Jan 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Why aren’t these people rounded up and jailed? Where is our sense of Justice? Where is the “Justice” for the thousands who’ve been harmed by the products of this company (among several companies) who obviously PREMEDITATEDLY foisted a defective product on humanity? The crime is so sweepingly huge that we fail to fully grasp what has happened and what’s worse, is continuing to happen...

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I've said all along they are no different than the auto mechanic that does something nefarious to your car when you take it in for repair, so you have to bring it back to them later. Only difference is that what Pfizer is talking about is a crime against humanity. And they should be dealt with as such.

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Amen. Well said.

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I came across an article that seems to make sense of why nothing ever seems to be accomplished in our favor. https://brownstone.org/articles/the-astonishing-implications-of-schedule-f/

The unelected administrative state has become the 4th and most powerful branch of government. This is where policies for covid 19, such as social distancing, lockdowns, face masks, were formed and deployed. The other 3 branches have little impact on this 4th branch but Trump had sought to fight this through "Schedule F", which I had never heard of.

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This excellent link you posted is definitely worth its 8-minute read.

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In case your question wasn't just rhetorical, the govts of the world got into bed with these companies and offered them immunity from liability. Proving that they went beyond the terms of the agreements will take time and evidence. Evidence which is difficult to come by when such large numbers of 'trained professionals' believe the lies. They've hired and employ people who are expert at twisting the truth into a Gordian knot.

Unfortunately, the branch of govt in the USA that prosecutes such acts has been filled with enough people that disagree with the laws they're responsible for enforcing and defending so that legitimate justice is nearly impossible to attain.

BIG Hat tip to Kim in the replies here - making the same point I was taking so long to construct.

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Con- Vincers

Laughing all the way

to the global off shore banks of untouchability !👍

Crime pays....

Till the moment it doesn't!

You will make a small fortune , provided you have a huge one to start with! 🎯👍


Too big too fail.

Too big too nail.

Too big too jail.

That ship has sailed.

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Is it becoming clear that the Department of Injustice has been too busy imprisoning people whose crimes involve no actual victim, and are too compromised in their own lives to do anything that would threaten their access to the public teat, anyway?

The criminal class occupies every (unsupervised) hall of government. While you (me too) were too busy gorging at the trough of consumer delights and temporary pleasures, we failed to look around and question what was happening. While we debated the merits of calling Bruce Jenner a woman, tens of thousands of citizens in Hong Kong were begging for our help. When we wrung our hands about poor George Floyd, as if there were no God, the French were donning yellow vests (a lampoon against a French law that required everyone to have a yellow vest in the trunk of their vehicles, just in case) and battling tyranny , street to street, as the Macron-led globalist jackals forced tyranny upon them. While super stars shed their clothing at super-bowl half times, imprisoned Falun Gong members were being vivisected, their organs sold to transplant centers, enabling China to become the only country in the world where you could get an organ transplant within (sometimes) weeks of the request.

We have NO right to be sanctimonious here.

That said, however, now that we are awake, and penitent, we are an army enraged at the blatant greedy nature of the Big Business oligarchy that now owns everything of import. Are we prepared to take it back, to ignore the owners of these factories, to throw open the doors of each shuttered factory (thanks to lunatic lockdowns) and begin to produce what the entire world needs?

If we all simply ignored these parasitic vampire squids and went about the business of caring for each other, with less care for what happens to 'me' the individual, we might roll the world back from the edge of an abyss, from which there will never be a return (without divine intervention)..?

I sometimes wonder what it was like the first time some ancient tribe went to harvest fruit out in some wild area, as they had done for ages, only to find that someone had fenced it off and now some sort of payment was required.

Let us rip down the needless fences constructed by the governmentally sponsored eugenicists and enable us all to control the land that our sweat and blood built. Let us return to the ethical compassionate capitalism that rewards hard work and leaves the indolent where they lie, remote in one hand, some soporific in the other.

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Correct on most counts. Sadly there has been a group of people for years who called themselves “The Watchmen on the Walls”. They rarely got any media exposure and were like so many now, maligned as liars and kooks. They are some of the preppers sand religious groups. How are or could we stop this train, or stop this crazy in your face destructive vax before it occurred? That’s the big unknown and perhaps we’ll never know. Basically it comes down to the ages old battle of Good versus Evil. Usually for good to triumph it has historically taken horrible circumstances to get we the people to ban together against that which chooses to bind us. (Hope that made sense). Until we can no longer speak freely on this topic and more keep up your posts, loudly proclaim to the asleep and pray for those like Dr. Malone who are out in public eye screaming Truth!

