I guess laws don't matter when outlaws are in charge. We the People will need to take matters into our own hands. Thanks.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Things are certainly looking dicey. Ed Dowd predicted they’d let up for the summer, because the elites wanted to vacation without having to worry about being photographed while not following their own mandates. That the clampdown would resume in the fall.

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I suspect he's right. Europe is in for hellish winter, I imagine we'll follow behind, the signs are all there re food supplies, supply chains, energy policies. TPTWB are going for it. We need much bigger numbers to grok this and stop complying. They can't do anything without us going along with it. I worry with the coming CBDC's many will sign on in fear of losing their money. That won't work either.

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CBDC’s ??

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How do we take down these people?

Sarah Meyer needs to hang. Her comments below from Politico

“We know that children can have serious outcomes of disease, hospitalization and sadly, hundreds of kids have died from Covid,” Sarah Meyer, the chief medical officer of the CDC’s Immunization Services Division, told POLITICO. “Our message really is that no child should die of Covid. This is a vaccine-preventable disease now.”

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Well said, Kathleen

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Murderous Outlaws in this O'Biden Regime. We can no longer allow them to hide behind "presidency" or "administration" if We the People want to save this country.

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California Has Made Honest Medical Speech Illegal

AB 2098 Promises to Suspend the Licenses of Physicians Who “Spread Misinformation”

“Specifically, it would punish any doctor for speaking honestly about the so-called “vaccines,” PCR testing, forced masking, or the nature of the virus itself. This would destroy the doctor-patient relationship and criminalize public speech by all California physicians. It will also lead to the loss of every decent medical doctor and redefine a physician’s allegiance toward his patient, replacing it with allegiance with the state.”


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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Also …

Peer Reviewed: Vaccine trial data shows a negative benefit to harm ratio

“Put simply, both the Moderna and the Pfizer vaccine trial data appeared to have a negative benefit/harm ratio. I suspected that such a finding wouldn’t find its way into a peer-reviewed journal, but as of yesterday, that’s exactly what happened. Below is one of the key findings from the paper.”


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thank you

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,,, and rumors are the F...ing Nuisance might run for president next elections, so the whole US can share his insanity...

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

Hilarious Gavin Newsom Campaign Ad (satire 😂) vs. DeSantis


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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

Newsom has quite a racket going, I had no idea!

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Reaped $10.6 Million In Campaign Cash From 979 State Vendors Who Pocketed $6.2 Billion

Pay to play is legal in California as there are no statewide prohibitions.


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You've supplied some great info. Thanks (especially the link to the study above on negative benefit).

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"Aewsome" :P!

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The tyranny we are all living under is unfathomable. Thank you for your common sense essays with detailed research of the facts to bring light into these dark times. Forever grateful.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Apparently there is no law that cannot now be broken, no lie that cannot be told, no social contract between the government and its people that cannot be violated. It’s as if the “leaders” somehow know that their current level of control has become so tight that none of the perpetrators of such misbehavior will suffer any kind of consequences, legal or otherwise, for their misdeeds. Which means, I guess, that the consequences are up to us.

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I will let you rant for me. wow am I tired of it and I have to throw in my 2 cents worth: the SESEME street "get the vaxx" is really egregious. HOW MUCH DOES IT COST THE WE THE TAXPAYER which supports the CDC to produce ads which go against everything I believe in? This is targeted to Children.. again. Biden's administration really stinks.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well folks we face a Darwinian moment in human history. In this case survival of the fittest has nothing to do with the classic process of natural selection. No sir, at this point in time it is our capacity to make potentially life saving discernments that will differentiate who survives and who does not.

Thanks to the brave counter culture warriors like Dr Malone who are willing to step into the breach and provide the unwashed with the information needed. We are in your debt and we will not forget.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have questions and some feathers I might like to ruffle.

Along with a million Mom's 🤕

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I find it interesting that advertising from drug companies for approved drugs always list the many side effects. The government sponsored advertising I hear on the radio for the Covid-19 "vaccines" never mention any side effects. Most people I talk with know the Covid-19 "vaccines" don't prevent them from getting Covid-19 but even the officially published the side effects are not well known.

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Maybe thats because the trial isn't completed yet" We are only 2 years into the largest clinical trials in history with these "Medications" so they are waiting till they get all the bad stuff that happens and give it to us all at once? They are still saying "we don't know if the more than 750 athletes that have fallen to the field with severe chest pain, heart attack or death are related to the mRNA vaccines" Boy are they going to sound surprised. Did anybody say anal leakage? I always laugh when I hear that one on the drug ads at the end. What is that?

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have "hopes" those who willy nilly promote these deadly genetically modifying toxins will soon get their backsides kicked out of office.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“…apparently the modern standard for granting Emergency Use Authorization for medical countermeasure products is “hope”, although I am unable to find that as a condition for granting EUA in the current regulatory guidance documents. Perhaps that criteria will be added in upcoming revisions to the congressional authorization language.” I really love it when you speak sarcasm Dr Robert💜 Now we need to ask the Equator Network to send out a survey to the folks who spent decades developing evidence standards for trial design and reporting IF and HOW sponsor “hope” fits in to the endpoint data collection and summaries since by definition hope is a preceding condition variable (unless you measure hope fulfilled) AND looked at in another light, hope is a biasing and confounding feature which the entire design of controlled trials is enacted to eliminate. Just saying… And, after that survey, let’s ask all the medical schools and residency EBM teachers to help us locate hope in their new curricula for witch doctors (not to cast any aspersions on those honest practitioners of folk medicine who have merit within a consistent philosophical framework). This seems like a problem of integrity and congruity on the part of traditional allopathic medicine though. Just saying…

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And many Pharma companies (including Pfizer) have been fined for off-label promotion and violating the code of federal regulations…

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hope???? Hope is not scientific. I have a question. If the vaccine is EUA how can it be mandated? It doesn’t have approval.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-lion! But the new omicron jab con job was extensively tested on 8 white mice! Maybe we can change the lyrics from "3 Blind Mice" to "8 Blind Mice"...

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Unfortunately Dr. Malone, that will not stop this lawless group of bureaucrats from blaming Trump. That is now a political necessity for them as the elections draw nearer.

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Don't worry about Donald, he won't be freezing or going hungry. I can't help but think that he is a part of the theatre we are all being distracted by, mostly because people don't change. To think that Donald Trump has an altruistic desire for anyone, but himself, seems impossible to me. This back and forth is confusing even for those that believe that Trump did good things for the country, and he did absolutely, but don't think that he isn't looking out for himself every moment of every day. I remember when Bush was president and every guy who liked to drink beer thought he would like to have a beer with George W. You can bet that George W wasn't thinking the same about them, he didnt even care to know if they existed. That was a long war and didn't help the average American at all, especially the ones who fought it.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Understand, you are not obliged to render either your body or your conscience unto Caesar.

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A close family member was politely warned regarding Covid 19 vaccination of minors, specifically about the dangers to the heart in young boys. He seemed uncorcerned and totally on board with the vaccine schedule. Very sadly, unfortunately, his 11 year old grandson now had a defibrillator implanted for life: AN 11 YEAR OLD BOY!.

What the doctors told the family: they pull the genetic card because the mother's brother has thickened jearth walls and etc...

I have never heard of an 11 year old boy needing a defibrillator ever before, all of a sudden the boy needs one.

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