Great article, and if you don't mind I'll provide a recent example I've come across:


"About 3 in 5 voters plan to get the new Covid booster"

This is how they try to convince you that doing what they want puts you in the majority (sometimes they come out and say "on the right side"). "We're all doing this thing, so you should do it, too!"

I'm old enough to remember when peer pressure was bad -- now government uses it against us.

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perfect example

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There's simply no way that I believe that 60% of "voters" are planning on getting a booster. Before they yanked the stats, booster uptake was something like 15% -- and every 'new' booster that comes out makes the 'anti-vaxxers' look more and more sane when we said that they'd never be fully vaccinated.

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They aren't real numbers. Just like the artificial political polls these are used to sway the perception and opinion of the public. Fear of missing out (FOMO) works extremely well on those without a solidly defined sense of self. These types look for bandwagons to join because they do not know what they stand for and so they adopt a position from the crowd. NPC is a adequate term to describe them.

The following are lessons they never bothered to learn:

It’s better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction. —Gandhi

Fear has two meanings - Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours. —Proverb

They laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at them because they're all the same. —Cobain

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I am remembering the poll taken that showed 80% of people (all parties) supported Obama's DACA - deferred action program for young illegals brought her by their parents. It was again stayed by a federal judge just last week. Why do polls seem to persuade? It is called COMFORMITY. Here is how it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyDDyT1lDhA (5 minutes)

I should have mention that I knew NO ONE that was for DACA. The poll results were all made up.

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Off Topic but thought Texasans would appreciate. Start out with my opinion DOJ needs to be crashed and rebuilt. Then a worthy IMO arose before my eyes. In view of the recent victory and his roaring challenge - none other than Paxton came to my attention

Decided to congratulate with a few Paxton for DOJ comments on my social media. Yes, I do mean it. Today out of the clear blue sky I get an email from Paxton(s org).

We don't need any CCP Social monitoring system. We seem to have our own

bright and bushy tailed version


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That's why I am not on Social Media. Well, I do peruse Truth Social and sometimes post pot shots at Pope Frances.

I did see some posts about Paxton for DOJ, mainly for Trump's admin. He would be the perfect person to disinfect the USG from within.

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It's a simple binary. You either publicly support DACA or you are a white supremacist. There is no middle ground.

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A WS and oppressor!

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Same dumbasses who selfie themselves doing everything:




Washing their dog

Sitting on a toilet

Food shopping

Having sex

These morons have been conditioned that they have to announce to the entire world, every act, every nuance, every damn fart they make, to be publicly broadcast for their pathetic little lives to have any meaning.

This feeling of inadequecy is intentionally being magnified, and encouraged by social interaction, and media.

IMO, This is all a representation of the failed parenting over the last 30 years, allowing children to morph into young adults who then perpetuated this behavior with their own children.

Allowing the television to rear your child has consequences, people. You did this to them, and now they're paying for it.

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Awesome Rant🤣🤣🤣!!! Ed

I only know three parents I would consider epic.

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There is a certain sadness to imagine that there are people in this world that have never had an original thought in their entire lives. These are the folks that are no longer spoon fed their daily info. They have a permanent funnel to the TV brain now. And like the "Sand People", will return in greater numbers.

I have a sister in law who every night leaves CNN on a 50 inch big screen TV (sound on) in the living room, yet sleeps in a bedroom with my brother. I once spent the night there. When I asked her in the morning why do you leave the TV on all night, her reply was...I don't want to miss out on important news!! Wonders why she's always tired. Can you say Dumb as a box of rocks?

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So Much of What You Conveyed is Unfortunately So True. I’m buying stock in Duct tape for my mouth. Stock price going up. 🏴‍☠️ Oliver Anthony…”It’s a Damn Shame”. Ed

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These are profound! ‼️‼️‼️

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I know plenty of folks who got the jab and said NEVER AGAIN!!!! Sadly I know a few who will still get another jab and just listen to their doctor and obey! UNIMAGINABLE! 🤯🤯🤯

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I'm one of those that got the first 2 injections, rejected boosters and then got COVID. One can imagine how some thought my refusal of boosters was the cause. My opinion was that if the vaccination was that effective I wouldn't have gotten COVID. All opinion, but I decided there were too many co-morbidities for the poor efficacy.