Thank you for your post it was on the money despite being rather sad.

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Correct on most counts. Sadly there has been a group of people for years who called themselves “The Watchmen on the Walls”. They rarely got any media exposure and were like so many now, maligned as liars and kooks. They are some of the preppers sand religious groups. How are or could we stop this train, or stop this crazy in your face destructive vax before it occurred? That’s the big unknown and perhaps we’ll never know. Basically it comes down to the ages old battle of Good versus Evil. Usually for good to triumph it has historically taken horrible circumstances to get we the people to ban together against that which chooses to bind us. (Hope that made sense). Until we can no longer speak freely on this topic and more keep up your posts, loudly proclaim to the asleep and pray for those like Dr. Malone who are out in public eye screaming Truth!

Thank you for your post it was on the money despite being rather sad.

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With a free, independent press, this video would be plastered across all MSM 24/7 and Pfizer would go down in flames within a week.

We no longer have independent news broadcasting or printed press in the West. A healthy democracy can't survive without it.

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But….. the Family of God will survive and thrive. It always has. And always will, until King Jesus calls His people to meet Him in the air.

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They should verify it first.

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They will ignore it, since Pfizer is paying their salaries.

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That would be the equivalent of verifying that Hitler approved the murder of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. There is so much else they've done, it is beyond superfluous to suspect them of this, too.

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Millions and millions have been harmed.

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Everyone has been harmed, one way or the other. It is an anti-human, God-hating sleepless malevolence that thrives on death and destruction who has directed the minds of too many of us.

We are so bound to waywardness...

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It's entirely based on "0" liability! The 1986 "UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE" Iron Clad passage.

Thee got a ticket to ride...

Thee got a ticket to ride...

Thee got a ticket to ride...And "Thee" don't care! Beatles (Thee for She)

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I watched the first minute of the video. There is enough there to pull this clown in for an interview leading to criminal charges. In all seriousness I have arrested and jailed people for a lot less.

Problem is with "Big Crime", as Larry mentions, it stuns most people into immobility.

The caveat here is if you arrest Pfizer, Moderna, etc., you have to do Fauci, CDC, most of Congress and on and on. Now you have to get a LE agency, preferably an Attorney General's office to pull the trigger on a MASSIVE investigation. The Feds will not touch this one...unless Congress cuts all the funding to federal law enforcement. If anyone knows Gov. Desantis call him, show him this video and ask if he can have his AG start the ball rolling. AG Paxton (Texas) would do it too I think.

Project Veritas = True Warriors of Humanity and Patriots Extraordinaire.

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Exactly what I have been soapboxing about. It is going to take states, hopefully banding together where possible to stop the progressive juggernaut that has been eroding our culture since Wilson got that ball rolling downhill.

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We have already stopped our funding of the WHO. There is no reason why we have to abide by anything they pass if we simple opt to leave. And the mood here is rapidly moving in that direction

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I wasn't aware that the funding had actually been stopped. Is that very recent? I thought Trump had discontinued it, but Biden restored funding.

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You are right the clown has restored funding but it can be unrestored. And we can use our own method of medical coding if it comes to that.

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I’m trying to remember where I read that either there is a provision or it is an amendment t being proposed at the WHO that basically says that if a member state decides to withdraw the process of disengaging is like three years. It makes me wonder--the imposition or proposal of that time frame. Kind of like whatever might prompt one to withdraw will be executed and finished before a member state’s decision can alter the path forward. Just my two cents or reflection on what the WHO is up to.

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Reviewing the last info on our medical coding, that Dr M shared with us, it looks as duplicitous as needed for pharmas goals. Hope all this becomes clearer soon!

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Could congress demand that the federal government and all its agencies cut ties with Pfizer? I suspect that the way to win this war is not through punishment but by controlling the flow of money. It’s our money. We should control it.

