack of advice by FDA, NIH, CDC cohorts regarding D3, C, and nutrition in general - fruits and fresh vegetables, warnings on obesity. Truly a crime a by so-called health agencies, not only to omit providing such advice but to actively silence preventative and readily available treatments.

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This was - along with the active suppression of HCQ and, later, ivermectin - what convinced me that there was corruption at play.

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Since I am more of a math person than a medical person my early reservations about what we were being told came mostly from the precipitous drop in ailments like pneumonia as a cause of death. Did Covid have an unintended side effect of curing pneumonia, and numerous other ailments? The numbers just didn't pass the smell test. As the evidence has poured in over this last couple of years I think like many of us I wanted to believe that this whole scenario was just a horrifying example of bad judgement, but I have seen no evidence to support that. As disturbing as it is everything continues to point to a deliberate act.

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Interesting that the Examiner did that. The power of Big Medicine is truly awesome. Takes a lot of courage to oppose it.

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May 7, 2022·edited May 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this information. For several years my husband and I had taken the flu shot because his employer had a health fair where they offered blood tests , flu shots and mammograms . We would get the flu shot and 2 weeks later we would get the flu. We stopped taking them and haven’t had the flu since. We have taken vitamin D3 and vitamin C for years. So when the Covid vaccine came around we said no thank you. When we got Covid from one of my voice students who was spraying me with Covid . I was hardly sick and had a fever for 1/2 a day. I attribute this to taking my vitamins. My mom gave me vitamin D pills growing up calling them the sunshine vitamin. If I got a cold it was usually mild. My friend would get a cold and she got very sick for a lot longer then my cold. I know vitamin D3 works and I’m grateful to a mother who knew vitamins were important. It is a crime against humanity and all about power and money.

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Now that my eyes have been opened I am rethinking all medical procedures and tests, including mammograms. Compressing fragile breast tissue and irradiating it doesn’t seem like a very good idea. This awakening has been very freeing!

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Yes. Actually creates more breast cancer than it finds. ...But, there is a huge industry now built on "annual mammograms" - encouraged by the pink ribbon waving crusaders who profit from the on-going scam.

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Yep. I rethunk procedures and tests, too. I’m no longer contributing to that ‘hospital system’ cash-cow anymore.

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I’m with you. I am now questioning EVERYTHING.

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The beginning of wisdom!

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The role of synthetic estrogens and progestogens especially in the oral contraceptives is another widely neglected causative factor for breast cancer. The monthly breast self-exam is more likely to pick up early breast tumors than an annual or biannual mammogram. Then there is the neglect of using thermography scanning which requires no ionizing radiation or breast squeezing.

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Just had my breast thermography yesterday. No mammograms for me!

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Proud of you! Good choice.

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Yep. Covid has pried the scales from my eyes when it comes to western medicine. Much (most?) of it is based on corrupted science (suggested readings: RFK’s TRAF and Duesberg’s “Inventing the AIDS Virus”). It is a racket.

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Contrary to what most people, including doctors, believe, influenza vaccination does not reduce hospitalisatioin or death due to flu or other respiratory diseases to any degree which can actually be detected.

Please see Anderson et al. 2020 https://sci-hub.se/10.7326/M19-3075 and other articles which I discuss at: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/influenza-vaccines-do-not-reduce and https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/influenza-vaccines-do-not-reduce-1da .

Seasonal changes in 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are the primary reason for the seasonality of influenza and COVID-19: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/covid-19-seasonality-is-primarily

Proper vitamin D3 supplementation of most or all of the population would suppress pandemic transmission of flu and COVID-19 all year round, and would result in very few of those infected suffering serious harm. It would also reduce cancer and very much reduce sepsis. But where's the profit and glamour in this? Vitamin D3 costs USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory. 5000 IU a day is a gram every 22 years.

Most doctors didn't go to med school for 10 years to tell their patients to take a supplement which is sitting on supermarket shelves.