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The "booster" that wanes after a month and leaves you twice as vulnerable to Covid?

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Yep. Just like the original shot left you twice as vulnerable to covid, so they called those failures 'unvaccinated'.

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"Build back better" squawk "Build back better" squawk "Build back better. What do Parrots and Puppets have in common? Besides a lot.

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I wonder if that 60% came up on the same calculator that figured 95% of climate scientists agree on global warming and Brandon won all those electoral votes.

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Over the last year, I've personally encountered hundreds of individuals who had disclosed to me, usually without inquiry or prodding, that they were jabbed, and they

"would never take another jab, not ever!"

No lines at these makeshift death jab hubs, no lines at walgreens, or any of these focal points of pharma distribution, no church parking lots with cars lined up.

All this "getting boosted" is pure propoganda, as people who were gung ho before, are either dead, permanently disabled, or are simply not getting it, because the previous iterations made them sickly, or they've been sick a half dozen times since.

My wife's lifelong friend was sick, in bed the last 4 days. Jabbed, boosted twice more, she just cannot get back to normal, and although still a cov-idiot at heart, says she was so incredibly ill after each shot, will not be getting another.

And we don't believe politicians, why?

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60% of voters*

*registered Democrats

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Only in their wildest dreams to they have 60% of voters!

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Democrats were WAY higher.....because the only reason to still be married to the covid narrative is pure politics.

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I pray it is not true! Doesn't Social distancing and Isolation cause humans to seek out shelter in cults? I am taking a survey from my readers as to their intentions this fall. Might be bias because they are readers who are seeking the truth. When the "truth" is funneled through the mass media and edits out any opposing view, means we have the majority of the population believing they are doing the right thing!

https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/overselling-fear Sad state of affairs!

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I'm not convinced that support of new boosters is that strong. We have, however, evidence of some disasterous outcomes of such group behaviour. I think of Germany, Russia and China as recent examples. The cult in Germany has been well-documented and public - even used to demonize more current politicians; but the horrific practices of in Russia and China are less well-known - I wonder why?

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Fear was at the core of the Covid vaccine cult--we were terrorized into believing that if we didn't get the jabs we would die of Covid, and since there was no way to avoid being infected, the choice was jabs or death.

We can't convince cult members to quit. They have to decide that for themselves. But what we can do is create alternatives, ways of thinking and living that are more attractive than the cult of fear. Already people are refusing to get boosted, which is very, very good, but they still need alternatives.

With the economic disaster that's looming, whether from a gov't shutdown, more banks collapsing, or the middle class going completely belly up--probably some combination if not all three--people are going to need alternatives. As we saw in the 1930's, the Great Depression drove a lot of people to fascism because they saw it as the only way to survive.

We need to provide other choices and use the media we have to discuss them. Charles Hugh Smith offers an alternative way of thinking in this article on dailyreckoning.com: https://dailyreckoning.com/reinventing-democracy/. Once again, I read some of the writers on DR but avoid others.

Let's keep the conversation going. Dr. Malone's articles are always thought-provoking, and the comments certainly offer a spectrum of ideas.

Thank you, Drs. Malone, for giving us this forum.

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Thank you for your kind words

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As a retired physician who has been critical of the medical profession’s and bureaucracy’s response to Covid, I have also experienced being cut off from old friends and family members. Like Jill if I post a link to your or other “conservative” thinkers, the post gets nearly zero engagement. A picture of my dog or a beautiful moonrise gets widespread approval. Thank you for being at the vanguard of the movement against censorship and “rightthink.” I know you have paid a heavy price.

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I’m really sorry you and Jill have been treated as heretical apostates by your in-law and other relatives in that branch of the family.

