this was evident when the genetic sequence was first published. The serine protease cleavage site was bioengineered without any shadow of a doubt. I had encounters with fauci during med school in the mid 1980’s. He needs to be held accountable for funding, supporting and engineering this bioweapon that has been unleased in us all.

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I have been watching fauci from afar since the HIV/AIDS debacle... Let us just say there is nothing in him to be deemed trustworthy. The less charitable side of my nature envisions a gallows for suppressing the truth of prophylaxes thereby directly causing a horrible death for hundreds of thousands of people... Mengele would be proud. And he's short enough that it won't require a lot of wood. Aside from the fiscal impact on millions, there is the utterly devastating impact on people with various forms of germaphobia... the fear for two of my kids has thoroughly derailed logic. And then the shots... he does indeed need to be held accountable. And he's not the only one. The unfortunate truth is that, if the world doesn't slap down those who have done this, it will happen again.

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022

Agree entirely and what about the access to the bucket loads of money that Fauci had access to? Who signed this off? Who checks what he does?

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022

Fauci has been NIAID director since 1984. In that position, he's been the J. Edgar Hoover of medicine for the past 37 years. He controls what science is done, and what science is not done, through control of billions of USD in research grants.

Fauci was put there by someone, and he has been kept in that position for a reason. If we don't want Fauci to simply be replaced by another Fauci, we have to get to the bottom of who he actually works for.

Fauci's ultimate taskmasters will turn out to be the three Rs: the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and the Royals. These are the people who, indirectly, truly run what we think of as our "democracies". And to get to them, you have to have his testimony.

He is probably responsible for more deaths than anyone in history. Yet it is even worth setting him free, if he testifies against his co-conspirators in hiding.

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Accountable including a cesation of all studies underway to be reviewed. I totally agree the cleavage site was primed- necessary for gain of function research.

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Love this comment, and especially that it's the top-liked comment. Doc Malone's Substack and that of Alex Berenson are populated by super smart folks. This comment is a poster child of this.

Where does this comment fit in our Resistance? To me, it forms the hypothesis or the starting guess. The more that the experts like Marc, Doc Malone, that Chinese female scientist whistleblower, etc say stuff like "The serine protease cleavage site was bioengineered without any shadow of a doubt", the more confidence it provides for people like Alex Berenson to dig for public documents, and for folks like Project Veritas to dig for private docs.

Go, Resistance Team, go!

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Hence no criticism of China as it implicates the USA.

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Love the fact that all of you agree about accountablility, get out your pens and write to your legislators for an investigation at UNC

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I use emails to communicate, but I know it doesn't matter.

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Sorry, Peter. I agree with Dr. Kerner. He called it what it is- a bioweapon. No secret that Bill Gates et. al. are eugenicists. Certainly some are in it for the money (10% for the Big Guy), but those at the top of the food chain have no need of money. They are psychotic megalomaniacs, plain and simple. And guess what, Colombo is not going to appear on the scene and get them to "confess". They won't go down easy!

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Concur. It is difficult because I hang around kind, good, altruistic people that have forgotten history and can't quite get their minds around evil. What has changed that would make us think we are exempt?

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I have to agree with that. I think somehow we got lazy and forgot that the full on psychopaths still live with us and that all of us a tiny psychopath inside us that needs to be restrained. We got too comfortable and believed that western civilization somehow tamed evil...

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Maybe we just weren’t paying attention or appreciating how good our lives were and not considering what could go wrong.

Government is and always has been the biggest threat to life.

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From someone (Dr. Fauci) who in 2012 reflected as follows on a hypothetical situation:

Imagine “an important gain-of-function experiment involving a virus with serious pandemic potential is performed…what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic?…as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks…the time it takes to engage in such a dialog <about whether these experiments should have been performed in the first place> could potentially delay or even immobilize the conduct of certain important experiments and the publication of valuable information that could move the field forward for the good of public health.”

At minimum he and the like value the data and research (and perhaps their resulting status) above all, even at the potential expense of innumerable lives and/or livelihoods. This allows them to align with those who perhaps go beyond those motives. Seems possible that involved parties each got what benefit they desired.