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I always knew there was something fishy with the flu vaccines. The first time I got one I came down with a wicked case of the flu which kept me out of work for two weeks. Still kept taking them however with the result that about half the time I would come down with a very bad cold two to three weeks after the shot. No more shots for me. I now see the game for what it is.

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Been taking 10,000 IU every day since I heard from Dr Malone and others to do so. So far, no problems with the virus. Same applies to my wife.

Many others that we had shared the advice with did NOT heed our suggestion and they’ve suffered from the virus, some of them twice and MANY OF THEM are/were ‘double vax’d and boosted’ as they say.

Personal Thoughts: This virus fiasco needs to find its way to the court system of the USA and punishment doled out accordingly. Hopefully this would go global as well since a good portion of the planet followed the lead and ‘advice’ of US authorities. It’s an atrocious situation with far reaching and deadly consequences, including over 6.2 MILLION DEATHS worldwide.

And the CCP smiles.

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You're right on about making it's way to the courts. Another doctor highlighted information contained in the Pfizer data release (the data they wanted to keep confidential for 75 years) where Pfizer specifically advised that pregnant and lactating women should not be vaxxed. This was a known risk but what was the advice? 'Safe and effective', just get vaxxed.

That's a phrase I'm beginning to hate: safe and effective.

Here's a link:


I'll just add that Dr. Trozzi is a another Canadian doctor who has been severely disciplined for speaking against the narrative.

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In Ontario Canada Dr. Phillips has lost his license for not going along wit the cabal.

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May 7, 2022·edited May 7, 2022

I hope he sues. I just read an article about the case and he doesn't seem to be doing anything wrong. Actually, his wrong doing seems to be 'telling the truth'. I think the expression is something like: when the state promotes lies, then anyone telling the truth becomes the enemy.

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At that dose you should be taking vitamin K2 with D3. From what I understand this facilitates storage on D3 in the bones rather than soft tissue, where it can cause problems.

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After routine blood work and discussing the virus with my family doctor he put me on 50,000 IU Vitamin D3 once a week. I also showed him the Z Stack from Dr. Zelenski I take, he was good with that. Thank God, so far so good. No jabs here. Thank you Dr. Malone for all the education you are providing to us.

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You have a decent doctor.

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Yes, thank you I am very happy with him. My GP I had for 35 years retired and not many doctors are accepting new patients. I was referred by a friend, and really struck gold. He is very thorough, does not rush, will refer to specialists if needed, which is rare these days in Canada with our so-called Universal Health Care. The wait lists are insane. I am very grateful for this younger doctor.

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My apologies, I meant to say the Z Stack from Dr. V. Zelenko, not the bozo's name Zelenski in Ukraine. There is so much going on these days, that my mind stopped for a minute and I confused the two names. All due respect to Dr. Zelenko.

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May 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One reason as to why D3 may have been the third-rail for Fauci:

Its also a cancer prophylactic.


Just 2000 IU/day resulted in a 17-38% reduction in incidence for normal body-weight people.

What would 5000 IU do? Or that 50 ng/ml level? Or with dosage increased for the obese? They did their best and under-dosed people (2000 IU?) for the trial. It still showed a benefit.

What's the hit to Pharma & Sickcare for chopping cancer incidence (say) in half?

Can you imagine if vitamin D had been widely distributed, and the very next year, cancer incidence got cut in half? How many Pharma companies would have gone under? How many cancer centers? It would have been a financial disaster.

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How many Pharma companies would have gone under? Be still, my heart! :-)

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While there is ample evidence stretching over decades that Fauci is basically a demon in human guise, this article is damning on such a simple level that none of the rest is needed. Imagine if every citizen in the US starting taking an appropriate D3 supplement in January, 2020? How many lives saved? At what cost? $3.00 per life? Instead, a criminal cabal, led by Fauci, looted the world.

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Fauci took the lives of 350,000 with his AIDS protocols

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It is being reported that Pfizer's profits from the sale of the mRNA vaccine was $36 billion for 2021 and $18 billion for Moderna. Might have something to do with suppressing treatment.