I had a similar experience with my father, which I wrote about in this piece and elaborated on in the podcast:

• “Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative)

• “Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative (Podcast)” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative-afc)

As I wrote in the latter:

“My father half-jokingly called me ‘the enemy’ and urged me to watch CNN, MSNBC, and other ‘trustworthy’ news sources to get a more balanced perspective 😂”

He also said the most hurtful things he could think of, assailing my integrity by implying I was doing this work for money (and yet our tax guy just told me our income was drastically lower last year 🤔) and even asking if I was a Holocaust denier, despite knowing I am fully aware we had relatives at Auschwitz and that I have repeatedly written about the Holocaust, earning flak from actual Holocaust deniers every time I do.

The reason I am sharing this experience is not to vilify my father but rather to demonstrate the depth of his indoctrination … and share a glimmer of hope.

Yesterday, we spoke on the phone, and he joked that I’m about to get busy again because the new COVID shots were just approved. I made a lighthearted remark about them only being tested on 20 mice and then shifted the conversation to other topics. Then, as the call was drawing to a close, I asked him, “You’re not going to get any more shots, are you?”

He said, “I don’t know … probably not.”

I praised him and said I didn’t know how anyone could subject themselves to further shots after the last three years. It was the most encouraging exchange I’ve had with him about the topic since the COVID psyop started.

That, to me, is a strong indication that normies are starting to wake up to having been bamboozled, and if someone who was as entrenched as him in the narrative is finally coming around, I can only hope that means others around the world will say NO to the future shots, even if they’re proffered with donuts.

Robert, regarding your question:

“How do we teach resistance to cult formation and behaviors, particularly as they seem so insidiously pervasive in our digital lives?”

I strongly recommend Laura Dodsworth’s latest book, “Free Your Mind,” which I consider a book-length version of the 12-step recovery program from menticide I outlined here:

• “Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)

I also greatly appreciated this article on the topic of UnMinding:


Alicen Grey grew up in a cult so brings an empirical understanding of how cults operate and how to psychologically break free of them.

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That's great news about your father! Celebrate the change!

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Thank you, Anne, and I am! It was a major milestone, and I took it as indicative of a larger cultural shift.

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Are my brothers coming around.? I don’t know because we no longer speak, but their silence is deafening. 🙏🙏🙏

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My brother is totally estranged from me, but not due to covid. I see his occasional letters to our small local newspaper and he recently cited an NPR article which said Republican voters were 43% more likely to die from covid than Democrat. I suppose he's still drinking the Kool-Aid. I know he was vaccinated at least once. I would like to know if he still supports Biden, but I assume he does, because he absolutely hates Trump (and Republicans, and conservatives, and Christians). I would be very interested in knowing what he thinks of RFK Jr.

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My brother situation is very similar! Estranged because he doesn’t like our politics and thinks we are stupid anti-vaxxers. I’m sure they are boosted to the hilt! So sad! But being on TEAM GOD and TEAM SCIENCE we know we are right and just go our merry way! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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And we wait for the jabs to fulfill their purpose, which is to depopulate, and remove those unable to think for themselves. Gates, Fauci, Harari and the dark shadow elites are paitently waiting too, but not with heavy hearts for those we are about to lose

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Isn't it a bit odd that these are the same folks that as children got the calls from other parents asking, hey, have your kids had chicken pox (or all the other pesky kid go arounds) yet? Because mine do so bring em over, expose them and never deal with this again.

The blueprint of real natural immunity still exists does it not?

Don't forget...wellness begins very very early in humans. As sponges to absorb and protect the elderly from virus severity.

Now the real target has a bullseye circle on the youngest ones.

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My mom sent me to a chickenpox kids home when i was little, just to get it over.

Haha, good old mom, spreading the love....and itchy skin

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You...Me...and over 200 million other kids too. And those chckn spots did in fact, go away.

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Yes they did.

Parents today (if you want to call them that) think everything comes in a pill, or needle, otherwise it's not real.