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Different bad actors in something this big are going to have different agendas. That said, a mechanic covertly doing nefarious things to your car so you have to come back soon is one of the oldest tricks in the book. The trillion dollar question is big pharma above participating in such a thing?

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The jab and the mass hysteria they've whipped up to push it is merely an on-ramp for the vaxxpass social credit and central bank digital currency system. Slavery! You'll own nothing and be happy, just ask Klaus Schwab.

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I read the tests were facilitating a bioweapon defense, that got out of control, caused by not china but the US, on one hand. On the other hand document outlines the vaccines don't really work. Was the play to create pressure to force downgraded version? Why focus on the kids, why does every statement start with proven safe and effective. Why are medical boards coming down on doctors for providing waiver to a product label that is untested in long term fertility?

Is this event a test for a live outbreak?

The power the California health officer invoked, Health and Safety Code sections 120125, 120140, 120175,120195 and 131080 are broad and unchecked. There is no threshold that needs to be met, such a fatality, for absolute power over Californian citizens.

13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility

"COMIRNATY has not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, or impairment of male fertility. In a developmental toxicity study in rats with COMIRNATY there were no vaccine-related effects on female fertility [see Use in Specific Populations (8.1)]. "

8.1 Risk summary included "A developmental toxicity study has been performed in female rats administered the equivalent of a single human dose of COMIRNATY on 4 occasions; twice prior to mating and twice during gestation. These studies revealed no evidence of harm to the fetus due to the vaccine (see Animal Data)." This touches on pregnancy not fertility.

Where is Dr Sues, I am ready for some green eggs and ham

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Dr Malone, I have repeatly asked NC elected officials to investigate Dr. Ralph Baric. NC is forever linked to this pandemic and no one elected in NC is interested. He is at the core of this research. Your thoughts?

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I have suggested that perhaps we should rename Covid19 the Chapel Hill Flu. No uptake yet.

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NC is hip deep in this

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Hey… you sound like a State fan. ;)

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Or Duke!

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oops SU alum

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Hahahaha! You inadvertently stepped in it!

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The tight coupling of NIH and university research infrastructure is never better illustrated than through this example. Carolina's medical education and research apparatus has benefitted so much over the past 30 years from the "indirect" on the ever expanding NIH grants, which generate more grants and more scientists who go on to work at NIH, review for NIH, and participate in networks that affirm the same worldview. Carolina doesn't want an audit of its "compliance" with NIH/federal agency regulations, since it'd lose current and future federal funding if it were actually investigated, and the NIH doesn't either, since it puts the whole establishment in question. So even if there was an investigation, I see little hope that NIH would hold Baric's lab accountable--all the dominoes would fall.

And why would the UNC system want to investigate this, even though the board is dominated by Republicans. The federal indirect costs have subsidized what the state used to--NC doesn't want to lose that cash cow. Yes, one could say that a few small minded trustees at ECU (with the only other public med school in the state) might have an interest in busting up Carolina's dominance, but the most prominent of those have been defanged in the past few years anyway. That said, if you're serious about the investigation, I'd find some Republican legislators with a few deep ties at ECU and eastern NC. Wake Forest might have a few willing dissidents too. Duke's infectious diseases group is too tightly coupled with Carolina's.

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Senator Thomas Tills biggest contributor is from big pharma. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you

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I sent Tillis a nasty gram today. I'm a registered independent but starting in 2020 and going forward it's going to be straight GOP for a while.

That said, it doesn't mean I'm handing money to the RNC who called me today. I explained the answer is NO. While I'm not stupid enough to vote for the crazy left-wing Dems, I also only plan to donate to Senator Ron Johnson, Senator Rand Paul, and Governor DeSantis. The rest of the republicans are getting into ridiculous ideological peeing matches while failing to point out the VACCINES DON'T WORK and masking our children is causing harm not stopping a virus. Being better than the far-left nutty life sucking Dems doesn't make them "good."

I then sent a nasty gram to Tillis. He's better than his opponent, but only just a little. So disappointed in BOTH useless NC senators.