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Well then we coud fire Faucil

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Fire? How about prosecute and punish for crimes against humanity?

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May 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Years ago I worked with a holistic style nutritionist who insisted I get my D levels in order and checked yearly for bone health (the biphosphonate drugs are another rabbit hole ) and I listened and tried to tell friends who would listen. When the C virus came and early information pointed to morbidity linked to low D3 levels it was a mystery to me that people were not talking about their D levels-only their vax status. Silly me. It quickly became clear and even more so after reading RFK Jrs book...... ps Dr Malone the Epoch times paper version had a nice article about farriers a few weeks ago. They are another good source for health/nutrition topics as well. Thank you and Dr Jill many times over :)))

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May 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great one today. My wife and I were fortunate to learn about Vitamin D3 before Covid appeared and we both take 5000 IU daily. Last October I had my annual “wellness “ visit with my doctor and among other things I mentioned how much D3 I took daily and she told me to cut it back to 2000 IU daily, advise I did not follow. Taking D3 goes way beyond Covid and I will pass this on. Thank you!

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Same experience when I got tested in 2020 and it was 70 - was told to stop supplementing and I ignored her. She is no longer my PCP. It was 75 in 2021 - yee-ha! My pharmacist menopausal clinician wants all her patients between 70-80 ng/mL. She's the best $100 out of pocket I spend every year.

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I’d like to get a new PCP, but couldn’t find one in my area who accepts Medicare. I guess they don’t get as much reimbursement than with other insurance providers. Mine is actually a pediatrician, but he’s also an internist, and has patients in all age ranges.

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I put up with mine much longer than I should have. The panic porn of covid pushed me off the edge and I started asking questions she didn't like. After a problem getting a prescription refilled, I got a letter essentially kicking me out of the practice, no explanation given, but I know the reason. In looking through my record recently, I discovered she had fabricated all kinds of stuff I never said. Scott Adams would call it "mind reading" so her dishonesty and covering her own butt shows up in another way.

I found a NP that I hope will work so you might look for those alternatives. I'm in the same boat with you in another year.

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There must be a ton of us in the same boat!

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Good idea to look for an NP. We did search for an Osteopath -- we had an excellent one where we used to live -- but no luck. I'm surprised my PCP hasn't booted us both out -- we steadfastly refused the vaccine.

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Another option is integrative health practitioners if you have one in your area. I have little confidence that osteopaths are any better based on a very negative experience during my search for a new PCP. I think the training is still the same and they aren't taught how to think critically and be diagnosticians. Naturopaths are worth another search. We have few options where we are which is why I just have to find someone I can tolerate with the least amount of aggravation.

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I'm not sure any medical-related profession is without some who are terrible but our osteopath was excellent. I wouldn't smear all based on one.

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You are doing the right thing. It’s a sad day when we come to realize we know better about our health in some regards than our doctors. KBMartin’s comment below hits home to me as I feel the same. It’s very hard to find a PCP who accepts Medicare and is taking new patients. Because of the way health care operates any change may be jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

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You can read my comment to KB I just posted. I think most of us here have figured out how to take care of our own health care and only need the medical establishment/pharma sellouts for what we can't get/do ourselves. Listen and learn from the doctors like Malone, Cole and Kory who are standing up against the tyranny. I've learned so much from them about how to take care of my immune system so I don't need the sellouts.

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Yup. I almost feel like I know what they are going to say next.

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Same here. I told my doctor I was taking 10,000 IU daily and he told me not to take more than 4,000. Now, there may be a reason to adjust dosage of D3 depending on your size — is it the same for me at 120 lbs as for someone who weighs 3 times a much? I don’t know. But I’m now questioning my choice of doctors…

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I'd recommend getting your Vitamin D levels checked. The goal is > 50 ng/mol. I've been taking 10,000 IU every day for the last 2 years. I tested my levels over a year ago and it was in the 30s. I think it took me a year of 10,000 IU daily to get it to 67 ng/mol. It takes a long time to get those levels up.

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Take some vitamin K if you are taking that much D. I do.

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Thanks — I do, every day.