The frog is nearly fully cooked

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The crabs as well. 🏴‍☠️, Ed

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With all due respect, why would you care about any of his opinions, or beliefs are at this moment? I have family members whove ostracized myself, and my wife, and their existence has become meaningless at this point, at least for me. You treat me this way, and i'm supposed to care about you, ever again?

For me, Covid has clarified who my real friends and family are, not all of them being biologically related. My circle is narrowed, focused, and no longer muddled with users, and self importance.

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I understand how you feel. I have to care, and pray for him, because I am a follower of Christ, but it's up to him whether or not we're ever reconciled. Romans 12:18 tells me, "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." I am prepared to offer him food if we ever have shortages, but he would probably rather starve than take it. 😊 He's angry and irrational. He made a veiled threat once, and after that my husband would not let me go alone to my mother's house (next door to my brother). If I'd not been a Christian I probably would have cut her out of my life. It's a horrible thing to say, but I felt free when she died.

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This is very kind of you to be there for him, should he need you. I do think that is an admirable quality, but that's beyond what I was actually referring to.

What I mean is that I've simply moved on. Family who shunned, friends who shunned, and other's out there who shunned me, said that I was "bad" by not conforming to the cult of the jab are all fine to live their lives on, simply now without me as an involved entity is their existence. I don't wish them harm, but I do not want any part of them, and since it was their decision to "throw me away" for my personal beliefs, I'm just allowing them to live up to their decision process.

I don't wonder about these folks anymore, because I focus on people in my life that I can enjoy being with, and have a positive impact on. Spending my time concerning myself over them is not going to help them, nor myself, as it's simply a waste of precious time given to us for being her as long as we're allowed.

I'm not faulting you for caring about anyone, as I find it admirable. It just doesn't work for me anymore, as I would rather focus on helping other who want, need or accept it, than to do otherwise.

A couple weeks back, an elderly gentleman (Sam) contacted me looking for parts for a product I sell. Since I believe that I'm the only person in America who actually has these replacement / repair parts available, I get calls all the time from all over our Great Nation for help from folks who want to keep their system going, but have a broken part or two. Since the parts were discontinued, and I have plenty of used in stock, which I save from all the jobs I do, I'm able to send them out and allow them to utilize their systems for a bit longer.

This gentleman was in need of a repair part, and I gave him a price of around $30.00 plus shipping. He said he would send me a check first, and I could send him the part.

Well, after a few minutes of talking to him, I realized what a wonderful person he was, former military, and married to his bride for the last 64 years. He didn't realize that I wasn't going to take any money from him for the part, and after getting his contact information, I covertly sent it to him, so he would be able to fix his system.


YES, I tricked him into thinking I was going to send him the part, included with a bill, and instead I sent him the part with a long note telling him that I wanted him to "pay it forward" to someone else. I said in my letter, that I would love it if he would give a donation, help another person, go to a local animal shelter, and make a donation.

In my letter, I told him that I thought he was a wonderful man in the 20 minutes conversation I had with him, and I wanted to help him out. I explained that money isn't everything to me, and those who I think are a positive influence on the world, I will give thanks to in my own way. I hadn't heard from him for several weeks, but yesterday, so I called and left a VM for him, just asking if he had received the part, or not. I did this as I was pulling into my local Post Office, and then ... the unexpected happened.

I went to my PO box to pick up my mail, I found a gift box, with a 2 page thank you note was in there. The gift was a book on what we're living through right now, and how to understand what, why and where. I haven't had a chance to read it, but I'm looking forward to it.

Yesterday afternoon, I stopped at a local fabrication parts supplier, and my phone rang. It was my customer Sam from Ilinois. He was confirming that I had received the gift, and that he was going to make a donation to "Tunnels to Towers" as part of my request. Our phone conversation discussed many things, but ended on the premise that we would continue making contact with one another, and that hopefully, someday, either here, or in the afterlife, we would meet up and shake hands.