I'll vote GOP because I actually love my kids and I won't be part of handing them some dystopian nightmare we are in from the Democrats. But I'm also not giving my money to people who can't stay focused on replicated actual outcomes and objective truth. I'm all done stupid ideological battles. We shouldn't have to argue about who "can" compel a "vaccine" that doesn't actually work because that answer should clearly be no one can compel a medical treatment that doesn't actually work to protect others from anything. That's step one, not "incidental" or "not what the argument is about." Falsely claiming it works is the entire justification for the stupid harmful mandates. Lockdowns, masks, "vaccines" - none of this crap actually works so no government agency at any level should be able to legally mandate any of it.

Yet, very few are focusing on this most important factual reality. Only those willing to focus on this will get my money even if I'm forced to hold my nose and vote for ideologues whose ideology is individual freedom that I agree with, but willingness to stand up for objective reality is missing.

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I’ve stopped all GOP donations with Winred. Find races that matter and send directly to the candidates campaign. When the National recognizes what we want maybe we can revisit.

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If the numbers look terrible in a couple months I may donate, but right now I’m irritated and unwilling to send more money except the few good candidates who care about actual outcomes.

The poor lady from the RNC told me her daughter’s husband convinced her to get the shots and she’s had soft tissue infections the last 5 months that started right after her second shot. I asked her why she wasn’t pushing for people to talk about the terrible side effect profile and the fact that they don’t work…… her answer was basically Republicans are better than Dems and we need better candidates. I told her I agreed but most of the reason the country is being torn apart is these ridiculous ideological pissing matches. If these shots were safe and effective there would be zero need for mandates - they would have worked. Same for masks. If the people opposed to the mandates would simply include the fact THEY DON’T WORK the country wouldn’t be getting torn apart by the perception they do work from an opposition opposed solely on the grounds “I’m not going to do what someone tells me to.” The truth is, nobody would need to mandate stuff that works. That’s the true basis for historical opposition to oppressive mandates. Even if the terrible side effect profile resulted in actual stopping of transmission the debate would be can you require young people to risk their lives to save old people. It’s beyond stupid, and highly suspicious, so many anti-mandate Republicans are flat out ignoring objective reality that masks don’t work, lockdowns don’t work, and the vaccines don’t work to stop or meaningfully “slow” the spread. Targeted protection isn’t the best approach because of ideology, it’s the only one that might actually work without destroying society.

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Yes they kept money I thought was going to a candidate, did the monthly donations it the default. Stopped the monthly my husband too. Months later they restarted them!

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Please run for school board and volunteer at the poll. You have a brain. We need folks with common sense

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Running for school board would fall flat with my kids at private school but I’ll volunteer at the polls. Actually, I’m a CPA so I may agree to be an actual poll worker. I work part time and call my own hours. But I also might be ready to poke my eyes out by the end of it. 😂. I volunteered to watch for 2 shifts last election and that was, um, eye opening. 🤦‍♀️

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Great. That’s what we need good luck

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The UNC system has turned into a joke with UNC leading the way. I would NOT go to ANY physician that graduated from UNC medschool after 2008.

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Duke let Muslims have a meeting then denied a Jewish group! Years ago imagine how bad they are now!

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A stain on the institution. I've seen no response from them on their role in this.

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Quite a few stains on that institution

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Only with pressure on these elected officials. Get your pen out

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UNC alumni stop sending money

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This DARPA Fauci Daszac Baric Gates orgy of criminal collusion was revealed by David Martin long ago. There are already documents. Glenn Beck also connected the dots three months ago. As long as the criminals control everything then the truth stays a "conspiracy theory" and nobody sees justice.

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"Project Veritas has obtained a separate report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow."

The Point: Project Veritas has separately confirmed/verified the documentation provided by DRASTIC and others.

The Question: What will anyone do about it?

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I suspect "they" are sitting around a big green baize table* right now in heated conversation.

*I think that was a Tom Wolfe gem.

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It's not only them -as we know it's a huge network of willing (and paid off?) government heads as well. All they have done is push the vaccine, mandated vaccines and passports whilst actively oppressing and denigrating opposing voices hence actively killing free speech and democracy

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The big pharma funding of CDC and NIH, as well as the personal enrichment of the scientists working there getting their names on patents, needs to end. Until we do that absolutely nothing will change.