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I used the following company. My vit-D level was 51 ng/ml, on a 5000 IU/day dose. But everyone is different. And I do suspect weight matters. I'm 160 pounds.


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Thanks. Will check them out.

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In that youtube video with Bret Weinstein and the V D researchers they basically show you that you can NOT take too much Vit D.

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I haven't seen that video, but I have seen from a number of trusted sources that you, in fact, CAN take too much of it, especially if you have certain diseases or physical issues. And there are "optimal" ranges, but nothing that says you can take it without limit.

"Data from GrassrootsHealth’s D*Action studies suggest that the optimal level for health and disease prevention is between 60 ng/ml and 80 ng/ml, while the cutoff for adequate vitamin D levels appears to be around 40 ng/ml. In Europe, the target levels are 150 to 200 nmol/L or 100 nmol/L." -- from Robert Malone



There are lots more...

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Thank you for that, I'm certainly not a doctor !

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May 7, 2022·edited May 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I first became aware of how important vitamin D was with respect to covid from a Daily Mail online article in Oct. 2020. The article titled 'More proof vitamin D cuts your risk of getting severely ill with covid' cited a study by University of Cantabria researchers of Santander. If I remember, they weren't sure whether covid caused vitamin D levels to drop or if low vitamin D levels lead to severe disease but for me, there was enough evidence there that I immediately upped my vitamin D intake.

I also read the excellent article that you, Dr. Malone cited by Borsche et al.

Yes, it is a crime that this information is not shouted from the roof tops by public health officials.

Believe it or not, I've shared this information with as many people as I could but the reaction of the majority of my friends was 'oh, that's nice' but they still don't take vitamin D or they only take about 1,000 IU. I even sent it to my local bishop and to the apostolic nuncio for my country in the hopes that the church would drop it's support for vaccine mandates given vitamin D is God given, vaccines tainted by abortion, not so much. Crickets.

Thank you Dr. Malone for shining the spot light on vitamin D.

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May 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I owe a huge debt to my PA, Mary Jo, and to my endocrinologist, Dr. Crawford. Mary Jo, who recently retired, was the most thorough primary care practitioner I have ever seen. She checked my Vit D levels over 20 years ago and discovered I didn't show a trace in the blood work. She started me on 50,000IU/week of D2. Dr. Crawford boosted me to 150,000/IU/D2/week and I have been taking that ever since. I get my levels checked twice yearly. I also follow the FLCCC.net protocols and recommend them to everyone.

Dr. Fauci should be brought up on charges of malfeasance, at the least. He is personally responsible for the debaucle we have gone through. What would explain this? Is he stupid? Is it the patents and money from the pharma companies? The truth is slowly trickling out.

Senator Rand Paul was on top of this from the beginning and did some hard questioning. Thank God we have him in the Senate.

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Dr. Fauci actually said in an interview with an entertainment website back in 2020 that he takes either 6000 or 8000 IU of Vitamin D daily. I never heard him mention it again. He isn't stupid, just plain evil

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Mai Liberty, I remember that too

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Yes, that is evil.

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Fauci is anything but stupid. Nice to give him that hopeful option though.

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Read this Susan. It's jaw dropping in itself but also because it's the exact same steps and tactics Fauci used with Covid. Fauci is evil.


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If you have the time read Peter Duesberg’s “Inventing the AIDS Virus”. The NIH has been a corrupt organization since the middle of the last century. The current vaccine regimen (not just Covid, all vaccines) is not founded on science. And yes, Fauci did with AZT back in the day what he has more recently done with remdesivir. And AIDS is not caused by HIV. The book is a revelation.

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Yes, I've read many things on it and watched videos about it. Yet #DrFraudi is still in charge...

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May 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent article and I am 100% in agreement with vitamin D & D3, B, zinc supplements.

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I take them daily, along with Quercetin which is a good over-all anti-inflammatory.

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May 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I wholeheartedly agree and thank you for your continued brave fight in this never-ending battle.