This is what I do with my negativity towards the world. I try to make others happy by simply providing them a gesture of kindness, and it makes me feel so good doing so. This is also why I stopped focusing on people who cut me out of their lives, as I've found a better outlet for my concern.

I'm glad you can care for your brother still. I hope it turns out, someday, to change things for the better for the both of you. 

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Great comment! Believe me, I am not focused on my brother or expecting any change. He's persecuted me for 20+ years. My husband and I (at ages 72 and 71) teach youth at our large church. Regarding church, I have been so disappointed in the lack of discernment among my fellow Christians. One, a 44 year old mother, did not realize her severe symptoms were injuries from a covid booster until I suggested it. She lives near an FLCCC doctor who treats vaccine injury, but would not see him. I sent info about ivermectin, etc. but she ignored it all, so I gave up. They were missionaries in Guatemala, but recently realized she could not return. Let's keep doing what we can to make a difference!

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Anne, you and I are on the same wavelength. It's the little things we do for others that makes life so worthwhile.

Your experiences regarding to trying to help the foks who don't want your help, mirror mine.

Very glad to make your acquaintance.



BTW, my mother was one of "those people", so the stories I read here, really hit home. She's gone now, and with God, so I'm sure that where she is now is WAAAAAYYYYY Better than here, suffering as she did for over 6 decades.

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Very well said.

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I think that the cult members unconsciously justify their belief in the cult by condemning non-believers. It's an interesting psychological dynamic. They make themselves feel better by condemning others - not a psychologically healthy practice, and hurtful to others.

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I agree wholeheartedly.

There is a side of being human that has some folks thinking that by besmirching or downgrading another human, or their belief system that they somehow are risen up above the rest of the world, or at least those in their microcosm they exist within.

My wife works for a small mom and pop insurance agency. Her immediate supervisor is one of these people. This woman seems to relish in the thought that making the life of another person intolerable is somehow joyous. It's crazy to think that there are people out there that are like this, but unfortunately, they're quite prevalent.

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If it sounds a bit like the Soviets' lionization of Pavlik Morozov (if he even existed) who ratted out his own parents to the State, you wouldn't be far off from a parent who treats a child in this manner. Although I suppose redemption if possible for even the most deluded partisans.....

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Damned if they do....Damned if they don't. There are many that sleep walk all day long during the daylight hours. You can pretty much tell this by the level of a conversation.

My older brothers first in line for Flu shot seasons and also victims of Pfizer 19 inoculums.

The spike has put the fast track on a much shorter life spans. Odd dermis cancers arrived.

They were the age group and mindset most targeted for Data collections in Drug Trials CV.

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Dr. Molone, here is another example of this madness. Result of Relentless Vaccine Propaganda: Exhibit B - Dr. Fauci Bring Us Vaccines (sung by a young teen to the tune of Mr. Sandman): https://bitchute.com/video/xKfZOGQoLc3z [55seconds]

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Dear lord, that was really tough to witness.

Okay, I only watched the first 20 seconds, but got the idea...

And the accompanying nausea

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On the transgender mutilations industry, that's going to be with us until the trial lawyers get into the act and start suing the hospitals, doctors, pharma co;s., social influencers, and everyone else who profited from the lies and misinformation dished out to these kids by greedy and sick adults. The climate cult will be harder to defeat, as they control billions of dollars and have the backing of the CCP, who want the West, in particular, the U.S., to destroy our economies and societies so they can colonize us. After all, that's what the Chinese have done for 5,000 years and they're good at it.

We, too, have been banished from polite society by some family members and friends for our transgressions, questioning St. Fauci and his minions. But, some of these people are sick already and at least some are coming around to the reality that they've been lied to and manipulated by the worst sorts of people. The key is to keep spreading the information and taking strong stands for our scientific ideas, supported by the facts, but to do so in a mild and gentle way. You catch more bees with honey than you can with vinegar.

Danny Huckabee

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There are law suits on this topic. Here is one of them - very detailed.