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Most of Congress is complicit, or deeply involved. John Cornyn, for instance, is still pushing jabs as safe and effective. Not sure if he’s a useful idiot or a ringleader. Either way, he won’t be calling for any investigations anytime soon.

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The trial lawyer bar could end this in a few months by doing their jobs - and representing injured and wronged clients. But they are captured as well. They know what lawsuits are okay to file ... and which ones aren't.

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A trial lawyer would have to find a chain of honest judges that goes all the way through the appeals path. Is that even possible in today’s legal system?

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Could governors demand that hospitals and insurance companies operating within their state cut ties with Pfizer?

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not only Pfizer, remember Remdesivir

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You nailed it. There's simply too many "stakeholders" in the Big Lie by now. If you charged or exposed one, you'd have to keep going ... and you'd never stop. They all have a strong incentive to make sure the truth never gets told. They can't let the first real "investigation" take place.

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Missouri's Attorney General in now in the Senate, sworn in earlier this month. Eric Schmitt and Josh Hawley, Missouri's two Senators, are both former Attorneys General. Eric Schmitt promised to be MAGA during his campaign. We will now see if he really meant it.

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As AG Schmitt was filing lawsuits of his own and with other states right and left against the B admin. MO Treasury was rebuking ESG... MO is on it.

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From what I heard, this guy said the topic was discussed. Did I hear wrong?

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Watch Tucker Carlson show tonite. He played the after video when the idiot realized that he was filmed. He went postal and attacked the Veritas reporter physically. He tried to grab the laptop and smash it. He became violent? Now…. why did he do that? Why? By by career. You are done for exposing the Borg.

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Bravo, Project Veritas! 👏

Surely, this is egregiously illegal. So when do the criminal prosecutions start? When an individual is caught committing a crime, he is arrested immediately. When a corporation routinely practices mass murder and reckless endangerment of the planet, it just keeps raking in the profits and moves on to the next lucrative atrocity when the previous one dries up.

What is the path toward criminal justice in this situation specifically?

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It’s up to very persuasive, effective people like YOU to keep this crime in the forefront of peoples’ minds. The MSM will try to downplay this modern holocaust until they realize they can’t. I’m serious. You, Malone, Yeadon, McCullough, Naomi Wolf, Pierre Kory and so many more can now direct your varied and wonderful talents in this single direction right now. You can go back to the corrupt administrative state, the WEF and globalists later.... besides, I suspect they’ll all be implicated in this.

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And nobody will do a thing about it. Because as John Harington observed over 400 years ago: treason doth never prosper, what's the reason, if treason doth prosper, none dare call it treason. 10% for the Big Guy and Americans are still fine with this senile, grasping, low-life imbecile ruling them.

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President Potato is just a symptom of government compliance with money and forces out to destroy “ the American Way”. (Whatever’s left of it )

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It shows you who is really in control. We already are living under the technocracy....the public/private partnerships that now carry more weight than the will of the people in our democratic processes and institutions.

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not "you" but "us" and "we"

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Not sure what is your point but don't count me among the feckless. Soon after the lockdowns started I personally sued CT Gov Lamont in federal court to challenge his proscription on gatherings of more than 5 people. Did anyone join me? Support me? Even offer words of encouragement? I think you can guess the answer. Yet, in the end, Lamont backed down. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Liberty is worth fighting for.

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aligned :)

btw- had to look up definition of feckless and proscription

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Hmm...it is things such as this that rarely breach the light of day.

And when offered up as evidence in a court of law is somehow deemed as "hear say."

Get some cuffs on this clown. Make him sing like a little bird in a cage. This needs more meat on the bone. Names/dates/docs/special memos/ etc. Great place to begin the unraveling!

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I sent an email to my governor (Virginia) with the link to this Substack). I used a bit of your comment (hopefully you don't mind) as I thought you nailed it. I also pointed out that DeSantis can't be the only governor to take action to aggressively hold the federal government to account. The Malone comments often make me think of the Band of Brothers movie/book. As a reviewer noted: it defies cynicism and reveals the realities of courage, compassion, and brotherhood as real men in a horrendous war practiced it. No bullets but I feel the Covid-19 war and find comfort because I know we who comment are doing our best to support the real warriors (Malone et.al).

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Its a crime against humanity and it should be dealt with as such.