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Thank you Dr Malone. I appreciate that you are willing to vet these documents with a critical eye. Please keep us posted with what strikes you as "real" and "important".

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The fact…..we don’t know if people are even dying with or have COVID. For two years nearly everyone has been using PCR testing which the CDC approve and now has stated do not work, falsely test positive 89% of the time, and RECOMMEND they stop being used on 12/31/2021, in a formal notification to hospitals. They have known this for months, if not the beginning, but wanted to give hospitals the time to use up millions of useless test kit in inventory. In all likelihood to keep from being sued for making it a requirement to use them. I love “they RECOMMEND”. Which means they have no idea who has COVID or died of it since the beginning. You can multiply, divide, sq root, or multiple by 3.14159 all you want but it is still crap from the Center for Delusion and Confusion. The number of deaths and cases is propaganda.

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Last week I started to inform my family and friends to check the CDC and FDA site which clearly states PCR tests are not recognized past 12-31-21. CDC directs you to FDA site for COVID testing approvals. Two serology tests are listed as approved. There is a little paragraph before listing the two serology tests about PCR tests, which, in my opionion, was to confuse (like the comirnaty trick). My goal is to help my family and friends see they have been and continue to be lied to. So far, the results I have had are silence or a blank stare. I am planting seeds with facts hoping to break up the mass formation. Sadly, not in time for my mom. She developed stage 3 hypertension after the booster which she is now under treatment for.

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That is such an interesting comment that you made. I too find that the people who I speak to about the facts just look at me blankly as well. How many others have had this type of response when speaking to people. I have never seen such uniformity of response -simply blank as if the information goes through one ear and put the other. So sorry to hear about your mother. Here is someone who believes that they are doing the right thing as decreed by government, only to be seriously harmed.

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"I have covid fatigue, can't think about that anymore." That statement or sentiment is followed by a blank stare.

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FLCCC has a long haul protocol

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Thank you for your thoughts for my mom, I am heart broken. The uniformity of response comfirms, I believe, mass formation. We are blessed to have people such as Dr. Malone providing facts and blessed to have this platform to share experiences.

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Thank you for the heads-up, Dr. Malone—this looks promising …

The big question is: When will justice be served?! We already have several libraries’ full of evidence against Fauci, et al., so why hasn’t he been arrested and brought to trial (besides the global corruption scheme headed by Mafioso Mengelfauci)?

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Think of how long it takes to nab Mafioso, drug lords-- apply the same logic to Fauci. It is the littlest things that end up tripping them up. Patience.

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Ummm. and all they could get Capone for was tax evasion. Then "divine justice" whacked him with syphilis. Patience yes!

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Take the time to watch David E. Martin (expert in patent investigation) who has done exhaustive research and analysis on this whole chewing-gum-and-hair bezoar, and shows that this whole shebang including interlocking directorates could be prosecuted under the RICO (Racketeer Influenced Crime Operations) (he lists the requirements for RICO prosecution), that were used to bust the Mafia. The best of his presentations is before the German Committee on Coronavirus...." If you'll put in those search terms it will probably lead you there unless Google or youtube has already scrubbed it from existance.

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Thanks for forwarding the link! Saves me from searching for it again.

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More of the dissonance that we have seen -2 + 2 = 5 . We may be uncovering in real time the depth and extent of the rot and corruption. Im starting to think that because there could be so many compromised people (on so many different levels and reasons), that the only way to cleanse is to have a truth commission giving amnesty to those who are involved in anyway. This would mean setting up a criteria for amnesty - what type of disclosure would exempt a person from prosecution? Would some crimes be too great to give amnesty? I cant see a way out of this mess without thinking about multi-pronged solutions. And what can we do to safeguard ourselves from this happening ever again? We must make sure that anyone who has any authority is NOT compromised and MUST declare any conflict of interest. We must know what conflict of interest is and spell it out.

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Dr. Malone, This is great work by the Marine Major. I hope that he will be allowed to speak freely and perhaps this will have an effect on the military vaccine exemptions.

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Great thought

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Simple people like me might come to the conclusion that Mr. Fauci was involved with dangerous research in collaboration with an unfriendly foreign power, viz. Red China. Legal scholars can correct me if I'm wrong, but that sounds a lot like what we used to call treason. I know that in saner times the punishment for treason was the death penalty; I remember clearly the cases of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg (yes, I'm that old).