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Dr. Malone: Thank you for your work on THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI. That was and is a fantastic book. If one has not acquired enough knowledge of thermodynamics and history to know that the climate change narrative is utterly false, it is a sad commentary on one’s curiosity. I remain amazed at people buying impractical electric cars to virtue signal. Clearly Lenin’s useful idiots still abound. I think your writing would change many if they would read it. May your audience grow and you and your family thrive.

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Dr Malone, you answered your own question from this Substack (“if like me, you are still mystified as to how our society, which become so hysterical over COVID-19, then managed to pivot 180 degrees to becoming just as hysterical about climate change science <insert sarcasm emoji> and the science <insert sarcasm emoji> of gender ideology.”) in another Substack the other day. You stated that we needed to “stop, listen, think and pray.” Unfortunately, a large percentage of society no longer possesses either the faculties nor desire, probably both, to do such a thing as you suggest. The spin machine has so many people indoctrinated in false science that I’m afraid will not stop until it crashes around them. . . . and then it will be too late.

I just love your intellect and brilliance. Thank you for all that you do.

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Those people just moved from one ideology to another - apparently a weakness in personality development.

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I hear what you are saying. 😃

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The 'Cult' of Covid-lies is deep. Vast. All encompassing. People just shutoff if you attempt to raise alternative info. Plasmid-DNA... what's that they say ? And then they're not really open or interested. Thank God for sub stacks. Otherwise, I'd be brain dead and triple vaxxed. The small but hardcore seekers of truth about all this have to think defensively. 'They' are not going to let us be. The term 'anti-vaxxer' is like being called a 'Witch' during the witch trials of old Salem. I'm surprised that RFK,jr. is still alive. As I see it, the rage & fury percolating underneath seemingly 'normal' people is drastic and waiting to explode. I suggest that we all take great care in dealing with this vast insanity.

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Great Dr. Malone, In every cult there’s a moment when they start eating their own children, time is against them.

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Dr. Malone, you touch on an issue with which I have come to believe, that the LGBTQ+ (Q+) movement has actually achieved the status of a religion and must be treated as such as it relates to the Establishment Clause of the Constitution, making it ineligible to be promoted by the government as it is now. What group has standing to challenge in court? The "T" component was dormant until lately; now it's dominant. The "Q" (Questioning) component threatens to make matters even worse, if that's even possible.

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Any group that has been formed, be it Right to Choose, Gay and Lesbian marriage rights, Transgender Right to not be discriminated against for employment, and so forth are all part of the religion of depopulation, whether they know it or not and SCOTUS has gone right along with it. It has taken 60+ years and untold $ millions to get this far, but here we are.

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My issue with all this is, beyond the issues of abortion and child abuse, why have personal sexual choices become such an overarching issue in need of public knowledge and 'approval'? Personally, beyond the two issues noted, I don't care (there are too many other factors of import) and I'd prefer not to hear about ( have such issues shoved in my face). I rented an apt from a male couple and it never came up.

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Why Jean – control. We all must be controlled. None of this is organic. A few ‘rungs’ were set before I was born with eugenics, followed by abortion. Then the 1967 Jaffe memo to Berelson outlining LGBT+.

Putting sin and saving souls aside; What has been called, and rightly so, a slippery slope, has almost hit bottom. Starting at the top (A God-centric society) and moving down rung by rung has worked. God has been slowly replaced with acceptance, then affirmation followed by exaltation of man over nature, and now science. The reward is self-identification, in which full participation with the lies is required. It was a slow process but not difficult. Man has always wanted to shed the Hand of God from his conscience. God is not a religion (dogma).

We are told to love everyone, go along to get alone, to be kind, to support one another. Here we are. There are no souls to save. Man does not have one.

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Appreciate the perspective. I'm not attributing where I've been or where I am to something specific. Bits and pieces helped along the way perhaps, but I've never been a part of what you describe. To me a knowing follower of the Malone process can start by sharing it with their children, with friends and people we meet - by example perhaps. I don't think we have to resign ourselves to becoming cult members or pretending to acquiesce.