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I recommend to everyone I know (including my small Rumble audience) to take 10,000 iu of Vitamin D3 daily. And to seek blood levels of Vitamin D3 closer to 100 ng/mL. (For my levels to get that high, I find that I myself have to take 15,000 iu of Vitamin D3 daily.)

On an anecdotal basis, everyone in my circle who has taken my advice on this virtually never gets the flu or colds... or Covid. That was not the case before the levels of Vitamin D3 were increased to these levels. I and others were taking, at most, 800 iu of Vitamin D3 and getting a cold (or flu) pretty much every year!

I’m 68 years old and am not at all afraid of Covid or any other respiratory illness. I could see right from the get-go that lockdowns, masks, etc. were the stupidest thing ever, so fortunately I never got the jab (even before I learned of its horrific adverse effects) because I was so disgusted with the whole charade.

BTW, I used to take the flu vaccine every year (got a bad case of the flu in 2008) but since this Covid madness I’ve been learning a lot about the issue of vaccines in general. I’m a TOTAL anti-vaxxer now.

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May 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“People (and physicians) rely on the CDC and NIH to guide them in healthcare and wellness decisions.”

Is that really true? Because, as a layman, I don’t think I’ve ever trusted the CDC enough to rely on them as.

I remember, even pre-COVID, making sure to never to click on CDC articles that popped up online whenever I did a symptom search.

I also recall deliberately declining random blood tests from two different doctors for different viruses that the CDC was researching, in 2016 and 2018, because I did not wish to assist any government in health research. It felt creepy to me at the time--Guess how creepy it feels to me now!

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I never thought I would be this paranoid about DNA from blood tests falling into the wrong hands

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Thanks for highlighting the importance of 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L 25(OH)D (25-hydroxyvitamin D) for proper immune system function. Proof of this includes the graph from Quraishi et al. 2014, which shows increasing levels of hospital acquired and wound site infections the more the pre-operative 25(OH)D level is below 50 ng/mL.

See the Quraishi et al. graph and other research articles cited at: "What every MD, immunologist, virologist and epidemiologist should know about vitamin D and the immune system" https://vitamindstopscovid.info/05-mds/ .

Most doctors do not realise is that without proper vitamin D supplementation(0.125 mg 5000 IU/day for 70 kg bodyweight = is a gram every 22 years, and it costs USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory), most people's circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D level is 1/2 to 1/10th of the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L their immune system needs to function properly.

The most important early treatment for COVID-19 or any acute medical condition in which the immune system needs to work properly, for all those who have 25-hydroxyvitamin D well below 50 ng/mL, is a single oral dose of (very approximately) 0.014 mg calcifediol per kg bodyweight, which is 1 mg for average weight adults. Calcifediol _is_ 25-hydroxyvitamin D. It goes straight into circulation, raising the blood 25-hydroxyvitamin D level safely over 50 ng/mL in 4 hours. Bolus vitamin D3 (such as 10 mg 400,000 IU) takes, very approximately, 4 days to achieve this. 0.125mg vitamin D3 a day takes several months, on average. https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/calcifediol-to-boost-25-hydroxyvitamin

This is now part of the FLCCC's MATH+ hospital treatment protocol: https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/math-plus-protocol/ "Use as early as possible in persons with COVID-19, sepsis, Kawasaki disease, Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, burns, and vitamin D deficiency in early pregnancy or other clinical emergencies. Measurement of the concentration of serum 25(OH)D is not necessary.

Healthy daily vitamin D3 intakes such as 0.125mg 5000 IU/day (70 kg bodyweight) take several months to raise 25(OH)D levels safely over 50 ng/mL from typical unsupplemented levels of 10 to 20 ng/mL.