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the most urgent step is to take All so-called vaccines off the market World Wide

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As Dr. Malone said, we must fight for Integrity, Dignity and Community, in order to survive as Humanity.

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Are We Listening?!

****Attorney Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0: Justice will Not Come Through the Courts but by the People Rising Up****

- https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/attorney-reiner-fuellmich-on-nuremberg-2-0-justice-will-not-come-through-the-courts-but-by-the-people-rising-up/

Editor, Health Impact News

by Brian Shilhavy

December 7, 2021

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich practices law in Germany and in California, and he has been exposing the crimes against humanity by the Globalists who have inflicted the false COVID-19 narrative on the public and mandated their dangerous bioweapons called “vaccines” through his Corona Investigative Committee for the past two years.

We have published some of this work here on Health Impact News.

It has been called “Nuremberg 2.0” by many, as expectations have been that there would be some kind of trial in an international court of law where these criminals would be prosecuted.

Dr. Fuellmich recently revealed much of what his Corona Investigative Committee has found in a meeting in Poland, and he made clear the same thing I have been saying for many months now, that the judicial system is owned and controlled by the Globalists, and justice will not be found in today’s courts, whether it is Germany or the U.S., or any other country.

He stated:

The only way to end this is by the people rising up and telling the authorities that this is the end of the line.

It is not the courts of law. The courts of law, maybe we can use them to clean things up. But I am afraid that they are not even good for that. Because they are so infiltrated by the other side that we’re going to have to setup a whole new judicial system…….


TOM RENZ’S Newsletter

We have the Evidence; It’s Time To Hold Government Criminals Accountable

We’ve known for two years now that these mRNA injections are lethal. And we now have the receipts that FBI violates the constitution every day. How much more is needed before people demand action?

January 25, 2023


Tom Renz, (comment) “We are getting there. The simple fact is that accountability will not happen until a sufficient number of people wake up and demand it. That is happening and the reason I’m doing as much media as I am - including this SubStack. The reason I practice lawfare over law is that we need more than lawsuits to fix this and without “we the people” being involved everything fails. Praise God - things are working and people are waking up. It is now a race against time with globalists that want to enslave humanity on one side and we the people on the other… thankfully God will stand with us.”

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I agree! What day / days are we taking to the streets in large enough numbers we can’t be ignored?! What else can we do? Have we tried these?

10 Letters :


This is the time to band together as Americans

to stand up for our rights.

Millions of people have been injured or killed by this virus. Why has nobody asked those responsible to be held accountable?

This is not an argument about being vaxxed or not vaxxed. There would be no need for a vaccine, ventilators, or lockdowns, if they did not release an illegal gain of function bioweapon. THIS IS ABOUT ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THOSE RESPONSIBLE!

People ask what can I do? How can I help?

You can send a letter to your State's Attorney General asking them to do their job and protect those they have sworn an oath to protect. Demand they convene a grand jury and bring criminal indictments against the perpetrators.

Instructions for U.S. Citizens to Submit Your Letter for Indictments
Calling for the
State Attorney Generals (AGs),
District Attorneys (AGs) &
Applicable Prosecuting Authorities
to Convene Criminal Grand Juries to
Indict The People Responsible for Their
Gain-of-Function Criminal Violations!!!.

BECAUSE We ARE The People!!!

& It is Up to Us to Hold These People

Criminally Accountable.
for Crimes Against America &
Crimes Against Humanity.

Chose ANY of the Three Options Below to get you to the 10Letters.org website, to be part of the Cure for the Disease (Criminal Gain-of-Function Research) Taking over our Country;

The United States of America.

Then record your taking your Letter for Indictment to your U.S. Post Office;

Post it on Social Media and

Challenge others to do the same.

10Letters.org Campaign Challenge

Record Your Taking Your AG/DA Letter for Indictment to the

U.S. Post Office


Further information available on Dr Richard Fleming’s Website or Rumble channel:



5 Small Stones https://5smallstones.com


The Medical Integrity Collection

Tools to clearly notify local, state and federal officials and their private-sector accomplices that you understand the fraud and genocide program that they have imposed on the American people through the Covid-19 war crimes, demand that they stop participating in the war crimes, and demand that they make sure the injured and bereaved are cared for and the perpetrators of the crimes are brought to justice.