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Just share in safe places. Stay our of large blue cities that have implemented civil laws with penalties for not using a person's correct pronoun and neighbor snitching in case someone doesn't wear a mask or obey social distancing.

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Yes, Jean, I agree. It's the religion part to which I object. I have had several clients of the G and L variety, and we got along fine.

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I agree in theory, Shelley, but in practice, the Q+ movement has defined its own identity as manifested in the public square and incessantly propagandized as inviolable. Consequently, Q+ and all its iterations denoted by (+) have become a religion in a very real sense of the word, prohibited by the Establishment Clause.

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LGBTQ+ (Q+)????

Why do you play into their asinine rhetorical idiocy? There are gay men and women. Whose rights are assured by law. There might be bi-sexuals, albeit a confused lot. But "trans?" Mental cases who are now becoming Frankenstein monsters. And then there's the Q+ whatever that changes on a daily basis depending on the vanishing sanity of the mob. Don't encourage this lunacy.

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Bruce, I'm not encouraging the lunacy. The lunacy has had far too much encouragement already. Instead of the never-ending ever-changing letters after the first half-dozen, (are you not aware of them all, I can't keep up) I'm suggesting that instead, the litany of letters can be reduced to Q+, which is all-inclusive. No one is left out. No one's feelings are hurt. It just simplifies things. I'm surprised you don't agree.

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The whole idea behind all the letters is each letter recognizes a single group, a group others can join with an understanding of what that identity brings with it. And for those with such proclivities, they can move between the letters of their choice at any given time. To take on the 'new' me!

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I think I’ll stick with my letter of association = A. For A-Game. I can’t use L for Love. “they” confiscated that. Ed

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Maybe so; I don't know. But the religion issue is a macro one, whereas the micro mini-dramas within are of no consequence to the primary argument.

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"... definition of gender - as defined by the World Health Organization. Because we all know the WHO is the global arbiter of health truthiness."

"Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviors, and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or byy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time"

I have a simpler definition: Look below your belt. Do you see a penus? If so, you are a MALE. This is not a social construct.

If you feel it is a social construct, just have someone kick you there just below, and see how "socially deconstructed" you become.

All best wishes. 😋😋😋

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Occam's razor states that the simplest explanation is preferable to one that is more complex.

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The covid cult is 100% a real thing, and the pandemic was a textbook example of mass formation psychosis. That's the only way to explain why, even after it became indisputable that many, if not most, of our public health decisions had no basis in real science, hundreds of millions of people acquiesced to a pathologized-totalitarian science experiment with no off-ramp justified with constantly shifting and contradictory criteria and the calculus of the most risk-averse individuals.


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I cringe that anyone could think of Fauci as a strong leader or charismatic.

Narcissistic and beyond!

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The Covid cult divided families . I believe that was part of their plan .

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Happened to Me. Ed

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Matthew 10:21 Brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death,

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Dr. Malone writes: "An in-law of ours who lives in the DC area, someone we thought of as a personal friend, immediately blocked Jill permanently.

I can't think of anything that so perfectly encapsulates the mindset of these people as throwing aside years of friendship and family ties over politics. But they do and they will because they are in the cold grasp of a cult based on lies. So far I haven't lost friends on the left, whom I care for deeply, but that's because we've agreed that our friendships and familial ties trump politics so we agree to disagree. I hope that can continue. I fear it may not because the left is vicious with apostates.

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There “might” be a reason I buy Duct tape and Transpore tape for My mouth. Depends on the Day which I use. 😁 Ed

Edit - I lost a Very Good Friend because I refused “the jab”. He called me “several” inappropriate names relating to such. My question back was, “How many years in hematology, chemistry, microbiology, neurophysiology, orthopedics and physical medicine do you have?”. I’m like, I hope karma doesn’t bite you…It did. No coming back from heart failure.

Edit again - It was harsh when I deleted his contact information…I heard about his condition through the grapevine; but “It” is safe and effective.

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