Proper vitamin D3 supplementation would prevent almost all sepsis (which kills about 10 million people a year worldwide: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(19)32989-7/fulltext) and reduce the incidence of and/or severity of numerous cancers and other chronic and acute diseases. Pre-eclampsia is another common condition of excessive inflammation which is associated with low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels. All these inflammatory disorders are surely caused, to a significant degree, by lack of helminths: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/06-adv/#02-helminths . Low 25(OH)D levels exacerbate the situation since immune cells can not respond to their changing circumstances properly with such low levels. See Chauss et al. 2021 - summary and link: https://aminotheory.com/cv19/icu/#2021-Chauss . Higher than 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D can suppress the symptoms of many auto-immune inflammatory disorders, including psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, cluster headaches and migraine: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/06-adv/#01-higher .

If even a fraction of the diseases mentioned at https://vitamindwiki.com would be less of a problem with proper vitamin D3 supplementation, then the modest effort in attaining this, voluntarily, through government supported education and funding for the supplements themselves is well worth it. The supplements should be made by private industry, not the government - though the government should support quality testing of all such products.

There's very little vitamin D3 in food or multivitamins. It can be generated in the skin via UV-B exposure, but this always damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer. Such UV-B is only available to most people in the middle of the day, in summer, without any clouds or intervening glass, clothing or sunscreen. UV-B is clearly not the way to get all the vitamin D3 we need - especially for those with dark skin and/or sun-avoidant clothing and lifestyles. It is impossible to fortify food with vitamin D3 in a way which ensures most people get enough. Supplementation - such as every day, week or probably up to 10 days - is the only practical way of attaining proper 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels.

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Excellent explanation.

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May 7, 2022·edited May 7, 2022

My father was a pharmacist for all of his adult life. He passed away in 2005 from lymphoma. My mother was a surgical nurse. She retired around 2001. During my father's cancer battle I remember him saying to me that there was too much money in "treating" cancer for there to be much incentive in "curing" cancer.

Hello? McFly? Seeing the parallels? Can you spell Remdesivir? Vaccinate and Annually Boost the Planet?

Neither my father nor my mother were anti-Pharma people, but I think as my dad aged, he began to see the dark side of the industry more and more. I'm thankful he was not practicing when COVID was on the scene because he likely would have lost his license. He was the kind of man that would have filled the Ivermectin and HCQ prescriptions even if it meant defying the elites. My mother has been steadfast as well - she survived a pretty serious bout with Omicron but is not - and will not be - vaccinated. For all of us, the last 24 months have been an eye-opening experience about trust in the profession that was supposed to be "all about science" and the sad truth that so many health professionals prefer to follow like lemmings instead of do their own research fueled by healthy and necessary skepticism. I am struck by just how much people really are sheep - and scientists are not an exception. Apparently, it is better to be accepted by your peers yet be dead wrong than to be correct and unpopular. I guess some people never emotionally left junior high school.

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Hi Steve, I think you last four sentences sum up a lot about the disastrous response to COVID-19. This is part of a larger problem with medicine which we must fix, since there is no way most of humanity can route around the medical profession being so misinformed. Corruption is part of it, but I think there is also a profound sensibility in most doctors that medical interventions should be "sophisticated", narrowly targeted and above all be the sort of intervention most doctors would consider or use.

Doctors are overloaded with information, responsibilities, fear of harming their patients and fear of being sued for malpractice if they do anything out of the ordinary. Compared to electronics and other types of technology, in which innvation thriving and is the lifeblood of the industry, the mainstream medical profession is extraordinarily averse to innovation.

Groupthink within the medical profession is a massive problem. Fear of doing something different, or perhaps with a bad outcome, leads to a fear of being identified as a (sound made by ducks), which is enormously damaging to the doctor's career, ability to support his or her family and indeed to his or her entire sense of self.

There's a lot to think and write about this. A Midwestern Doctor has written three articles recently on doctors ignoring signs of iatrogenic (caused by medical treatment) injuries: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/why-do-doctors-close-their-eyes-to . These have been highly regarded and commented upon. I look forward to reading them and the comments thoroughly.