Flying Soon??? Print & Share with Airline workers, pilots, stewards & stewardesses:


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Our attorney general in NC is a woke idiot.

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Yes. By failing to look into these issues, Josh Stein is as complicit as the perpetrators. Right now he’s sending out uninvited texts attacking Mark Robinson--his f’ing lieutenant governor for Gods sake. Oh, and asking for a handout. He’s garbage.

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Sample County Resolution to Protect the Rights of Citizens:


Thomas Renz – Renz Law





The following is sample legislation that could be adapted by a

county or other local governmental entity to protect the rights of

citizens under the Constitution of the United States and the state in

which that entity exists. Please note that this is not meant to be

legal advice and that any entity using this document should consult

an attorney licensed in their own state.

***If we hope to save our nation, we must work from the ground up. It

is my hope that this document will be modified and used

conceptually as a means of providing a basis to ensure freedom in

our nation.

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I told you. I worked in the pharmaceutical industry many years ago. Companies big and small were doing this kind of illegal and immoral research back then. It's just gotten worse since the FDA, the CDC, and the NIH have been bought off by the drug companies. And everyone in the industry knows it happens. Now that Pfizer's treachery has been exposed, I predict we'll have many more whistleblowers.

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I hope you are right!

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From your typing digits to God’s Ear my friend!

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The employees must realize that this makes the world less safe for THEM as well, don’t they?

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Most pharmaceutical company employees are working for a paycheck. They have growing families like I did. The money in the drug business is fantastic, so few employees have the financial wherewithal to give that up. Few have the courage to just quit ... like I did.

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Like you all said last night, (and I paraphrase) Pfizer seems to encourage such sociopathic managers and senior officers. It’s a corrupt culture. Probably the same throughout big Pharma. Congress needs to step up NOW: call them all illegal monopolies, bust them up into small, separate units. Then these little companies can compete against each other, and police each other, as it should be. Of course, prior to this, serious criminal investigations need to move forward NOW.

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They own a majority in Congress, own the WH and all the 3 letter agencies. Not gonna happen.

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It would all Change with an honest media. Events can sometimes overshadow this. I’m hopeful.

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Pfizer pays off the Media, too.

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"brought to you by Pfizer"

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Exactly, there is a well known process through which formely normal people become psychopaths, examples are the recruiting technics of gangs and drug cartels were members have to perform increasingly illegal and criminal acts that desensitize them and destroy their empathy. It seems the way people are chosen and promoted to rise in the ranks within Pfizer is some modification, white collar crime version.

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Same with Teacher's Unions.

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The liberal mainstream media, various fringe groups and a small number of Socialist/Communist/Fascist groups continually demonize capitalism BUT there is absolutely nothing wrong with maximizing profits and increasing shareholder values.


There is absolutely everything wrong with illegally and UN-ethically chasing the monetary gain with no moral compass. This evil is compounded when the liberals, media, judges and law makers refuse to enforce our Constitution and laws of the land.

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I can’t take credit for that. It came from Robert Malone. Last night.

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The problem is there is no penalty or prosecution for these obvious crimes against humanity. Pfizer should be raided and shut down immediately. Instead they jail James O’Keefe from Veritas. There are sick evil greedy forces that have taken over this country and the world. Not sure how we get federal and local law enforcement to prosecute and do their job.

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I'm not so sure about that. False advertisement is a crime. Did Pfizer knowingly advertise that its "vaccine" stopped transmission of the coronavirus, which, as it turns out, was a false statement? Collusion in setting prices is a crime. Did Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca collude to set a non-competitive price for their mRNA "vaccines." Bribing doctors to prescribe a certain medication is a crime. Pfizer and J&J have a criminal record against them on this.

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Obama made government propoganda legal. If DoD has absorbed the pharma companies, as many have speculated, they might not fall under the usual statutes.

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All governments engage in propaganda. The American government has, for the most part, kept this secret ... until now. Many more Americans are now aware of the 5th generation warfare that the US government, and most Western governments, are waging against their own people. That's a good thing.

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But in the U.S., it used to be illegal.

BARACK OBAMA MADE Propaganda Legal Against US Citizens


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I love Jim Jordan and Comer, I am a regular caller to their offices. The other day I heard Jim Jordan say he’s sending a letter to the justice department to get a response. I’m sorry it’s time for indictments, impeachments, and prosecutions. Emails and letters do nothing but waste precious time and lives.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

11.6 million views on the video but not trending on Twitter..? I thought I would wake up to this as news. Baffling..

