The problem is there is no penalty or prosecution for these obvious crimes against humanity. Pfizer should be raided and shut down immediately. Instead they jail James O’Keefe from Veritas. There are sick evil greedy forces that have taken over this country and the world. Not sure how we get federal and local law enforcement to prosecute and do their job.
The problem is there is no penalty or prosecution for these obvious crimes against humanity. Pfizer should be raided and shut down immediately. Instead they jail James O’Keefe from Veritas. There are sick evil greedy forces that have taken over this country and the world. Not sure how we get federal and local law enforcement to prosecute and do their job.
I'm not so sure about that. False advertisement is a crime. Did Pfizer knowingly advertise that its "vaccine" stopped transmission of the coronavirus, which, as it turns out, was a false statement? Collusion in setting prices is a crime. Did Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca collude to set a non-competitive price for their mRNA "vaccines." Bribing doctors to prescribe a certain medication is a crime. Pfizer and J&J have a criminal record against them on this.
Obama made government propoganda legal. If DoD has absorbed the pharma companies, as many have speculated, they might not fall under the usual statutes.
All governments engage in propaganda. The American government has, for the most part, kept this secret ... until now. Many more Americans are now aware of the 5th generation warfare that the US government, and most Western governments, are waging against their own people. That's a good thing.
The problem is there is no penalty or prosecution for these obvious crimes against humanity. Pfizer should be raided and shut down immediately. Instead they jail James O’Keefe from Veritas. There are sick evil greedy forces that have taken over this country and the world. Not sure how we get federal and local law enforcement to prosecute and do their job.
I'm not so sure about that. False advertisement is a crime. Did Pfizer knowingly advertise that its "vaccine" stopped transmission of the coronavirus, which, as it turns out, was a false statement? Collusion in setting prices is a crime. Did Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca collude to set a non-competitive price for their mRNA "vaccines." Bribing doctors to prescribe a certain medication is a crime. Pfizer and J&J have a criminal record against them on this.
Obama made government propoganda legal. If DoD has absorbed the pharma companies, as many have speculated, they might not fall under the usual statutes.
All governments engage in propaganda. The American government has, for the most part, kept this secret ... until now. Many more Americans are now aware of the 5th generation warfare that the US government, and most Western governments, are waging against their own people. That's a good thing.
But in the U.S., it used to be illegal.
BARACK OBAMA MADE Propaganda Legal Against US Citizens
One state at a time.