Groupthink in many professions and societal tribes has arguably been strengthened by the pernicious influence of social media, and fear of being outed for expressing an opinion to the contrary of what others deem acceptable. This include writing something involving _nuance_. Tom Shaw: https://dailysceptic.org/2022/05/06/the-toxic-perfectionism-young-people-have-learned-from-social-media-and-covid-conformity/

Also, regarding social media, Jonathan Haidt "Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid" https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/05/social-media-democracy-trust-babel/629369/ He has written this article as if it is straightforward to determine what is "misinformation" or not. I doubt that he really believes this, since there are numerous instances in the past and present where the majority of experts in any one field were or are completely wrong.

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May 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022

Thanks for this extremely thoughtful reply, Robin. I am sure others are benefitting from it as well as the embedded links (which are outstanding). It saddens me that the peer pressure that exists on doctors and nurses to "comply" is really no different than what so-called Modern Man is supposed to have evolved beyond "because science." Yet this is exactly the ostracism that Copernicus, Galileo, Pasteur, and others faced along the way. It doesn't matter whether it is the Roman Catholic church that is threatening to "cancel" the 16th century person trying to question status quo, or the State Board threatening to strip you of your license to practice, or a hospital administrator threatening to fire you. Lawsuits were at one time a mechanism for punishing actual malpractice. Now, the threat of one has become a way to enshrine and institutionalize malpractice - especially the iatrogenic species of malpractice you mention.

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Thanks Steve for your appreciation and for more thoughts and sentences which pack a punch, which I look forward to quoting sometime, with full attribution to "Steve, a reader on Substack"!

The extraordinary progress in many technical fields, such as aviation, electronics and computing, over the last 50 to 100 years, involves breathtaking innovation and benefits. The same is true of quite a few aspects of medicine, including especially dentistry.

However, the peaks of success are not a reliable guide to the general situation or to the lower limits of how ignorant, corrupt and harmful medicine can be. Along with surgeons who can fix babies hearts and bold progress in drug development and deployment, such as ivermectin for several parasites, many or most doctors fail to protect their patients and the public due to adherence to mainstream positions which deny the importance of nutrition and vastly over-emphasise the benefit/danger ratio of some vaccines.

It is as if mainstream doctors spend some of their time keeping abreast of the best research and refining their genuinely sophisticated knowledge and skills, but have a double-life involving en-mass witch-doctoring with spells handed down from the multinational pharmaceutical gods and and their narrowly-targeted, supposedly safe and highly effective _vaccines_.

Just because almost all of us have smartphones, global connectivity, Google Scholar etc. doesn't mean that medicine has shaken off the last of its systemic, tribal, group-think, errors, such as occurred in the mid-to-late 19th century when decades of effort was required to convince physicians of the necessity of hand washing, or in the mid-20th century to get them to recognise the dangers of smoking.

Many people who still trust mainstream medicine and public health will change their minds as the details of the vitamin D deficiency / sepsis / COVID-19 etc. man-made disaster(s) become more widely known. For medicine and public health to regain the trust of the public I think all those involved will need to explicitly admit their errors. Trying to wriggle past the tragedy and arguably the crimes of allowing and encouraging lousy nutrition, while denying early treatment, while promoting mRNA and adenovirus quasi-vaccines, will not be good enough to restore public trust. This will be a tall order for a profession which is so highly strung, with responsibility for life and death, and with the threat of being branded a (sound made by ducks) if the doctor is perceived to have made any significant error.

As part of public process of evaluating recent and current systemic failures of medicine, it is important to look at historical failures of medicine and more broadly of so-called experts and of the authorities who wield power over behaviour and communication. I think that the Church's persecution of Galileo and suppression of Copernican theory is entirely pertinent to understanding present day suppression of discordant medical opinion.

Handwashing: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2015/01/12/375663920/the-doctor-who-championed-hand-washing-and-saved-women-s-lives

Smoking: https://www.healio.com/news/hematology-oncology/20120325/cigarettes-were-once-physician-tested-approved

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I'm sure some of you are tired of hearing it (sorry!), but we would have been much better off if government had done nothing but 'mandate' an hour-long walk in the sunshine on days it was possible.

Instead, at every single junction they have chosen "Pharma profits" over "public health".

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Health care is a misnomer. Their business model relies on sick care.

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