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And nothing on Google.

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Excellent observation!

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ANA - thanks for the link. He found much but still slim pickens for someone that high in an org like Pfizer. I really appreciated the comments DLerman provided as it picked apart Walker's status nine ways to Sunday. Now I'm 90% sure he is a fake....

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Does anyone else notice how many of these psychopaths are homosexual or have androgynous characteristics?

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disallowed to make this observation.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It wasn't me - asking for a friend.

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and what about your friend? psychopath or ...., too?

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I'll ask. Zhe seems nice.

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Just watched the follow-up video. So predicable.

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And many aren't. And many with those characteristics are awake to what's going on and either terrified or doing something about or both, have jobs, are trustworthy, etc. They are people made in God's own image period.

There is no "they", there IS a big thing going on, that only gets resolved through community.

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no idea what a fundamentalist is for that matter, we are all just here, wildly imperfect, including myself

for that matter so imperfect in serious need of a real Savior

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Evil comes in all packages.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When a war starts, there is one moment, one person , one event that triggers the call to arms. If ever there was one now, this is it. This is the call to take up arms to defend oneself and humanity. If only we knew whom to shoot first and how to organize for the hordes of demons that will step into this criminals shoes and continue his role.

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Lots of verified lists are out there.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Readers: If this doesn’t red-pill 💊 the most religious Pfarma and Government-is-Good-for-Us people you know, NOTHING WILL!

Please share this Substack and video with family, friends, neighbors, YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS, your lawyers, your priests, your rabbis, your pastors -- EVERYONE.

Smoking gun 💨 🔫? Methinks, yes, indeed!

Deepest thanks to Dr. Malone and Project Veritas for courageously exposing this most egregious example of sociopathy/psychopathy we have seen in a long line of horrifying examples.

What is sociopathy/psychopathy? See https://www.dictionary.com/browse/sociopath, https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/sociopath and other definitions.

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As a kid I remember watching a show called, The Red Hand Gang (kids who played PI’s trying to solve neighborhood crimes)..... this would definitely be considered catching Phizer red-handed, but it’s so good & this Phizer executive so sure of himself that I small part of me fears it’s a set up. I know that Dr Malone & James O’Keefe wouldn’t have aired & advertised this unless they had done due diligence to confirm his identity though! So my hesitancy must stem from the fact that these guys (psychopaths) have gotten so arrogant & their crimes so egregious that it’s difficult for even those of us who have been following this saga to wrap our heads around!!! There is no time left on the clock to stay dumbfounded though, we must all do what we can to demand action from our local police/ sheriffs & politicians!!!

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But is Walker the real deal? He seems too dumb to be management anywhere except maybe a dog walking service.

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Engineering viruses to mutate and infect in order to develop and sell more vaccines sounds familiar. I wonder if anyone else had tried this with computer software: purposely infect computer operating systems with a virus so that the operating system fails and needs to be replaced with the next generation of software. Would a computer software manufacturer, for example like Microsoft, have done something like this? WHO would profit? Nah ... it’s just an odd similarity ...

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As we learned from Solzhenitsyn, it will take individuals, ALL of us, to be COURAGEOUS and say we will not give Truth to their LIES. While the lie may come into this world, may we have the courage to not give LIFE TO THAT LIE...the question really should be: “Where do we get the courage to fight these lies?” Unleash the Truth and like a lion, it will take hold of its own power...now where have we heard THAT before???

We ALL must stand up and say “No” when we are in situations to confront The Lies. (“Quidi veritas est?”)

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And for God’s sake, arm yourself.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The time for cowardice and excuse-making has long passed. I know what my WW II Vet grandfather would have done to Pfizer.

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Carpet bomb pfizer instillations???? They sure are doing that to us.

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Pfizer needs to be exterminated, with their assets sold and the proceeds distributed to victims. Their executives and board members need to be sent to prison. So many people are compromised at the moment, that they are afraid to call evil for what it is and deal with it accordingly.

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Indeed - nothing that a Marine Infantry Company, document scanner, and internet connection can't resolve.

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