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The ultimate insult to a doctor is calling them by "Mr" rather than. "Dr". You went there and I applaud you because if anybody deserves that, it is Fauci. You have inspired me and I think we should all call him "Mr. Fauci" from now on. Kudos on your comment, agree with all of it.

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In the summer of 2020 I met a virologist working in a university town near my home who had already had COVID twice (October 2019 and June 2020). He and two other partners owned a lab. One partner had basically gone all but insane with fear and would not leave his house for fear of getting COVID. He would not come to the lab to work and they ultimately had to buy out his ownership position. He related a story of two partner virologists in Australia that committed suicide together due to their fear of spreading the virus. (You want to talk about Psychosis?). He sincerely believed at the time that this virus was actually created in the NC lab and taken to Wuhan, most likely to be deliberately released. I would not be surprised at this point if he was correct.

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022

Bottom line is that Fauci has demonstrated abysmally poor judgement throughout his career. Malone should pose, in the most public way possible, the question: "Mr. Fauci, do you still consider gain of function research worth the risks?"

In fact this question should be asked over and over by every single person credentialed to ask it until he answers. IMO, it is a question that should be "narratized" since it can ultimately serve to fracture the Mass Formation.

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Excellent idea. That WSJ article yesterday about obsolete mandates is a huge step in the right direction. Perhaps some journalists will grow a spine.

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Translation: whether technically legal or not, Fauci et. al. at the NIAID engaged in risky experiments and tried to keep it under the radar. When COVID was released, they suppressed the evidence of a lab leak and promoted the wet market theory in order to keep their experiments from being scrutinized. CYA for a major mistake like this is dishonest and represents a moral (perhaps legal) lack of judgement, but most can understand the temptation to engage in damage control. No one wants to go down in history as the guy who started a global pandemic.

What is MOST reprehensible is the suppression of life-saving early treatments. Even if these treatments protect a mere 25% of serious cases from death (the real number is probably much higher), how much suffering could have been avoided since this all started? What kind of a monster would actively work to keep these treatments from being widely distributed and promoted, even with the promise of large profits?

He could have done the cover-up while also promoting cheap repurposed early treatments. That would at least put him in the human category.

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And what kind of monsters would strip great doctors like Kory and Marik and others from treating their patients with FDA approved drugs which have proven safety and efficacy (and are cheap/off-patent)?

Beyond scandalous.

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Within weeks of this virus "going pandemic" I told my wife "it was engineered, released on purpose, and is a trial run for the real thing". I saw too much circumstantial evidence to support the "narrative". The first is now established fact. The second may never be proven, but given the amount of diplomatic travel and international event attendance that China did in late 2019 and early 2020 - the original super-spreader event in my opinion - I will stand by my conclusion. Time will tell about the third.

Who can we rely upon to prepare us, and hopefully prevent, the third?

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Simply mind boggling to think Dr Fauci still leads COVID Response Team! This guy is a modern day Josef Mengele'! UN is so engrossed in the money that vaccines bring into underdeveloped countries that they devalue life

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My friend is now reading Dr. Scott Atlas’ book, “A Plague Upon Our House”.

Says he can’t put it down.

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He many lies does Fauci need to be caught in telling before he’s prosecuted?

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Why is it always the Majors and Colonels and never the Generals?

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Because the majors and colonels with integrity can't move up. The generals are political animals, as evidenced by allowing politicians make rules that get soldiers killed and not intervening to stop it.

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You have answered correctly. The way to get ahead in an aging bureaucracy is to tell your boss what he wants to hear. How many did 4 stars did Eisenhower have to command the largest US army in history? How many are there now?

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When will Fauci and those Eco Alliance cohorts -Peter Dszak be arrested? Who selected Dszak to be the independent fact finder at the Wuhan lab as set up by Tedros from the WHO

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The FBI is too busy trying to cover-up their involvement with the Jan. 6th riot to be bothered with hundreds of thousands of Americans being killed or permanently injured by the jabs:

Watch Cruz questioning the FBI in Congress regarding “Ray Epps”.


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